Salvation in Darkness

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Salvation in Darkness Page 14

by Nicole Edwards

  “Good, you’re here.” An enormous man wearing sunglasses identical to Eclipse’s marched toward them, his attention on his cell phone.

  Orianna’s heart stopped beating for a second as he approached, her legs automatically shifting back until she banged into Eclipse. A strange tingle of awareness hummed beneath her skin. As though she’d met this man before. No. She hadn’t met him. She’d seen him. In a vision.

  When he looked up, Orianna saw his expression change as though he was surprised to see her. She did her best to hide the slight tremor of fear that trickled down her spine. She had no idea what it was about him that stirred the trepidation.

  “Obsidian, I’d like you to meet my amsouelot, Orianna McKay. Orianna, this is my brother Obsidian.”

  “You recently mated with Penelope,” Orianna said, surprised as the words tumbled out of her mouth.

  Obsidian’s shoulders squared as he went on the defensive. “How do you know that?”

  Damn good question. “I … I don’t know.”

  He regarded her for a moment, kept her locked in place. Orianna couldn’t see his eyes, but she got the feeling there was a lot of glaring going on behind those dark lenses.

  “I’m sorry,” she said quickly. “I didn’t mean… I don’t mean any disrespect.”

  “She has visions,” Eclipse said, as though that would explain it all away.

  “Is this true?”

  Orianna nodded.

  That seemed to settle him somewhat. As though knowing she’d glimpsed the future or past made it all better.

  “Penelope will be down in a moment,” Obsidian stated, his attention shifting to Eclipse. “Would you care to join us for the morning meal?”

  “We’re actually going to have something brought up,” Eclipse said. “Everything all right?”

  “Not even remotely, but we can discuss it tonight. Will you be around?”

  Eclipse’s silence was telling. He wanted to know what his brother was referring to, but he didn’t want her to hear it.

  Orianna peered up at Eclipse over her shoulder. “If you’ll just point me in the right direction…”

  “I’ll take you up,” he said, then lifted his gaze to Obsidian’s. “And I’ll come back down to talk.”

  Obsidian offered a nod, then Orianna was being ushered forward, through the kitchen, past a fancy living room, down a wide hallway to a set of stairs. The house was extraordinary. All dark wood and medieval charm. What one might expect a castle to look like. She was entranced by every detail, the rich wood floors, the iron accents, the torch lamps on the walls. If it hadn’t been for the waning adrenaline, she would’ve asked for a tour. Instead, she simply allowed Eclipse to direct her where he wanted her to go.

  They made it up one flight of stairs only to curve around to another.

  “How many floors are there?” She prayed not too many more.


  “Plus a basement?” Rather impressive considering every floor seemed to branch out, perhaps going on forever.

  Once they made it to the third floor, Eclipse used his palm to unlock a door before leading the way inside. She found herself in what appeared to be an entertainment space complete with large television, two black leather sofas, a square coffee table. The burgundy rug beneath the furniture was the only pop of color in the otherwise monochromatic theme. Tucked neatly into a corner were two black and white beds.

  “Do you have pets?” she asked.

  “Canines. Zeus and Aphrodite. They’re around here somewhere.”

  Orianna hoped they were the friendly kind. Last thing she wanted was to unexpectedly run into Cujo.

  “They won’t harm you.”

  Yep, mind reading again. She would have to remember that.

  “Do you have any other brothers and sisters?” she asked as he steered her down a wide corridor. “Besides Obsidian?”

  “Total of six brothers. No sisters.”

  “Big family. Are they angels, too?”

  Eclipse stopped and peered down at her, his hand on the doorknob.

  “What? Your vampire buddy said you were an angel. You confirmed.”

  “But you don’t believe me?”

  Oh, she believed, although she wasn’t sure she should. “If you say it’s true, then I believe you.”

  As far as wrapping her head around it, that would come with time and a whole lot of explanation.

  When Eclipse opened the door, Orianna stepped into what was by far the most opulent bedroom she’d ever seen in her life. The room had to be close to two thousand square feet. The enormous bed—definitely bigger than a standard king—was the main attraction, complete with thick black posts that shot eight or so feet up into the air, held together by an ornate iron bar running through each post. The comforter was a rich red, the throw pillows satin black. There was a small area that appeared to be for lounging, complete with a black leather chaise, matching black armchair, and a big-screen television mounted on the wall over a fireplace, which was currently crackling, the flames giving the room light.

  “This is your room?”

  “My private quarters, yes.”

  Ah. Even a fancy description for it.

  Orianna peered up. The ceilings seemed so far away. Fifteen, maybe twenty feet high. Even the decorative molding matched the bed. Interesting.

  She headed for the window. Pulling back the heavy black drapes, Orianna found herself up against some sort of thick matte black metal covering. She peered over her shoulder at Eclipse. “What are these?”

  “Shutters. They automatically close half an hour before dawn and rise half an hour after dusk.”

  After letting the drapes fall back in place, she turned toward Eclipse. “The house seals up tight during the day … because you can’t be in sunlight, either?”


  “But you’re an angel?”

  “Same as with vampires.” There was a smirk at the corner of his lips.

  “So you sleep during the day then?”

  “Yes. But there’s always someone up. The heurosp are on rotations, so if you ever need anything, they’re there.”

  Orianna wasn’t sure what she might possibly need, but that was good to know.

  “Bathroom’s through there,” he said, motioning to a set of doors with opaque glass framed by black lacquer.

  “Would you mind?” she asked.

  “Not at all. If it’s all right, I’m going to step out and talk to Obsidian. I’ll be back soon.”

  Orianna nodded, feeling a bit awkward knowing she would be alone in his private space, but appreciating a moment to herself, nonetheless.

  He waited for her to go into the bathroom before Eclipse turned and left the room. Orianna closed the pocket doors behind her, then stared at the ridiculous space Eclipse called a bathroom.

  “More like a bathhouse,” she muttered, taking stock of all the white and gray marble laid out before her.

  There were two sinks set in floating black lacquer cabinets, separated by a huge vanity. The entire wall was one enormous mirror, which made the space appear even bigger than it was. There was a step-up, circular tub in the center of the room, framed by the same posts that were on the bed. Hidden in the ceiling were red lights that gave a sexy vibe.

  But the shower was what impressed her most.

  Orianna walked around a marble wall that provided privacy for the numerous rain shower heads and body jets mounted in the walls and ceiling. She walked through it and out the other side, smiling to herself.

  “Impressive. But does it have a toilet?”

  Indeed, it did. Enclosed in its own room was a fancy toilet complete with heated seat and bidet.

  Once she’d used the facilities and washed her hands, Orianna headed back to the bedroom. She considered snooping but thought better of it, choosing to take a seat in the leather armchair as she stared at the black screen on the wall.

  No sooner did she sit down than her entire body felt as though it was weighed
down by an invisible force.

  “Dead,” she said softly, feeling her chest tighten.

  How could Amber be dead? How could she not have known? And if that was the case, why was there always another thread to pull, another lead to follow? Everything she’d done over the past six years had led her back here for what? To find out Amber was no longer on this Earth?

  What was she supposed to tell her mother? How could she tell Elizabeth McKay that her older daughter was gone forever? Orianna was almost certain Amber was the only reason her mother had clung to this life in the first place. As long as Orianna had been searching, there’d been hope in her mother’s voice. What would happen now?

  So much for denial, she thought as a sob ripped from her chest.

  Chapter Thirteen

  It only took a few minutes to get the scoop from Obsidian. In fact, Eclipse had gotten the gist in six words: multiplying demons, shadow beasts, lightning bolts.

  For fuck’s sake. If it wasn’t one thing, it was another.

  “How is she?” Obsidian asked, his concerned gaze shooting skyward before settling on his face once more.

  Eclipse paced away. “I’d like to say she’s taking all this rather well.”

  “Which part?” Obsidian chuckled. “You being an angel? You killing a human? You being her destiny?”

  “All of the above.”


  He turned to face his brother. “But she’s taking all this too well.”

  Eclipse went on to tell his brother about the vampires at the club, the pursuit once they’d left.

  “Well, Penelope didn’t seem all that surprised by the news when I told her what I was. Maybe we’re just not as inconspicuous as we’ve tried to be. Does she know who you are? To her, I mean?”

  “That I’m the male she’s destined to be with?” His attempt at a chuckle was a bit more strangled than he’d intended. “I might’ve mentioned it, but I’m sure it was overshadowed by the news that I’m also the male who can’t help her find her sister because she’s dead.”

  Obsidian winced. “Man, I’m sorry.”

  Yeah, he was, too.

  “She has visions?” Obsidian asked.

  “From what I gather, yeah. But she hasn’t relayed any of them to me. Well, nothing other than she saw herself here. With me. We’d been together a while.”

  “Well, that’s good news.”

  Eclipse hoped so.

  “Although I’d like nothing more than to grill you for more details, I know you need to get back to her.” Obsidian planted a firm hand on Eclipse’s shoulder. “If you need anything at all, we’re here for you.”

  “I know.” Eclipse turned and left, eager to get back upstairs.

  After stopping in the kitchen to give a food order, Eclipse dematerialized, taking form outside of his private quarters. He took a deep breath and opened the door, coming to a halt when he saw Orianna sitting in the leather armchair, her knees pulled up to her chest. He could hear her sobbing, and he didn’t need the ability to read minds to know what was causing her pain.

  Man, he was a real jackass. He hadn’t wanted to tell her the news about her sister, but he’d had no choice. Lying to her wasn’t an option, and the last thing he wanted was to lead her on a fool’s errand. Didn’t mean he couldn’t have found a better way to relay it, but Eclipse had never been the suave type.

  Not that he wouldn’t help her find Amber’s body. He was hoping to call in a few favors from the boys upstairs.

  Purposely making a bit more noise than necessary, Eclipse closed the door behind him.

  Orianna’s head flew up, eyes darting over to him. She wiped her cheeks as she dropped her feet to the floor.

  “I’m having food brought up,” he told her as he carefully moved closer.

  “Is everything okay with your brother?” She sniffled, wiped her eyes again.

  “It’s complicated,” he admitted.

  She studied him for a moment. “Everything seems to be these days.”

  He honestly couldn’t imagine all she’d been through in her search for her sister. Though she was the most beautiful female to have ever crossed his path, Eclipse could see the wariness in her face. There were shadows both in her eyes and below them, proving she’d had a go of it, making her look far older than her twenty-four years. He wanted nothing more than to shield her from the pain, protect her from it, to give her the life she’d deserved all along. Hell, he wished he could take it all away, let her start anew with him.

  “There’s one thing that’s not complicated,” he told her, holding out his hand and urging her to come to him.

  To his relief, she didn’t hesitate, getting to her feet and walking over. When she was near enough, he took her hand and pulled her into him. Despite the strength he’d glimpsed within her, she seemed out of sorts. Not fragile or broken but in need of something. Comfort, perhaps? It brought him tremendous pleasure to hold her, shield her from the dangers of the world, to offer her a safe haven. In fact, he was content to do nothing more than that for as long as she needed it.

  Something told him she didn’t need it as much as he’d thought.

  When Orianna tipped her head back, those cornflower-blue eyes searched his face, but he wasn’t quite sure what she was looking for. He had initially intended to spend the day comforting her, but that went out the window when he saw the flash of heat in her gaze. All hints of propriety disappeared when she reached up and removed his sunglasses.

  “I like to see your eyes,” she said softly, setting the sunglasses on the dresser behind him.

  “Why aren’t you scared of me?” he asked, not sure why he chose now to broach the subject.

  “Why should I be?”

  “I killed a male,” he said.

  “It was self-defense,” she countered. “He shot you, Eclipse. And threatened me.”

  Reasonable, fine.

  “The fact that I’m an angel,” he noted.

  Orianna exhaled heavily. “Believe it or not, I’ve met all types. Never an angel or a vampire, mind you. I guess I just haven’t seen anything that scares me yet.”

  And he prayed she never did.

  “Enough talking, Eclipse.”

  When Orianna closed the distance between them, he dropped all pretenses, cupping her face and leaning down until his mouth met hers.

  For whatever reason, Eclipse had always thought of human females as fragile. That so wasn’t the case with Orianna. There was a steely strength within her that made him believe she was strong enough to withstand anything.

  The soft moan that escaped her spurred him, had him sliding his hands down to her ass, lifting her with ease. Her legs wrapped around his waist, her arms around his neck, and Eclipse felt complete for the first time in nearly seventeen hundred years of existence.

  Without releasing her, he put one knee on the bed and eased her down beneath him, lips fused, tongues searching. When he lifted his head to look into her eyes, there were so many things he wanted to say, but Orianna cut him off with a finger pressed to his lips.

  “No talking,” she whispered. “Just make me feel, Eclipse. That’s all I need right now.”

  That was all he needed, as well.

  And as he did as she asked, all thoughts of food were forgotten.

  Long minutes passed as they worked to remove the clothing that kept their bodies separated. First his shirt, then hers. Eclipse grazed the smooth mounds of her breasts as he reached beneath her and released the catch on her bra. Orianna wasn’t shy, removing the black lace and tossing it over her head. As he stared down at her dusky-pink nipples, his cock twitched behind his zipper, the damn thing eager to be inside her. He, of course, ignored it because there was far more he wanted to explore before then.

  Cutting his gaze to her face, Eclipse took one hardened tip in his mouth, sucked gently. When her hands curled around his head, urging for more, he gave her every ounce of his attention. He sucked and licked until she was writhing beneath him, her fingers locked
in his hair, tugging roughly. He moved lower, sliding his tongue over her flat stomach, pausing to dip into her navel before continuing his trek.

  He could feel her eyes on him as he unhooked her skirt, lowered the zipper on her hip, and tugged the black fabric down. It joined the pile of clothes on the floor as he admired her smooth, pale skin against the red of his comforter. Her blond hair was spread out around her, her eyes flashing with heat, all that smooth ivory flesh available to him. With his feet on the floor, he bent at the waist as he trailed his finger up the inside of her thigh, pausing at the apex.

  “Touch me,” she urged, her eyes never leaving his face.

  Eclipse slipped his finger into her panties and tugged them to the side, revealing the glistening pink folds of her sex. A rough growl escaped him as he dipped his head low, grazing her slick heat with his tongue.

  Orianna moaned, her legs falling open as he lapped at her sweetness. She tasted exactly as he’d imagined, the perfect blend of sex and sin. It went right to his head, made that fragile grip on his control slip. Using his fangs, he ripped the delicate lace of her panties before tossing them aside and burying his face between her thighs. He plunged his tongue into her, her sexy moans and urgent pleas the music to which he feasted.

  Eclipse only stopped so he could suckle her clit, flicking the tiny bundle of nerves with his tongue until she was whimpering, her fingers once again tugging at his hair.

  He felt her pulse against his tongue seconds before she cried out his name, her body thrashing as she came apart at the seams.

  And fuck if that didn’t make him feel invincible.

  “Please … Eclipse…” Orianna jerked his hair, attempting to move him.

  He chuckled as he lifted his head and brushed his lips up her belly, gliding through the valley between her breasts. He joined her on the bed once more, holding himself over her as he licked his way into her mouth, letting her taste herself on his tongue.

  “My turn,” she said, pushing at his shoulders.


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