Every Little Thing: MC Romance (Bayou Devils MC Book 7)

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Every Little Thing: MC Romance (Bayou Devils MC Book 7) Page 27

by A. M. Myers

  “Huh,” I mutter, thinking it’s actually not a bad idea. “Okay.”

  “Come on. Let’s go back inside so you can pee.”

  I try to hand the test back to her. “I think it’s too soon. There’s no way I’m pregnant yet. I mean, it takes months to actually conceive.”

  “Tell that to fertile Myrtle, Juliette. Moose knocked her up right away. Besides, what does it matter if you waste one little test? I have no further use for them for the time being and I clearly have plenty,” she says, pointing to the box sitting on her passenger seat. Sucking in a breath, I look down at the test in my hand and nod as my heart kicks in my chest.


  She pumps her hand in the air before hooking her arm through mine and slamming her car door. “Let’s go… Ooh, just think how pissed Streak is going to be if you are pregnant. Man might just explode.”

  “There will be quite a few babies hanging around the club pretty soon. Streak might not be the only one getting sick of it.” I laugh as we walk back into the rec center where our meetings are held and dip into the bathroom. She shakes her head.

  “If you’re talking about Blaze, you’re dead wrong. That man loves getting to play grandpa to Ali and Storm’s kid, Mags, and I have no doubt he’ll be the same way with all the rest of them.”

  “You know,” I murmur, glancing over at her. “The club is so different than I assumed it would be when I first found out Wyatt has joined.”

  She nods. “Tell me about it. I had plenty of reasons not to trust them but they won me over and wormed their way into my heart. Bastards. Now, are you gonna take this damn test or not?”

  “Okay, okay,” I say, holding my hands up in surrender as I set my bag on the counter and step into one of the stalls. After I finish doing my business, I unlock the door and step out, my stomach rolling and my heart racing as I set the test on the counter and take a step back. Tate sets a timer on her phone and we both sigh, ready to wait for the results.

  “I think I’m gonna throw up.”

  Tate studies me. “Morning sickness or nerves?”

  “How could it be morning sickness at night?” I ask, shaking my head and she throws her head back and laughs.

  “Oh, girl… you are in for a rude awakening. Morning sickness should be called all day long, constant, you don’t get no break, good luck eating for the next nine months sickness. But maybe that’s just me because I’m having twins.”

  I nod, my mind racing with the possibility that there could be a little human growing inside my belly right now, a little perfect piece of Wyatt and me. Pressing a shaky hand over my heart, I suck in a breath.

  “Oh my God, I’m so nervous… I’ve wanted this for so long.”

  “Just one more minute,” Tate says, trying to reassure me but as the words pour out of her mouth, it feels like an eternity. What the hell am I supposed to do for another minute?

  “How did you find out you were pregnant?”

  Tate laughs. “I threw up.”

  “That’s it?” I ask, joining her in her laughter as she nods her head.

  “Yeah. I have a freaking stomach of steel so when I threw up one morning and then felt completely fine for the rest of the day, I just knew. I took a test at the clubhouse and then I whispered the news to Lincoln as we were going home on his bike.” She laughs again. “I’ve never seen that man pull over so fast and he insisted that someone with a car come pick me up. Not even the threat of the taser worked to change his mind.”

  I shake my head as a smile stretches across my face. “Y’all are something else.”

  “Yeah,” she agrees, shrugging. “But it works for us. Lincoln likes that I’m a little crazy and I love the way he mellows me out like no one else can. And that he puts up with me ‘cause you know there aren’t many men who would.”

  The timer on her phone goes off and my stomach flips as my heart jumps into my throat. I cover my eyes with my hand and shake my head.

  “Just tell me… what does it say?”

  When she doesn’t answer me right away, I open my eyes and look up. She flashes me a grin and my stomach does another flip. “Congrats, babe. You’ve got a little bun in the oven.”

  A giggle bubbles out of me and I slap my hand over my mouth as tears well up in my eyes and warmth radiates from my chest. Glancing down at my flat belly, I pull the hand away from my lips and place it on my tummy as I try to wrap my mind around the news.

  Oh my God.

  I’m pregnant.

  We’re a real family now.

  “Shit,” Tate whispers, walking over to me and wrapping her arms around me. “I’m all fucking emotional already and now you’re going to make me cry.”

  I hug her back, feeling so incredibly blessed in so many aspects of my life. Not only do I have Wyatt back but I was also welcomed back into his family and adopted by this group of bikers, who are so close and always there for each other and the one thing I know more than anything else is that this baby will be surrounded by so much love.

  “I have to go home and tell Wyatt,” I whisper, shaking my head as I pull away from her and she quickly wipes a couple tears off of her cheeks as she nods.

  “Yes, you do.” She reaches behind her and grabs the test off of the counter. “Here. Take this. Do you know how you’re going to do it?”

  I shake my head. “No… I don’t know.”

  “Luckily, I have you covered there, too. Come with me.”

  Taking my hand, she starts pulling me out of the bathroom and I swipe my purse off the counter as she drags me to the door. Once we get back outside, she takes me back to her car and pops the trunk, pulling out a little onesie and handing it to me. I unfold the tiny piece of fabric and laugh when I read the message on the front.


  Bayou Devils MC


  “I was going to tell Lincoln with that but then I was too excited to wait and now that we’re having twins, I need to get another one made so you can just have that one.”

  I smile as I stare at the words. “You should make these for all the kids. They’re freaking adorable.”

  “Flip it over,” she says, grinning and I do, shaking my head at the club’s patch printed on the back. Oh, God, Wyatt is going to love this. “Ooh, here. I also have a gift bag you can put it in.”

  “Jesus, woman.” I laugh as she pulls the bag out and takes the onesie from me to fold it and slips it into the bag. “Is there anything you don’t have in this car?”

  She shakes her head, handing me the bag. “I like to be prepared.”

  “Thank you,” I whisper, wrapping my arms around her in another hug and she holds me tight before pulling back with a sniff.

  “I swear to God, if you make me cry again…” She shakes her head. “These babies are turning me into a little baby.”

  “No, no, you’re still one badass bitch.”

  She narrows her eyes. “Don’t lie to me.”

  “Okay,” I answer with a laugh, holding my hand up as I back away from her. “I’m just going to go now. Try not to kill your husband tonight.”

  Laughing, she walks around to the driver’s side door as I walk backward to my car. “I make no promises.”

  We both slip behind the wheel and I watch her pull out of the parking lot before lowering the visor and staring at myself in the mirror as butterflies flutter through me and a huge smile stretches across my face. I can’t wait to tell Wyatt the news. He’s been acting weird again these past few days and I know the stress is getting to him again. Maybe we’ll go back to his parents’ house this weekend. It will give him a chance to relax again and we can tell them the good news about our new family member. I peek down at my stomach again and flatten my hand over my shirt.

  “Hi, sweet baby… it’s your mama….” Tears fills my eyes and I shake my head, wiping them away as I pull out of the parking lot. I can’t wipe the smile from my face and the drive back to the house passes in a daze as I think about our baby - whether h
e will look like his daddy or she’ll look like me. I think about bringing him home for the first time and teaching her to walk and talk. I imagine a little girl that has her daddy absolutely wrapped around her finger and by the time I pull into the driveway, it feels like my heart is going to explode.

  I grab the bag out of the passenger seat and slip the pregnancy test inside before climbing out and practically skipping up the front walk. Stepping into house, I scan the living room but I can’t see Wyatt.


  His truck and his bike are outside.

  “Baby?” I call.

  “Back in the bedroom.”

  Grinning, I walk down the hallway and stop just outside of the nursery Wyatt started setting it up for me before trying to wipe the smile from my face. Once I get it under control, I walk into the room.

  “Hey, baby,” he says, lying sideways across the bed as he watches a baseball game on TV and I smile. His gaze drops to the bag and he scowls. “What’s that for?”

  “It’s for you. Could you turn off the game for a second?”

  He nods, sitting up and turning the TV off before turning his full attention to me, concern all over his face. “What’s up?”

  Without a word, I hand him the bag and my hands shake like crazy as my belly does another flip. How is he going to react? I know he wants this just as badly as I do but with all the stress going on right now, I’m not sure if he’ll think it’s such a good thing. Oh, God, what if he isn’t happy? What if he says it’s not the right time? We were so excited when we started trying but so much has changed since then. He sets the bag on the bed in front of him and reaches inside, pulling out the onesie first. His brows draw together as he unfolds it and holds it up in front of his face, reading the front. A confused gaze flicks to me and he forces a smile to his face.

  “This is cute. Where did you get it?”

  “Tate gave it to me.”

  He nods, setting it down on the bed. “That’s cool. Did you tell her that we’re trying?”

  “Wyatt,” I breathe, raising my eyebrows as I stare at him, hoping he’ll get the hint. God, men are clueless. He shakes his head and I point to the bag. “There’s one more thing in there.”

  Reaching into the bag again, he pulls out the pregnancy test and his eyes widen as he stares down at it before his eyes lock with mine and his lips part. “Are you…?”

  “Yeah,” I whisper, tears welling up in my eyes as I nod my head and a huge grin spreads across his face as he jumps up and pulls me back onto the bed with him. I laugh as he plants kisses all over my face before finding his way to my lips as his hand slips into my hair. He pulls back and stares down into my eyes.

  “We’re having a baby?”

  I nod. “We’re having a baby.”

  “I love you,” he says, his voice soft and full of love as he looks up at me and the Wyatt of the past two weeks is gone. The man staring back at me is mine, the one who vowed to always be there to catch me and follow me to the ends of the earth if I ever ran again. I nudge his nose with mine and he seizes the opportunity to claim my lips once more as his hand drifts down and grabs my ass, pulling me against him. His erection presses into my hip and in an instant, heat flushes through my body. I moan, grabbing his t-shirt and trying to pull him closer as my skin tingles with need so strong that I don’t think I’ll survive. His lips slip down my neck, sending a wave of goose bumps across my skin and I whisper his name.

  “Fuck, baby,” he growls, rolling me to my back as he looms over me, the muscles in his arms popping out as he leans down to nip at my bottom lip.

  God, my husband is so fucking hot.

  Gripping his t-shirt, I start pulling it over his head and he pulls back just enough to slip it off before he leans down again and presses his lips to mine. He hooks his hands around the back of my neck and brushes his thumb over my cheek, his kiss demanding but full of love and devotion. It’s a perfect mix of the boy I first fell in love with under the oak trees and the man he is now.

  “I need you, Wyatt. Now.”

  He grins and reaches between us to unbutton my jeans. “If this is going to be what you’re like when you’re pregnant, I wholeheartedly approve.”

  “Note taken. Now, fuck me.” I am desperate for him and I’ve never gotten this turned on, this fast in my entire life. My entire body is on fire and my pussy is throbbing with need as I imagine him sinking into me. He jumps up and shoves his jeans down his legs, his cock springing free. I stare at him and lick my lips before slipping off the bed and dropping to my knees in front of him.

  “Piper,” he groans when I wrap my hand around his length and lick the tip. As I take him into my mouth, I glance up just in time to see him drop his head back and blow out a harsh breath. God, I want to watch him fall apart because of my touch, I want to see him lose it before he throws me back on the bed and fucks me, hard and fast, until I can’t walk anymore. With those thoughts swirling around in my head, I take him to the back of my throat, massaging him with my tongue before pulling back. Before I reach the tip, I suck him back into my mouth quickly and he grabs a chunk of my hair, gripping it tightly as his groan echoes around the bedroom. When I pull back this time, I suck and graze his skin with my teeth just under the head and he pulls back sharply, grabbing me and pulling me to my feet. “You’re teasing me today.”

  I arch a brow. “Why don’t you do something about it?”

  Heat flares in his eyes at the challenge and he grins as he spins me around and rips my shirt over my head. Next my bra hits the floor before he moves to my jeans and peels them down my legs. When he gets to my panties, he pulls on them until the sound of fabric ripping fills the air. He drags his lips up my neck before he places his hand against my spine and presses on my back until the top half of my body hits the mattress. Gripping my hips, he presses his cock against my entrance and applies just enough pressure to make me gasp before he pulls back.

  “Wyatt,” I whine and he laughs.

  “Not so fun when someone else does it to you, is it?”

  I try to move my hips back into him but he holds me steady and I poke my bottom lip out. “Please.”

  “Only ‘cause you said please,” he whispers, bending over me and brushing his lips over my ear. I shudder and he surges forward, piercing my core and stretching me as I grip the blanket underneath me and cry out. When he pulls back, I try to follow him and he laughs in my ear again. “You want rough tonight, babe?”

  I nod. “Yes.”

  “You sure you’ll be okay?” he asks, his voice softer than a moment ago and I realize he is worried about hurting the baby. My heart cracks wide open with my love for this incredible man and I nod. He presses a sweet kiss to my cheek before pulling back and slamming into me with a grunt of pleasure that sends a jolt of pleasure straight between my legs. Squeezing my eyes shut, I lose myself in the sensation, the drag and pull of his cock inside me, the zap of pleasure as he buries himself to the hilt and the ache when he pulls away, leaving me empty. My head swims as pressure builds in my belly and I know I’m not going to last much longer. With a firm grip on my hips, he continues his demanding pace as he presses his lips to my shoulder. A bite of pain comes next as his teeth sink into my skin and he groans, the vibrations of it making my pussy clench around him.

  “Goddamn it, Pip,” he groans, rolling his forehead across my back as his fingers tighten at my sides. “Fuck. I love you.”

  “I love you,” I cry, nodding as my body barrels toward release, every inch of my skin tingling and my heart pounding in my chest.

  “I want you to come all over my cock, baby. Remind us both who the hell you belong to.”

  I shake my head as my belly tightens and my muscles shake in anticipation. “It’s always you, Wyatt.”

  “Do it, now,” he orders, nipping at my ear and I cry out again, hands splayed out on the mattress and one slides forward like I’m reaching for my orgasm as I start falling apart beneath him. “Come for me, baby. I want to feel your tight little
pussy gripping my cock.”

  “Wyatt!” I scream as the coil tightens to the point of breaking and just when I think it’s going to snap, my release rolls through me, wave after wave of pleasure shaking my body. Wyatt groans behind me, his fingers digging into my hips as his body shudders and his release spills inside of me with another long, drawn out groan. Both of us gasp for air, dazed by the strength of it all - the sex, our connection, our love - and when he finally pulls out of me and rolls me over to my back, I smile up at him, completely sated. For the time being…

  “I love you.”

  He drops his lips to mine, kissing me like he’s desperate for something, like I might disappear at any second and my heart aches from the pain I feel rolling off of him. What is going on with him and how the hell do I help him?

  Chapter Twenty-Nine


  “Piper,” I call, pulling my gaze away from the baseball game on TV to lean back in the couch and glance down the hallway to our bedroom where Piper is getting ready for her first baby doctor appointment. She has been back there for damn near an hour, though and I don’t know what the hell she’s doing. “We’ve got to go, baby.”

  “Just a second.”

  Sighing, I shake my head. “We’re going to miss our appointment.”

  “One second, Wyatt,” she calls, a trace of irritation in her voice and I can’t help but smile. In the two days since Piper told me she was pregnant, I have become very well aquatinted with her new dramatic mood swings, random bouts of morning sickness, and insatiable sex drive but I’m not complaining about that last part one bit. Hell, I’m not complaining about any of it because I am just so damn happy that I have my wife here and that we are finally starting our family. It’s everything we have ever wanted but those dark thoughts still creep in way more than I would like since I have even more to lose now.

  My mind drifts to the phone call I got a few days ago from the hotel and I scrub my hand over my face. I have spent the last three days either following Piper all around town or watching the GPS obsessively to make sure she is not running from me. She seems good, though. But that only confuses me more. Why the hell is she making hotel reservations for a city three thousand miles away if she is so damn happy? Or is she just that good at hiding that she is falling apart? I’ve got to stop doing this, watching her every move and overthinking every damn thing or it is going to destroy us.


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