Wolfen Secrets (The Western Werewolf Legend #3)

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Wolfen Secrets (The Western Werewolf Legend #3) Page 8

by Catherine Wolffe

  Everyone was in a spirited mood. She and Ty made their way toward the area in front of the old barn amid jovial conversation and a real party atmosphere. Amazingly, people occupied practically every square inch of ground surrounding the great, looming structure. Children darted in and out of the adults in wonderful abandonment.

  As Ty pulled the buggy to a halt, Ethan and Nathaniel rushed to meet them.

  “Aunt Sony, Aunt Sony,” Ethan gushed, breathless as he thrust wild flowers in her hands.

  “Why thank you Ethan, they’re beautiful. It was very sweet of you to think of me.”

  “Oh Aunt Sonja, you look so beautiful.” The dark haired, Nathaniel breathed the compliment. He’s so much like Briann, Sonja mused.

  She allowed him to take her hand, assisting her in gentlemanly fashion from the carriage while Ty tethered the horses. “You’re so handsome tonight, Nathaniel. Your mother must be so proud of the young man you’ve become.”

  His face blushed crimson at the compliment, yet he didn’t miss a beat as he helped her dismount.

  “I see you have your first dance partner for the evening.” Briann smiled as she approached. Jeb followed closely behind and both greeted Sonja and Ty with hugs and handshakes. “I was right, you know.” Briann flashed Nathaniel a conspirator’s grin. “Sonja, your dance card will fill quickly tonight.”

  “Oh Aunt Sony, let me, let me dance with you tonight – please!” Ethan danced from one nimble foot to another in excited pleasure. His exuberance made everyone laugh.

  “Of course you’ll be my first partner, after Mr. Ty of course.” She ran her fingers through his blond bangs and grinned in collaboration with his idea. As quickly as she promised the boys each a dance, they both found the distraction of a small pony. Rushing off to inspect the animal, they left the grown-ups to make their way toward the celebration.

  Baby, the young private, everyone had nicknamed because of his deception about his age, boldly stepped up as Ty made his way through the throng of people with Sonja on his arm.

  “Mr. Taylor,” Baby tugged at his collar. “Would you mind if I had a dance with Mrs. Taylor tonight?” His manner was formal, which had Ty smiling. He had to admit, he was proud Baby remembered to use his alias.

  “Why no, I don’t mind. “I believe you need to ask though.” Ty inclined his head in Sonja’s direction. “You can dance with her, on one condition: I need to dance with her once or twice.”

  Flustered, Baby’s spine stiffened. He hesitantly took Sonja’s fingers in his. “Mrs. Taylor, would you do me the honor of being my partner for a reel?”

  “Why, I’d be delighted, Clayton.” Sonja’s use of the boy’s given name had him blushing to the tips of his white blond hair.

  Finally, Smitty came to his recue, giving the young private a good nudge to usher him on his way. He took the private’s place. With his hat in both hands, Smitty’s brow knitted in sincerity, “I’ve not seen a more lovely sight tonight than the two of you ladies. Mrs. Taylor, Mrs. Rowland, you’re the prettiest picture here.” With another gallant bow, Smitty resettled his new cowboy hat, before straightening the bolero tie he’d donned for the occasion.

  “Well, thank you, Smitty.” Sonja dropped into her best imitation of a southern belle’s curtsy as Briann laughed heartily. The man shook her hand with both of his exuberantly. “I’d be very pleased to dance with you both if that’s all right with the...lieu.” He faltered a moment as he almost referred to Ty by his military title. “If that’s all right with Mr. Taylor and Mr. Rowland?” Gathering his composure, Smitty affected a serious tone before continuing. “We’ve heard such lavish reports on the skill of you ladies with a dance, heck, me and the boys wanted to find out for ourselves if the rumors were true.”

  Sonja fairly beamed. She couldn’t help getting into the part of a flattered young woman with the offers of several eligible men at her beck and call. “Your blarney is showing, Mr. McMichael. Still, I’d be honored to dance with such a fine gentleman as you.” She reached out, giving Smitty’s hand a good-natured pat after he raised her fingers for a kiss, which hovered over her knuckles.

  Ty gave his eyes a roll skyward, before taking her elbow indicating it was time to make their excuses. “You’ll pardon us gentlemen, as we have to sign in for the first dance, the band’s about to start.” With Sonja beside him, he motioned to the fiddler who bent near. “What’s the first reel tonight?”

  The fiddler’s handlebar mustache bounced with the nodding of his head. “Why, the Virginia Reel, of course.” His mustache twitched as he winked at Ty. “Time to get this shindig under way.” The fiddler motioned for the band, raising his arms wide. “A one and a two and a three…”

  Turning toward Sonja with a low bow, Ty practiced the manners Maggie had drilled into him years ago. “May I have this dance?”

  “Yes – yes you may, thank you, Mr. Taylor.” Sonja curtsied, accepting the hand he offered her.

  Ty smiled for her as the tune started. “You realize we can’t turn back now. Every eye is watching,” he said, grinning at her conspiratorially.

  Patting his arm, Sonja beamed at him. “Don’t worry, I won’t start another war. The opportunity to dance with you has proved too intriguing.” Sonja gave him a wicked smile as he swung her about. Following the lively reel was a waltz, so the dancers could catch their breath. Floating in his embrace, Sonja was enjoying the attention he lavished on her. He’d made sure they were partners as often as possible. Each moment in his arms was one she’d remember always.

  “Are you enjoying yourself, Nymph?” Ty asked the question close to her ear as they participated in yet another waltz.

  “Oh Ty, this is a magical night. I am having the best time.” She breathed the words as he held her close. His use of her pet name warmed her heart, making her feel cherished. Ty held her the way a man holds a woman he cherishes and Sonja languished in the sensation. Mentally shaking herself, she forced her mind back to the present. It did no good to dream like that. Reality was still alive and well, as long as the vampires still lived.

  “You deserve all tonight offers and so much more.” His strong hands held her fast. His eyes never left hers. A keen longing showed in their depts. “I’ll do my best to make it work.” He made the vow without even realizing he’d said it out loud. Before she had time to consider his slip, he quickly covered by explaining, “I’m really glad you’re enjoying yourself. I have to leave you for a bit. Got to check on the men,” he explained as the tune ended. “Don’t go and give away the rest of your dances to these durned old cowboys who can’t take their eyes off of you, promise?”

  “I promise.”

  She made her way over to the food tables to visit with Briann as others sought refreshment. She could sense their curiosity toward the two sisters. Before long, she and Bri had struck up a pleasant conversation with the ladies. The women’s friendly banter allowed her to relax.


  She was having a good time. Watching from across the dance floor, Ty thanked the gods for the night and Sonja’s chance to enjoy being a woman. Everyone was anxious to meet her. Ty was pleasantly surprised to witness the outpouring of attention and congeniality toward his…woman. He found it satisfying to see the majority of those gathered around Sonja, were more interested in her as a newcomer than hesitant because she was a stranger. Perhaps the worst was behind them, he mused. A new life and a new beginning awaited them in Texas. Heading back to her, Clemens haled him, dragging him to a quieter spot.

  “Ty, the river rats brought news of a paddle wheeler, the St. Louis Belle leaving out in three days. Word is there’s room for four passengers.” Clemens glanced back as the dancers twirled past. We make a show of securing those berths. Maybe the vampires will take the bait.

  “Better secure those berths tomorrow morning. Be sure Sonja and my names are on that manifest.” Ty gripped Clemens’ shoulder firmly. “I appreciate this.”

  Clemens nodded. “Glad I could help. I won’t keep you away from the d
ancing. Enjoy yourself.”

  As Ty broke away going back to seek her out he found her in the arms of yet another of his men. Twirling with Connors, she danced around the floor in perfect time with the music. Ty’s breath lodged in his throat. He found himself willing the vision to memory for safekeeping. His woman, a jewel, who’d somehow found her way into his world. There was no letting go. A small hand tugged at his coattail and brought him back to the present.

  “Mr. Ty, Mr. Ty.” Ethan tugged on Ty’s coattail. “I want to dance with Aunt Sony. Your men keep taking her. It’s not fair.” His small pink mouth drew up in a pout.

  Ty could hardly blame Ethan. Didn’t his yearning strain at the tether as she swirled about the floor in someone else’s arms?

  “Peers we’re both out of luck, son.” Nodding, he assured Ethan. “Give her a minute the music’s about over.”

  Sonja caught sight of Ty across the crowded dance floor. Sending him a smile, she disappeared in the throng of dancers once more. “Come on Ethan, let’s go save your woman.” With a smile and a hand on the boy’s back, Ty made his way over to her side of the dance floor to wait for the music to end.

  “Aunt Sony, Aunt Sony!” Ethan’s exuberate greeting filled the space around them. “May I have this dance?” His slender shoulders squared as he bowed low for her.

  True tenderness spread over Sonja’s face as she bent into a curtsy so deep, Ty was afraid she’d need help getting up. The music began to play. Ty stood guard to ward off another intrusion as Ethan led Sonja in a waltz.

  Warmth tugged at his heart, followed by a swell of admiration as the widow danced with the young child. Funny, he found he wanted to thank her for her attention toward Ethan – to kiss her and show her what her consideration and kindness meant. There were so many sides to Sonja Brooks. He smiled inwardly when he considered the woman.


  The band played as the dancers continued to keep the dance floor crowded. The evening was in full swing. Everyone was having a marvelous time. Watching with pleasure, as Ty swung one of the young girls around in a reel, Sonja melted. Everything was going perfectly. Tonight she would tell Ty he was going to be a father.

  A young flaxen-haired woman approached her at the punch bowl.

  “My goodness, isn’t it a wonderful dance?” The young woman produced a lace fan. With practiced skill, she began fanning back and forth vigorously. “I don’t know when I’ve had a better time.” As if it had only dawned on her, the woman switched topics. “Why, I don’t think we’ve met. I’m Claudine Morgan. My daddy owns the Triple Bar M in Texas,” she announced as she waved her gloved hand in the vague southerly direction. “We’re here on business. I’m good friends of Ty’s. Why we practically grew up together, you know.”

  Sonja didn’t miss the reference to her position in Ty’s world. Here was a confident, pampered, wealthy woman claiming to know Ty quite well. She let the woman talk. It gave her the opportunity to consider the woman’s appearance. With hair the color of wheat surrounding a delicate, fine-boned face, she appeared refined. Though petite of stature, small wasn’t a word that could ever be used to describe her. Brazen was one that came to mind, as Sonja took in the nude silk party dress Claudine wore. Her smug demeanor obviously meant to erode the confidence of those she encountered, goaded Sonja greatly. She’d seen her kind many times in the parlors and ballrooms back east. She despised her immediately.

  “I didn’t catch your name, dear…” Claudine let the statement hang in the air beginning to chill around them. Looking over her pert nose at Sonja, she waved her fan idly. Her chin came up a fraction. In another personal insult, she offered Sonja only her fingertips in a handshake.

  “My name is Sonja. I am… They…” Almost drawn into the woman’s game of “I’m better than you,” Sonja paused in her explanation.

  True to form, it only took the woman a moment to continue her little charade. “Ohhh, you must be the northern widow they say Ty brought with him. Your husband died during the war, didn’t he? You had nowhere else to go – poor dear. I think it was exceptionally kind of Ty to take you in like that. I hope you know what a terrible burden it is for us, dealing with northerners at this point in time, you understand.”

  The woman’s trite assessments of her loss, even if he was a vampire, sparked embers in Sonja’s tawny eyes.

  “Why our lives are always in danger, it seems. We never know when one of those blood-thirsty Yankees is going to come out of the woodwork to attack us. I do hope General Lee and President Johnson do something about those damn barbarians. We want to live in peace.”

  Sonja listened silently. Her temper couldn’t be sated now. This woman blatantly condemned her people right in front of her. On top of that, how’d she know of their situation? It infuriated her even more to realize a small voice in the back of her mind needled her even now to consider how friendly Ty was with this woman. Providence intervened shortly and brought along Mr. Loflin himself.

  Claudine squealed, flinging her arms around Ty in a totally over done exhibition of surprise and delight.

  Ty weathered the woman’s assault with a gentleman’s grace as she leaned into him. He leaned back to put a space between them. The bold woman stepped into his retreated space. Her arms were around him and her mouth was on his in one brazen move.

  “Darling, it’s been so long since I’ve seen you. Why I was getting to know your little friend here.” Pretending to pout she lowered her eyelashes, batting them flirtatiously before continuing. “Is she why you haven’t been to visit me at the Bar M lately?” She asked the question with feigned innocence as she ran a gloved finger down his vest buttons. “Oh, that’s right, you’ve been away during this dreaded war, haven’t you now?” Looking back at Sonja, she added, “You know dear he is always bringing home stray animals and orphaned Indians, he can’t seem to help himself.” With a shrug of her bare shoulder, she turned her attention back to Ty. “Oh, we have so much to catch up on. Hurry, I want you to see Daddy before he goes off to his meeting.” Tugging at his arm, she started across the room with Ty in tow. The backward wave she sent Sonja spoke louder than words.

  A small number of people had already begun to stare and whisper. Briann found a position to Sonja’s left and stood stoic as the two eyed each other like cats in an ally fight. The mutual animosity fairly charged the air between the two women. Sonja flicked a gaze at Ty then. The gold sparks in her eyes cut him in two. Sonja noted he walked rigidly in the direction the woman pulled him.

  Every eye was on her. Sonja swiftly became the outsider once more. “You’ll excuse me please,” Sonja addressed Briann as she gathered her skirts.


  Watching her go, Ty struggled to disengage himself from the contrite shrew. Briann faced him in grim silence after Sonja wheeled on her heel, hastening for the back door of the barn.

  “What in hell are you doing here, Claudine?” Ty finally turned his temper on the cause of his demise.

  The scheming socialite paused a moment. “Why, darling, aren’t you glad to see me? Daddy is here on business for the state of Texas. I came along for a diversion.” She smiled seductively as she nestled her breast against his chest. “I didn’t realize how much of a diversion there was.”

  “You’ve got a lot of nerve coming here and starting trouble like this.” He ground out the words through gritted teeth. “A lot of damn nerve.” He swore under his breath. “If I didn’t know better, I’d say you were working for the Yankees.”

  “Why, darling, I don’t know what you mean.” She attempted more of her patented feigned innocence. The fan waving began in earnest.

  Her acting wasn’t lost on him as he grabbed her arm. Claudine’s being there was too much of a coincidence. Unlatching himself from her claws, he wheeled to find Sonja. There was no sign of her.

  “Stop, you’re hurting me. Ty, I said let go of me!” Claudine whimpered in alarm as he steered her to the huge, double door opening of the barn entrance and away from the curious glanc

  Not realizing she should stop, she continued to goad him. “It’s a shame your little widow couldn’t stay.” She smoothed her skirts, immediately fluffing her hair when Ty released his grip. “General Lee would be thrilled to interrogate the widow of the renegade outlaw, Robert Brooks I would think. Don’t you think it’s about time somebody put the north in their place?” Her voice dripped with contempt.

  He gripped her arm again, this time squeezing with each word. “Where did you learn of Robert Brooks?” His eyes narrowed on her face. “Who are you working for?”

  Claudine gasped as his fingers sank into her flesh. “Ty, let go, you’re hurting me!”

  His temper grew with each second ticking by. Easing the pressure on the vixen’s arm, he tried again. “My apologies. Where did you come by such information?”

  “The flyers are posted along the walls of all the stores in town, right along with Jessie James and the Younger gang.” She pulled at the sleeve of her gown, giving the material a smoothing. A slight frown appeared as she worked to eliminate the damage Ty’s grip had done to her neatly pressed ensemble. “Why, I believe there’s even a poster with a likeness of you, my sweet.” She patted his cheek and offered him a smile, a smile which never reached her eyes.

  Seething now with temper, he shot back, “If you know what’s good for you you’ll consider what you’re doing before you go sharing information with the Yankees or the Rebs.” He hadn’t missed her thinly-veiled suggestion she’d love to turn him in if he didn’t treat her as she wanted. His gut was churning with the danger Sonja would be in if he were behind bars or worse – dead! “You’re messing with something that could hurt you, Claudine - something that could hurt us all. Stop it”


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