Night Shadows

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Night Shadows Page 8

by Billiejo Priestley

  “Aileen. That will be the name on my original birth certificate so that’s what we’ll go with. I’m going to cook, are you eating?”

  He nods and then changes his mind, shaking his head. He can’t stay hidden.

  “I will, but I need to go out and see Gwenael and Azriel. Don’t open the door to anyone, Aileen. I mean it.” She nods, watching as he disappears down the street. He stops at the end, his head resting against the wall. He can’t hide what happened from the others; they will sense everything. Walking to the trees he disappears into them, deciding against shifting; at least that way he gets time to explain. He opens the wooden door to the small cottage, Gwenael and Azriel looking up at him.

  “We thought you were dead! Where the hell did you go, Cayson? We were searching for days.” Gwenael stares at him expectantly.

  “I chased after the guy while you tracked down his friend. He had her an inch from death, it took her three days to wake.” He couldn’t just leave her to die.

  “Right, and today is day four, so what have you been doing for the last twenty-four hours?”

  Cayson shakes his head, grabbing a drink before he sits down.

  “I told her everything. Understandably, she freaked out, so I took her to see Camille, who saw more things and told her that her real name is Aileen. Anyway, we got back home after Camille confirmed Olivia is blocking herself by not accepting her true identity. She fell asleep, and something in her head snapped and changed. She remembers all the stories, the images, everything her parents hid from her. She’s accepted it. She’s accepted that she’s Aileen.”

  “So now, you stay away, Cayson. Yasmine died because you were so close to her, is that what you want for Aileen, as well? She is the last of the bloodline and you being near her makes her more of a target.”

  Cayson’s mouth goes to open, Azriel stopping him.

  “Oh, he’s already fallen, Gwen, look at his face. He gave up fighting her off and gave in. Hell, he hasn’t even buttoned his shirt up properly.” Cayson’s eyes drop to his shirt, his hand moving to fix the buttons.

  “So you just made yourself her guardian, no other werewolf can watch over her now. How the hell will that work?” Gwenael shakes his head in disbelief.

  “It was a mistake, one she agreed with. Her head, the emotions, and the fact her powers came to the surface; it drew me in and I couldn’t take a step back.” He can use that as an excuse. Sure, her strength was the reason he gave in and didn’t stop it happening, yet, he knows he didn’t want to stop it himself either. He had wanted it too, even if now he regrets it.

  “We all know it doesn’t work that way. Part of you at that moment wanted her. The powers spilling out to you only intensified the emotions and feelings, so I think it is clear now that you need to guard her. Make sure she survives long enough to harness the energies and build her strength from the powers she has.”

  Cayson laughs. He doesn’t take orders; he never has and never will. “And if I refuse? If I say I don’t want to and I just get one of you lot to watch over her?” If he is away from her, it can’t happen again, and then there is less risk of her getting hurt. Because whoever watches over her won’t be so glued to her, so they won’t miss signs like he’s afraid he will.

  “No. You may be the leader, Cayson, but that isn’t happening. The rules are simple: if you make a connection like that, no other werewolf can take over and be their guardian. We know how that ends when the second werewolf falls for the woman, and they sleep together. Jealousy and war among our own kind for a woman? It’s ridiculous.”

  Cayson nods, he knows the rules. He knows that if any of them connect with anyone that way, they are forever their guardian and no other werewolf can take over. Sure, they can step in when needed, but staying with the person is off-limits. There’s too much of a risk they’ll make a connection and kiss, and then it would create a war between two werewolves and everyone would be forced to choose a side.

  “Fine. I just thought if I was away from her she’d have more of a chance of surviving.” It’s true, she would. His mind replays Yasmine back to him. He had thought she was strong enough to protect herself, but it had turned out she wasn’t.

  “Well, you concentrate on her during late hours. Update us during the day, there’s a reason her parents didn’t kill her like the rest. We need to know why. They knew where she was, who she was with.”

  Cayson nods, stops at the door as he leaves. He doesn’t want this burden, he doesn’t want to be the one to watch over her and ensure she survives, or that she accepts she is a witch.

  His mistake is clear right now; he should never have gone near her. He should have told someone else to guard her when he thought she was in trouble instead of running to her every chance he got.

  He walks back, his mind considering everything; every outcome and every possibility, as he feels himself giving in even more than before.


  Aileen opens the front door, her mouth stretching into a gentle smile when she sees it’s Cayson again. Her face flushes as she remembers what had happened earlier that day. She lets him in, shutting the door behind him and watching as he wanders in the direction of the kitchen.

  “Food is in the oven, I already ate.”

  He nods, glancing at her. If he’ here, things will change. Everything will change, and he will fall for her over and over, so why doesn’t he just accept it? Stop fighting it and just go with it and hope for the best?

  “Oh, screw it,” he says and crosses the room in long, deliberate strides, crowding Aileen against the door with strong hands grasping her hips. He covers her mouth with his, swallowing her gasp and pressing his body against hers, hands sliding inside her waistband and untucking her shirt. . Aileen stays frozen with confusion as his mouth trails down to her neck. Her body relaxes slightly when his hands wrap under her thighs and lift her up, Aileen’s legs wrapping around his body as a small cry escapes her mouth. When she manages to speak it’s with a broken voice, distracted by the kisses still being pressed to her neck.

  “Cayson! What are you doing?”

  “Giving in.”

  Hell if he has to be around her, he may as well give in and just hope for the best. If the worst happens, it will happen even if he doesn’t let her in. He may as well accept this and see how things go. Aileen doesn’t reply, her hands moving across his body as he continues to kiss her, his hands removing her top as she removes his. Once again, they find themselves naked wrapped around each other. His body pinning hers against the door as his mouth teases down her neck, her chest pushing up towards him as she cries. His hands sliding across her body, feeling the perfection under his tips a low growl escaping his chest as his body pins hers against the door more.

  Aileen’s hand moves to slide between them, going to grasp his cock, but Cayson’s hands stops hers, as his mouth continues to kiss and tease her body. Her hands become free from his and wrap around his neck, pulling him closer. A cry escapes her lips as her frustration grows, her hands trying to pull him closer. His cock pushes into her sex, causing her to moan as his hips begin moving, speeding up and causing her moans to become louder and echo around the house.

  His hands grasp her hips as he keeps going, his mouth meeting hers as they kiss, visions flying through his mind as he fights them off. His arms wrap around her as he carries her upstairs, stepping into her room, her hands pull him closer as they fall into the bed, his body above hers. He kisses down her chests between her breasts which Aileen pushes higher, trying to get more from him as her legs entangle around his body, pulling him closer. His mouth presses against hers again as his cock pushes into her sex, his hips speeding up as his grip becomes tighter on her.

  Aileen’s moans turn to screams as she orgasms beneath him, his own groans mimicking hers as he keeps going, feeling lost and like he is drowning beneath her. Images flash through his mind again, his eyes closing as he tries to block them out with the sound of her screaming his name as she orgasms again. Unleash
ing his heart momentarily as he feels himself release, his hands grasp her, holding her body against his. Aileen looks at him confused as his eyes stay shut, a sickening look covering his face.

  He rushes to the bathroom with a hand over his mouth, locking the door as he leans over the sink. Maybe it is a sign he shouldn’t touch her? Whenever he does, the visions of her as one of them get brighter; the blood seems to seep out of the vision into his mind and make him feel physically sick. He wants to believe it’s his imagination, just his mind torturing him because of Yasmine, but what if it isn’t? He splashes his face with cold water and takes a few deep breaths, staring at his own reflection and willing himself to calm down. When his heartbeat has returned to a semi-normal speed he unlocks the door, returning to find Aileen sitting up in bed, looking at him with a frown.

  “Am I that repulsive?”

  He looks at her, shocked.

  “No, God, sorry, I didn’t- look, we’re not meant to mix. Aileen. Vampires, werewolves, witches; we stick to our own kind. Your power seeps into me, that’s all, it’ll take some getting used to but it’s nothing bad, I swear.”

  “Getting used to?” She lets out a hesitant laugh. “So this wasn’t another mistake?”

  “It was a mistake, but that doesn’t mean I’ll fight it. As I said, werewolves stick to their own kind, Aileen, or they mix with humans, but not witches. Us being together will turn heads, a lot of heads. It’s been this way for years.” He smiles at her delicately and he moves to lie next to her, looking up at the ceiling. He’s trying not to sound harsh. He’s just telling her the facts: he is a werewolf and should never touch a witch in this way. Now that he’s given in it won’t be long before the whole world knows, and with Aileen being who she is, it’s almost certain they’ll both be watched closely. Once upon a time things were different, but one complication meant everything changed, and it had been like this since before Cayson was born.

  “If it isn’t allowed, why are you here? Why do you keep saving me?”

  “Because I feel I have to. Look, us sleeping together removed any chance of me walking away from you. No other werewolf can watch over you now. Only I can.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “Look, let’s say I walked away and asked Gwenael or Azriel to guard you. If one of them developed feelings for you it would end up in a battle and the werewolves would be forced to choose sides. It’s rare but it’s not unheard of, I’ve seen it before. So while a werewolf might watch over someone from time to time, if that person has already made a connection with a werewolf it’s that werewolf who watches over them the most.”

  Aileen laughs slightly. “God, men are so jealous, turning on each other just because someone else likes and wants the same woman?” She laughs more, his head shaking.

  “Hey, women can be werewolves too you know, and it works the same for them! Besides, it isn’t that simple. Werewolves rarely feel connected to anyone who isn’t a soul mate; not quickly, anyway. So a werewolf being around a woman for weeks, watching over her night and day, it won’t be the same as the original werewolf but it will still threaten everything. ”

  Aileen simply nods in response. She thinks it’s crazy, but she isn’t going to challenge him. She never did understand why you’d fight for someone if they already loved someone else.

  “Get some sleep, Aileen; you’ll need your energy for tomorrow.”

  She snuggles against him, his body stiffening slightly as she gets closer.

  “Sorry,” she apologises quietly, pulling back until he wraps his arms around her, stopping her movements.

  “Don’t be. It’s fine, honestly.” He pulls her closer, feeling the warmth radiating from her as her breaths grow slower until she’s asleep against him. His eyes close not long after and he joins her in sleep.

  Waking up his eyes glance around the room confused; he can’t see Aileen. He gets up and walks downstairs, finding her sat talking to someone on the phone, her eyes flitting up to him briefly as she continues talking, clearly not happy with whoever she’s talking to.

  “Fine, I’ll see you tonight.” Aileen puts the phone down, Cayson looking at her confused. “I am busy tonight,” she explains. “Apparently ladies night is the only way I can convince them I’m not isolating myself here and going crazy.” She rolls her eyes.

  “It’s fine, we will figure something out,” Cayson smiles, coming over to sit next to her.

  “It isn’t. I can’t be bothered with all this, trying to prove I’m sane and not staying in on my own all the time. I think it’s clear I went way past the fucking crazy line over the last few weeks: werewolves, vampires and hell I’m a witch!” She throws her arms up in the air as she shouts, Cayson laughing at her words.

  “You’re not crazy, alright? You’re a witch but you’re not crazy, you just know things that others don’t. Look, a night to forget about all this could help. Have a night off from being a witch: just be Olivia, relax, and forget about this world. I’ll stay somewhere local and wait for you to leave.”

  “It won’t work. Mel’s already met you, so you showing up in the same clubs we’re at will look weird. Apparently we aren’t staying in one, we’re moving through a few.” He stares at her shocked.

  “That’s a dangerous idea. If you stay in one club you become less of a target; they watch for people walking between clubs, they’re easier to get.” He’ll need to call on the others for help, he can’t risk it. “I’ll get someone else to watch too, I can’t do it on my own.”

  “Why? What’s so special about me that you all want to keep me alive?” To Aileen, dying right now seems like the most logical option. It feels like she’s just a huge burden on the werewolves.

  “As you heard and saw, you have a purpose. You’re going to change things. We don’t yet know how or exactly what you’ll change but you’ll change something, somehow. Not only that but you’re a Depraysie, the only one left. That is a strong bloodline and a much too talented family to lose. We thought there were none of you left, Aileen, you shouldn’t be alive. How your parents resisted the urge to take you as well and end your life is a mystery in itself.” He knows she won’t understand, not until she unlocks everything in her mind and finds her potential.

  “Come here, Aileen.” He looks at her and offers an arm for her to cuddle closer, but she sits unmoving, her eyes glancing to him confused. This is all a mistake, everything, her eyes deter away from his face. “You don’t like my voice?” She doesn’t reply. She loves his voice, the cool edge to the husky sound trembles through her body; she’d listen to him talk all day if she could. This just all seems to be too much and it’s like everything pushes her closer to death. Cayson looks at her, a slight smirk on his face.

  “Aileen, come here.” He stands up, sweeping Aileen to her feet as well. He rubs a thumb over her jaw. “Don’t ever doubt how amazing you are. Even if you weren’t a witch, you’re amazing in your own right.” He leans down and kisses her gently.

  “You not breathing would be a waste, so while you don’t understand, and can’t see how amazing you are, you’ll just have to believe me.” He smiles at her slightly, pulling away. “Have you eaten this morning?”

  She nods briefly confused by his abrupt change in subject. “Why?” He laughs at the wary look she gives him.

  “Time to see Camille; hopefully we find some answers today.” He smiles at her again and walks towards the door, grabbing his jacket and throwing it on while Aileen does the same. They stay quiet for the walk there, a comfortable silence, her eyes glancing to him riddled with questions.

  “Why are the witches so against werewolves if you’re stopping vampires? She sounded astounded at the fact you went there and wanted a favour.”

  He nods, smiling. “Because we cause their deaths. We take down vampires and if they see us with a witch, the vampires will target them, too, so witches always keep a distance from us. It wasn’t like that before; the worlds used to live together peacefully. There was a witch who had the power
to keep all the vampires in line. Sure, they still killed, but they never hunted a werewolf or witch.” She nods, unsure of what to say, reflecting on everything Cayson just said. “You’re different. The witches know there is no way they alone can protect you, Aileen, which is why she wasn’t so shocked to see I was there. They will never like me; the past isn’t easy to forget.” He walks into the graveyard with her by his side, her eyes glancing up to him as she smiles.

  “Why? It isn’t your fault.”

  Cayson laughs slightly.

  “It is. I had the choice to walk away from Yasmine and I didn’t. She was a strong witch.” Cayson shakes his head, he shouldn’t tell her about Yasmine.

  “Back already?”

  Aileen turns in the direction of Camille’s familiar voice. She's kneeling at the stone altar again, except this time there’s another woman kneeling next to her.

  “She remembers and seems to have accepted it. Don’t worry; I’ll keep my distance.” He walks away, sitting far enough away that Camille is happy but close enough for Aileen to see his wink as he resumes his laid-back position on the same rock as last time.

  “I can sense you shifted, Aileen, come and kneel.”

  She nods slightly, walking over and positioning herself between the other women who grasp her hands.

  “I’m going to see if we can find out anything else, Aileen; see if there is a story.” Her words are quiet. Aileen simply nods and closes her eyes, hearing the women speak in tongues she doesn’t comprehend, yet for some reason today she feels the power behind the words they say even if the meaning isn’t understood.

  An image flashes through her mind of her mother crying; holding Aileen tight in her arms with her face a picture of torture and sadness. It is as if she has already lost Aileen, despite having her right there. As soon as Aileen begins to understand the image, it disappears and there are a few seconds of darkness before another image appears. Her eyes snap open, Camille smiling slightly at her.


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