Twisted Steel (A Sinners Syndicate MC Novel)

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Twisted Steel (A Sinners Syndicate MC Novel) Page 4

by Derek Masters

  They were outside with the motorcycles for close to a half-hour. I wondered if it was because they were actually doing police work for that long or if they were intimidated by the fact that there were bikers inside and were trying to wait as long as possible before they had to confront them.

  Eventually, the two officers moved away from the bike and started to approach the door. They were moving slowly and looked way out of their element. I giggled to myself at the fact that these men who were supposed to protect the public looked as though they were going to piss themselves.

  “All right, boys. We know how this works by now. Stay calm and everything is gonna be fine,” Steel said to the rest of his crew, who nodded and hung onto every word he said.

  The officers opened the door and casually walked through the lobby and into the bar, where the group of bikers were waiting for them.

  “Gentlemen,” the cops said.

  “Officers,” Steel replied.

  “We’ve got some bad news. We’re gonna have to ask you to come with us,” the younger looking of the officers told Steel.

  “And why in the hell would I want to do that?”

  “Come on, man. You know the drill. We’ve got a warrant for your arrest so we’re gonna need to bring you in.”

  “A warrant? Just the one?” Steel asked, which caused the bikers to burst out in laughter.

  Was Steel a criminal? Having multiple arrest warrants seemed to be a laughing matter for him. I wondered what it was he had done. It must have been bad for the cops to come and arrest him while he’s out drinking. I wondered what kind of history he had.

  “Clint, we don’t want any trouble here. Just come with us and let’s get this taken care of,” the other officer said more matter of factly.

  “First of all, don’t call me Clint. The name on the patch is Steel and you will address me accordingly. I’ve given you nothing but respect and appreciate the same in return.”

  “You’re giving us respect? We’re giving you a lawful order and asking you to come with us and you’re giving us grief. We’re just doing our jobs and like my partner here already said, we’re not looking for any trouble.”

  “Well if that’s true, if you really don’t want any trouble, the best thing you and your partner can do right now is get out of here and pretend you never saw us.”

  “I’m afraid we can’t do that. We’ve already called this in and we’ve got all the plate numbers out front. Come on man, let’s do this the easy way and get it all sorted out. There’s no need to have to do things the hard way.”

  “The hard way? Are you threatening me? Like I said, if you don’t want any trouble, you should just leave.”

  Whether it was inexperience or just plain stupidity, I had no idea, but even I knew that pulling out your weapon at that moment was just about the dumbest thing you could do, but that didn’t stop one of the officers from doing it anyway.

  “Come with me now, Clint. Don’t make me use this,” the officer said.

  “Smith, what the fuck are you doing?” his partner asked. “Holster your fucking weapon.”

  “Fuck that, I’m sick of these fucking biker types thinking they can ride into town, do whatever the fuck they want, and have no consequences for the actions. It stops tonight. Now put your hands behind your back, Clint, because you’re coming with us.”

  I held my breathe as the already volatile situation had just turned potentially deadly.

  “All right, all right, I guess you guys win this time,” Steel told them. “But I’m pretty sure I asked you to address me by the proper name.”

  “The name on the warrant is Clint, asshole, so that’s what I’m going to call you,” the office said, growing cockier now that Steel was doing what he was told. “Now let me see your fucking hands, Clint!”

  That seemed to be the straw that broke the camel’s back. All Steel wanted was to be shown respect by the officers and while one had been as respectful as could be, the cocky son of a bitch definitely crossed a line and before he knew it, three of the bikers had drawn their weapons and had them trained directly on the cops.

  “The name is Steel, mother fucker, you think you can remember that?”

  “Yes, I’m sorry.”

  “Are you married?”


  “Got a girlfriend?”

  “Yeah, why?”

  “Because if you call me Clint one more time, I’m going to cut off your dick and mail it to her, do you understand me?”

  The officer could no longer speak because he was basically frozen in fear. Instead he just shook his head up and down in agreement.

  The tension in the air was so thick, it could almost be cut with a knife. I felt like I should try to get back to my room in case bullets started flying, but I thought that any sudden movements might only escalate the issue.

  “This could have ended much better for you boys,” Steel continued. “You could have listened and been on your way. Instead, you have to wonder how happy the trigger fingers are behind me. I’m going to give you one more chance to get the fuck out of here and drive away. If you can’t do that, I can’t be responsible for how my boys choose to handle you.”

  Slowly, the police officer put his gun back in its holster and the two cops started slowly backing away from the bikers and made their way towards the doors. The bikers never lowered their weapons, instead opting to leave them trained on the officers in case they decided to try anything.

  They had a look of panic on their face once they reached the doors. The cocky officer fell hard to the floor because his partner had opened the door before he had a chance to come in contact with it.

  Once outside, the cops turned and ran to their patrol as fast as their legs would take them. The bikers ran through the lobby and outside after the officers. They shot their guns wildly into the air as the cops slid in the gravel, covering their heads to avoid what they thought was bullets coming at them.

  Eventually, they made it to their patrol car as the bikers continued to fire their guns. The officers backed out as fast as they could, throwing up gravel as they sped off. The bikers were yelling something incoherent at the officers for flinging the rocks at their bikes, but the cop car was nothing but taillights within seconds.

  The group of bikers checked on their motorcycles before coming back inside, laughing and joking about how they should have made the cops squeal like the little piggies they are.

  Almost as if drawn to him by some sort of power, they all surrounded Steel and quieted down, waiting for his next instructions.

  “Time to go boys,” was the only thing he said, remaining incredibly calm in a situation where anyone else’s nerves would have been shot.


  Sometimes in life, we do things that simply cannot be explained. You do things that, when asked about later, you have no idea why you did them.

  I could blame it on a million different things. I could blame it on all the events with Steve. I could blame it on the need to get a little revenge. I could blame it on the fact that I was more turned on than I’d ever been in my life. Hell, I could even try to blame it on all the beers I’d been drinking because let’s be honest, combined with all the other things, it made for a very dangerous mix.

  “Everyone grab your shit and let’s get the fuck out of here,” Steele ordered the other bikers, who were running around like chickens with their heads cut off. “It’s just a matter of time before those cops come back here and you can be damn sure that they won’t be coming alone. They’ll have half the state police behind them and if they get here before we leave, I highly doubt any of us walk out of here.”

  Even though he was calm, he had a look in his eyes that showed he meant business. Running those two amateur cops off had been funny at the time, but if they returned, there would surely be real firepower behind them. The smartest thing Steel and his boys could do was get as far away from the motel as possible as quickly as they could.

  Watching the bikers scrambling to co
llect their gear was quite the thing to see. One after another, they ran out the front door and started up their bikes. Steel watched and made sure everyone was accounted for before he grabbed the bag he’d carried in and made his way to exit the building.

  Not in a million years could I have predicted what happened next.

  “You coming?” Steel asked from the door, looking me right in the eyes.

  Holy shit, did I just hear him correctly? I’d just met the man and he wanted me to come along with him? What I was supposed to say? And what exactly did he want from me? Did he just want me there so he could finish what we started whenever we got to wherever we were going? Would I just be discarded after he was done with me?

  I froze, knowing how stupid the next thing out of my mouth would sound to any normal, rational person. I wasn’t thinking straight and rational definitely wasn’t in my vocabulary at the moment.

  “Fuck yes,” I told him. “Give me 30 seconds to grab my bag out of my room.”

  “30 seconds. I’ll meet you on my bike.”

  I ran from the bar and down the hall to my room as fast as my legs would take me. Throwing my door open, I zipped up my bag, flung it over my shoulder, and ran back in the direction I’d just come from.

  The motorcycles could be heard revving up before I even made it back to the lobby and I worried that they might be about to leave without me. I was relieved when I emerged from the lobby door to see Steel right in front of me.

  He handed me a helmet as I swung my leg over the throbbing Harley.

  “Hang on tight, it’s gonna be a wild ride,” he told me, his voice barely audible over the roars coming from the bikes.

  He didn’t need to tell me twice. I was more than happy to wrap my arms around his waist as we sped off towards the highway.

  I couldn’t remember the last time I was more aroused than I was right then. I wasn’t sure if it was the warmth coming from Steel’s body, the excitement of everything that was happening, or the vibration coming up through the seat, but I was so turned on. I was sure it was a combination of all the above. Regardless of what it was, I could feel myself soaking through my panties and it was made worse every time he accelerated.

  The adrenaline running through my body was amazing. It had been so long since I’d felt so alive and I wondered what the hell I’d been doing with my life.

  I thought we’d made a clean getaway and after about thirty minutes, I’d almost forgotten that were running at all. I was just enjoying the ride. I was quickly reminded, however, when I heard the unmistakable sound of a siren behind us.

  Turning my head to look behind me, I could see that the sky in the distance was lit up with blue lights. I had no clue how far back they cops were, but I could tell they were closing in on us quickly. They definitely meant business.

  It only took a couple of minutes before I could see the police cruisers instead of the reflections of their lights. They were approaching fast and it appeared that they were on a mission.

  As far as I could tell, there wasn’t going to be any way we’d ever get out of this. They were coming after us at lightning speed and they had strength in numbers.

  I couldn’t tell how many cruisers were behind us because the lights were absolutely blinding. There were at least five or six of them, probably more. I was surprised that there wasn’t a helicopter circling overhead with as much manpower they had behind us.

  The cops behind us had to be highway patrol because we were way out of the jurisdiction of the cops these bikers chased off from the motel. The bad thing about that is they had full run of the state, which would make it damn near impossible to escape.

  Suddenly, the realization hit me. I wasn’t going to be viewed as just a passenger. The cops were going to view me as an accessory to a crime. In their eyes, I was helping a known felon attempt to escape.


  Steel showed absolutely no sign of slowing down and neither did any of the other members of his club. If we were going to be arrested that evening, they were going to make law enforcement work for it.

  It was so dark outside. I wasn’t used to any highways being pitch black, but that’s exactly what was happening here. Living in the suburbs, there are street lights every twenty-five feet or so. I wasn’t sure I’d seen any lights since we left the motel. There was also an eerie lack of traffic, almost as if everyone went to bed at dark and didn’t dare come out on the roads.

  The longer we drove, the more surprised I became that we never saw anyone in front of us. I thought for sure, they’d become tired of chasing us and try to block us off. In a worst case scenario, they could deploy spike strips, but I didn’t even want to think about that. If they did, the tires would pop and we would surely go flying off the bikes to our deaths.

  After about fifteen more minutes, I finally a couple of lights up ahead. They weren’t from buildings or anything like that. The illumination seemed to be coming from a single street light. Steel noticed it too and started signaling something to the other bikers, but I had no idea what the signals meant.

  As we got closer to the light, I began to see signs. Apparently the highway we were on split off into a couple of other highways up ahead. The bike began to slow as we approached the intersection and Steel was waving his arms wildly.

  Everyone seemed to know what he was signaling because while we went straight through the intersection, half the members of the club turned right while the other half turned left. At that point, it was obvious to me that this wasn’t the first time they’d done something like this. At the very least, it had been practiced at some point in the past.

  Grabbing on even tighter, I could have sworn that I heard Steel laugh over the loud sounds of the motorcycle. Even if I was wrong, there was no doubt that he was enjoying himself.

  At first I thought it was crazy. How could someone be having fun being chased around by the cops, but then I realized that I was enjoying myself as well. My adrenaline was pumping hard and I couldn’t remember a single time in my life that was as exhilarating as that moment. Was it crazy? Yes, but it was exciting as well.

  After a few minutes, I realized that we seemed to have lost the police who were chasing us. Since Steel rode the lead bike, it’s possible that the officers had no idea we went straight through the intersection. They may have simply seen the motorcycles turning left and right and split up to follow them. Regardless, they didn’t seem to be chasing us at the moment.

  For the first time on the ride, I began to relax a little. Sure, them not being behind us at the moment didn’t mean the trouble was over with, but at least I wasn’t in any imminent danger of being arrested or shot. Besides, nobody knew who I was and if Steel was the kind of guy I thought he was, I probably wouldn’t be around anymore by the time the cops caught up to him.

  Steel slowed the bike down and pulled onto a dark, dirt road. It looked like it was an abandoned road and I wondered if he planned on camping for the evening until the headlight began shining on a large house about a mile up the road.

  I was surprised when Steel pulled off the dirt road and into the driveway. I got the feeling that he didn’t know who owned the house, but that didn’t seem to matter. All the lights inside the house were off, but that didn’t mean nobody was home. It was very late at night and most people were sleeping at that hour.

  As we drove towards the rear of the house, an outdoor light came on, causing my heart to race with fear, thinking we’d just been busted. Fortunately, it was just a security light mounted to the side of the house. Steel froze to make sure no lights inside the house came on and when they didn’t, he turned off the bike, kicked the kickstand and jumped off the motorcycle.

  Grabbing my hand, he helped me down from my seat. When my feet hit the ground, I almost fell. My legs were shaky and I was having trouble supporting myself.

  “Whoa, be careful,” he said, grabbing hold of my arm so I didn’t go down.

  “Sorry, all this excitement must have been a bit more than I expected.”
br />   “Nobody said you had to come.”

  “I know, I just meant, the whole chase thing was exciting.”

  He looked at me like I was a creature from another planet. “You good now?”

  “Yes, I’m good,” I assured him as I regained my composure.

  As he grabbed his bag, I looked at the seat where I’d been riding and noticed that I’d left a wet spot. I was so embarrassed. Surely he had to have seen it too. God, I was so aroused.

  “So do you know who lives here?” I asked, hoping that maybe, just maybe, it was owned by friends or family. Instead of answering me, he just shook his head and started walking towards the porch, looking into each window as he passed.

  Up on the porch, he held his ear to the front door, listening for any kind of sound coming from inside the house.

  “Stand back,” he whispered before knocking the front door off it’s hinges with one big, swift kick.

  He held his finger up to his mouth, signaling me to be quiet as he stood listening for any sounds of movement in the house. The only thing we heard was the sounds of crickets outside.

  When he was confident that there was no trouble to found, he walked in like he owned the place and went room to room, checking to see if there were any incredibly deep sleepers inside the house. I remained in the living room, watching to make sure nobody pulled into the driveway.

  “This’ll do just fine for the night,” he said as he walked into the kitchen and opened the fridge, pulling out a couple of beers.

  He threw me a beer and sat down on the couch, signaling for me to come sit next to him. The night had been so wild. I felt like my name should be Bonnie and Steel was my Clyde.

  “So, I’m sure you’ve probably got a lot of fucking questions, right?”

  “I’ve got a few.”


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