Office Duties Box Set #1

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Office Duties Box Set #1 Page 6

by Mac Flynn

  "Mr. Slink told me to get these chores done." She was glad she kept the list close to her as she handed it over. She pointed at the appropriate line. "I don't know why. I guess he thought Tanya had too much to do."

  "Well, I doubt that," he chuckled as he handed back the paper. He began sorting her mail into a large box. "Seems to me you folks up there work less than I do." He turned to wink at her. "And that's saying something."

  "Yes, well, I just started." She wasn't sure whether any of this was funny or not.

  "If ya just started, ya might wanna know that this shipment is extra big," he informed as he paused with one of the items in his hand. It looked like a giant stapler. "Lots of things I never seen before came in, and pretty fast, too. Lots of expedited stuff. You guys planning for the end of the world or something?"

  "Like what kinds of things?" This caught Sam's attention as she glanced over the items not yet packed. Most of them were wrapped in plastic so she couldn't tell what they were supposed to be.

  "Oh, you know, like lots of extra bandages and stuff. I guess you're the one who's gonna be taking this stuff up to the storage room so you'll find out yerself."

  "Yeah, that's one of my jobs now." She was liking this chore less and less. A few boxes of notepads and pencils she could handle, but this was getting heavy.

  "Well, seeing as how we're gonna be seeing each other most every day, we may as well get to greeting." He held out a friendly hand for her to take. "The name's Mr. Edward Cass. Most folks call me Ed, though."

  "Nice to meet you, Ed." Sam hesitantly shook hands and was surprised by the energy in his grip. "I'm Samantha Olsen, but most people just call me Sam for short."

  "A right nice pleasure, Sam." His eyes wandered back down to her outfit and he nodded at her tight shirt. "Trying out a new look?"

  "Just a little washing accident." She folded her arms over her chest and frowned. He was a little too blunt for her tastes.

  "Well, this outta do for you, and could ya tell Tanya I said hi?" he cheerfully requested. He closed the flaps of the cardboard box and carefully handed it to her. The way he carried it Sam expected it to be light, but she was surprised when the weight nearly dropped her to the floor. "Gotta be careful there, it's kinda heavy." He was all grins when Sam looked up into his face, but she wasn't very merry. "And I put the mail stuff on the top so you can get that stuff out first."

  "Thanks," Sam grunted. Her only consolation was the box squished her breasts and made her shirt fit better.

  "And don't forget to tell Tanya I said hi."

  "I won't," she muttered. She hefted the box into her arms and made for the elevators. Inwardly she promised herself to never tell Tanya what the evil old man said.

  Sam got to the elevators and shoved the box into the button to get it coming to her. She was glad she was alone when the doors opened. She'd been a little paranoid all morning that Mr. Davies would be lying in wait for her in one of the elevators like he did last night. Her only consolation was he appeared to keep their illicit trysts to after-work hours. She'd rather they keep it non-existent, but she couldn't seem to shake him.

  Sam couldn't help but blush as she looked into the corner where she'd stood yesterday. Her body flushed with heat and she was glad when the elevator reached her destination. Sam got off at her floor and tottered the box to the break room. She plopped it down on the round center table, unloaded the materials and began separating them. Most were supplies for the closet but there were a few letters and such that needed to be delivered to specific people. These she managed to give to their intended receivers after struggling for a while to remember names. She even had to ask a few of them who was who to make sure she didn't give the package to the wrong individual.

  Finally she got back to the break room and made more coffee for the crew, as the first batch hadn't been enough to satiate all the zombies on the floor. There'd been a lot of complaints during her quick round and tempers were starting to flare. The sweet smell of the beans made many of the people float into the room and soon there was a small group huddled around the grinder waiting for their second cup of freshly brewed black juice. Sam managed to grab the first cup for herself as a perk before the herd pushed her out and back to her unfinished chore. She still had to get the rest of the mail into the supply room and stock them according to where they needed to go.

  Sam lifted the lighter box and left the hoard of people to their caffeine god. She shoved her way into the storage room, since the box was still cumbersome, and scowled when she found the light was flicked off. The door closed behind her and she was in pitch-black darkness. She was forced to put down the box and feel around for the door knob so she could get some light in the room. She didn't know where the switch was and needed some light to find it. With a cry of triumph she found the knob, opened the door, and succeeded in noticing the switch close to the entrance.

  With the large room illuminated, Sam went to the back where there was a large work table and put the box on the floor. She scattered the items on the table, unwrapped them, and gave them all a cursory look. She couldn't help but agree with what the old mailman had said. There really were a lot of strange items here. Including the band aids, there was most of a medical kit scattered amongst the packages. She found everything from several boxes of staples for every size of job to body deodorant for men. What really made her mouth drop was a box of Trojan condoms. She only hoped they weren't for Mr. Davies.

  Sam picked up the large stapler with both hands which the mailman had shown off. It really was a huge stapler about two feet long with the mouth set back a good foot from the end.

  "Well, gotta start with something," Sam commented as she looked around herself.

  Slinky hadn't been that great of a guide in showing her where even the most basic items were, except for the staples, so this was going to take some time. She began the boring but easy task of looking along the five halls created between the four long rows of shelving. There were also shelves placed along the rear wall and some closed racks along the floor.

  "This is going to take forever," Sam groaned as she searched each shelf one by one. They didn't have any useful stickers or cards explaining what each area held. After a few minutes she began to suspect that that was because there really wasn't any organization to the whole room. There also didn't seem to be a spot for ridiculously large staplers, and she was forced to put it back on the table.

  Diligently Sam worked at the rest of the supplies and she had much better luck as she chipped away at the pile on the table. She wasn't sure how long she'd been at it when she heard the door click shut. She was startled because she hadn't even heard it open. Being in the hall farthest from the entrance, Sam stooped down and looked through the lower shelves toward the door. No one was there, but she couldn't see if anyone was standing in the halls. The shelves were too crowded to see through them.

  "Hello?" She paused to wait for a response, but there was nothing. She didn't like how her voice echoed off the metal walls. "Anyone there?" It was too quiet.

  Sam clutched the ream of paper in her hands. Her eyes darted around the room as she slowly crept up toward the table. She wasn't so frightened that she wanted to escape the room. This was, after all, just a storage area at her place of work. It wasn't like anyone dangerous could just walk in and have their way with her. Then again, she didn't need to worry about a dangerous person to believe someone would try to have their way with her, and this time, her worries were justified.

  She rounded the corner at the end of the shelving and glimpsed a man standing at the table. His back was turned toward her while he glanced down at what remained of the shipment, but she recognized him almost immediately. Mr. Davies had come to see her early. He heard her tiny gasp of surprise and turned with his dashing smile.

  "Good morning," he warmly greeted.

  "Morning." She couldn't say it was good, and it seemed things were about to get stickier for both of them.

  "I forgot to ask last evening how you w
ere liking your new position. Have you been enjoying yourself?" The question would have been welcomed by Sam if it had come from anybody else. From him, she wasn't sure how to reply.

  "It''s good. Lots of strange people." She didn't mean him specifically, but he cracked a smile.

  "I assume you're referring to your friend, Ms. Slink?" He traced his hand slowly over the large stapler on the table.

  "Mostly." She was starting to feel that strange dizziness in her mind. Even with how far he stood away from her, she could still smell the faint scent of that strange musky cologne he wore. "Was there something you wanted?" The shining look in his eye made her realize how bad her question had been phrased. "Something from the supply room?" Again it was a poor wording. "Like some staplers or something?" That was finally what she was getting at, but he seemed less pleased with her last suggestion than with the others.

  "I was curious where the tape was located." His eyes never turned away from her as he spoke.

  "Oh, I can help you with that." She was only too glad to assist for two reasons. The first was that she actually knew where the tape was on the shelves, and the second was with his item found he would invariably leave her alone. "It's just right up here." The tape was located at the back wall of the room around the table. Sam walked around the opposite side from her employer and pointed at the stock. "What kind were you looking for?"

  "Whichever will do the job the best," he vaguely replied as he moved around to her side. She wished he would have kept his distance. Him being this close meant that strange Mars herb strongly wafted into her nose. It made her lightheaded and her body flared up with heat. "Which do you think is the best to work with?"

  "I-I'm not sure," she stuttered as she moved back a little. She was made painfully aware of her tight shirt and skirt. Her breasts squeezed up against her bra and her hips pushed out her skirt, which caused it to hike up an inch or two. "It just depends on what you're doing."

  "Something the matter?" he innocently asked as he looked at her flush cheeks. "You seem to be catching a fever."

  "N-no, I'm fine," she argued. She had to get out. Things were getting a little too hot in here. She had to be the responsible adult, or she'd be the one without a job. "Just a little warm in here. Maybe I should leave."

  Sam tried to head for the door but Davies caught her by the arm. She half turned toward him and looked into his eyes. They shined with a longing that dwarfed even her own. His touch flared up her need. Her heart quickened and her breath caught in her throat.

  "You look like you would do well to sit down," he kindly instructed. He led her toward the table and her rear soon bumped into the side.

  "Sir, we can't." Even she was getting tired of this broken record, but right now it was most important. It was the middle of the day. The office was still crowded with all her coworkers. Anyone could come in here and see them doing it.

  "We have to," he countered as he closed the gap between them. She turned her head to the side. This gave him a clear path to plant soft, sweet kisses along her throat. She groaned, but there was another angle she could play.

  "Slinky...will be worried...about me," she panted through her parted lips.

  "Smith has taken care of that," he whispered against her hot skin. He brushed his lips against her neck and she groaned. "A little forgery and we have a note saying you are gone for lunch."


  "Shh," he interrupted. His hands massaged the ample curves along her wide, plump hips. "We will not be interrupted. No one can hear us in here. It's just you and me." He leaned in closer and pressed his manhood against her waist. She gasped at the size of his need. "Besides, it's too late to stop now."

  She leaned her head back and moaned as he slowly rubbed against her. He was in heat as much as she, but this new torture was exhilarating. His strong hands moved around to cup her butt cheeks and his head lay against her shoulder. He panted into her ear. That only got her going more as she wrapped her arms around him. She wanted to bring him closer. She desperately wanted them to become one. There was only one way they could do that.

  "Please," she softly whispered.

  "Please what?" His tone was husky and harsh. He ground in harder against her. His soft lips laid gentle kisses behind her ear.

  "Please do it." She didn't know what else he wanted, but she knew what she wanted. She wanted him to take her, to use her so they could both get what they wanted.

  "Show me you want it."

  To say she was disappointed when he backed up was an understatement. For his side he looked like he wanted to pounce on her, to make her his repeatedly. There was something he wanted proven, though. Some evidence of her conviction to him. A sacrifice on her part for the pleasure he would give. Sam instinctively knew what to do as she lifted her arms up to her chest. She slowly began to unbutton her shirt. She was teasing them both, but again this was delicious suffering. Her breasts enjoyed the new freedom as they swelled out with each new bit of air. She let her shirt drop to the table and her breasts were only kept from their full potential by her bra. She slowly, aching slowly, reached back and undid the clasp.

  The bra only came loose, it didn't fall. She smiled wickedly at her partner.

  "Are you satisfied?"

  His eyes were eager and hungry. They never looked away from her luscious breasts. They went up and down in her slow quests for air. "Not yet."

  Now it was her turn to watch. Her breathing quickened as he took off his coat. He unbuttoned his shirt just as slowly. Each opened to a new muscle covered in a film of sweat. He was perfectly made, not too muscular nor too thin. His perfection made her want him even more. He grinned when he noticed her hungry eyes. He stepped forward and again wrapped his arms around her. She was thrilled when their naked skin brushed against each other. He pulled her bra straps over her shoulders and the whole thing fell between them and down to the floor. His roaming hands moved up to cup those swollen mounds in his heated fingers. He teased the pert nipples and pushed the firm mounds together. She groaned and he grunted. They were both enjoying his fun.

  She could tell his self-control was waning as his lips pressed harder against her neck. He ground faster against her hip. She herself was getting impatient as her skirt rode up over her waist. Her wet panties slid down with all the grinding and she helped it along with her hand. They dropped to the floor and her partner unfastened his belt. She gasped as he knocked aside some items on the table and she was lifted onto the top. He turned to face her and his feral eyes made her heart beat faster.

  He pulled her toward him and pushed himself inside. He groaned at the velvet feel or her hot, wet walls and she gasped at his size. He couldn't help his smirk as he began pushing in and pulling out. His movements were tantalizingly slow. Enough to satisfy them both, but not enough to achieve the end they both desired. She moaned and whimpered for him to move faster, but he didn't heed her plea. He kept the same wonderfully slow pace, but she was having none of that. She wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled him deeper into her.

  They both groaned at the feel of one another. She squeezed him with her burning walls. He grunted and pushed harder into her. She groaned and wrapped her arms around him. They were as close as they could be, but she wanted more. She wanted them to reach their peak together, to reach that sensual plain as one.

  She started pushing harder against him as they began to dance to a faster tune. Her breaths came out in quick gasps as he grunted with each push. They moved faster and faster, she could feel it coming. She threw her head back and moaned her delight. Her mate delighted in her sounds as he pumped harder and deeper. She flung her back back as she felt the end coming, and shouted to the still air as she clutched onto the back of his head.

  "Yes! Yes!"

  Her walls folded tightly over him and his eyes shot open. He jerked into her one more time and his body stiffened. He spilled deeply into her, and she rejoiced. Then he collapsed against her and she had a hard time keeping from falling back. His arms wer
e still tightly wrapped around her and he was buried deep inside her. His breath came out in pants as they lay like that for a few minutes.

  Regretfully that could not last forever. Her body grew colder and his manhood limp. He reluctantly pulled out of her and slowly set her feet down onto the floor. She was still dazed from the experience, and neither of them spoke a word. Davies was dressed very quickly, and he graciously handed her her clothes as she mechanically put on each one. Since she was still feeling lightheaded, Sam was grateful for the help. When she was roughly prepared to go out into the world decently attired, he escorted her to the door.

  "Until another time," he gave his farewell as he opened the door for them both.

  She noticed he'd locked them in after entering. That didn't make her feel any better for what they'd done during office hours, but in her stupefaction Sam could only watch as he turned to the right. He walked down to the locked door which led the the twentieth floor. He opened it with his own key and turned to flash her a smile before he stepped in and let the door close behind himself.

  Sam dumbly stood there with her hair slightly disheveled and her clothes still unbearably tight. She wasn't sure how to think of what just happened. Her thoughts were scattered and confusing. She leaned her shoulder against the wall and just stared stupidly at the stairwell door.

  "What are you looking at?"

  Sam flinched and looked over her shoulder to see Slinky standing nearby. She had a cup of coffee in one hand and a donut in the other.

  "'s just..." She honestly wasn't sure how to reply.

  "It's that door again, isn't it?" Sam was glad Slinky always thought of some idea for what people were thinking. She moved to stand beside her. "Think it's still locked?" Sam only nodded in response. Her friend frowned and lightly jabbed her with her elbow. "You feeling all right? You look kind of red."

  "No, I'm fine. Just maybe a...a little tired. You know, new job and all." Her mind was leaving the fog and she could think more clearly now.


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