I Am Gamer

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I Am Gamer Page 6

by Gabriel L Rathweg

  “This is good meat it will feed many of my people and the skins will make fine clothing.” She said moving on to the next wolf, her clothing still immaculate.

  Looking down at the gore that was up to my forearms and littering my bare feet I sighed and got back to work. There was no way I was going to be better than her so might as well just do the best job I could with my current skill level.



  This skill enables the ability for basic skinning and dressing animals that are killed or rendered incapacitated. Subsequent levels will unlock different skill abilities.

  I dismissed the window with a thought and continued my work. Looking at her go it was no surprise that my skill was level one while she had to be at master level. She began on her second wolf while I continued on my first. Freak was nosing around snapping up choice bits of offal as we worked. Winston had gone back to ignoring us and was chomping down mouthful after mouthful of fresh green grass. Sighing, I refocused on my bloody task.

  By the time we were done with all five wolves, her having done four of them, a couple hours had passed and it was now late afternoon. The four of us were sitting around, in Winston’s case standing, by the small stream in the meadow. We had dragged the bodies over to the stream and finished up there. Then we began the arduous task of cleaning ourselves up, even Moon Flower had managed to get a little blood and gore on her.

  It was there, so fresh and so clean, that I noticed something that I hadn’t before. The beautiful girl had been staring at me the whole time that we were washing. At first I had taken it for payback for how I had been staring at her earlier. Than I realized that I was only wearing underwear! Not just regular underwear but a fucking Mawashi knockoff.

  Without saying a word I hightailed it over too Winston and my saddlebags. Quickly accessing the menu I found that my saddlebag was empty. Then I remembered the other side of the saddlebag had its own inventory. Pulling up the menu again I saw inside and relief flooded through me. I reached in and grabbed hold of the much needed item.


  ARMOR TYPE – Buckskin Pants

  DURABILITY – 400/400

  CLASS – Legendary

  UPGRADES – Water Proof, Flame Resistant

  WEIGHT – 2 lbs


  These are the god Coyote’s hand tooled buckskin pants made for him by an old friend the god Capa, also known as Beaver, for his personal use. These are scalable and grow with the owner’s level. Pants size to fit wearer.

  I struggled getting my wet feet into the leather and ended up doing a little dance.

  “Do… you… always… get dressed… like that?” Moon Flower asked, in between bouts of laughter.

  “Stupid pants…” I growled, ignoring my horse, cat, and beautiful voyeur.

  Still struggling with my trousers I realized the inventory window was still up so I closed it and that helped my task immensely. Finally, after much grunting and swearing my pants were completely on and my bottom was covered fully. The peals of laughter, growls, and whinnies assaulted my ears but I dutifully ignored all three and accessed my saddlebag inventory again.

  There were three things left inside. I pulled out the next item.


  ARMOR TYPE – Buckskin Vest

  DURABILITY – 350/350

  CLASS – Legendary

  UPGRADES – Water Proof, Flame Resistant

  WEIGHT – 2 lbs


  This is the god Coyote’s hand tooled buckskin vest made for him by an old friend the god Capa, also known as Beaver, for his personal use. The vest is scalable and grows with the owner’s level. Vest sizes to fit wearer.

  The vest was the same material as the pants and just as dark. Tooled smoky metal decorated the sides and on the back was a raised yin yang done in darker black on one side and lighter smoke grey on the other. The material was supple yet firm in my hands. I slipped the bow and quiver off and then shrugged into the lovely piece of leather. I accessed the bags inventory and pulled out the next item which was a matching belt.


  ARMOR TYPE – Buckskin Belt

  DURABILITY – 100/100

  CLASS – Legendary

  UPGRADES – Water Proof, Flame Resistant

  WEIGHT – 0.5 lbs


  The god Coyote’s hand tooled buckskin belt made for him by an old friend the god Capa, also known as Beaver, for his personal use. The belt has space for any weapon and will change size to accommodate said weapon. The belt is scalable and grows with the owner’s level. Belt sizes to fit wearer.

  The same material and design as the rest of my gear I wrapped the belt around my waist and cinched it tight. There were two sheathes that were the exact length of my kukri and Bowie. That was convenient Colt was really hooking me up. Once again I opened the bags menu and pulled out the final piece.


  ARMOR TYPE – Cavalry Long Boots

  DURABILITY – 350/350

  CLASS – Legendary

  UPGRADES – Water Proof, Flame Resistant

  WEIGHT – 2.5 lbs


  The god Coyote’s hand tooled leather boots won from the god Mising during a poker game. The boots are scalable and grow with the owner’s level. The boots automatically size to fit the wearer.

  The boots were amazing. Not only did they fit perfectly, like all the rest of the gear left for me, but they were the coolest looking boots I had ever seen. The inside was as soft as silk but firm like suede. The outside was black leather like my other clothes but shinier and sturdier than the vest or pants. They reminded me of a cross between cowboy boots and corsair boots. Already they were my favorite pair of shoes I had ever worn.

  I picked up my bow and quiver and placed them back on. Then I grabbed my knives and put them in their holsters. Damn I felt good! I wished I had a mirror to check myself out in then I remembered my character equipment screen and quickly pulled it up.


  Head – N/A

  Neck – N/A

  Shoulders – N/A

  Chest – Colt’s Dark Moon Leather Vest

  Back – Nanook’s Quiver of Unending Arrows

  Upper Arms – N/A

  Lower Arms – N/A

  Hands – N/A

  Waist – Colt’s Dark Moon Leather Belt

  Underwear – Colt’s Under Wraps of Comfort and Snugness

  Upper Legs – Colt’s Dark Moon Leather Trousers

  Lower Legs – Colt’s Dark Moon Leather Trousers

  Feet – Colt’s Cavalry Boots

  Fingers X 10 – N/A

  Toes X 10 – N/A

  Face – N/A

  Eyes – N/A

  Ears X 2 – N/A

  Nose X 2 – N/A


  Ranged – Nanook’s Composite Bow of Slaying

  Left Hand – Fowler

  Right Hand – Ka Bar

  My screen had been updated with the weapons and clothing that I was wearing but that wasn’t my focus. The small spinning figure in the top corner was what I was looking for. With a thought another screen appeared and my avatar enlarged taking up the whole view, similar to the fashion screen in WOW.

  Damn! I looked badass! The figure stood arms akimbo and fists on his, well my hips, while he spun around slowly. Not going to lie I may have stood there admiring myself a little too much. I was freaking gorgeous! The shock from this morning hadn’t let me really process the changes I had went through. Now, after the fight with the dire wolves and meeting Moon Flower I felt a lot more with it. Go figure, meeting a beautiful girl and almost getting eaten by giant wolves got my brain firing on all cylinders. I shook my head as I looked myself over.

  My hair once a dark brown was now jet black and longer than before, I literally h
ad a flowing ponytail that reached down to my shoulders even put up in a topknot like it was. My skin was a golden bronze so perfect that I knew people who would pay good money to be this color. My eyes had changed from normal brown to golden hued amber that seemed to change from lighter to darker as I watched.

  My changes kept going, I knew I had gotten stronger and bigger but I hadn’t realized the extent. I was a really big guy now. I mean I could probably kick the Rock’s ass handily. Even my facial features had changed a bit, my eyes were a bit more slanted and my cheekbones were higher. I definitely looked more East Asian, or even Native American if you considered the skin tone. I closed my equipment window and pulled up my character sheet.

  NAME – Lawrence ‘Law’ Wrath

  RACE – Half-Human

  ALIGNMENT – Neutral Good

  CLASS – Jack of all Trades

  EXPERIENCE – 75/100

  LEVEL – 1

  HIT POINTS – 10/10

  MAGIC POINTS – 10/10


  HEIGHT – 6’5”, WEIGHT – 275 lbs, HAIR COLOR – Black, EYE COLOR – Amber, SKIN COLOR – Bronze






  WISDOM – 1



  Familiar - Westley ‘Freak’ Wrath – Level 1 – EXP – 50/100

  Mount – Winston ‘Triumph’ Wrath – Level 1 – EXP – 25/100

  ”I was wondering if your people just ran around in their underwear all day.” Moon Flower joked as she walked up behind me startling me from my study.


  I quickly closed the window and turned to face Moon Flower. After checking myself out and now having clothes on I felt a lot more confident facing the beautiful girl, or so I thought. As soon as I turned my stomach started doing the wobbles and my mouth went dry. You can take the boy out of the nerd but not the nerd out of the boy, or something like that. Too bad my new body didn’t come with built in confidence and the ability to talk to women, guess I had to learn that on my own, thanks Colt.

  “It’s been a… ah… interesting start to my day to say the least. I don’t usually run around without clothes on.” I stammered in reply.

  “Yes, it was… distracting, not that I’m glad you got dressed.” She said, staring at me intently.

  Was she hitting on me? No way… a girl this hot? Anyway time to move on I cleared my throat and shuffled a bit awkwardly.

  “So should we take the dire wolf loot back to wherever it is you live?” I asked changing the subject.

  She kept staring at me for a little while longer until she finally looked away at the surrounding area then up at the sun before speaking.

  “It’s already late afternoon and we won’t arrive back at my village until dark. The wolves hunt better at night so it’d be safer to leave in the morning.” She said then gestured at the stream. “We should make camp here for the night this meadow and the stream in the center is a good campsite. I will begin setting up camp.”

  Grateful for the topic change and her intense gaze now focused elsewhere I blew the breath I was holding out. I couldn’t help but watch her walk away from me and back to the stream where we had been washing. I may not be able to talk to her but I could still look.

  “What can I do?” I asked her retreating form.

  “Collect firewood so we can cook some wolf for dinner.” She tossed over her shoulder.

  “Mrweor?” Freak growled questioningly.

  I nodded in the negative and he laid his head back down. I checked on Winston real quick and he seemed fine, so with a pat on his neck I headed to the tree line and began my task. I wasn’t worried about the wolves coming and attacking me. Ever since the Dire Wolf Alpha and I locked eyes I felt like I could sense if an animal was close. I didn’t know how but it just felt right. If I closed my eyes I could pinpoint where Freak, Winston, and Moon Flower were.



  Due to your enhanced preternatural senses you now subconsciously know when someone or something is a danger. You can also sense friendly creatures as well. This ability extends up to fifty feet. Subsequent levels will unlock different skill abilities and increase the skills range.

  When I opened my eyes I dismissed the prompt and grinned. I had my very own Spidey sense. A few moments later I was walking around the meadow just inside the tree line gathering wood for the fire. Every now and then I would close my eyes and experiment with my new skill. It was pretty damn useful.

  My friends and Moon Flower hadn’t moved much and I kept picking up small creatures, rabbits and squirrels mostly interspersed with a raccoon now and then, in the woods around us. Satisfied with my bundle of wood and my newly acquired skill I headed back to the newly burgeoning campsite.

  “Wow this is amazing.” I said as I approached.

  Moon Flower had been busy in the time I was away. She had dug a pit for the fire and surrounded it with stones from the stream bed. There were long flat stones set up around the pit in places and she had rolled some logs over and placed them close as benches. Freak looked up as I came close then immediately went back to dozing. House cat or tiger still the same old Freak.

  She looked back at me from her bent over position at the fire and then around at the campsite.

  “Not really, this is a pretty basic camp. I see you got plenty of wood.” She replied.

  I looked down at her statement immediately sure something was up and then relaxed as I remembered the pile of wood in my hands. Everything wasn’t sexual innuendo, besides I was five hundred years back in time. They probably didn’t even know what sexual innuendo was.

  I gently placed the firewood down next to the fire pit and took a seat on one of the log benches. Moon Flower began taking the wood and building the fire with it. I watched mesmerized by her concise movements and at how she placed each piece of wood. This had the added effect of keeping my eyes off her amazing backside, so it was kind of a win-win. I wouldn’t get caught staring and I could watch a professional build a fire.

  She placed bits of dried grass in the center bottom of the wood then pulled out her knife and a stone. She struck the knife against the rock over and over creating spark after spark until one finally caused the dried grass to start smoking. She quickly bent down even further and cupped her hands over the smoke slowly blowing on the tiny spark. I watched as the smoke began to grow and the spark turned into an ember. Soon the ember turned into a small flame. A few more moments of slowly blowing on the flame and keeping the wind from blowing it out then the dry wood began to catch. Another minute of care and then the little flame turned into a small fire.

  Moon Flower sat up slapping her hands together and nodding at the merrily burning blaze. I swallowed and shook my head. At some point during the fire building my gaze had drifted to Moon Flower’s taut backside. I honestly couldn’t believe how beautiful she was and watching her blow on the fire… It was simply one of the most erotic things I think I had ever seen. Get it together man! You are in a scary as fuck place now is not the time to get all twitter patted! At least that’s what I told myself. Luckily I had gotten my shit together before Moon Flower turned around and caught me staring at her again.

  She got up and sat down on the other log bench and we sat in companionable silence watching as the tiny fire grew in size and heat. The sun was setting and dusk was coming quickly upon us. Moon Flower had found a couple long flat granite rocks in the stream bed and now she placed them on the fire and let them heat up. After she was satisfied with the temperature she pulled out six huge wolf steaks and placed three down on each rock. Still not finished she had procured some wild plants and tore them into tiny pieces then sprinkled them over the steaks.

  In a minute the smell of delicious cooking meat was everywhere. The steaks smelled so good
I even forgot how hot my new friend was. I almost forgot everything that had happened. My mind only had eyes for the amazing cooking wolf steak. Freak took the opportunity to come over and sit by my side licking his chops all the while. Moon Flower, using her knife and hatchet, flipped each steak causing the fat and herbs from the top side to sizzle and smoke. This had the added effect of making my mouth water even more.

  “Oh man, that smells amazing.” I said.

  Moon Flower just nodded and continued her work. It had been a long day and I hadn’t realized that I was starving. At first the idea of eating wolf was disgusting. I mean it’s kind of like a dog and all but the smell. The smell was so tantalizing I couldn’t help myself and I was going to eat the shit out of these steaks. Satisfied the steaks were done Moon Flower cut them into fourths and speared a piece with her knife blowing on it to cool it down. She took a bite of the delicious looking meat and nodded satisfactorily. She pulled some pieces of leather out of a pouch on her side and pulled the makeshift cooking rocks off the fire setting one down in front of me. Then grabbing the other for herself she set it down on the other log and began to eat.

  I pulled out my kukri and followed her example. I speared a piece of meat and blew on the steaming chunk then took a bite. My whole life I have eaten at famous steakhouses, fine dining restaurants, I even considered myself a pretty damn good grill master. This dire wolf steak was the best piece of meat that I had eaten in my life. The scalding hot meat burned my mouth and the juices of the gamey meat spilled down my chin. It didn’t matter. The meat was so good I didn’t care. In a few minutes I had one of the steaks down and was already working on the second.

  “I don’t suppose you have enough for an old man?” A familiar voice called out.


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