Hushed Torment (Iron Fury MC Book 2)

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Hushed Torment (Iron Fury MC Book 2) Page 15

by Bella Jewel

  She’s utterly fucking perfect.

  “I told you once, and I’ll tell you again,” I say to her. “I am going to spend the rest of my life hearing that laugh, and that starts today. You clear with me, Amalie? There is no room for anyone else.”

  Her lips part, and then she smiles.

  Fucking big.

  Fucking beautiful.

  And that’s all the answer I need.



  “I’m so nervous,” I tell Scarlett as the band and us set up the stage for the fair that starts tomorrow.

  “Don’t be,” she says to me, smiling. “It’ll be fun, and the distraction we all need.”

  “I know, but I’ve never sung in front of a crowd before.”

  “You’re not singing much. Don’t panic. You’re amazing, Amalie. Seriously. Don’t sweat it. Just focus on your piano, and me, and don’t worry about the rest of them.”

  I nod, but the butterflies are already swirling around in my stomach. I’m full of anxiety for the shows over the next few nights, but I’m also really excited. I’ve missed playing since we came home from being on tour. Scarlett enjoys her time out, because she doesn’t get bombarded twenty-four hours a day, she just gets to live her normal life, but I miss the excitement of being on the road, playing for massive crowds of people.

  I take hold of the piano and start running all the wires across the ground. I bump into Isaac at the back and flush, muttering a sorry. He straightens and smiles at me. “It’s okay, no problem. How are you feeling about the show?”

  “Nervous,” I admit.

  “You’ll do great, I’ve been watching you play in the studio. You have a gift most of us don’t possess.”

  I smile at him. He’s such a nice guy. “Thank you.”

  “Listen,” he says, reaching up and rubbing the back of his neck, like he’s suddenly nervous. “I’m not sure where you’re at, or if you’re seeing that biker or not, but I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go to the movies with me?”

  Oh, no.

  Scarlett was right. He likes me.

  And I have to tell him I’m in love with that biker he just mentioned, and I already feel terrible for having to do that. He’s a good guy, great looking, and would make any woman feel like she’s incredibly lucky, but unfortunately that woman isn’t me. Still, one thing I hate the absolute worst in the world is letting people down. I hate the look of disappointment, or embarrassment on their faces.

  It takes a lot of courage to ask someone out.

  How do I let him down gently?

  “Isaac,” I say carefully, kindly. “I’d love to go to the movies with you, but it can only be as friends. I am seeing Malakai now, and I’m really happy. I’m so sorry. I’d love to be friends, though, if you’re interested?”

  He stares at me, then smiles. He’s a really good guy. “Yeah, I could use a friend. And I’m happy for you, Amalie. You deserve to be smiling all the time. If he makes you happy then I’m thrilled for you.”

  My smile gets bigger. “Well, I’m glad, because I could use a friend too.”

  He winks at me. “Friends it is.”


  He gives me a thumbs up and walks off, and I exhale, fingers shaking as I continue running the wires. A tap on my shoulder has me spinning around, to see Scarlett looking down at me, grinning like a Cheshire cat. She doesn’t miss a trick. I give her a stern look. “Do not even, Scarlett Belle.”

  “So many men after little Amalie’s heart ....”

  I laugh. “You’re terrible. He’s a really nice guy.”

  “I agree, he’s a super guy. Did you let him down gently?”

  I roll my eyes and stare at her. “We both know that you heard the whole conversation, big ears, so don’t act like you didn’t.”

  She grins, and it makes her so breathtakingly beautiful. “Friends, hey? That’ll go down well with Malakai.”

  I frown. “Malakai won’t care if I have friends.”

  “He’ll care if those friends have penises.”

  I gape at her, and she laughs, throwing her head back, blond curls bouncing around her shoulders. When she looks back at me, her eyes are dancing. “You haven’t figured out the bikers yet, have you?”

  “I’m starting to think that’s a no,” I mutter.

  “They’re possessive. It’s sexy. Scary. But nice. Malakai, by the looks, isn’t any different.”


  A possessive, scary biker.

  “Don’t worry.” She smiles at me. “It’s a really good feeling to know you’re so deeply loved.”

  She’s right about that.

  Another tap on my shoulder has me turning back around to see Isaac behind me again. “There’s a girl here, and she asked if she could talk with you. Her name is Penelope.”


  I nod, smiling at Scarlett. “I’ll be back soon.”

  Then I look to Isaac. “Where is she?”

  “By the side steps.”

  I nod and walk out of the stage area and down to the side steps where Penny is standing, her eyes on the group of bikers in a circle on the grass below the stage, talking about something. Malakai’s eyes swing over the moment he sees me, and then they move to Penny. I nod at him, letting him know it’s fine. He gives me an intense, sexy look, and then turns back to the conversation.

  “Penny,” I say, stopping in front of her. “What are you doing here?”

  “Would you mind if we had a chat?”

  I shake my head. “Of course not. Is everything okay? Is it Caiden?”

  “He’s okay,” she tells me. “It’s about him, but nothing has happened, so you know.”

  I nod, and we both sit on the steps. I face her, so I can see her clearly. She looks nervous. She’s quiet, but not so much shy. She is a girl of very few words, but you can tell from the moment you meet her, that she has a big heart. A soft heart. She’s sweet. I like her a lot, even after the few small interactions I’ve had.

  “I just wanted to let you know that I no longer work for Caiden.”

  “You don’t?” I ask her, eyes wide. “Did he do something? Are you okay?”

  She smiles, and it lights up her whole face. She’s beautiful. In the girl next door kind of way. “I guess you could say that. I have overheard a few of your conversations now, and a few of his, and after I saw that article he let out to the public about you, I knew I just couldn’t allow it to continue. It was unfair and cruel. He lied, and one thing I can’t stand is a liar.”

  I take it back, Penny has more backbone then I first thought.

  “So, I sat down with him one day, and I had my phone on record. I confronted him about it, and asked why he’d ever lie like that about you. It took a while, but he finally snapped and told me he didn’t like that you could move on with your life and he couldn’t. He was nasty about it. When he was done, I stood up and played the recording back. Then I told him if he doesn’t put a story out saying he lied and why he lied, then I would send this to every single journalist I could find and ensure it was published.”

  Oh, my god.

  Penny. Beautiful Penny.

  “You did that for me?” I whisper, my heart clenched with such awe, and such gratitude.

  “You came over every day, even when he abused you, even when his family abused you. He had no right to drag your name down like that. Nobody should ever have to put up with something like that. You didn’t deserve it. I really liked you, and I knew I had to do something.”

  My heart feels like it’s going to explode.

  Just launch out of my chest and shatter at her beauty.

  “Penny,” I whisper. “I honestly don’t know what to say.”

  “He’s going to retract what he said. The article should be out in the next few days.”

  Oh, God.

  My eyes well up with tears.

  “I owe you so much, thank you, Penny.”

  “You don’t owe me anything.” She smile
s. “But, I do hope maybe we can be friends?”

  I lunge forward and hug her, laughing. “Of course we can!”

  She hugs me back and I pull away, smiling. “Thank you, honestly, that article hurt me so badly.”

  She beams. “You’re welcome.”

  I see Malakai approaching us with Maverick and Boston. They stop when they reach us, and Malakai looks to Penny. “I just heard what you did for my girl,” he tells her and extends his hand. She stares at it for a moment, her eyes wide, and then she flushes a deep shade of pink and puts her hand in his. “Thank you,” he says.

  She looks to me nervously, then back to him. “That’s okay.”

  “What’s your name, darlin’?” he asks her, still holding her hand.

  She looks like she’s about to combust. I can’t say I blame her. I remember the first time I met the bikers, too. There is an intensity about them that makes your heart screech to a stop. They’re terrifying, like an endangered animal you’re seeing for the first time. Mysterious, a little scary, a whole lot dangerous.


  “Well, Penelope, you’re welcome around any time you want.”

  She smiles, and glances at Maverick and Boston, then she looks back to Malakai. “Thank you.”

  He releases her hand, and looks at me. “All good, baby?”



  That makes me heart feel like it’s going to explode out of my chest.

  “All good.” I smile shyly.

  “Penelope,” Malakai says, “these are my boys, Maverick and Boston. You see any of us around, don’t be scared say hi.”

  Penny waves at the two men, and her eyes lock with Boston’s. He stares at her, face expressionless, but his eyes are locked on hers and don’t look like they’re going anywhere anytime soon. I smile, because that was exactly how Malakai looked at me the first time we met. Boston is a dark horse, a mysterious man with a past that he keeps tightly locked up. He could probably use a woman like Penny.

  Blushing, Penny looks back at me. “I should get going, I have to go out and find another job now.”

  “Oh, no,” I say, losing my smile. “You lost your job because of me.”

  “It was worth it.” She smiles, squeezing my hand.

  “What do you do?” Malakai asks her.

  “I’m a carer.”

  “Might have something for you,” Boston says, and I only caught it because I was glancing at him, loving the way he is looking at her. “Got a sister that just lost a carer. Lookin’ for another one. You interested?”

  I look to Penny, and she’s staring at Boston, cheeks still red. “Ah, yes, I would be.”

  “Give you my number, you can send me all your qualifications. Need someone ASAP, if you check out, happy to give you a job.”

  Penny looks like she’s about to explode, with what I don’t know. Nerves, happiness, horror? Either way, she slowly nods and with shaky fingers, pulls out her phone. Maverick is grinning at the exchange, and quickly steps past us and walks up the stairs to find Scarlett. I step next to Malakai and he hooks an arm around my waist, pulling me close to him. I snuggle in, loving how incredible it feels to tuck myself against him.


  Once Penny has given Boston her number, he tells her he’ll text through what he needs, and then he’s gone. Like the dark horse he is, he just disappears into the crowd, leaving Penny watching him go, her face red, her phone still in her hand, just resting there. She finally turns and looks to Malakai and me. “I better get going.”

  “Here,” I say, detaching myself from Malakai and pulling out my phone, “let’s swap numbers so we can keep in touch.”

  Penny smiles, and reads me her number. I save it in my phone and then send her a text. Once we’re done, she tucks her phone away. “I’ll chat later?”

  “Sounds great. Bye, Penny.”

  “Later,” Malakai murmurs.

  “Bye.” She smiles, waving at us both.


  I just made a new friend.



  “Any word?” I ask Koda as we weave through the crowd to get to the back gates of the fair where the portable dressing rooms for Scarlett and Amalie are.

  We’re cleared by security all around the fair, much to the event creator’s dismay. They didn’t want us anywhere near it, thinking we’d scare everyone off with our presence. Susan threatened them and told them if we couldn’t be there then she’d pull Scarlett and they’d have to explain to everyone coming why they couldn’t see her.

  Because let’s face it, half the reason people are here is to see Scarlett. They tripled their ticket sales overnight when they announced the surprise act.

  Yeah, they aren’t getting rid of us any time soon.

  “Nothin’,” Koda tells me as we enter the quieter back area.

  I glare at a few of the carnies, setting up rides, and they glare right back. I don’t like Amalie and Scarlett being anywhere near those sketchy fuckers but I don’t get much choice. Better here, then out there. Especially with Trey on the loose. And he is out there, watching, waiting. Chances are he’ll probably have eyes all around this fair, hence why he need to keep our eyes peeled.

  “Think she’s still alive?” I ask him, stopping and facing him.

  “Fuckin’ hope so. Girl doesn’t deserve to die for us, man.”

  “No, she doesn’t. You think if Trey took her, he’d have let us know by now.”

  Koda shakes his head. “Not necessarily, he might be waitin’ for a good time, or he might be enjoyin’ watchin’ us sweat knowin’ someone has got her, and not knowin’ who that someone is. He’s playin’ with fire, and he’s aimin’ that shit right at us.”

  “We’ll find him, he’ll slip up. The fucker can’t be smart forever.”

  “Wherever Scarlett found this prick, wish she had left him there,” Koda mutters then pulls out his phone. “Waitin’ for a call, trackin’ information on Charlie. Tryin’ to find out who she’s hidin’ from, who is after her. Might give us another lead if it isn’t Trey who has her. Offered her our protection, I’m goin’ to make sure we follow through with that.”

  “You like her?” I grin at him, feral and teasing.

  His face hardens and he growls, “Don’t give a fuck about her. I do give a fuck about innocent people goin’ down for shit they didn’t do. Someone is after her, could see it in her eyes. I’m goin’ to find out if she has good reason for someone to be after her. If she doesn’t, I’ll make that someone go away.”

  “One day you’ll tell me why you got such an obsession with that,” I mutter, “but today ain’t that day. Goin’ to find Amalie, their show starts in half an hour. Go around, make sure everyone is set and watchin’. Don’t want anythin’ happenin’ to those girls out there tonight.”

  “On it,” Koda says, voice closed off. Any mention of his past, even a hint, and he shuts down. He clams up. He puts his wall up.

  Whatever happened to him, it fucked something inside him.

  I watch him go and then turn and walk toward Amalie’s dressing room. Scarlett has her own, and the rest take turns in the other. Amalie is the only female in the band, so the men are all hovering outside, smoking and laughing. Fuckers better not walk in there while my girl is getting changed or they’ll soon forget how it feels to have a penis.

  I walk up to security standing outside the door, and say in a “don’t fuck with me” tone. “Amalie in there? If so, open the door.”

  The man standing at the bottom of the two small steps leading in glares at me. He doesn’t like me as much as the organizers, but he too doesn’t get a choice.

  “She’s getting hair and makeup,” he tells me, not moving.

  “And I’m goin’ in. You either move, or trust me, I’ll fuckin’ make you move.”

  With a low growl, he steps aside. He won’t have a job if he argues with me, and he’ll have a sore fucking face because I’ll put my fist against it. I stomp up the t
wo stairs and open the door, stepping into the small trailer. There is a man and woman standing around Amalie, doing her hair and puffing on her make up.

  My breath fucking stops.

  She looks incredible.

  Dark hair curled down around her back, face made up like a fucking doll, her soft features only pronounced with the makeup. She’s wearing, from what I can see, a silver dress that looks way too fucking short for my liking. Her eyes meet mine in the mirror, and her cheeks get that beautiful shade of pink I love so fucking much.

  “Nearly done?” I growl.

  Because I’m going to fuck her before she goes on that stage. I’m going to make sure the burn of me is between her legs as all the other men stare up at her, wishing she was theirs. Yeah, I’ll make sure I’m on her mind every single second she’s away from me.

  “We’re finished here,” the woman says, closing her makeup kit and turning, glancing at me.

  She looks me up and down, and grins. “Lucky girl.” Then she’s gone.

  The man does a few more things to Amalie’s hair, and then turns, gathers his things, and leaves without another word. Amalie stands, turning toward me, and I let my eyes fall on that dress that is hugging her way too tightly, dipping into her curves, curling around her ass. Fuck me. She looks too good for me to let her walk out of this room without my hands going on her.

  “Come here,” I tell her, crooking my finger.

  “You can’t ruin my hair and makeup, Malakai,” she whispers, smiling. “It took a lot of work to make me this beautiful.”

  “Took fuck-all work, and I won’t touch your face, or your hair, but I am goin’ to put my cock in you, deep and hard, so you’re thinkin’ of me every second you’re out on that stage. Now come here.”

  Her cheeks heat and she walks toward me. Innocent she may be, but Amalie has a side to her that enjoys the darker parts of life. She squirms when I tell her what to do, and she likes the bad side to me. When I let it show, just a little, her face changes and her eyes get lusty. Fucking beautiful.

  When she reaches me, I step forward, curling my hand around her ass and cupping it hard, bringing her body up against mine. “This is mine, you hear me?”


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