The Omnibus Homo Sacer

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The Omnibus Homo Sacer Page 209

by Giorgio Agamben


  Weston, Jesse, 432

  Verschuer, Ottmar von, 119–22, 136

  “What Is Authority” (Arendt), 230

  Versnel, H. S., 84, 222–23

  What Is Metaphysics? (Heidegger), 1175

  Vetus Latina, 963–64

  What Is Philosophy? (Deleuze), 1085–86

  Veyne, Paul, 1114

  Wiesel, Elie, 780, 783–84, 820

  vicariousness, 83–85, 495–500, 647

  Wilamowitz­Möllendorf, Ulrich von, 32

  Vico, Giambattista, 265

  Wilda, Wilhelm Eduard, 88–89

  Victorinus, Marius, 514–15, 667, 691–92,

  will, the: consent for medical procedures and,

  696–97, 751, 1227–29, 1231, 1234

  129–30; constituting vs. constituted power

  Vie très horrifique du grand Gargantua

  and, 38–39; effectiveness and, 688–89;

  (Rabelais), 894–96

  ethics and, 729–30, 734, 737–38, 740–42,

  Villey, Michel, 993

  746–52; freedom of, 631–32; glory and, 571;

  violence, 1269–71; capital punishment and,

  God’s, 474–77, 479–80, 493–94, 610–11;

  69–70; civil war and, 253–64; constituting

  inappropriability and, 998–1000; Kant

  vs. constituted power and, 36–43; homo

  on, 46; power and, 422; providence and,

  sacer and, 61–63, 69–73; justice and,

  472–74, 480–82, 610–19; ressentiment and,

  29–30, 32–36; the law and, 54–57, 95–96,

  808, 827–29; of the sovereign, 25; state of

  212, 217–21, 240–42, 347–48; state of

  exception and, 169; vows and, 933–34. See

  nature and, 33–34, 37, 90–93, 95–96

  also being; ethics; life; subject, the

  viraj, the, 583–84

  William Durand, 649–50, 663–64, 704, 713,

  Virgil, 737

  716, 888, 904–5

  virtual, the, 1087, 1101, 1180–81

  William of Auvergne, 566, 904

  virtue, 723, 726–41, 901–5, 1032, 1086–87

  William of Moerbeke, 485

  The Vital Function and Internal History of Life

  William of Ockham, 467–68, 976, 978–79,

  (Binswanger), 843–45

  992–93, 998

  Vita nuova (Dante), 839

  Williams, Bernard, 285–86

  vivigalli, 907

  Wilson, Woodrow, 183

  Vocabulaire (Benveniste), 311

  Wirklichkeit, 683–89, 694–95, 698–700

  Vogt, Joseph, 1042

  witnessing, 768, 771–87, 792–95, 836–37,

  Vogüé, A. de, 667, 916, 948–49

  841–42, 857–58, 860–61, 865–66, 1239

  von Justi, J. H. G., 120–21

  Wittgenstein, Ludwig, 341, 343, 934–35,

  von Seydel, Max, 438, 459–60

  945–46, 1245–48

  vow, 888

  Wolff, Christian, 474

  vows, 919–24, 932–33

  wolf­man, 88–93

  VPs ( Versuchspersonen), 127

  Wolman, Gil J., 1022

  work (of human beings), 1029–48

  Wade, Simeon, 1114

  Works and Days (Hesiod), 30

  Walde, A., 67

  worldhood, 1063–72, 1101–12

  Waldoa, 961

  World War One. See First World War

  1322 INDEX

  writing, 947–51, 966

  1193–94, 1197, 1207–8, 1248, 1267; between

  Wundt, Wilhelm Max, 65

  immanence and transcendence, 485–89,

  Wyckaert, Maurice, 1021

  498–501, 560–64, 673–74, 794, 1121–23,

  1272–73; between law and life, 52–53, 153,

  Xenophon, 387–88

  220–21, 227–29, 234, 238, 240–42, 934,

  975–84, 1001; between life and politics, 7,

  ex­Yugoslavia, 35, 53, 144–45

  9, 12, 27–28, 75–77, 100–104, 142; between

  life and rules, 910–13, 934, 936, 941–46,

  Zachary (Pope), 458

  957–58, 968–69; between meanings of

  Zeno, 705, 708

  oikonomia, 418; between nomos and physis,

  Zevi, Sabbatai, 50

  26, 32–33; between outside and inside,

  Ziebarth, Erich, 327–29

  26, 34–36, 108–9, 148, 195–96; between

  zoē: bios and, 597, 1206–10, 1215; definition of,

  potential and act, 27, 198–99, 213–15;

  5–6; forms of life and, 973, 1203, 1221–30;

  between private and public, 7, 100–101,

  homo sacer and, 150–54; hypostasization of,

  151–52, 209, 273, 502–20, 673–74, 1021–22,

  1221–26; the Muslim and, 151; oikos and,

  1110–12, 1243, 1251; between religious and

  258–59; politics and, 5–6, 9–12; rights and,

  juridical realms, 63, 540–45; between rules

  105–12; theological promises and, 374–76.

  and exceptions, 20, 55, 240–42; between

  See also bare life; life

  sacred and profane, 63, 84–85, 568–70,

  zones of indistinction: between being and

  574–75; between self and other, 1031–48,

  praxis, 650, 701–2, 715–19, 1232–39, 1251;

  1050–55; spatiality and, 34–36; between

  between cause and effect, 481–82, 499–

  states of mourning and exception, 222–29;

  500, 612–13, 692–93, 701–2; between death

  between subject and object, 1052–55,

  and life, 82–87, 152–53, 797–98, 803–4,

  1059–60; between the subjective and ob­

  807–8, 815, 822, 850; between fact and

  jective power, 8–9; between violence and

  law, 140–47; between human and animal,

  law, 55; between virtue and office, 732–33;

  88–93, 99, 792–93, 798–800, 803–6, 812–

  between war and peace, 253–54; between

  13, 815, 841–42, 848, 850, 861–64, 866–67,

  zoē and bios, 607–8, 1046–48, 1221–30,

  1029–48, 1097–99, 1108–10, 1190–91,



  Homo Sacer: Sovereign Power and Bare Life was first published in English by Stanford University Press, English translation © 1998 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior

  University. Originally published in Italian under the title Homo sacer: Il potere sovrano e la nuda vita, © 1995 Giulio Einaudi editore s.p.a.

  State of Exception was first published in English by the University of Chicago Press, English translation © 2005 by the University of Chicago. Originally published in Italian under the title Stato di eccezione, © 2003 Bollati Boringhieri editore s.r.l., Torino. English translation published by arrangement with the University of Chicago Press.

  Stasis: Civil War as a Political Paradigm was first published in English by Stanford University Press and Edinburgh University Press in 2015, © 2015 by Giorgio Agamben. Originally published in Italian under the title Stasis: La Guerra civile come paradigma politico by Bollati Boringhieri editore s.r.l., Torino, © 2015 by Giorgio Agamben. This book was negotiated through Agnese Incisa Agenzia Letteraria, Torino. The two texts published here reproduce, with slight variations and additions, two seminars on civil war given at Princeton University in October 2001.

  The Sacrament of Language was first published in English by Stanford University Press and Polity Press, English translation © 2011 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Originally published in Italian under the title Il sacramento del linguaggio. Archeologia del giuramento, © 2008, Gius. Laterza & Figli, S.p.A. English t
ranslation published by arrangement with Gius. Laterza & Figli, S.p.A.

  The Kingdom and the Glory was first published in English by Stanford University Press, English translation © 2011 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Originally published in Italian under the title Il Regno e la Gloria. Per una genealogia teologica dell’economia e del governo. (Homo Sacer II, 2) © 2007 Giorgio Agamben.

  Opus Dei: An Archaeology of Duty was first published in English by Stanford University Press, English translation © 2013 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University.

  Originally published in Italian under the title Opus Dei. Archeologia dell’ufficio by Bollati Boringhieri editore s.r.l., Torino, © 2012 by Giorgio Agamben. This book was negotiated

  through Agnese Incisa Agenzia Letteraria, Torino.

  Remnants of Auschwitz was first published in English by Zone Books in 1999, © 1999 by Giorgio Agamben. Originally published in Italian under the title Quel che resta di Auschwitz © 1999 by Giorgio Agamben. English translation published by arrangement with Zone Books.


  1324 CREDITS

  The Highest Poverty: Monastic Rules and Form-of-Life was first published in English by Stanford University Press, English translation © 2013 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Originally published in Italian under the title Altissima povertà: Regole monastiche e forma di vita by Neri Pozza editore, Milano, © 2011 by Giorgio Agamben. This book was negotiated through Agnese Incisa Agenzia Letteraria, Torino.

  The Use of Bodies was first published in English by Stanford University Press, English translation

  © 2015 by the Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior University. Originally published in Italian in 2014 under the title L’uso dei corpi © 2014 by Neri Pozza Editore, Vicenza.

  Document Outline



  I. HOMO SACER: Sovereign Power and Bare Life Contents


  PART ONE: THE LOGIC OF SOVEREIGNTY 1. The Paradox of Sovereignty

  2. ‘Nomos Basileus’

  3. Potentiality and Law

  4. Form of Law


  PART TWO: HOMO SACER 1. Homo Sacer

  2. The Ambivalence of the Sacred

  3. Sacred Life

  4. ‘Vitae Necisque Potestas’

  5. Sovereign Body and Sacred Body

  6. The Ban and the Wolf



  2. Biopolitics and the Rights of Man

  3. Life That Does Not Deserve to Live

  4. ‘Politics, or Giving Form to the Life of a People’

  5. VP

  6. Politicizing Death

  7. The Camp as the ‘Nomos’ of the Modern




  Translator’s Note

  1. The State of Exception as a Paradigm of Government

  2. Force-of-Law

  3. Iustitium

  4. Gigantomachy Concerning a Void

  5. Feast, Mourning, Anomie

  6. Auctoritas and Potestas


  II, 2. STASIS: Civil War as a Political Paradigm Contents


  1. Stasis

  2. Leviathan and Behemoth


  II, 3. THE SACRAMENT OF LANGUAGE: An Archaeology of the Oath Contents

  Translator’s Note


  The Sacrament of Language


  II, 4. THE KINGDOM AND THE GLORY: For a Theological Genealogy of Economy and Government Contents

  Translator’s Note


  1. The Two Paradigms Threshold

  2. The Mystery of the Economy Threshold

  3. Being and Acting Threshold

  4. The Kingdom and the Government Threshold

  5. The Providential Machine Threshold

  6. Angelology and Bureaucracy Threshold

  7. The Power and the Glory Threshold

  8. The Archaeology of Glory Threshold

  Appendix: The Economy of the Moderns 1. The Law and the Miracle

  2. The Invisible Hand


  II, 5. OPUS DEI: An Archaeology of Duty Contents

  Translator’s Note


  1. Liturgy and Politics Threshold

  2. From Mystery to Effect Threshold

  3. A Genealogy of Office Threshold

  4. The Two Ontologies; or, How Duty Entered into Ethics Threshold


  III. REMNANTS OF AUSCHWITZ: The Witness and the Archive Contents


  1. The Witness

  2. The Muselmann

  3. Shame, or On the Subject

  4. The Archive and Testimony


  IV, 1. THE HIGHEST POVERTY: Monastic Rules and Form-of-Life Contents

  Translator’s Note


  PART ONE: RULE AND LIFE 1. Birth of the Rule

  2. Rule and Law

  3. Flight from the World and Constitution Threshold


  2. Orality and Writing

  3. The Rule as a Liturgical Text Threshold

  PART THREE: FORM-OF-LIFE 1. The Discovery of Life

  2. Renouncing Law

  3. Highest Poverty and Use Threshold


  IV, 2. THE USE OF BODIES Contents

  Translator’s Note

  Prefatory Note


  PART ONE: THE USE OF BODIES 1. The Human Being without Work

  2. Chresis

  3. Use and Care

  4. The Use of the World

  5. Use-of-Oneself

  6. Habitual Use

  7. The Animate Instrument and Technology

  8. The Inappropriable Intermezzo I

  PART TWO: AN ARCHEOLOGY OF ONTOLOGY 1. Ontological Apparatus

  2. Theory of Hypostases

  3. Toward a Modal Ontology Intermezzo II

  III. FORM-OF-LIFE 1. Life Divided

  2. A Life Inseparable from Its Form

  3. Living Contemplation

  4. Life Is a Form Generated by Living

  5. Toward an Ontology of Style

  6. Exile of One Alone with One Alone

  7. “That’s How We Do It”

  8. Work and Inoperativity

  9. The Myth of Er

  Epilogue: Toward a Theory of Destituent Potential


  Index A






























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