Some Kind of Wonderful

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Some Kind of Wonderful Page 6

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “Birdie?” C.C. asked as Cherise gave her a wink.

  “Seems you made quite the impression on Birdie and the team. Those men were tearing into my men about your safety and wellbeing, as well as asking a few thousand questions.”


  Cherise chuckled. “You and I have a bunch to talk about, including why there’s a toddler car seat in your trunk and why you were at the physical therapist the other day.” C.C. exhaled. “I figured you had your own story to tell. I knew it the moment you made that comment to me about knowing soldiers who couldn’t be trusted. Let’s grab some ice tea and chat on the porch. This rain is out of here for a while.”

  C.C. didn’t disclose what happened when she got the flat tire, or how Birdie and Freddie had flirted with her at Harper’s days before. But Cherise knew something was up and she pushed for information.

  “Come on, girl, don’t even think of sitting here and telling me that nothing happened between you Conan and Axel, or with Birdie and Freddie. They are intense men, a lot older than you, and there is no way that when they had you in a truck, soaking wet, with your body and good looks did nothing go down. I’m was not born yesterday, so spill the beans.” C.C. chuckled. Cherise was straight forward, and she had been a good friend. One she had debated about telling her life story to. But that wasn’t necessary.

  “They both kissed me.”

  Cherise’s eyes widened.

  “Oh my God, sweet little C.C. broke down the walls around some serious military men. My God.” Cherise nibbled her bottom lip. “How hot and heavy did it get in the cab of that truck?”

  C.C. felt her cheeks heat up, and she snorted and looked away.

  “Oh boy.”

  “No, it didn’t get too crazy. I put on the brakes.”


  “We aren’t dating. They’re a lot older, and, well, I don’t want to be used for sex or whatever. I’m not in any position right now to entertain some sort of fling with them.”

  “Fling? Honey, I haven’t known them that long, but what I have noticed since the day they arrived here for a visit was how distant and unsociable they are. Their experiences in war, in the military were real and Axel nearly died. His injury is a gunshot wound, and it caused him to have to retire because of the damage done to his muscles in that arm.”

  C.C. was surprised.

  “Why were you at the PT therapist?”

  C.C. didn’t want to give too much information. It would lead to more questions and ultimately to her killing a man, never mind her own turmoil with Bennet.

  “My cousin was injured in an accident. She nearly died, and it’s amazing that she isn’t paralyzed. She has a son. He’ll start kindergarten in September, and I take care of both of them.”

  “Oh my God, C.C.” Cherise reached out and took her hand and squeezed it. “You never mentioned them before, or any family, or how you take care of them. Is that why you work so much? Are you in financial trouble?”

  “I’m doing just fine, Cherise. Really.” Cherise raised both eyebrows up at her. C.C. chuckled and re-crossed her legs. Today she wore a pair of tight dress pants, ankle boots, and a long-sleeve sweater that lifted when she moved and revealed her tight abs. She ran her fingers through her hair she kept down today and then took a deep breath and released it.

  “A year ago, things were honestly different. Six months further back than that and I wasn’t sure we’d survive, but we did. I stopped going to college, worked at night as Elsie’s friend kept Aiden at her place to sleep so I could take care of him during the day and bring him to visit his mamma as she recovered.”

  “When did you rest?”

  C.C. chuckled. “I didn’t. I took naps here and there, maybe got an hour or so when Aiden would nap, and when things were really tough I would get Cherise’s friend to come over so I could sleep and re-energize. That was the least of my worries. Believe me, hospital bills and other fees—” She shook her head and exhaled. “That was a bad time, but now I keep a nice full refrigerator, Elsie shows improvements every day, and my hope is that she will one day be self-sufficient and able to handle caring for Aiden completely on her own.” Tears filled C.C.’s eyes. “She’s come a long way, Cherise, a long way.”

  Cherise smiled. “And Aiden?”

  “Oh God, I love him like a son. I would do anything for that kid. Obviously, since it was his teddy bear he left at the PT center that I drove back through the storm for.”

  “A teddy bear?”

  “Yes, his favorite. He can’t sleep without it, and at night before he goes to bed he places it facedown, and when I get in late from work I go in to check on him and I stand the teddy bear up so he knows I got home safely. He lets me sleep, and as soon as I’m up the day is all about him and his mamma.”

  “He sounds adorable, and you’re a great person to care of them like you’ve been doing. It’s quite a burden, too.

  Was it a car accident where she got injured?” Cherise asked. C.C. shook her head as tears filled her eyes.

  “C.C., how did she get so injured that she was nearly paralyzed?”

  “Her boyfriend, Aiden’s father, tried to kill them.” Cherise covered her mouth with her hand and shook her head. C.C. tilted her chin up and looked away, trying to hide the emotions, but the second Cherise squeezed her hand and C.C. looked at her the tear escaped her eye. C.C. quickly wiped it away.

  “No use in going over the gory details. They lived, he died soon after, and I’m all they have. So you see, there isn’t much time for anything else.”

  Cherise squinted her eyes. “You need time for you, too. Are you afraid that you could meet a man or men like your cousin’s ex?”

  “Of course I am, but that isn’t the only reason why I don’t date or even do anything for me.”

  “Why? If anyone deserves a break, some pampering, it’s you for the sacrifices you’ve made and continue to make, and the care you give your cousin and Aiden.”

  “Cherise, I had my own bad luck and danger right before Elsie’s situation.”

  “A boyfriend?”

  “A monster,” C.C. said.

  “He hurt you?”

  “In more ways than I’d like to admit to. I’ve grown so much. I see more than I did before, and can detect things. I have my fears, but I focus on Aiden and Elsie and I get through it.”

  “What did your ex do to you?”

  C.C. was quiet.

  “Honey, I told you about my relationship with Case, Ben, and Eagan. How they cheated on me, and broke all their promises.”

  “My ex was a soldier, too. One who suffered mental issues, was abusive, controlling, and basically wanted me to have sex with his friends one night.”


  “I was almost gang raped, but friends were around and helped to save me.”

  “Holy hell, that is insane. What happened to your ex? Did you press charges?”

  “Elsie’s situation happened a day later. My focus was on her and Aiden, and hoping she recovered from her injuries.”

  “But what about the ex and how he tried to get his friends to rape you? You didn’t go after them?”

  “I really couldn’t at the time. I can’t tell you more, just that things stood in the way. I didn’t need to see my ex again, or deal with his crap. His father and family were disgusted with him and they kept him away. They got him help and he left me alone for good.”

  “It sounds like you’re leaving things out.”

  “I came here to see you and visit, not to talk about my screwed up past, my burdens and problems that are slowly beginning to resolve.”

  “What about your attraction to Conan, Birdie, Freddie, and Axel?”

  “What attraction?” she asked but couldn’t look Cherise in the eyes.

  “The one you’re denying. They’re older, seasoned men, C.C., and when they hear about your past, about what your ex tried to do, they’ll understand you need things to go slow.”

  “No, Cherise. I don’t need me
n, soldiers in my life like them. They’re huge, capable, and I would suffer greatly by their hands and their control. I don’t need that. Every day is a battle as it is for me. I have a schedule, everything is in order, and the debt I owe will soon be over. Like within a month and I’ll be done.”

  “I can help you get that over with sooner. How much is left of the bills?” Cherise offered.

  C.C. smiled and squeezed Cherise’s hand this time. “You’re an awesome friend and I love you, but this is my life, my burden to deal with. I’ll handle it, just like I’ve been doing the last two years. Hell, all my life.”

  “But what about you? When do you get a chance to do for you?”

  “I don’t need to do for me. Aiden and Elsie need me, Cherise. I’m not going anywhere. I’m working at Harper’s, covering at Finnigan’s, and was offered to sub in Central Valley at the café on Sundays.”

  “That’s a lot of hours working.”

  “Sundays will be until two o’clock for the Sunday morning rush. Then I’ll have the rest of the afternoon.”

  Cherise sighed. “Now I’m really going to worry about you.”

  “Don’t worry. I’ll be just fine. Now, can we talk about something else?”

  Cherise widened her eyes as C.C. heard the other male voices behind her. She knew immediately that Birdie was there. “Oh God.”

  “Uh huh, I guess blowing them off and saying not interested didn’t work,” Cherise said as Birdie and Freddie greeted Cherise hello along with Eric, Landon, Kenny, and Rome who joined them, and then Birdie and Freddie said hello to C.C.

  Birdie smiled softly at C.C. but wasn’t overly friendly, despite wanting to hold her in his arms and kiss her. It was difficult not to make a move, especially when she smelled so good, and looked even better in her classy outfit. She had stood up to greet them all hello, her sweater tight and showing off her perfect abs, that belly piercing enhanced by a diamond she wore, and her dress pants were slim fitting on her hips then tapered down her legs to heeled boots. He gave her a kiss on the cheek and a light hug hello. When her palm touched his shoulder and he had to lean down to greet her, he didn’t want to pull back. He did though, and Freddie kissed her cheek and hugged her hello next.

  “How are you feeling?” Freddie asked her and crossed his arms in front of his chest and gave her the once over.

  She kept her hands clasped in front of her as she looked up at Freddie. “I feel good, and yourselves?” She glanced at Birdie.

  “We’re fine, just going to go over some things with Eric and the guys, but when we’re done we’ll drive you into town to grab your car,” Freddie told her.

  “I don’t need a ride. Landon is going to bring me.” She glanced at Landon, giving him a smile. Landon looked like he didn’t want to be brought into the middle of this.

  “Anyone need a drink?” Landon asked, and his brothers and Cherise said yes. “Why don’t we head into the house, have a drink, and you guys can do whatever it is you planned. C.C. and I need time to catch up,” Cherise told them.

  Rome placed his hands on Cherise’s shoulders. “We’ll be right in the other room. Not too far.” He kissed her neck.

  “I’m fine, Rome, really, just do your thing.” He gave her a wink, and then they all started to head inside when Birdie gently took C.C.’s hand to stop her. He pressed closer, placed his other hand on her hip. “We don’t mind bringing you. We worry about you, and especially after the other day. God, baby, anything could have gone wrong.”

  She looked shocked. “I take care of myself. I made that clear to Conan and Axel.”

  “Landon isn’t going into town for anything. We are. Let us drive you there. We can talk, be friends, and get to know one another,” Birdie told her and she stared at him, and then swallowed as he softly stroked her skin on her side where the sweater revealed her skin.

  “We aren’t going to try anything,” Freddie whispered.

  “I don’t think it’s a good idea,” she told them.

  “Why? We’re all friends. All getting to know one another, and we hang out with the same group of people. Landon and them will vouch for us,” Birdie said.

  “Are you really going into town, or are you just saying that?” She asked, sounding so untrusting.

  “We need to go to the hardware store, and the pharmacy for Axel’s prescription,” Birdie told her.

  “Is he okay?” she asked, immediately concerned for Axel. She was probably able to tell that he was in pain at physical therapy. It added to his already pretty cold personality that Axel was concerned would scare C.C. Except when he kissed her. He hadn’t been cold, more like demanding and hot. She gulped and took a step back like she was afraid to show she even cared. That was C.C.’s personality though. She was sweet and caring. A kind person, which in a way concerned them all.

  “He overdid it at PT the other day. He’s pushing himself harder then he should. He wants to be normal and not stand out with the sling and all,” Birdie told her.

  “Yeah, he keeps trying to not wear it,” Freddie added.

  “Well, he needs to wear it, and to continue with the PT. It helps with things like that,” she said and then glanced over her shoulder as Landon and Kenny brought out some drinks.

  “You guys ready to go over some stuff?” Eric asked.

  “Sure thing. We’ll give you a ride to town when we’re done, C.C. We won’t be long. Maybe thirty minutes,” Freddie said, gave her a wink, and then headed inside. Birdie looked her over, smiled, and then followed Freddie.

  “You okay with them driving you into town?” Landon asked.

  “If they’re going then it makes no sense for you to make a special trip. It will be fine.”

  “Okay, only if you’re sure,” Landon said.

  “I think it will be fine. It should be, right?” she asked and Cherise chuckled. Her friend seemed to be finding this situation humorous, but C.C. was freaking out. She couldn’t get involved with these men. Too many responsibilities, no free time at all, no, she needed to be smart here and put on the brakes. She would tell them that when they drove her. Now she feared being in the enclosed space of a truck again with two large, muscular men like them. Her mind immediately began to imagine what damage they could do to her. How easily they could grab her, control her, or force themselves on her. She tightened her eyes and shook her head. They weren’t Bennet and his friends. They were good men. Her friend Cherise vouched for them.

  An hour later they walked out, ready to give her that ride, and she hugged Cherise good-bye, then her men, as well. As she walked with them to the truck, her cell phone rang. “Excuse me a moment,” she said to them, and they nodded as she walked in front of the truck while they waited.

  “Hi, C.C., this is Collin Fanning. I got your name and number from John and Keith who own Finnigan’s.”

  “Oh, okay, Mr. Fanning, how can I help you?” she asked.

  “Please call me Collin. I’m in a jam. John and Keith said that you’re off on Mondays. I’m hosting an event for a prestigious businessman in Benter, and have been lining up my help when my top bartender quit on me. I need someone with experience and who fits the type of employees I hire special for an event like this. John and Keith tell me you are perfect.”

  “What is your type?” she asked and then saw Freddie’s eyebrows furrow, and he placed his hands on his hips and seemed angry. She shook her head at him. What did he think she was doing?


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