Mason (Remington Ranch Book 1) (Contemporary Western Romance)

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Mason (Remington Ranch Book 1) (Contemporary Western Romance) Page 3

by S. J. McCoy

  “You still miss her, too, don't you?”

  Annie pawed at the straw and leaned against him. The little sorrel mare had been Gina's. She was a part of so many of the memories they'd made. They'd spent so many weekends riding the ranch, checking fences, camping down by the lake. Annie and his own horse, Storm, had grazed quietly nearby so many nights while he'd made love to Gina on a blanket out under the stars. He tangled his fingers in Annie's mane, remembering the way he used to tangle them in Gina's hair. Dammit! He needed to know why she'd left like that. Why? After letting him believe that she would marry him, after telling him he was the only man she'd ever love, why had she shut him out? Why had she gone off to New York instead of coming home to start their life together? And why had she refused to talk to him all these years? Why? He'd been kidding himself that he'd accepted it. He never had. And now he had to acknowledge that he'd still been hoping. Hoping that someday, they would work it out. The realization that her dad was selling up and they'd be leaving for good had shaken him. He wasn't going to get many more chances.

  “You can't hide forever, you know.”

  He turned around at the sound of Chance's voice. “What makes you think I'm hiding?”

  “The chatter up at the house. The fact that half the town saw you kissing Gina and the rest of the town is talking about it.”

  Mason tipped his hat back and stared at his old friend. He didn't know what to say.

  “So what are you going to do about it?”

  He shrugged. “What can I do? She still won't talk to me. I still don't know why she shut me out. What should I do Chance?”

  “I'm not exactly the best one to ask advice about women, but even I know that grabbing her on the street probably wasn't the wisest move.”

  Mason blew out a sigh. “Yeah, thanks. I figured that much out already.”

  “Do you need to do anything, Mase? I mean from what I hear, she's in town for a couple of weeks. Her dad is selling up. Once she takes him to New York, that'll be the end of it. She'll never come back here and you can finally get over it and move on.”

  Mason shook his head. “I don't want there to be an end to it! The thought of her leaving and never coming back?” He slammed his hand against the wall making Annie shy away. He patted her neck and soothed her before turning back to Chance. “I haven't been able to get over her in ten years. It gets worse, not easier. If she really hates me, I need to know why. I need to know how what we had could ever turn to hate. I never did a thing to hurt her. I don't just get it. I can't let her leave for good without making her tell me what the fuck went wrong.”

  Chance shrugged. “There's your answer then.”

  Mason stared at him.

  “Get her to tell you what the fuck went wrong! Get your ass over there and get some answers. Once you know her reasons, you can do something about it or finally let it go. Let her go.”

  “I don't think I can ever let her go.”

  “I know. So stop hiding and whining and do something. I was new around here in those days, but even I could see how good the two of you were together. If there's anything left between you, you need to do something about it now. Before it really is too late.”

  Mason nodded. Chance was right.

  Mason pursed his lips when they entered the kitchen and his brothers smirked at him. His dad raised his eyebrows but said nothing. His mom smiled at him, her eyes full of concern.

  “I don't want to hear it,” he said as he took his place next to his dad.

  “I'm glad you two are finally talking,” said Shane with a grin.

  “Wasn't much talking going on from what I hear,” said Carter.

  Beau gave him a knowing look.

  “Leave it boys,” his dad silenced them all as he glared around the table. “Let's eat. We don't have to feed you anymore. I keep telling your mother we'd save a fortune if we let you fend for yourselves. But since she insists on having you for dinner let's keep it peaceful, can we?”

  Mason was grateful. He didn't want to walk away from his mother's table, but he would have to if the guys were going to keep after him. Talk turned to the ranch and soon what had happened this afternoon with Gina was forgotten. Or at least he thought it was.

  As he pushed his plate away, Shane turned to him. “Are you coming out?”


  “Yes now. There's a band tonight.”

  “Nah. I think I'll pass.” He couldn't even think about going out picking up women with Shane tonight. Not after seeing Gina. Not knowing that she was here and that he needed to see her again. Needed to talk to her. much more.

  Shane grinned. “Don't argue. Just come out.”

  As Mason started to protest, Beau shot him a meaningful look, which he didn't understand. “You know I don't agree with our littlest brother very often, but this time I say listen to him. Do as he says.”

  Mason sighed. “All right. Whatever. But I'm bringing my own truck so I can leave when I'm ready.”

  “I was about to suggest you do that,” said Shane.

  Mason stood and started to clear the dishes. His mom came and took the plate from his hands. “You go. I can take care of these.”

  “I'll give you a hand first. You shouldn't have to do them by yourself.”

  She laughed and with an expert flick of her wrist caught his dad on the back of his head with the tea towel. “Your father will help me. You boys get out and have some fun.”

  He smiled and piled out of the kitchen with his brothers and Chance. “So what's the deal?” he asked Shane. “You're not expecting me to be your wingman tonight, are you? Because I am so not up for that.”

  Beau grinned at him. “No. Our little brother is being an interfering little shit, and for once I'm impressed with him.”

  Shane grinned at Beau. “Why thank you, bro. I knew you'd learn to appreciate me someday.”

  Beau laughed. “I wouldn't go that far.”

  Mason exchanged a look with Carter. He didn't seem any wiser than Mason himself as to what they were talking about.

  “Anyone want to give me a clue?”

  “Oh. Yeah.” Shane grinned at him. “When I heard about you and Gina this afternoon, I thought you might need a little more time to talk to each other. I mean you two have a lot of years to make up for.”

  Mason scowled at him. “So?”

  “So,” said Beau. “He called old man Delaney and asked him over to Chico for a drink tonight.”

  “You did what?”

  Shane grinned. “Al and I are old buds. I thought he might like to get out for a drink. He won’t have many more chances to get over to Chico if he's going to be moving away. He was happy I invited him, too.”

  Mason stared at him. “So you want me to come out for a drink with Al?”

  Carter laughed. “Jesus, Mason! I thought I was supposed to be the dumb one. I think they're trying to get Al out of the house so you can go see Gina.”


  Chance put a hand on his shoulder. “You said you needed answers. Here's your opportunity to go get them.”

  Shane grinned at him. “I'm trying to give you the chance to go get a whole lot more than answers, Mase. Don't screw it up!”

  Mason stared around at them. This was all wrong. He was the one who looked out for the others. He helped them sort things out when they were messing up. Since when had the tables turned, making him the one who needed their help?

  “Go do it,” said Beau. “Don't look at us like that, and don't overthink it. Just go do it.”

  Mason nodded and went to his truck. They were right. He'd waited far too long to get answers from Gina. He didn't have long left. If he didn't do it soon, she'd be gone and he'd never get them. He tipped his hat at his brothers as he drove away.

  ~ ~ ~

  “At least let me drop you off?” Gina still couldn't quite get over her surprise. After they'd finished dinner, her dad had announced that he was going out this evening—to Chico! She couldn't remember the l
ast time he'd been out anywhere, let alone gone to see a band at the resort.

  “Don't worry. If I have a few, I'll get one of my buddies to drop me home later.”

  She stared at him. This was so unlike her dad. “And which buddies are you going with?”

  He grinned at her. “Just some old friends. Now quit your worrying. You have yourself a nice evening of your own. Relax, enjoy the old place while you still can. You could take one of those bubble baths you enjoy so much. And don't wait up.”

  Gina shook her head. “Whatever you say, Dad.” If he wanted a night out with some old friends, then who was she to stop him? Maybe she would do as he said, run herself a nice hot bath—try to soak away some of the tension that still gripped her since she'd seen Mason this afternoon.

  After she'd waved him off, she headed for the bathroom and set the water running. She found some bubble bath and soon the room was filled with lavender scented steam. She stripped her clothes off and dipped her toe in. Perfect! She smiled as she realized that a glass of wine to sip while she sat there would make it even more perfect. She turned off the water, slipped her T-shirt back on and padded through to the kitchen. She uncorked a bottle of merlot and poured herself a good big glass.

  She froze when she heard a knock at the door. The kitchen door! She could hardly go answer it wearing only her T-shirt. She did the only reasonable thing to do and bobbed down behind the kitchen table, hoping that whoever it was would give up and go away.

  The knock came again, louder this time. “Gina?”

  Oh, shit! It was Mason. What the hell was he doing here?

  She crouched down further, hoping he wouldn't be able to see her if he peeked through the window.

  “Gina. If you don't come out, I'm coming in!”

  Oh no! He would, too. She knew it.

  The kitchen door swung open. She'd always loved the way everyone left their doors unlocked out here—until now!

  “Gina? I know you're home!”

  She peeked out at him. Oh God. He was gorgeous! Why couldn't he have gone and gotten fat? Why did his legs have to be so muscular, his shoulders so broad? Why did everything about him have to be all rough and work worn—and sexy-as-sin?

  “Gina?” There was a trace of laughter in his voice when he spoke again. “What the fuck are you doing down there?”

  Oh, shit! He could see her! She stood up. She wasn't going to cower. She pulled herself up to her full height and was still half a foot shorter than him. “I was hiding!”

  He chuckled. He had the audacity to laugh at her? Bastard! “Why were you hiding, girl?”

  “Because I didn't want you to see me. Because I don't want to see you!” Damn him! He was looking her over and making it very clear that he liked what he saw. Her breasts tingled as he ran his gaze over them. The heat pooled between her legs as his eyes darkened. She tugged at the hem of her T-shirt, trying to pull it down, suddenly aware that it didn't cover her, that he really could see her!

  He smiled his slow, easy smile as he lifted his gaze to meet hers. “I'm happy to see you, babe. It's been too long.”

  Oh no! She was supposed to hate him, but as he took a step towards her, she wanted to run to him, throw herself back into his arms and beg him to never let go. She gathered what little sense she had left.

  “Mason, I...” He took another step closer and her resolve melted. She needed to kiss him again, to feel his arms around her. “No! Mason, no!”

  He was still smiling. “You don't mean that, do you, Gina?”

  She backed up. She couldn't let him get too close to her. If he touched her, it would be all over. He kept coming, closing the distance between them. She backed up to the cabinets and had nowhere left to go. “Mason. No.” It came out as a helpless whisper.

  He nodded as he closed his arms around her waist. “Gina. Yes,” he murmured in the moment before his lips came down on hers.

  Her arms came up around his neck, her tongue met his, and she melted against him as he devoured her mouth. How had she lived without his kisses? His hands closed around her ass crushing her against his erection. She rubbed herself against him, needing him, needing him to lay her down, to make her his again.

  He ran his hands up her sides, pushing her T-shirt up. His thumbs skimmed up over her ribcage then circled her breasts, closing in on her nipples until his rough skin was tormenting the hardened peaks. She clung to his neck, thrusting her hips against him, needing him to take her, right here, right now.

  He lifted his head and smiled at her. “My girl,” he murmured.

  That broke the spell. She pushed him away. How had she gotten so carried away? “It's been years since I was your girl, Mason. What the hell are you doing here?”

  His face clouded over. Uh-oh! He was angry. An angry Mason had always been a scary prospect. “You've always been my girl, Gina. Always will be. And why am I here? I'm here to make you tell me what the hell happened! What changed? You loved me. You were going to come back. You were going to marry me. You were weird when you left for your senior year of college, but I thought we were okay. But you just shut me out and never came home.” He pulled her to him, crushed her to his chest as he glared down at her. “I need you to tell me what the fuck changed.”

  Gina's throat went dry. She'd never told him. She'd managed to avoid him and his questions for all these years. She pulled away from him again. “It doesn't matter anymore, Mason. It ended. We ended years ago.”

  He towered above her. “Just tell me, G. If this is really it. If you're going to make your dad sell up and leave, what does it matter anymore? Just tell me the truth, babe. Put me out of my misery.”

  His misery? Ha! After the misery he'd put her through? How dare he! She walked away from him. Keeping her back to him she rested her hands on the kitchen table and stood there shaking. She could tell him a half-truth and have it be over. She took a deep breath. “Okay. The truth is...” She was not going to cry. Would not allow herself to. “I changed, Mason. The way I felt about you changed.” She wasn't about to tell him that hearing him tell Guy how little he actually cared about her had destroyed her. Wasn't about to tell him that after giving her a couple of years of happiness, he'd caused her more pain than anyone should have to suffer. “I loved you for years. But that summer I realized I hate the way you make me feel.”

  He moved so fast she didn't have time to escape him. He slid his arms around her waist and pulled her back against him. She could feel his heart thundering in his chest as his mouth came down next to her ear. “I don't believe you, Gina.” Keeping one arm around her waist he slid his hand down over her belly. His fingers found their way between her legs making her gasp. He nipped her neck, none too gently, then swiped the sting with his tongue. She whimpered as he tormented her clit and pressed his hard-on against her ass. “You always loved the way I make you feel. Even now.” He stroked his fingertips over her opening. His other hand came up to cover her breast and his mouth came down on her neck again. “You can't tell me you don't love the way I make you feel. Don't lie to me, babe.”

  She sagged against him, her head rolling back against his shoulder. Lies or truth, she was incapable of forming any words. He owned her body in the way he always had. He squeezed her nipple hard and in the same moment thrust his fingers deep inside her.

  “Mason! No,” she begged.

  “Yes, babe,” he murmured against her neck. His fingers slid in and out, carrying her towards the precipice, he twisted her nipple between his fingertips as he moved his hips against her ass. She was lost. He knew her body better than she did herself. She moved her own hips in time with him. Suddenly he stopped and spun her around. Laying her back on the table he spread her legs wide and covered her body with his own. Damn him! He felt so good! Her arms and legs came up around him as he thrust his denim covered cock between her legs. He slid an arm under her waist and held her to him as their hips found the rhythm neither had forgotten. They moved as one, mouths and bodies locked together. Gina was helpless. All the
se years she'd dreamed of this, believed that never again would she feel him like this and here he was. He was…the tension was building low in her belly, all her muscles tensed in anticipation. He was thrusting hard and she was going to… “Yes! Mason! Yes!” She arched up underneath him as her orgasm tore through her. He ground his hips into her, working her for everything she had until she finally lay still. She clung to him, her face buried in his shoulder. What had she done?

  He cupped her face between his big hands and smiled down at her. “See, that's more like it, G. Now we can talk.”

  She hated the traitorous tear that welled up and rolled down her face. She hated the sadness in his eyes as he wiped it away with his thumb.

  “Talk to me.”

  She shook her head and pushed him off her, struggling to stand up. “I told you. There's nothing left to talk about. Just go, Mason. Please go.”

  “I'm not going anywhere until you talk to me.” He pulled out a chair and sat at the table.

  He was such an obstinate bastard! “I told you. I don't want to talk to you. I want you to leave.”

  “Well, I don't want to leave.” He looked down at the front of his pants. Gina was mortified to see the wet marks she'd left on him. He looked up at her with that infuriatingly sexy smile of his. “I’ll restrain myself while you figure it out. But give me one good reason why I shouldn't undo this zipper and try that again. No restraint.” His hands were on his buckle and her throat went dry.

  He was so smug! He knew what he did to her. And he knew that if he did get out of his pants she'd be all over him. She wouldn't even try to stop him. Hell, she was on the verge of unzipping him herself! She had to stop. “I'm getting married. I'd say that's reason enough!”

  She'd never seen so much pain and anger mixed together. He rose from his chair and towered above her. He searched her face and, apparently seeing the truth of her words there, he turned and walked away. He stopped and turned back when he reached the door. “I feel sorry for the poor bastard!”


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