My Regelence Rake

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My Regelence Rake Page 31

by J. L. Langley

  Colton stood and wrapped his arms around Sebastian’s neck. The silly man hadn’t figured it out yet, but he would. “Then we’ll weather it together, like we did the last one. You do know that Giles never loved you, don’t you? If he had, he would’ve stood by you. I, on the other hand, have loved you since I was thirteen.”

  Hugging him tighter, Sebastian buried his face in Colton’s neck. “I’ve loved you about as long.”

  “No, you haven’t.” Colton pulled back, frowning at his consort.

  Sebastian chuckled and ran his finger down the bridge of Colton’s nose. “Yes, I have. I was just too stupid to realize it.” He kissed Colton and leaned back, looking him in the eye. “No more secrets, sweeting. For as long as I live, I’ll share them all with you. And everything else I have to give.”

  Oh yes, Sebastian was finally starting to understand. Colton closed his eyes, resting his head on his consort’s shoulder. Maybe Tarren’s romance novels weren’t so farfetched after all.

  About the Author

  J.L. Langley was born and raised in Texas. Which is a good thing considering that Texas is full of cowboys and there is nothing better than a man in a pair of tight Wranglers and a cowboy hat. She is fortunate to live with four of the most gorgeous males to walk the earth…ok, so one of those males is canine, but he is quite beautiful for a German Shepherd. When not writing, she can usually be found with a book in hand and chocolate in the other.

  To learn more about J.L. Langley, please visit Send an email to J.L at [email protected] or join her Yahoo! group to join in the fun with other readers as well as J.L.

  Look for these titles by J.L. Langley

  Now Available:

  With or Without

  Without Reservations

  With Love

  With Caution

  With Abandon


  My Fair Captain

  The Englor Affair


  His Convenient Husband

  Love was never part of his plan…until it pounced.

  With Abandon

  © 2011 J.L. Langley

  As heir to an old and proud heritage, Aubrey Reynolds works and lives for his family, his employees and his pack. Agreeing to watch after a visiting werewolf is no big deal—until he discovers the newcomer is his mate. His very male mate…which is a very big deal, indeed. Revealing his sexuality was never part of Aubrey’s well-ordered life plan.

  Much as he loved caring for his eight younger brothers, Matt Mahihkan knows it’s time to grab the opportunity to attend college in Atlanta. Realizing Aubrey is his mate should have been a delightful experience…except Aubrey treats him more like a dirty little secret than a lover. Yet Matt is a patient man. Aubrey can’t stay in the closet forever. Can he?

  In time, they settle into a comfortable, if complicated, routine. Until a rogue werewolf with an axe to grind forces Aubrey to add to the wedge of secrets driving him and Matt apart, leaving Matt exposed to danger…and Aubrey forced to choose between love and duty.

  Warning: Contains color abuse with a really bad sense of fashion, a southern accent from hell, sex on antique furniture, a pouncing playful werewolf, obnoxious siblings, liberal use of a color identifier and impatient sex. No lightning bugs were harmed in the making of this book.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for With Abandon:

  “There.” Aubrey gave Matt’s bow one more twisting motion and let go. He grabbed Matt’s shoulder and turned him, forcing Matt to end his ogling of Aubrey in the mirror.

  “I’m nervous.”

  Aubrey grinned and kissed his chin. “Nooo…”

  Matt smacked him on the arm. “It’s not funny.”

  “It’s adorable, and you are absolutely gorgeous.” Aubrey stepped back, studying Matt. “It’s going to be pure hell trying to keep my hands off you all night.”

  Heat raced up Matt’s neck and face at the thought. That shouldn’t embarrass him now after all they’d done, but it did. He wasn’t used to being admired like that.

  Aubrey stared at him. “What’s that look for?”

  “I like that you like the way I look. No one’s ever complimented me like you do.”

  “The people in New Mexico must be blind.” A smirk oozed over Aubrey’s face. “I’m going to have to beat the women and probably a few men off of you with a stick.” He caught the back of Matt’s head and pulled him down for a kiss. He nibbled softly and sucked at Matt’s bottom lip for several seconds before nudging Matt’s lips open with his tongue.

  Matt sighed into the caress and allowed Aubrey to do what he wanted. He didn’t even try to kiss back. The wet slide over his lips, teeth and tongue was soothing. The only person he wanted on him was right here, and no way would Matt want to beat him off—well yeah, he would, but not like Aubrey meant. He smiled and suppressed the giggle wanting to escape. Time and place, Matthew. Sheesh.

  The whole kiss was gentle and coaxing, meant to reassure. God, he loved this man. Sighing in pleasure, Matt wrapped his arms around Aubrey’s waist and kissed back. He could get through anything with his mate by his side. Suddenly this party was more of an annoyance than an anticipation. He’d rather skip the party and snuggle in bed.

  The scent of arousal surrounded them. He hadn’t realized he’d gotten hard. He’d been too caught up in the kiss, in letting Aubrey love him. But now…now his cock was becoming insistent, and Aubrey’s arousal was invading his senses as well.

  Aubrey’s arms came around his shoulders, and his hands cupped Matt’s neck. He loved how Aubrey always held his head and touched his face. It made Matt feel irresistible. He wasn’t, but he loved that his mate thought so.

  Matt pulled Aubrey closer, needing the press of body against his. He circled his tongue around lazily, exploring and caressing, wanting to savor the magical moment. Even the feel of Aubrey’s erection against his thigh and racing heart against his chest didn’t make him want to hurry.

  Breaking the kiss, Aubrey smiled at him. “I’d love to continue this, but Tee’s here.”

  What? Matt blinked, trying to focus. Aubrey’s kiss had robbed him of conscious thought, apparently.

  There was a knock at the door. Followed by Tara grumbling, “Come on, guys. I forgot my damned key. Let me in.” She sounded annoyed, like it wasn’t the first time she’d knocked.

  Tara was going with them? Had he missed something?

  “Hold your horses.” With a wink, Aubrey headed out of the bathroom.

  Matt didn’t want to feel disappointed but he did. Guilt followed closely after. Tara was his friend. He liked hanging out with her, nearly as much as he did Aubrey. But he couldn’t deny the powerful urge to have Aubrey all to himself and for everyone to know Aubrey was his. Which was just dumb. That was a ways in the future. He should’ve realized Tara was coming. And really he was glad…he was. If anyone could make him feel less edgy, it was Tara. As far as he knew, she went to every social function with Aubrey.

  Another feminine voice came from the living room. Telling Aubrey hello and…kissing him? Yeah, that was definitely a smack. Who the heck was kissing his man? Matt practically ran into the living room. About halfway there he caught himself and slowed. Possessive much? That was a new feeling for him. He tried to decide whether he liked it or not. Not that it mattered, because he’d had it regardless. It had been immediate and from the gut.

  Tara drew his gaze as soon as he stepped into the living room. The tomboy who drove like a NASCAR driver and shot Nerf darts true enough to make a sniper envious was gone, and in her place stood a goddess. This was the Miss Georgia persona. She wore a long strapless formfitting dress with a slit all the way up to the top of her right thigh. The curves of her breasts appeared ready to spill out of the bodice any second, and if she moved too quickly, that slit would let everyone see what she wore beneath. The dress was gold, but it was that weird gold that told Matt it was probably a color his eyes couldn’t
see rather than a true gold. Her dark hair was piled on her head with that sexy almost-coming-down look that women did.

  “Wow.” His brothers would probably drop to their knees and offer her the world, but Matt had the urge to tease her about being a girl. Maybe they should stop by the sporting-goods store and buy a bat, so he and Aubrey could beat people off her. If she had any idea he’d even considered it, she’d probably kick his butt.

  “What? What’s wrong?” She did the exact same thing Matt had done earlier when Aubrey had looked at him. She lifted her arms a bit, studied herself and frowned up at him. “Do I have something on my—?” Her mouth dropped open. “Oh. My. God. You look incredible.” She strode forward. “Matt, you’re always gorgeous, but day-um…” She grabbed his hands, holding them out from his body to check him out, and smiled. “Honey, you’re beautiful.”

  “Me? Look at you. Holy smokes. Maybe I’m not as gay as I thought.”

  Tara laughed and Matt joined her.

  “Matthew.” Aubrey was so quiet and steady it was eerie.

  Together Matt and Tara turned toward him.

  He wore an expression so blank it could have been made of stone. He stalked toward them, his gaze locked with Matt’s. “Can I see you for a moment.” It wasn’t a question, and he didn’t give Matt time to respond before continuing past him into their room.

  Okay, that was weird. Aubrey was never that emotionless. Something told Matt he was seeing the corporate tycoon the business world saw. The hairs on the backs of his arms stood on end. Matt glanced back at Tara, and for the first time noticed the other woman coming to stand beside her. She was pretty, with long dark hair around her shoulders and a blue dress slightly more sedate than Tara’s but still quite elegant. She resembled Tara. “Hi.” She waved at him before glancing in Aubrey’s direction and swallowing hard.

  Matt looked back at Tara.

  She shrugged and furrowed her brow at the open bedroom door.

  No sooner had Matt cleared the door, than Aubrey softly closed it. He gripped Matt’s shoulder and whirled Matt around to face him so fast Matt stumbled.

  Matt would’ve bumped right into his mate, but the look on Aubrey’s face made him fling his forward progress to the side to keep from colliding. He shifted his weight and clasped his hands together. His stomach plummeted to his feet. What had he done? Surely Aubrey knew he’d been playing with Tara. He couldn’t possibly be jealous, could he?

  Matt composed himself and gave Aubrey a weak smile.

  Aubrey didn’t smile back. If anything, his scowl deepened. “What da fuck? Ya cain’t go around tellin’ people you’re gay,” he gritted out between clenched teeth so low Matt doubted that Tara and the other woman heard, even if they were standing with their ears to the door, and Matt wouldn’t put that past Tara.

  To seal their bond, they must break the ties that bind.

  A Private Gentleman

  © 2012 Heidi Cullinan

  Painfully introverted and rendered nearly mute by a heavy stammer, Lord George Albert Westin rarely ventures any farther than the club or his beloved gardens. When he hears rumors of an exotic new orchid sighted at a local hobbyist’s house, though, he girds himself with opiates and determination to attend a house party, hoping to sneak a peek.

  He finds the orchid, yes…but he finds something else even more rare and exquisite: Michael Vallant. Professional sodomite.

  Michael climbed out of an adolescent hell as a courtesan’s bastard to become successful and independent-minded, seeing men on his own terms, protected by a powerful friend. He is master of his own world—until Wes. Not only because, for once, the sex is for pleasure and not for profit. They are joined by tendrils of a shameful, unspoken history. The closer his shy, poppy-addicted lover lures him to the light of love, the harder his past works to drag him back into the dark.

  There’s only one way out of this tangle. Help Wes face the fears that cripple him—right after Michael finds the courage to reveal the devastating truth that binds them.

  Warning: Contains wounded heroes, bibliophilic tendencies, orchid obsessions, a right bastard of a marquis, and gay men who get happily-ever-afters.

  Enjoy the following excerpt for A Private Gentleman:

  Deprived of his glasses, Michael strained to take the man in: the great height of him, the contrast of his coat and cravat, the color and shape of his hair still damp at the edges from his bath. His short boots peeked out beneath crisp trousers. From this far away, Michael could not see his face, but even with the lord’s proper posture, his body movements belied his nervousness.

  Belatedly, Michael realized he was not posed evocatively on the pile of pillows he’d spent fifteen minutes arranging, choosing instead to greet his lover dangled over the edge of the bed, banyan rucked up oddly around him and one foot lifted into the air for balance.


  He rolled to his side and tugged at the edge of the banyan as best he could as he carefully assumed a casually seductive pose. Fortune favored him at last, for his left nipple exposed itself all on its own, as well as a generous portion of his abdomen. Though he still couldn’t see Albert’s face, he saw his patron’s body posture quicken.

  Michael smiled.

  “My lord. We meet again.”

  Across the room, Lord George Albert cleared his throat. Michael heard the careful intake of breath that meant he was getting ready to speak. “G-g-good day, Mr. V-Vallant.”

  Michael’s pulse hammered so hard he felt it in the base of his throat. “Call me Michael.”

  Another breath. A pause. “C-c-call m-me Alb-b-b-b—” Albert gave up and sighed.

  He was very nervous, if that much preparation still led to that much of a stammer. Michael longed to put him more at ease. Of course, it would be nice if someone would return the favor.

  “Albert.” He let his fingers slide into his hair and reached out his other hand to beckon to Albert. “Come here and sit on the bed.” I want to see you.

  But Albert seated himself in one of the chairs by the fire—well outside of Michael’s sight range. Michael swore at himself silently. If he hadn’t worn his glasses so much lately, he could have seen at least a little. Now he couldn’t even read Albert’s face. While reading the faces and body movements of people was usually a handy skill for maneuvering them into the place you wanted them, with Albert it was essential for simple communication. So here they were, blind and mute together.

  The depths of potential disaster expanded endlessly around them.

  “Wh-why am I h-here?” Albert said at last.

  Michael combed his tone for clues. Caution, nerves still, and a great deal of reserve. He tried to relax him with humor. “I thought that was obvious.”

  The pause was lengthy. It took Albert three breaths before he was able to speak, and his first two attempts were nothing but sputters of consonants.

  Michael gave in and softened. “Relax, darling. Relax. Deep breaths. There’s no reason to be nervous.”

  Albert barked out a rueful laugh.

  Michael echoed his smile. “Very well, perhaps there is a little reason.” He stroked the sheet, mimicking the touch he would have given Albert, could he have reached him. “Take your time.”

  Albert’s sigh made Michael shiver. Two more breaths, and then: “D-did you ask f-for m-me?”

  Michael couldn’t help a frown. “Ask?” He watched Albert’s shape tense and spoke quickly. “Darling, no—don’t, please. I’m sorry, it’s my fault I don’t understand. Did I ask what for you?”

  Albert held very still. Michael could read nothing, damn it all to hell.

  “D-did y-you ask him t-t-to br-bring m-me h-here?”

  “Bring you?” Michael’s eyes widened, and his mouth fell open. “Do you mean—Rodger brought you here? Against your will?”

  The pause nearly killed Michael. “N-not p-p-p”—a sigh—“p-precisely.”

  How could Rodger not precisely bring him? Either he did, or he didn’t. Michael started to ask this,
then stopped. “Oh—he did bring you, but not precisely against your will?”

  A soft laugh. Very soft. “Y-yes.”

  “But partially.”

  While Albert paused, Michael shifted nervously in his chair. “H-he p-p-promised t-to b-blackmail m-me if I d-did not.”

  Michael clamped a hand over his mouth in horror and sat up. “He didn’t.”

  “He d-did.”

  Michael felt ill. “I’m so sorry. Please—if you want to leave, I promise I’ll make him—”

  With what was clearly great effort, Albert overrode him, his voice coming out in a sharp breath. “I s-s-said only p-p-p—” This time his sigh was so frustrated it was almost a growl. “Only p-partially.”

  I’ll kill him. I swear, this time I really will kill Rodger. Michael ran his hands down his face. “I am sorry. I had no idea. I never would have asked for this. Not like this.”

  The shape of Albert leaned forward. “But d-did you ask? F-for m-me?”

  Heat rose in Michael, the sensation suspiciously like a blush, which was almost as horrifying as the thought of Rodger blackmailing Albert into having sex with him. He tried to give a coy smile, but he wasn’t sure it worked. “Does it matter, darling?”


  The short, clear word, delivered with no pause, cut straight into Michael. He felt dizzy, confused and afraid. And aroused. Between the distance, the stammer and the revelation of Rodger’s meddling, he hadn’t been able to read the question at all. Was Albert simply curious? Was he amused? Was he besotted? Was he suspicious? Was he planning on reveling in the thought that a whore had asked for him particularly?

  And while he was wondering, why did Michael care about any of this?

  Because even with the stammer, he could hear Daventry in Albert’s voice. Because more and more every day the dark clouds of the past closed in on him. Because somehow one night of sex with Albert had managed to take away everything he’d built in sixteen years, and now that Albert was in the blue room with him, he wasn’t sure that trying to fuck him again would do anything but make matters worse.


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