Submitting to the Rancher (Cowboy Doms Book 1)

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Submitting to the Rancher (Cowboy Doms Book 1) Page 9

by BJ Wane

  A cold knot of dread settled in Sydney’s abdomen as she followed Caden outside. The lingering pleasure and contentment she’d felt since returning to the ranch last night and waking with his massive body curled around her vanished in the time it took to hear Austin, one of the younger hands, tell Caden, “It looks like poison, boss. We’ve already lost three heifers, several more are showing signs of sickness.”

  “Call the vet,” Caden snapped to Connor who had just pulled up. His blue eyes turned to ice as he scanned his employees’ faces that were gathering in the yard. “You guys bring in the sick as fast as possible. Connor and I will look for the source. Let’s hope whoever did this only messed with the water supply in one pasture.”

  Sydney’s hand went to Spike’s scruff and she sank her fingers into the collie’s soft fur to anchor herself against the pain sweeping through her. This was her fault; she brought this trouble to Caden’s ranch, his livelihood and the ranch hands that had embraced her with such friendliness. Without a doubt, she knew the stranger sent by her uncle to threaten her was behind the vandalism. She’d never dreamed he would try to get her cooperation by harming the livestock. If she didn’t leave, would he go after Caden, Connor or one of the hands next? Oh God, she couldn’t bear it if anyone was harmed because of her. It was bad enough several cows had already suffered because she put her selfish reasons for staying a little longer first instead of doing the safe thing and leaving.

  She reached out to snag Caden’s arm as he started toward the barn. “What can I do to help?” she asked, not realizing the need to be of assistance in her voice was also reflected in her eyes.

  “We’ll need food when we get back, sandwiches if you can because we likely won’t have time to sit down to eat. And watch for Grayson. I’ll call him and report this and he’ll need to come out and investigate with us.” He strode off without another word, his face stiff with anger, his cobalt eyes swirling with frustration.

  Sydney walked over to the mess hall on leaden feet, her heart heavy in her chest, praying she was wrong but knowing she wasn’t. She wouldn’t leave until she helped them through this crisis, which was the least she could do. But she refused to return home. Where she would go, she didn’t know. Caden had paid her a week’s wages, so she had enough money to last a few weeks if she stayed frugal. Despair threatened to overwhelm her as she entered the kitchen she’d grown to enjoy cooking in, memories of the hands teasing her about her penchant for getting lost and complimenting her cooking filling her head. She couldn’t believe how much she would miss everyone after such a short time.

  As she put together thick sandwiches filled with ham, roast beef, turkey and cheese, she stewed over her circumstances. The more she thought about her uncle and his lackey, the faster her despondency changed to anger. How dare they interrupt the first peaceful weeks she’d been enjoying since fleeing Missouri. Damn it, wasn’t it bad enough Uncle Mike’s actions forced her from her home, a job she loved and far away from the rest of her family, whom she adored? She thought of Caden, the way his blue eyes lit with fondness even when he’d been exasperated with her behavior or how they would darken when arousal outweighed his determination to keep her at arm’s length. He’d introduced her to new sensations that had led to heights she’d never achieved before, never imagined were possible, and she didn’t want to give that up, or him. She wanted him more than she missed her family, and that acknowledgement shed a whole new light on what she needed to do next.

  “I’ll show you, you son-of-a-bitch,” she muttered aloud as she got out ingredients to make brownies. “The sheriff just might be interested in hearing about what I know…”

  “I wouldn’t advise that,” a cold voice said from behind her.

  Sydney whirled to face the doorway, fear clogging her throat when she saw the same man who threatened her in town last week leaning with negligent nonchalance against the doorjamb. With a shaking hand, she reached for the large knife lying on the counter separating them and let him see she wouldn’t cower from him this time, even if her insides were jelling into a quivering ball of nerves. “Get out of here before…”

  He cut her off with a slice of his hand, his eyes going to slits in his lean face. “Everyone’s out trying to save their precious cattle, I made sure of that. You can put that down; I’m not here to harm you, just to deliver one final warning. Your uncle needs you back in Missouri by the end of the week, and since you have a two-day drive ahead of you, I suggest you leave no later than Tuesday.”

  “And if I don’t? You’d be a fool to try anything on this ranch again after I talk to the sheriff.” She didn’t know where her sudden bravado came from; she only knew she was tired of her uncle controlling her life.

  He shrugged, as if unconcerned by her threat. “Maybe, maybe not. It’s your word against mine, and I assure you, I left no evidence that could be traced back to me. It’s a huge spread, a lot of places where one of those young cowboys or your rancher can meet with an untimely accident.”

  The very softness of his voice chilled her to the bone. “You wouldn’t,” she whispered. Fear for the people she’d come to care so much for spread throughout her quaking body, turning her hands clammy and her throat dry. With those few words, anguish over her hopeless situation returned tenfold, demolishing her brave front.

  “Tuesday, at the latest, or you’ll find out.” With a mock, two-fingered salute, he spun about and disappeared as quietly as he’d snuck in.

  With a sob of defeat, Sydney slid to the floor, buried her face in her hands and wept. No way would she risk anything happening to Caden or anyone else on his ranch. Two days, that’s all she had with him, and then it was back to long days and lonely nights while she searched for a way to keep her plight from hurting her family.

  She managed to pull herself together by the time the first riders returned with some of the sick cattle. The veterinarian team was waiting for them in the barn where they immediately started pumping stomachs to rid the poor animals of the toxins poisoning their bodies. From what she could gather, only the three cows had died so far, a small boon considering how many could have succumbed before help arrived. The other good news was that pasture held less than twenty head of cattle that hadn’t been driven closer to the ranch yet. To help keep the line for treatment moving steady, she brought the food out to the hands and the veterinarian staff, enabling everyone to continue administering first aid while eating. The guys mentioned they’d fenced off the two watering holes and samples were en route to a lab in Billings. By the time Caden returned with Connor and Grayson, the cattle had been treated and were resting quietly in the corral behind the barn.

  “I don’t know about you two, but I’m beat,” Connor sighed as he, Caden and Grayson entered the house after the hands left for home. “I’m heading back to my place for a quiet night.”

  Sydney looked at their tired faces and her heart ached for what she’d inadvertently put them through. “I made chili, since it turned so cold this afternoon.” The clouds that had rolled in with the increasing north wind dropped the temperature ten degrees in an hour and didn’t stop there as afternoon slipped into dusk. “Can you stay for dinner?” She included the sheriff in her invitation.

  “You wouldn’t have to twist my arm, Syd. Thanks,” Connor accepted, squeezing her shoulder. She swiveled her face sideways to hide the tears pricking her eyes.

  “Unless you want to open the doors tonight, Grayson, I say we close the club and warm up with Sydney’s cooking. I can send out a group text to members.” Caden gave her a grateful look as she turned back around. “You had me as soon as I came in and took a whiff, darlin’.”

  Grayson nodded. “Chili and a quiet night works for me. Thanks, Sydney.”

  The full-time hands started trickling in, and she didn’t question their early arrival for dinner. Their faces were etched with exhaustion, their eyes still conveying their anger over the senseless vandalism. Her stomach cramped when she thought of them turning on her if they discovered thei
r woes today were her fault. She couldn’t bear to lose not only their friendship, but their high regard.

  For the first time since Sydney arrived on the ranch, Caden spent the evening with her instead of barricaded in his office. She cuddled against him on the big, leather sofa in front of the large-screened television while they watched a movie, her mind racing from having to tell him the next day she would be leaving. As much as she wanted to go home, her job at the expensive, fancy restaurant in downtown St. Louis no longer appealed to her. As nice as her two-bedroom, two-bath condo was, she knew the space would feel cramped after living on the ranch with its wide-open spaces. She missed her grandmother, her two oldest uncles and her cousins, but knew she’d miss Caden, his brother and the ranch hands just as much. Why couldn’t anything be easy?

  By the time Caden tugged her down the hall into his bedroom, stripped her and tucked her into his wide bed next to him, tears blurred her vision at the thought of leaving. Before he caught sight of them, she dove under the covers and took his straining erection into her mouth.


  Shaking her head against his tight abs, she refused to answer the question in his voice, instead, moaning from the masculine taste of him as she stroked over the smooth cap, catching a drop of pre-come on her tongue. He fisted a hand in her hair, his low groan rumbling under her ear, the sound curling her toes as she took him deep with a tight suction of her mouth. The veins along his shaft pulsed under her tongue, his sac weighed heavily in her palm as she cupped him, and his thick length threatened her gag reflexes while she worked to suck on as much of him as possible.

  “Had I known how talented you are at fellatio, darlin’, I may not have resisted you for so long,” he growled above her.

  Cocooned in the darkness, buried under the cover with the warm flesh of his rigid cock stretching her lips, Sydney basked in his praise and sought to drive him crazy. She wanted to make sure he didn’t forget her after she left, so she tormented him by bringing him right to the brink of orgasm, waited for the telltale jerk of his cock and spew of more pre-come before pulling back, replacing her mouth with her hand. She laughed against his cockhead when he cursed and tightened her hand around his girth before shifting to rub the damp crown back and forth, over her nipples.

  “What? You don’t like to be kept waiting? Now you know how I felt last night.” She sighed at the lovely sensation of his sex brushing over her tender tips and then dipped her head again to lave under the rim of his cap, putting pressure on the sensitive area until his fisted hand in her hair pulled.

  “Enough. Come up here.”

  Sydney shook her head, ignoring his demand, too afraid of what his astute gaze might pick up on her face in the moon-lit room to obey him. Sliding her palm down to his base, she engulfed him in her mouth again, this time scraping her teeth along his silk-covered, hot flesh. Caden reached down with his other hand and cupped her breast, rolled the damp nipple between two fingers then delivered a sharp pinch to the tender bud. She gasped at the nip of erotic pain that caused her sheath to spasm and gush, her attention diverted just long enough for him to haul her up his body using his grip on her hair. Why she found that so heart-pounding thrilling, she didn’t know, and didn’t have time to evaluate as he spread her thighs over his big body, clasped her hips and pushed her onto his cock.

  “As much as I enjoyed your mouth, this,” he surged up inside her, “is much better. Ride me, Sydney.”

  Slamming her eyes shut, she arched her head back until she felt her hair brush her lower back, praying he didn’t read anything more into her actions than a need to be with him. Bracing her hands on his shoulders, she rose until only his cockhead remained nestled inside her folds before lowering slowly, taking him back in one slow inch at a time. She shuddered from the pleasure of him filling her again, relishing the way his thickness stretched her to the point of discomfort before she adjusted to his possession. His fingers dug into her buttocks as he tightened his hold and took over after her next rise and fall.

  “Fuck but you feel good. Let me…” He rammed up into her, bumping her womb before lifting her with effortless ease and slamming her back down with a deep groan. “Like that, just…” another lift and downward plunge, “like that.”

  Tightening her hands on his shoulders, Sydney cried out with the third controlled thrust, a cry that ended in a whimper as he released one cheek to root out her clit and press the aching piece of swollen flesh against the hardness of his ravaging cock. They splintered apart together, their heavy breathing sounding harsh and meshing with the rigorous smacking together of their pelvis’ in the otherwise silent darkness. By the time her mind was starting to clear of the engulfing pleasure shaking her body, Caden was drawing her down on top of him, his voice heavy, his breath warm as he whispered, “Go to sleep, Sydney. We’ll talk in the morning.”

  Caden waited until he heard the shower come on before sliding out of bed and slipping on his jeans. Shirtless and barefoot, he padded down the hall into his office, closing the door behind him before dialing Grayson’s number. Ever since he’d seen a look of horror cross Sydney’s face when she heard the news about his poisoned cattle yesterday, followed by a flash of fearful guilt in her green eyes, his worry and suspicions about her had increased. He now regretted not running a background check on her before instructing his manager to hire her after their phone interview. Everyone on the ranch had been desperate for a new cook, but that was no excuse for him not being more diligent. From the moment she’d turned her face away from peering in the window of the club to gaze with undisguised unrepentance at him, his gut had told him she could wreak havoc on his life. She had, and he’d grown to like it. Something told him his girl was in trouble and since she refused to talk to him, she left him no choice but to go around her stubbornness to get the answers he needed to help her.

  “It’s too damn early for you to be calling,” Grayson grumbled with irritation upon answering.

  “I need a favor.” As Caden knew he would, Grayson listened quietly as he explained his worries and what he wanted before he gave him Sydney’s license tag number to run the search, or at least start it.

  “Give me ten minutes,” was all he said before hanging up.

  Sydney averted her gaze when she emerged from the bathroom as he returned to the bedroom, her damp hair appearing darker around her pale face. “Hey. I’ll get breakfast started. I imagine you’re anxious to check on the cows.”

  “Cattle,” he corrected her for about the hundredth time. “And yes, I’ll need to get out to the barn early.” He strode toward her and clasped her narrow shoulders, feeling the small tremble of her body at his touch. Bending his head, he nipped her lower lip before asking, “You okay this morning?”

  “Yeah, sure.” Stepping back, she inched around him with a smile that didn’t reach her eyes. “I better get in there.”

  Caden watched her scurry out, more determined than ever to get to the root of what was bothering her. He’d known all day yesterday something was up with her, but he’d been too busy seeing to his cattle and property to question her. Last night, he hadn’t wanted to disturb the pleasant interlude of having her snuggled next to him as they both relaxed after the long grueling day. She’d been hiding from him when she ducked under the covers to treat him to a hell of a blowjob, and by the time he’d come so hard inside her he was seeing stars, they were both too exhausted to do anything but fall asleep. Now, he wished he had pushed her for an explanation last night.

  Ten minutes later, after receiving Grayson’s return call, he swore under his breath and stomped to the kitchen, armed with the information from Grayson’s first run on her. But as soon as she saw him, she turned from the stove with determination etched on her face and sadness clouding her eyes, one hand keeping a white-knuckled grip on the spatula she’d been stirring eggs with.

  “I have to leave in a few days. I’m sorry.”

  Surprised, Caden stared at her for a moment, speechless. Fuck. “Why?” he dem
anded harshly, struggling to rein in his temper and loosen the tight clutch around his chest her words evoked. For the life of him, he couldn’t think of a single reason for her to tender her resignation, unless it was because of what she wasn’t telling him.

  “I… I need to get back home. Something has come up.” She shifted her green eyes out the window over the sink, her slim shoulders drooping.

  “Damn it.” Grasping her shoulders, he turned her to face him. “You pestered me until you got me, now you owe me more than ‘I have to leave tomorrow’. What has happened that requires your immediate return home? Are you in trouble or does this have something to do with your family, whom you refused to share anything about?” Frustration colored his voice, but he didn’t care. Her evasiveness about her past and family grated on him. “Can’t tell me that? Maybe this will be easier for you. Why did you lie about your last name? Your license plate is registered to Sydney Greenbriar from St. Louis.” He didn’t think it possible she could turn any paler, but she did as she struggled to free herself from his grip. Releasing her, he stepped back, the anger and betrayal swirling in her eyes cutting him to the quick until he remembered she wanted to leave.

  “You checked up on me? Don’t I have enough to deal with without you betraying me also?” she wailed, the despair in her voice forcing him to reach for her again. She sidestepped his grasp with a glare. “Don’t.” Her breathing hitched. “I can’t do what I have to if you touch me. Hell, I can’t even think straight.”

  He didn’t have time now to question why that statement pleased him so much, or how she’d gotten to him so quickly. First, he needed to discover what had occurred to cause those flashes of fear he’d caught on her face yesterday, and again just now. “You’re my employee, and that means you’re under my protection. Do you honestly think I, or anyone else on this ranch, wouldn’t stand between you and any trouble you’re facing?” He stepped toward her again, this time ignoring her efforts to wiggle away from the press of his body against hers. Fisting her hair like he did last night, he brought her up on her toes and kissed her long and deep.


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