My Regelence Rake

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My Regelence Rake Page 19

by J. L. Langley

  “Deal. Tell me…what did you and Aiden do to your Cony?”

  Colton wasn’t sure what made him do it. Maybe it was revenge for his father making him miss his childhood and nearly reducing him to tears, but— “Aiden decided to talk to me about sex. Only he didn’t want to actually talk, so he showed me some sketches. They were quite beautiful. You know how incredibly talented Aiden is.” He cleared his throat, trying not to smirk. “The piece Cony saw was of two men. One had only the head of his—”

  “Never mind! I get the idea.”

  “But, Father, I haven’t finished telling you about the sketch. The one man was bent over the other’s back slightly and his pe—”

  “Colton Edward Townsend.” Father slapped a hand over Colton’s mouth.

  Colton tried to hold back his laughter, he really did, but the only thing it accomplished was to make his shoulders shake and his eyes water.

  “Shame on you both.” Father’s lips twitched. “No wonder your Cony looked as though he’d seen a ghost.”

  Wiping away tears of mirth, Colton composed himself. He wondered if he could commission Aiden to paint him a piece like the ones he’d seen. The shock value alone would be well worth the cost. “Oh, but that wasn’t the best part. I suspect Cony’s reaction was due to the noticeable depiction of Nate’s wedding band on the hand gripping the other man’s arse.”

  Father groaned, and his cheeks blazed as bright as Cony’s had. “You’re an evil evil child.” The humor in his voice made it crack a bit. “You best be glad you’re going to Wentworth Park tonight else I’d ground you for the rest of your life for putting that image in my head.”

  Leaning his head against his father’s, Colton laughed louder while his father mumbled about bratty children and having nightmares of his children doing such intimate things.

  As they made their way to the foyer, Sebastian stepped out of the parlor.

  The laughter froze in Colton’s throat.

  Sebastian was so handsome it took Colton’s breath away. He wore black trousers and a black morning coat. His waistcoat was silver. His sable hair was windblown as usual, but he was freshly shaven. And he had the most beautiful smile on his face Colton had ever seen. The smile even made his eyes sparkle. Sebastian almost never showed that much joy. His normal look was one of boredom. He’s really here. He does want to marry me.

  Sebastian met them at the foot of the stairs and offered his arm to Colton. “What’s so funny?”

  “It’s nothing. I’ll tell you later.” Or maybe not. Such a conversation with Sebastian would be embarrassing. Heat rose up Colton’s neck. Tonight he’d be expected to actually do the thing he didn’t want to describe. The prospect both embarrassed and excited him. His hand shook as he set it on Sebastian’s forearm.

  Cony strode out of the parlor and to Colton. Cony looked Colton up and down and kissed his forehead. There was no trace of the blush that had stained Cony’s cheeks earlier. “You look very handsome.”

  “Thank you, Cony.”

  Sebastian placed his hand on top of Colton’s where it rested on his arm. He turned to Colton as Cony went to Father’s side and began whispering. Cony was probably asking if Colton wanted to go through with the wedding.

  Sebastian asked, “Is everything okay?”

  “Yes.” It was now. Colton smiled. Sebastian had shown up. And until he’d noticed Colton’s tremors, he’d seemed happy. What more could Colton have asked for?

  “Well then, come along. I have a surprise for you. Everyone thinks I’ve lost my mind.”

  They thought Sebastian crazy for marrying Colton? It was like a knife through the heart. Did Sebastian agree? Was he having doubts? Reluctantly, Colton allowed Sebastian to lead him into the parlor.

  Colton greeted the priest in a daze. He glanced around the room, spotting his family minus Payton, Simon and Garrett. Rourke and a man Colton had never seen before stood in the parlor too. The new man was about Colton’s height, six foot two, with brown hair and a friendly smile. He must be Mr. Towers. The priest was the same one who’d presided over Aiden’s wedding. He was tall and thin with a hawklike nose, silver hair and side whiskers. He always looked mean until he smiled. Fortunately, he almost always smiled. He was a nice man.

  “Have the two of you chosen your witnesses?” Father Adams asked.

  Witnesses? Colton didn’t even know if the wedding band he’d ordered this morning was here. Oh no. What if it was the wrong size? He had no idea what size ring Sebastian wore.

  “Yes. Rourke will stand up with me.” Sebastian smiled at Colton. “Who’d you choose?”

  Was Rourke one of the people who thought Sebastian was insane for marrying him? Colton wouldn’t have thought so, but… Colton glanced at the duke. He stood conversing with Mr. Towers, Aiden and Nate.

  “Colton?” Sebastian frowned.

  “I don’t know. I didn’t think to ask anyone.” He raised his brows at his family, hoping one of them would agree.

  “Me. I’ll do it.” Muffin ran forward, her pretty pink ruffled dress rustling with her movement. “I’ll be Colton’s best man.”

  Everyone chuckled.

  Rexley put his hand on her shoulder. “How about we both stand up with Colton? Colton, is that all right with you?”

  He wanted to say thank you and tell his brother and niece it would be an honor, but all he could do was nod.

  “Good. If everyone will indulge me…please follow me. And before any of you give me that look again, I am aware you all think I’m a candidate for Bedlam.” Sebastian turned and guided them out of the parlor.

  No one had disputed the fact they thought Sebastian crazy. Colton’s heart beat so rapidly his temples throbbed. He glanced up at Sebastian to ask him if he felt as his friends did, but Thomas was handing out coats to everyone. “What’s going on?”

  Rexley sidled up beside him, holding Muffin’s hand in one of his and Trouble’s in the other. “I’ve got the ring you ordered in my pocket. I meant to give it to you upstairs, but I forgot.”

  “Thank you.” Colton shrugged into his coat and took Sebastian’s arm again. He must’ve gripped Sebastian’s arm harder than he thought because Sebastian looked down at him.

  “If you don’t want to have the ceremony in the stables, we don’t have to. I just thought you’d like that. I don’t care if everyone else thinks it’s odd, but if it bothers you, we’ll conduct the ceremony in the parlor.”

  Colton stared at him in shock. The pressure in his chest loosened, and once again he found himself laughing. This was going to be the perfect wedding after all.

  Whoever invented morning coats should be drawn and quartered. Sebastian could only catch glimpses of Colton’s delectable arse as he climbed the stairs. Silly tails hid entirely too much. And what was the point of walking behind someone if you couldn’t watch their arse? Assuming they had a nice arse of course. He would not want to be stuck behind, say…Lord Filbert. That man had the bottom the size of a small— Suffice it to say his arse was rather large.

  “Which door?” Colton asked as he stepped onto the landing. The breathless excitement was enchanting.

  “Third left.” Sebastian vaguely remembered his first tour of Wentworth Park. If recollection served, he too had been enraptured. Unfortunately, the demands of marriage had quickly overpowered the thrill of the estate.

  He should show Colton their sitting room first, which was the fourth door, but Sebastian was done with the tour. He’d waited long enough. He’d gotten married in a stable, with Colton’s pesky little filly trying to nibble on the sleeve of his morning coat, and Muffin asking Rexley every two minutes until she got sidetracked by the horses if she could hand Colton the ring. Even Garrett, Colton’s nephew, added his two cents in the form of happy babbling when Payton and his consort Simon had joined them via televid. The atmosphere had been relaxed, fun, probably a bit improper and definitely in poor taste in the eyes of society, but it had been absolutely perfect. And now? The part of the day he’d been waiting f

  Colton opened the door and stepped in.

  “Welcome to your new room.” Sebastian closed the door behind him.

  The fire in the fireplace glowed throughout the room. It made the place cozy and romantic.

  “I love it.” Colton walked past the big cherrywood sleigh bed, dragging his hand along the midnight-blue duvet, and stopped at the window. He brushed the heavy curtains aside, letting the remaining sunlight flood the room.

  Throwing up his hand to shield his eyes, Sebastian blinked against the glare. It took several moments for his eyes to adjust.

  The setting sun radiated across Colton’s high cheekbones and strong chin. Stunning. The utter stillness shouted his self-control and confidence. He had such a proud, regal bearing. Perhaps because he resembled their king. Standing there, he could’ve been a classical statue. Beautiful, graceful, but strong and unyielding. Sebastian had always thought of Colton as untouchable, but now he made Sebastian ache in all the right places.

  He’d been half hard since they’d started their tour over an hour ago. Sebastian’s footsteps thumped on the dark wood floor then muffled on the rug as he moved behind Colton. “The back of the house has a better view.”

  “This is the opposite view I’ve had most of my life.”

  Sebastian wrapped his arms around Colton’s waist and inhaled deeply. He smelled of fresh, clean air and evergreens. He was the same height as Sebastian, which made it easy to look over his shoulder. His height would also come in handy for other things too. Other things Sebastian intended to do shortly.

  “Is that a good thing?” Sebastian rested his chin next to Colton’s ear.

  Colton stiffened. “It’s just an observation.”

  A frisson of unease trickled through Sebastian. He’d never seduced an innocent before. Should he let go? Before he could decide, Colton sighed and slouched into him. Thank galaxy. Sebastian picked at Colton’s cravat, loosening it. He had such a strong jawline. A tempting neck. “Are you nervous?”

  Colton shook his head and rested it back on Sebastian’s shoulder. “Well, perhaps a little.”

  Was that a freckle just below his ear? Untying the neckcloth, Sebastian gave in to temptation and closed his mouth over the long tendon in Colton’s neck. He grazed the skin with his teeth as he tugged the cravat off and dropped it to the floor.

  Colton shivered against him and let out a soft, guttural moan.

  The sound vibrated through Sebastian. He slid his hands inside Colton’s coat and along the taut muscles of Colton’s abdomen covered by his waistcoat. Sebastian unfastened one button of the waistcoat then another.

  Canting his hips back, Colton nestled himself against Sebastian’s groin, pressing into Sebastian’s erection. Oh yesss…

  Humming his approval, Sebastian pushed forward. The pressure on his cock sent a thrill of excitement through him. It seemed like forever he’d been waiting for this. Had it only been the other night he’d had Colton restless in his arms and straining for release? Sebastian slipped both the coat and waistcoat off, moving back enough to let the clothes fall between them.

  Colton touched his thigh, tentatively at first, and dragged his hand up to Sebastian’s erection.

  Sebastian bit back a groan at the pleasure. Like a magnetic force was at play, he ran his fingers up to Colton’s shoulders. He tugged the ties holding his shirt closed and revealed the reddish, purple bruise. My mark. Sebastian’s cock bucked against Colton’s hand.

  Sebastian licked a line down Colton’s neck and bit his shoulder. Dust, he had to get this man naked. He wanted to see more of what he’d seen last night. Fumbling with Colton’s shirt, Sebastian untucked it from his pants.

  Colton gripped Sebastian’s arms and turned his head slightly. His sweet, warm breath fanned across Sebastian’s face. “It’s still daylight.”

  “Yes, it is.” Grinning, Sebastian kissed Colton’s jaw right below his ear, and Colton’s racing pulse thrummed against his lips. Sebastian kissed him again and rubbed his hands up and down Colton’s arms, trying to soothe and comfort. “Is that a problem?”

  Colton shook his head, dislodging Sebastian’s attempt at nuzzling. “No.” He faced Sebastian and tugged at Sebastian’s morning coat, shoving it off his shoulders. “You have too many clothes on.”

  “You too.” Sebastian got his arms free of his coat and started on his cravat. It came off in no time, and he tore at his waistcoat. A button sailed across the room, landing on the wood floor and rolling under the bed.

  “Yes.” Colton nodded and hastily undressed. He jerked his shirt over his head. He was even lovelier than last night. Once again the firelight added a rosy glow to his skin and shadowed his muscles. His lean body flexed with his every breath as he stood there watching Sebastian watch him. Down the center of Colton’s chest was the faintest line of dark hair that grew darker and thicker until it disappeared beneath the waistband of his trousers.

  Colton tugged Sebastian’s shirt over his head.

  After that, clothes flew in every direction. Sebastian pulled off one boot and tossed it over his shoulder. Something crashed behind him, but he didn’t care. He removed the other and gave it the same treatment. Once his stockings were off, he helped Colton with his boots. “Sit down.”

  Dropping to the edge of the bed, Colton grabbed one boot and Sebastian pried off the other. The stockings came next, thrown somewhere behind him. They froze, both in only their trousers, staring at one another, Colton on the bed, Sebastian kneeling in front of him.

  With a trembling hand Colton touched Sebastian’s cheek and leaned forward. The caress trickled along Sebastian’s jaw, over his chin and back up again. With his eyes half-mast, Colton followed his gaze with his fingers.

  Closing his eyes, Sebastian turned his face into Colton’s palm and kissed the center. Sebastian couldn’t remember ever being touched like this. He should move them along, get things back on track, but he couldn’t tear himself away from the sensation. Gads, where had his self-control gone? He was much more accomplished than this at seduction. He always took charge and gave his partners what they wanted. So why wasn’t he now? What was different?

  “I’ve wanted to touch you for so long. I can’t believe I finally get to.” Colton’s voice was barely above a whisper. The tone more than the words went straight to Sebastian’s head.

  Sebastian wasn’t used to being worshiped this way. It was uncomfortable and addicting all at the same time.

  Colton tilted his head. A soft smile played over his lips.

  “You may touch me any time you want. Any way you want.” Sebastian blinked and stared into sherry-colored eyes. Eyes he could gladly drown in. Was that him sighing like a love-struck adolescent? “But first…” He dropped back on his haunches and unbuttoned Colton’s trousers. “Let’s get these off.”

  Colton stood, and Sebastian eased his trousers and smallclothes over his hips. Sebastian inched the fabric down over sharp hipbones and a defined lower abdomen that made a perfect V where it angled down to his groin. And his cock… It was beautiful with a slight curve toward his belly. His thighs were all hard muscle and thick. Sebastian dragged the trousers down until Colton could step free of them. The statue analogy had been right on the mark. Colton was a work of art.

  “Exquisite.” With one hand Sebastian drew the back of his knuckles up the velvety ridge of Colton’s erection and cupped his testicles with the other. Colton’s legs trembled and his cock flexed. “Absolutely exquisite.”

  Colton’s hand clenched at his sides, and his stomach rose with a shuddered breath. Sebastian wanted nothing more than to take the head of his cock into his mouth and see if it tasted as good as it looked, but if he did, he didn’t know if he’d be able to stop. Instead, he wrapped his hand around the hard flesh and got to his feet.

  Colton looped his arms around Sebastian’s neck. “I’m glad you think so.” The flirt nipped his chin and thrust into Sebastian’s hand. The smooth glide of warm skin pushed through his grip. “Your tur
n.” Colton slipped his hand down Sebastian’s shoulder and his arm to wind their fingers together. He backpedaled to the bed, taking Sebastian along with him. Colton crawled onto the mattress and scooted backward onto his knees, giving Sebastian no choice but to follow. When Sebastian’s knees hit the edge, Colton stopped. He reached for the falls on Sebastian’s trousers, and a flash of uncertainty crossed Colton’s face. He swallowed hard.

  The mix between virgin and seducer was extremely enticing. Sebastian wasn’t sure what he’d expected of an innocent, but this wasn’t it. Of course he should have. Colton never did anything by half measures. He’d always had a passionate nature. He was going to be a natural at this.

  Sebastian brushed Colton’s hands aside and unfastened himself. “Remember what I said.”

  Colton stared up at him.

  Sebastian’s heart raced. Oh those eyes. They drew him in and held him captive.

  Shaking his head slowly, Colton whispered, “I don’t want to muck this up.”

  “You can’t possibly muck this up. Do whatever feels right. As I said before, you may do anything you like. I’m at your mercy.” And Sebastian couldn’t think of anywhere he wanted to be more at the moment. He shucked his trousers and his smallclothes.

  Colton gasped, the look of wonder on his face laced with desire.

  Sebastian smiled. He was used to the surprise. He was not a small man by anyone’s measure. Some of his partners in the past had been reluctant to continue after seeing how well-endowed he truly was.


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