One Desire

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One Desire Page 17

by Rice, Rachel E.

  “My apartment.” I glanced up at him with lifted eyebrows.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” I said stopping at the elevator in the old building. It did have an elevator and it was clean most times. How else could the owners justify the thousand dollars I paid each month for rent?

  “Then let’s take a walk around the village and get to know each other. I know this cozy restaurant that’s tucked away on Bleeker Street,” Andrew said.

  “OK, let’s go.” I would have agreed to anything just to get out of that sweatbox. One more minute of persuasive conversation and he would have me in his apartment. When we reached the street level, I noticed his fancy car parked. “How do you get a parking spot?”

  “I’m just lucky I guess,” he said with a satisfied smile. His eyes bright showing a mind that was thinking. It took more than luck in Manhattan. It took connections with the police and the mayor.

  I folded my arms as we walked looking into shops and bars. “Would you like a drink?”

  Maybe an ice tea.”

  “What’s a pretty bird like you doing drinking something as tame as tea?” It was at that point that I caught his accent.

  “Are you English?”

  “Why yes. I thought I had lost that accent, I’ve been here forever.” And he opened the door to the tavern and placed his hands behind my back and led me into the bar. The bar small and intimate, its tables sat only two people. Good thing it wasn’t full or it would be uncomfortable. Two older couples in their fifties were enjoying a drink. The waiter sat us facing the street. I could look out and see cars passing and people walking.

  Andrew looked at the waiter and said, “Bring us your best red wine.” When the waiter returned in less than a minute. He had two glasses and he uncorked it and let it breath. Then Andrew smelled it and took a sip and shook his head, “yes.” The waiter poured as I watched Andrew.

  “Tell me something about yourself, Tyler.”

  “Why don’t you go first,” I said feeling a bit tense and not knowing what I should tell. Well I was born in London and my father was a diplomat. My mother was my father’s secretary who made arrangements for social functions.” He looked at me. “Are you good at social functions?”

  “I’d like to think I am, but I haven’t been asked to one.”

  “Yes you have. Aren’t you invited to a graduation party?”

  My eyes opened wide. “How did you know that?”

  “I read it in the papers.”

  “Oh that,” I said sitting back in my chair. “What else did it say?” I was hoping he didn’t read the gossip columns. Too late.

  “That you were the million dollar girl,” he said with a smile. “I’m curious, how did you garner that title?”

  “Well you must have missed the headlines. It’s the talk of the town,” I said owning the title. “Someone bid a million dollars to dance with me.”

  “And that someone Brandon Charles. No one but him would make headlines with something as outrageous as that and being married too.” I think Andrew wanted me to know if I didn’t already that Brandon was married.

  “You appear to know Brandon well,” I said.

  “I should. We attended the same schools in England. Our parents traveled in the same circles.” And now they were still in the same circle this time with me. Or was it a triangle? I wondered. Triangles are a lot different than circles. With circles there are no beginnings and no endings. Without realizing it I was on my second glass of wine.

  So many wrong decisions have been made when drinks are involved. I was determined not to fall into that trap. “I think I should be going.” I stood and he stood with me. He pulled a black credit card out and handed it to the nearest waiter as he followed me to the door. “Wait.”

  I looked back, “Did I say something that was distasteful to you.”

  “No. I’m feeling drunk.”

  “You haven’t eaten.” He received his credit card as we were exiting. He held the door open for me and I walked through. I walked straight into Spencer.

  “Hi Tyler, long time no see.” Andrew stood nearby and waited until Spencer released me from the hug. I wasn’t big on hugs and Spencer knew it. He released me quickly. “You look great.” He looked Andrew up and down and then he made a mistake. Or I thought it was a mistake. But who knows with Spencer.

  “Does Brandon know you’re out on a date?”

  “Brandon isn’t my father. My father doesn’t decide who I date. Why should he know anything?” I asked shifting my eyes around trying to give Spencer the cue to get lost. Andrew was trying to be a gentleman as he watched and took it all in.

  “Excuse me, but I think you have over stepped your bounds with Tyler,” he said looking at Spencer.

  “And who are you?” Spencer demanded.”

  “I’m the man she’s dating and you should tell your boss that he needs to take care of his wife first and stop interfering in Tyler’s life.” At that moment I felt great. That serves you right Spencer, I thought.

  Spencer apologized and shook Andrew’s hand like the gentlemen I knew him to be. Andrew glanced at me. “Since I’m now your official date, let me fix you a meal.”

  Because I had one too many drinks, considering I’m not a drinker, and one is too many, and it was too hot in my apartment, I accepted.

  We strolled around the corner near my apartment where Andrew’s car waited with another ticket in the windshield. He took the ticket folded it and placed it in his slacks. Then he opened the door for me and I got in. The leather seats swallowed me when I leaned back. I thought I was in a luxurious hotel suite sitting in one of the chairs. Classical music drowned my sorrows and yearning for Brandon. The sound system and open roof was to die for. I settled back and enjoyed the ride which was way too short. Before I could think about what I was doing we were entering a garage underground. It was well lit and the cars unbelievable. “Whose cars are these?”

  Andrew turned to me with an unapologetic glance and said, “They’re mine. Come.” He stepped from the driver’s side, and I waited for him to open the door. We walked a few feet with Andrew holding my hand and we entered the elevator, and it zoomed up to the penthouse.

  I looked around strutting out of the elevator too stunned to get my footing. A casual smile broke along the lines of his mouth. He appeared to be pleased at seeing the amazement in my eyes. “I love the look on your face.”

  “Is it that telling?”

  “No, but it’s real. There is no pretense in you,” he said taking my hand and leading me into his home. I walked to see the panoramic view. Glass circled the entire apartment.

  “Can’t people see in here?”

  “You are priceless,” he said moving to the small fridge, reaching in and pulling out a bottle of wine, and glasses on the shelf, then opening the bottle of wine and pouring some for me and him. After filling my glass, he walked in the direction of the smell of seafood. When he returned he said, “I hope you like lobster. I flew in Maine lobster for you.” Why would he say for me? What did he know? He knew about the disaster at the fund raiser at the Museum of Natural History, what else did he know?

  I didn’t want to spoil another Saturday by asking too many question but I had some, but now, frankly, I didn’t care. I gave him one of my prettiest smiles considering I didn’t smile much, but after Chris hammered me about the importance of smiling even if it was fake, I found that I could, and so I did, but I wasn’t comfortable, not at all.

  “I like anything with lobster in it,” I said smiling.

  “My Chef prepared a meal for us.”

  “I thought you were going to cook.”

  “Heavens no. I don’t know where the pots are or what they look like. It would be a disaster and since I want this evening to be perfect because you are perfect,” I interrupted him.

  “Perfect? You must have me confused with someone else.”

  “You are perfect for me,” he said meeting my glance. “You have this perfect little mouth.” An
d his thumb eased around the rim of my mouth. “And that perfect oval face with those high cheekbones.” He reached for my hands and I stood. He walked around me as if choosing a Monet painting and said, “That body is just perfect. Not too small and not too…”he smiled, “You are like a little girl—impressionable.” He didn’t continue. He sat on the cream colored sectional sofa facing the sky overlooking Central Park., with me watching him—stunned.

  Chapter 28

  In a state of near drunkenness after a wonderful meal of stuffed Lobster with crabmeat, I smiled, not taking time to figure out just what he meant by his outward show of confidence, and complements, nor wondering why he said I was perfect for him. Apparently too busy taking in his perfect face and perfect body to notice that I had drank too much to feel insulted.

  I found myself thinking of Brandon. I was in love and no matter how I tried to divert my mind to someone else, he kept invading my senses. I could smell him and see him in Andrew’s eyes. Not through the color but through his eyes. When Andrew looked at me all I saw was Brandon. I know I had crossed over. You know it when all you can think about is the man of your dreams. The man that will fill your lonely nights and fill your body with his needs and your desires.

  I took time to catch my breath. At that moment I wanted to kiss Brandon but I kissed Andrew instead and surprisingly I enjoyed it. I never allowed myself to kiss another man. Who was I kidding, I had to get real and get back to reality. How much longer did I have to pine away for Brandon and hope he divorced Angela? All those thoughts ran around my mind as I returned Andrew’s heated kiss. Surprising as it may seem the only practice I had kissing occurred with Brandon. Our mouth’s fit. His lips fit mine. We sucked each other’s tongues until the heat rushed through our bodies and settled. Then there was no turning back. That’s why I believed Brandon when he said he would never marry Angela and return to me.

  I couldn’t understand how such passion between us could be forgotten so causally and so soon. At least I couldn’t forget. But my mother’s words found me, “Men are different from women when they fall in love.” She never finished that thought. I needed her now to explain to me why she said what she did.

  I returned Andrew’s kisses with the same passion he was giving them. He faced me pressing his mouth against mine sucking the tip of my tongue and then devouring my mouth with his. His breathing took hold of him and he carefully unbuttoned my blouse. And his lips met my breasts. He gently pressed his head to my breasts. I peered down on his gorgeous black curly hair. I took my hand and slid my fingers through, feeling the passion that I needed from him that I couldn’t get from Brandon anymore.

  But the haunting of Brandon stood over me like a ghost. I couldn’t function. Breathless, I reached and brought Andrew’s face to mine. “I can’t do this now.”

  He didn’t protest. He excused himself and went into another room. When he returned he had calmed down. He was so calm that I thought he had taken a pill to ease his anxiety.

  “Are you on medication?” I queried.

  “My doctor prescribed a medication for anxiety. When I drink I never take it. Nothing serious. Since we’re both a little less tense, I have a proposal for you. ” He met my gaze.

  Oh wow. I knew what that meant but I had to hear it nevertheless.

  “I was wondering whether you would move into an apartment building that I own. I don’t want to have any vacant apartments when I sell.” He never paused to let me think. “It’s imperative that I sell this building and it would be as a favor to me.”

  “You’re moving fast. I have to think about it. I can’t afford the rent.”

  “I move fast with what I want,” he said to me. My eyebrow arched. “The rent is free. You will be house sitting for about a year or two.”

  “How will I get out of my lease?”

  “Let me worry about that,” he said with a smile. “Let me worry about everything. I don’t want you to think about anything or anyone but me. I want to take all your worries away.”

  That sounded great but it wasn’t practical. However, at that moment I liked that man. I wasn’t in love with him but who knows. What was there not to love? “I’ll give you my answer tomorrow. Now I think I should go home,” I said to him.

  “You’re home if you want it?” He glanced at me.

  “I think we should get to know each other first.” This was happening too fast for me to think. I needed to be in my place with no one putting pressure on me.

  “I know everything about you that I need to know. As I said before, you are perfect. Perfect for me.”


  I convinced Andrew to drive me home. Instead of driving and looking for a parking space, he called his driver and brought me to my apartment building. After being in such luxury it was tempting to take him up on his offer. Maybe if I set ground rules. Then I could be independent of him. But who am I fooling.

  He walked me to my apartment. Kissed me on the cheek and left. I was surprised at his control. Because I had none and I felt somewhat empty that he didn’t go any further. At the height of my need I would have gone all the way with him. But now I’m glad I didn’t. One night stands just wasn’t for me, that is, until I met Brandon, and I will never make that mistake again.

  Closing the door I leaned on it. My back lying against it. I smiled. Thinking about the possibilities that lay ahead for me. Never did I fathom that I would meet three distinguish looking men whom I desired and who liked me.

  As I stayed in the same spot with my back pressed to the door, I heard the noise of shoes coming from the apartment overhead. Then the sound of spike heels making a sharp sound on the floor and then the sound of heavy breathing and screaming, “Fuck, me! Fuck me here on the floor.” After the screaming died down, I heard a thump and bump and someone rolling and breathing hard. Then the peal of endless laughter. That did it. I had instantaneously made up my mind. “I’m getting out of here,” I murmured. The uneven noise with the heavy moaning and groaning frightened the resident cat. He ran under the bed and when that didn’t provide enough refuge from the screams of sexual satisfaction, he darted for the open window and down the fire escape.

  I pound on the ceiling with a broom to get relief from the woman’s constant moans. My buzzer rang and I jumped. If it’s the neighbor, I had a few choice words for him. Furious, I threw open the door. “What are you—“

  “I came because I wanted to see you.” Oh shit. What is Brandon doing at my door again? That was another reason I plan on taking Andrew’s offer. I needed to hide from Brandon. I felt so weak around him.

  “What is it you want?” I said with a loud, harsh, cold voice. I stood close to the door shouting. “I just returned home.”

  The guy across the hall opened his door and shouted, “Stop the noise. We’re trying to sleep.” I felt embarrassed.

  “Come in. I don’t want my neighbors seeing you.”

  “I know, two men in one night might be too much for them to digest.” My hand covered my mouth. He caught me off guard with his remark, and I was furious. I was speechless. I never knew him to be cruel. Maybe it was the truth he valued more than hurting my feelings.

  “I saw you getting out of Andrew’s limo,” Brandon said. I could see his eyes and I felt weak and confused. Here I had a chance to start over and I was falling for Brandon just by looking into his eyes, which were like sapphires.

  I stood to the side and he walked into my apartment. I closed the door with my back to the door and said, “What are you doing now, stalking me?”

  “Don’t say that princess.”

  “Don’t call me a princess. I don’t want you to call me that anymore. I don’t feel like one.”

  “You will always be my princess and no one else’s,” he said walking close to me and pressing my back close to the door with his body. I tried pushing him away. But his hard body wouldn’t budge.

  “Please?” Brandon said.

  “What?” I asked. Then the sound of a woman screaming, “Fuck me. Fuck
me,” proved too stimulating. They were at it again. The last man to make love to me was Brandon and after reaching my height of arousal with Andrew, I opted for home instead. I didn’t know how much more I could take before I broke and who I would be with when this happened.

  “You need to go home,” I demanded.

  “You should come with me.”

  “You don’t make any sense?” I said peering into his eyes. He leaned in and kissed me soft, then I felt his heart beat faster and he tightened his hold on me when his tongue entered my mouth, making me hot and moist to my core.

  His hands caressing my arms. Up and down until chills broke free.

  Brandon rubbed his body into me, and I felt his hard penis, and I felt the rhythm of his blood pump strengthening it. He was out of control. I was out of control. He pulled away, “I want you to tell me what I just heard that woman say to her man, “Fuck me.” My eyes lowered.

  “Have I embarrassed you?” I shook my head yes as he held my face with his hand. “Why are you embarrassed with me? I made love to you and you made love with me. You were on your period and I enjoyed every bit of you. I have done things with you that I’ve never done with Angela.”

  “So you admit you’ve made love to her,” I said angry and pushing his chest away but not succeeding.

  “What did you want me to do? I’m a man and for God’s sake I’ve been married to her for five years. I didn’t want to be dishonest to you by sleeping with another woman but it happened.” He saw my eyes narrow and he said, “It wasn’t the same as making love to you.”

  “I will tell you that when Andrew makes love to me.” His brow furrowed and his eyes darkened.

  “Don’t do that to me, Tyler,” he warned.

  “What about what you’ve done to me?”

  “Just tell me what I can do to keep you.”

  “Nothing. If you don’t love your wife then divorce her.”

  “What do you think I’ve been trying to do? But I can’t find her. One minute she’s in Amsterdam, then Germany, then Russia. I’ve got my private detectives day and night trying to locate her.” I relaxed. He was trying. I felt calm.


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