Her Billionaire Protector (Texas Ranch Romance Book 2)

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Her Billionaire Protector (Texas Ranch Romance Book 2) Page 9

by Sophia Summers

  Walking into the producer’s office was unreal; she couldn’t keep her eyes off of the walls covered with pictures of recording stars she recognized. The office was huge. A large sofa sat against the wall, and the picture window viewed all of Los Angeles valley. The producer was a rather large, older man who asked her to stand up and turn around. She felt weird about it, but they explained they needed to get an idea of how she would look on stage. She’d smiled and gone along with it.

  She went to the meeting prepared to sing some of her music but wasn’t asked to sing anything. Jessie was then ushered to the waiting room while her agent continued the meeting without her. In just a few minutes he returned, all smiles, with a contract. Jessie was thrilled to sign the eight-page document. I am 20 years old, and I have a contract with Cardinal Records! Life was sweet.

  The agent said he would take care of everything. The studio provided the band, the costumes, and the RV, as well as all the advertising. All she had to do was be ready for a summer tour. Her mind was whirling as she left the office. There was so much to think about and do. Back at the hotel, Jessie called her parents. “Mom they gave me a contract!” she yelled, running around the room and taking a flying leap onto the bed.

  “Darling, that is wonderful. Dad wants to talk.”

  She knew what was coming. “That is great Jessie, but what about your schooling?”

  “So far, Dad, it’s just summer tours.” She hoped that would calm his worries. “I can’t wait to see you. I will be home tomorrow!”

  Almost every night, while she waited to calm down after a show, she relived all that had happened these last few months. It was always hard to believe she was in the company’s RV, heading for yet another show.

  On her way home from signing the contract, Jessie’s flight had landed at the Houston airport. From there, she got a taxi to the bus station, where she purchased a ticket to her hometown on the Texas-Louisiana border. She was sitting by an open-air coffee shop, waiting for her bus, when a beautiful Australian Shepherd came running over and sat right in front of her. When she looked down at him, he put his front paw on her lap.

  “Oh my goodness, you are beautiful.” She petted the dog which only encouraged him. He rose up to try to lick her face. “Wait a minute, puppy, we only just met.” She laughed as she pushed him back down.

  Just then, a man ran up and grabbed the leash. “I am so sorry. He’s lost his manners. Chase never runs away like this.” His warm eyes met hers And did not look away. They were kind and sparkling with interest.

  Jessie looked back, searching for something but not quite finding it.

  She smiled. “I love your dog. He is so friendly.” Chase must have taken that as an invitation because he tried to get right up into her lap. “Oh my goodness, he is very friendly.”

  The man reached in to pull his dog down as Jessie was trying to help him. Their hands met. The thrill that went up her arm flustered her, and she blushed furiously. He returned some pressure on her hand, lingering there with a question in his eyes.

  After a moment he shook his head and patted his dog. “All I can say is he knows a beautiful sheila when he sees one.”

  “Sheila?” Jessie straightened her skirt.

  “Oh, sorry. Girl. A sheila is a girl. ”

  They called his bus, and he tried to pull Chase away, but that dog had put all four legs stiffly forward and was pulling backwards on his leash. “What is wrong with you?” The stranger looked back at Jessie apologetically and smiled, lifting his hand in farewell. “Come on, Chase!”

  Jessie had to laugh at the spectacle they were making. She loved the dog, and the man was not too bad either. He had neatly trimmed, dark hair that was sun-bleached in front. He looked like he worked outside his tan was so dark. Jessie couldn’t help noticing his physique under his fashionably tight shirt. And he was tall—probably 6’6”. But what most intrigued her were his beautiful, sad eyes and the open, inquiring look on his face. That look had asked her a question; it felt like the whole world had passed between them then. She had never experienced anything like it.

  When he left, she had an impulse to call him back. To say, “wait, don’t go.” But she didn’t. She’d just waved as he climbed onto his bus.

  Her bus was called. She shook her head in wonder at the whole experience and got up to leave. Was love at first sight a real thing that actually happened to people? She couldn’t explain the feelings she was having or her sorrow at seeing him leave. Now that he was gone, she felt like part of her went with him.

  Jessie was only home for a few days when her agent had called. “It’s time, Jessie. The tour begins in a week, and we need to record some songs. The RV will pick you up in two days, and we will head to Nashville.”

  When the day arrived, they all took a tour through the RV. It was impressive. Everything was brand new. She had a large bedroom with closets galore. Her mother opened one and gasped. “Jessie, look at all these beautiful costumes! Are these all for you?”

  “Yes, Mom. They’re not actually mine, they’re just to use for the shows.” The rest of the RV was a kitchen-living room combination.

  Her father sat on the large sofa and put his feet up on the coffee table. “I could get used to this.”

  She sat down beside him and hugged his arm. “I am going to miss you and our home so much while I’m gone.”

  They said their goodbyes. Her father shook hands with the driver. “Take care of my girl.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  Her parents put her dog, Patch, inside so he wouldn’t chase down the RV. She stood looking out the back window and waved goodbye. Tears fell on the windowsill, and her throat tightened as she watched her home until they turned a corner, and it was gone.

  As the driver entered the highway, she realized some of her initial excitement was gone. Leaving her family and everything familiar behind was more difficult than she thought it would be. And if she were being honest with herself, she was still affected by the explosion of emotions elicited by a complete stranger at a Houston bus station. This would make a good song. She laughed and wondered if he liked music. She had to admit, even though her dream was coming true, there was still a longing in her heart, a ridiculous yearning for a complete stranger. With a beautiful dog.

  To finish reading Her Billionaire in Hiding, CLICK HERE.

  Copyright © 2018 by Sophia Summers

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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