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Blackstone Page 13

by C E Johnson

  “They will live, and again I assure you they will be proud of you. Your own father was the one who started this Stargate Council. He will cherish your name.”

  Malachi could tell Drogor was speaking the truth now. His ki was silent. A strange thought dawned on Malachi and he asked a final question. “Drogor, when will you leave Ater?”

  Drogor’s head swiveled from the valley to regard Malachi in a quick motion that reminded Malachi of a great black serpent. Drogor stared at Malachi. “Iscar will bring me across when the battle is won, and all is safe. Samil has already chosen my queen. There will be a changing of the guard.”

  Malachi could sense alarms going off from his phones on Earth. It was time to return. “Thank you for your guidance, Drogor.” He bowed to his benefactor in the manner that he had been taught before he sped away from the gates of Ater. Malachi felt a chill run through his spirit. Something isn’t right here.

  C H A P T E R 1 3


  Before the sun was up, Emily and her friends were headed to a rendezvous at Dr. Dalton’s office. Each had talked to their parents about their intentions the night before, and each left their cell phones at home in a visible position, so their location couldn’t be tracked. They also hoped to prevent their parents from worrying about a reason for unanswered calls. Whether jogging, driving, or riding bikes, they were all now approaching the front of the hospital where medical offices abutted the larger building. Emily decided to jog this morning.

  She and Xena slowed their pace as they passed the gym where Delores and her father trained. Lights were already on in the facility. Is someone inside practicing at this hour? Emily wondered.

  I hear two voices laughing, Xena revealed, letting Emily hear through her ears. Emily could barely contain her curiosity. Use a search spell for cameras, Xena advised. Make sure we aren’t seen.

  Emily cast a low-level spell searching for any video surveillance and she felt assured she wasn’t being observed. She crept up to the front window and peered through the glass. Delores and her father were sparring on a mat in the center of the facility. Emily didn’t think they would be able to see her from the inside against the darkness wrapped around her still form, and she concentrated on the events unfolding before her.

  Their red auras are strengthening, Xena whispered. The Quadmire auras flashed in Emily’s eyes and sure enough, they were becoming more formed, richer, with an interesting blood-red hue like a crimson stain. There were new tendrils of violence, ambition and rage. Emily could tell the process was accelerating.

  They’re impressed by their martial arts movements, Emily realized. With each strike, she could see a small amount of magus expelled as their offensive powers were manifesting. Remaining deathly silent, she listened to their ecstatic voices through the glass.

  “I can’t believe how strong I feel,” Delores exclaimed to her father while appearing to hang in the air as she dealt him a powerful round-house kick.

  “We’re both on fire right now,” he agreed breathlessly, knocking her to the ground with a reverse-fist attack.

  Emily could tell both were jumping and hitting harder than she had ever seen them fight. A worried and desperate sensation began to gnaw at her. I have to get to Acacia and stop or slow the transformations, she thought to herself.

  They could become a force to be reckoned with here on Earth, Xena growled, giving voice to Emily’s discomfort. Delores turned toward the window with a questioning expression on her face.

  Hush, Xena, Emily warned, instantly quieting her bondsmate through their mind-link. The gym is very close to the portal. Could our portal be stimulating the formation of their auras, catalyzing their magus?

  We’ll have to ask your father, Xena replied. They turned from the window and dashed from the gym, each lost in dismal thoughts and worries. Emily arrived in the parking lot by the cluster of doctor’s offices near Seton Medical Center with Xena loping by her side. Anna, Isabelle, Luke, and Elizabeth also appeared over the next several minutes, quietly greeting each other. Everyone’s nervous, Xena revealed, letting Emily smell their fear. They grouped around Emily in their usual formation, a protective circle, as they entered her father’s office.

  Dr. D smiled affectionately as the squad came through his door. “I can’t believe it. You’re all getting auras just as Emily said. I didn’t really think it was possible for an aura to develop here on Earth, and I thought it would take true Acacean blood to become a magician, but my theories are obviously incorrect.”

  “Why do you think it’s occurring?” Luke waited for an answer.

  “Perhaps you all had potential that’s been stimulated by your trip to Acacia,” Dr. D answered, putting out a clenched hand to give Luke a fist bump and giving everyone else a hug.

  Emily shook her head. “It’s not just the trips. Delores and her father are also forming auras, red ones, and they haven’t gone to Acacia. Her father frowned while Emily continued. “I first saw their aura yesterday when I was jogging, and again minutes ago when I went by their gym and saw the two sparring together. They’re already incorporating the use of their magus in fighting movements and attacks.”

  Dr. D looked pensive and Emily knew he was reassessing the situation. He poured himself a glass of water and offered them a drink. “Doeg and Delores live close to here; perhaps they have underlying abilities that are being stimulated by their close proximity to the portal. There could be some sort of magus-drift stimulated by our crossings.” He sighed. “The cause doesn’t really matter, but the effects will be dramatic. I’m sure this isn’t the only city undergoing changes in the citizens. Earth is going to change rapidly.”

  “What about our auras? What do you think will happen to us when we cross to Acacia?” Elizabeth asked. She seemed to be blocking out the problems on Earth. Her words were rapid, she was unable to conceal her underlying excitement.

  “When you get to Acacia I think your powers will amplify.” Dr. D spoke quietly and Emily got the feeling he was holding something back. His eyes looked out the window as the sun crept up over the horizon, climbing slowly into the sky.

  “Are you going with us on this mission?” Isabelle asked with a touch of worry in her voice. “Will you guide us through the forest?”

  Dr. D kept looking out the window as he answered. “I’m afraid I can’t go where you’ll journey. I’ll cross the portal with you and I’ll stay with you until we meet with Elaina. I’m hoping she’ll accompany you to the Dothan Forest, but at that point I’ll go in a different direction.”

  “Where?” Anna’s concern was equally evident in her one word. Her hands began flitting with her long, braided hair.

  Dr. D turned from the window to face their group. “Don’t be worried. I think you’ll be fine without me.” His voice was soft and reassuring. “The forest can be dangerous to some travelers, but I think your group will be fine. I’ve traveled there before, and I can’t imagine that the half-deads can challenge your skills.” Dr. D opened a map of Acacia and spread it on the table. He pointed at the Island of Bashan. “I’m going to try and discover the location of Iscar’s portal, and I think I can find some clues on the Island of Bashan. My mentor, Vadimas, worked with Samil on the Island.”

  “Did you ever talk to Ammolite about finding where other portals are located?” Isabelle asked Emily hopefully.

  “She didn’t know.” Emily declared. “And if the dragons don’t know where the other portals lie, they must either be deep under the ground in a cavern, or high on a mountain peak where the dragons don’t like to fly with the thin air.”

  “Thin air?” Isabelle wore a puzzled expression as she straightened the sleeve of her shirt. She was dressed in the same clothes as the rest of the group, the light spandex-type material they had worn on their last adventure, devoid of plastic or metal.

  Dr. D gestured to his glass of water. “Picture what happens when you descend into water. The deeper you go, the higher the pressure with all the other water stacked on the l
ower water. Your ears begin to hurt more as you descend. Likewise, the air near Earth’s surface has the higher air all stacked upon it, creating greater pressure by the surface. Up higher there is less oxygen and less pressure, creating what we call thin air. It’s harder for birds to gain lift within the thin air at high altitude and there’s less oxygen.”

  “I bet Iscar’s portal is well guarded.” Luke ran his fingers over the map’s surface, outlining the Dothan Forest. “Iscar has to know its value and probably has legions of warriors protecting it. Even if we find it, I bet it would be an insane battle to gain control of it.”

  Dr. D ran a finger along the stubble on his chin. “I’m sure it’s guarded well by magicians and half-deads, but if he puts too many forces around it, the portal would be easily discovered. He has to keep a balance between protection and deception, or he will tip others as to its location.” Dax appeared out of nowhere. He climbed up to Dr. D’s shoulder, and Dr. D began to pet his bondsmate.

  “What about Hadrian and Dysis? Are they coming?” Elizabeth blinked her large blue eyes at Dr. D. “I want a few more reinforcements.” She looked like she could be a model for their unique clothing. Her high cheekbones, smooth skin, and golden tresses framed her concern.

  A faint, sad smile formed as Dr. D continued stroking Dax. “I’m afraid they won’t be coming. Hadrian had planned on accompanying you, but he’s now in a lock down with his Blacksky team.”

  “Does it involve magicians?” Anna marched over to Emily’s favorite chair and sat down. She leaned forward, hanging on Dr. D’s words.

  Dr. D rubbed at his temples. “One of Hadrian’s prime operatives, who’s been with him since he started Blacksky, was killed in the Middle East. He’s trying to figure out what’s happened, but he’s not sure if the organization that killed his operative might have links to Acacia.”

  “Maybe we should wait a few days so Hadrian and Dysis can go with us.” Isabelle wrung her hands nervously. “We aren’t going to have Ammolite, Hadrian, Dysis, or you with us.” She pulled her hands apart and gestured helplessly at Dr. D.

  “Luke and Anna have plans with their families tomorrow and school restarts the next day,” Emily gave Isabelle a resigned smile. “We have to go now if we want the five of us together. I like our team … I think we can do it.” Should we really be going now, she thought to herself as indecision began to creep into her mind despite her words.

  Today is the day. Xena was at Emily’s side, pushing her head into Emily’s hand while projecting encouragement across their link.

  “You’re right.” Anna exchanged a look with Emily, and Emily gave Anna a quick nod of thanks for her support.

  Dr. D lifted his gaze to stare up at the rising sun where orange daylight began to spread its light over the still darkened earth. “Time won’t hold still,” he murmured. “We need to go.” He put away his map and led the group to the elevator by his office before anyone could voice more concerns. “I’ll leave an extra key by the portal. If we return in different groups, whoever returns first can simply put the key they use in my top desk drawer or hold it for me.”

  “We were blind-folded on our last entry to Acacia.” Luke’s warm autumn eyes glittered with excitement. “I was so worn out when we returned that I didn’t really pay attention to our path. It’s interesting to really see how this process goes down.”

  “I’ll go over the procedure again to make sure you all understand the basic mechanics.” Dr. D gave Luke a wry grin while showing everyone how to use the key in the elevator. “Straight to the subbasement.” They descended to the lowest level while the cables in the elevator gave out faint groans and shrieks, unfortunately making Emily picture Mavet raa in attack-mode. The squad exited, stepping into a large room filled with boxes and storage equipment. As the elevator door closed behind them with shuddering noises, Dr. D gestured to the dingy room, “Not the prettiest gateway.” He put a hand on Luke’s shoulder, “Hopefully you’ll all learn more magic on this trip, so you’ll all have the potential to be able to cross the portal on your own, but I recommend you only come with Emily. I’d hate for anyone else to follow you and discover our secret.”

  Their steps echoed off the hard floors. Am I doing the right thing? Emily wondered again.

  You are, Xena assured her.

  While they walked, Anna strayed a few steps away from the others who were listening intently to Dr. D’s words of wisdom to stride silently next to Emily. Anna’s brow was creased with worry lines. “What are you thinking about?” Emily asked Anna, knowing something was bothering her friend.

  “If we do block Iscar’s portal,” Anna began in a hushed voice. “There really could be trouble.” Her quiet words pierced the darkness.

  “What do you mean?” Luke asked, his voice rang out in the dark hallway. Everyone became quiet, listening to Anna.

  “I hate to worry everyone,” Anna began in a louder voice, “but if we destroy Iscar’s portal, all the magicians, half-deads and warriors he’s brought to Earth will be stranded. They’ll want to go back home, so they’ll probably start seeking other portals to return to Acacia. If Iscar’s really started to form an army on Earth, there will be a lot of unhappy campers.”

  “She’s right,” Dr. D said thoughtfully. “This portal and our knowledge of it will become extremely valuable.”

  “They’ll kill us to get the information on how to get back,” Elizabeth whispered. “Acacia is like a strong drug. They’ll have withdrawal and go crazy.”

  “We can’t let our portal be discovered.” There was steely resolve in Dr. D’s words. “Watch me closely because we have to maintain our vigil. In this area, you’ll use a spell to make sure you’re alone. He murmured, Aranea textura. She watched as a faint blue web shot from Dr. D’s eyes as he explored every crevice in the room.

  “Cool,” Isabelle squinted at Dr. D. “I can see something … I think. Like faint webs in a hue of blue.”

  “Can you all see the magic?” Emily’s heart lurched excitedly in her chest as she studied her friends’ faces.

  “Yes,” they murmured in thrilled tones. Dax sat on Dr. D’s shoulder with a contented look on his face.

  Emily quietly spoke the words of the same spell her father was using. She began to help him search the area. She exchanged a nod with her father when her scan was complete.

  I don’t smell anything, Xena added, giving Emily a faint whiff of mold, age and dust.

  Dr. D mouthed the words of a light spell and Emily followed suit, uttering the words in her mind that she had been taught so long ago, felgos fulgar. Small blue flames shot out from their index fingers like miniature bursts of fire from the mouth of a pocket-sized dragon.

  “Emily taught us that one,” Luke spoke breathlessly, “but we can only generate a tiny spark right now.”

  Emily laughed, “I predict you’ll get more than a spark soon.” She pulled out Cadux and added radiance from each end of her staff. The small, but very powerful glow expanded their vision and further illuminated the area. Unusual shadows flickered on the walls, formed from the unique light sources making the travelers look like a band of shadowy ghosts marching into the earth past old machines and janitorial supplies.

  When they reached a dead end, Isabelle rubbed her hand on the wall. “I think it’s time for a little more magic, or we won’t be going anywhere.”

  Dr. D stepped up to the wall and muttered several words while waving his hand. A door appeared. “Concealment. I’ve tried to hide the majority of the doors along this passage, but strong magicians will see traces of my magical aura if they get this close to the portal. I fear they’ll eventually discover my secrets if they explore this area, so we need to keep our enemies away from here at all costs. My access code is imprinted with a magical fingerprint, and I’ve included each of you in my mage-lock. You’ll all be allowed entrance at any time. Anyone else opening the door will be drained of a very large amount of energy that could be fatal.”

  As they descended through passag
es and the temperature began to lower, Emily couldn’t suppress a shiver.

  “Are you okay, Em?” Luke asked in a hushed voice. He took her hand in his.

  “Just a little cold,” Emily answered, “but I’m feeling better now.” She gave his hand a squeeze, gaining warmth from his touch. The air became damp, and the walls were no longer made from wood, steel and plaster, but were carved from solid stone.

  “Finally, we return to the portal.” Anna gasped as they entered the portal cavern. The structure was composed of a pale stone, smooth and unblemished. The center of the stone was the portal entrance, looking as dark as a black hole. The void was surrounded by a faint luminescence that shimmered and pulsated as it formed, with blue, violet, indigo, red, coral, gold, and white lights. The small squad stood mesmerized by the patterns and swirls of color in the alien structure.

  “It’s changing as we get closer.” Isabelle sprang forward and traced her finger on the stone, drawing her name in indigo hues. Everyone slowly advanced while studying the intricate features of the lights, appearing like a small private-fireworks show with the hues swirling and shimmering rather than exploding. The colors looked like drops of dye placed in a massive bowl of water; however, the currents of new color didn’t merge to create a new palette of color, but instead, remained individual and independent.

  “Our auras?” Elizabeth questioned with a huge smile as she reached out a finger to touch the gold hues.

  “Your colors are breathtaking,” Emily traced her own name, “like Ammolite’s scales.”

  “I could stay watching this forever,” Anna trailed her fingertips lightly over the stone, drawing circular patterns which slowly faded into the depths of other colors.

  Dr. D set down his pack. “I always get a sense of relaxation and calm when I enter this portal staging area. So much power and energy flowing here with forces that are both ancient and strong. He began to read the words carved into the structure with his eyes closed as magus rippled through the room like bands of electricity.


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