Gods of War (War of the Gods Series)

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Gods of War (War of the Gods Series) Page 13

by Jory Smith

  “We sort of discussed this before you got here. Jessica has agreed to help fight in the war with the humans. We will need her expertise,” Amadi said

  “Jessica, what are they talking about?” Terry asked incredulously. “You have no fighting experience. The only weapon you’ve ever fired was your father’s gun.”

  She looked around, fidgeting as she finally spoke. “That is not entirely true. You know I am Irish, and my adopted parents are also Irish. What you don’t know is what they were. I told you I didn’t like guns. I told you that the only weapon I ever fired was my father’s weapon and that he gave it to me when he died. Well, that wasn’t entirely true,” She reached over and grabbed a cup of wine and gulped it all down. “My father did die and he did give me his pistol. But the reason that is all I have of him is because he and mother were Real IRA members, otherwise called the Real Irish Republican Army.”

  Both Nicolai and Amadi showed a look of surprise on their faces. Athena bent over to Amadi and asked. “What is Real Irish Republican Army?”

  He responded. “They are a terrorist organization. Really deadly,”

  Jessica continued, “Being the daughter of a Real IRA member, I was raised differently than other kids. You can probably say that I am about as trained as you are.”

  “You are a terrorist?” Terry managed to get out.

  “No, I have never taken part in any terrorist act. And Amadi is going to need the skills I have. America is in a civil war, half of the people are fighting for Ares while the rest are fighting against him. The situation is the same throughout the whole world. We need all of the help we can receive, and I can help.”

  “Fine, if that’s what you want,” Terry turned to Amadi. “If anything happens to her, I am coming straight after…”

  A pain shot across his side cutting off his sentence. He turned around and saw Jessica pulling back her fist.

  “One, you don’t talk like that to me. Two, we have already gone through this before. I can protect myself. Next time, it won’t be a love tap.”

  Still clutching his side Terry turned away from her. This is what I get for falling in love with a strong woman, he thought, one that won’t put up with my macho crap.

  Preparing for her next jab he continued. “You can’t stop me from protecting you. I just won’t do it within arm’s length of you okay.”

  “I guess that will be good enough for now,” she said, winking at him.

  Terry looked around and saw that everyone was looking at them. He spoke to change the subject.

  “That leaves me going after Ares then? Well, this will be fun. Maybe I can meet up with Ares and give him the beating he deserves.”

  “I guess we’ve got our game plan. Does that meet your approval, Athena?” Amadi asked.

  “Of course, even though Hermes could have come up with this idea.”

  “You have not seen me in action yet,” Amadi said, trying to impress her. “I can guarantee you that I will leave you in awe.”

  Both Athena and Aphrodite giggled in amusement. What is up with Athena? Terry thought.

  Ever since they had come out of the compound, Athena had seemed almost likeable, especially towards Amadi. Then there was Aphrodite. Something told Terry that she had her own agenda brewing. Then there was Zeus. What have I got myself into? You’d think something that nearly killed us would have been important enough to inform us about before we ran into it, he thought.

  “So it’s settled. We have our strategy and now we just need to set the execution date. When will you three be healed?” Zeus asked.

  “The healers said sometime next week. They won’t know for sure until a couple more days have passed though,” Nicolai answered.

  “That is good,” Zeus responded. “Heal up and enjoy your rest. You four are going to need it. As for me, I will take care of my part drawing both Hades and Ares to where the Token resides,”

  Breakfast continued with the group talking among themselves. Nicolai sat with his own thoughts. Amadi was with Athena discussing how they would first invade earth and what area would be the best place to liberate first? Terry spoke with Jessica, trying to learn more about her past.

  After the meal was done, Nicolai went back to the cabin while Amadi and Athena headed to the training compound. Terry and Jessica decided to go off on their own. He wanted to spend as much time with her as he could in the few days they had left.

  “Do you think you will be able to keep up with your injuries?” Athena asked when they reached the training grounds.

  Amadi looked at the compound that he and his companions had just recently completed. The dreams he kept having while unconscious came to his thoughts. In his dreams he was helpless, he couldn’t do anything while his friends died from that creature. Then that creature turned on him. Never before had he come against an enemy he couldn’t defeat. That thing inside had nearly killed him. He would have died if it wasn’t for Terry and Nicolai.

  Amadi moved a hand to the burnt side of his face. Feeling a prickly sensation as he touched the singed skin, the smell of burnt flesh still emitted from his scars. The pain was unbearable. I have been tortured a few times in my life. Nothing compared to what that creature did to me.

  Athena tossed a practice sword towards Amadi. Still staring at the compound, the sword hit Amadi knocking him out of his trance. Stretching as he bent to pick up the sword, Athena stepped in front of him.

  “Hey, didn’t you hear me?” Athena said.

  “Sorry, my thoughts were elsewhere,” Amadi said trying to regain his composure. “What did you say?”

  “Are you alright?” Athena asked, walking closer to him.

  She had already equipped her shield and spear in hand.

  “Yeah, just reminiscing on what happened in the compound,” Amadi said rubbing his burn scars. “We are in trouble if Ares has allied himself with those things. If just one of those could do what it did to us, imagine what more would do,” Amadi threw his sword to the ground. “We wouldn’t be able to stop them.”

  For the first time in his life, Amadi was concerned if he was going to survive the war. For the first time, he had truly been humbled.

  “Athena, can you take me to earth real quick?” Amadi asked.

  “There is no way I can do that. Why do you need to go?

  “I need to get something. We need something to help us remember why we are fighting. This is not us,” He said pointing to the chiton he was wearing. “Do this for me. I will owe you one.”

  “Fine, I will take you down, but we will have to be careful. We will be attacked if Ares finds out we are us out there alone. As for my payment, I want to become your wife. With Zeus gone, we will rule the gods together.”

  Politics. No matter where he would go, Amadi would always be pulled into politics.

  “Fine, we have a deal. We should leave soon. We have three places we will need to travel too.”

  “Okay. I am going to prepare what we will need and provide us a cover story. I will meet you back here in an hour. Go and grab whatever you want,” Athena teleported out of the valley, leaving Amadi standing alone.

  Terry and Nicolai were right. I am changing, becoming one of them. How could I have been so stupid to think that was a good thing? Not any more, I am not Assaraeus anymore, I am Amadi and I need to start acting like it. Amadi got up and headed towards Nicolai. I need to talk with Nicolai and Terry.

  Nicolai was lying on a table as a nymph massaged his back.

  What was up with Amadi coming in and rambling like that? He started rambling about needing something to fight for and something to help us believe in our fight. I think that guy is going crazy.

  “What was all of that about?” the nymph asked Nicolai while massaging his back.

  “I don’t know. It seems like he has something planned,” Nicolai answered.

  “It does. I wonder what it was about. How is the massage feeling?”

  “Great,” Nicolai gasped. “Thank you for doing this. I have needed th
is for a long time.”

  “It’s no problem. Now if you will turn over I can start working on your front,” she said.

  Nicolai turned onto his back and then the nymph started rubbing his neck and chest. Nicolai got more comfortable as the nymph’s massage became more intense. Slowly the nymph worked her way to his stomach, softly massaging the skin so that the scar and muscles won’t tighten up.

  “This is one terrible scar,” she said as she touched it. “Whoever gave you this must have been dangerous,”

  “It was. We took care of the problem though,” Nicolai said closing his eyes getting more relaxed. Suddenly he felt the nymph’s hand moving towards his privates.

  Nicolai reached out and grabbed her hand. “You don’t need to do that,” he said removing her hand.

  “You know that you can have us whenever you want,” the nymph said soothingly. “My sisters and I have been trying to get you into bed for a while.”

  “Why don’t you go after Terry or Amadi?” Nicolai replied

  “Tereus is out after that woman sat us down and in a threatening manner, asked us to leave him alone, and Athena has taken a liking to Assaraeus. That just leaves you available, dear Nicholaus,” she said trying to sneak her other hand under the sheets.

  Nicolai got up from the table causing the sheet to fall off. Not caring he was naked; he started shoving the nymph to the door. She fought him to no avail. When he reached the door, he opened it and shoved her outside.

  Chapter 13

  When am I ever going to catch a break? Ares thought.

  Ares eyes lingered on the bed where both Artemis and Atlanta slept entwined. Ares tried to take his mind off his problems, but couldn’t. The shade hadn’t shown his face since the last time it man handled him, Zeus still hadn’t made his move, the weapon that discharged the enormous amount of power he felt was still out of his grasp , and finding a spy to enter Zeus’ domain proved worthless.

  He couldn’t trust Artemis to spy for him. Atlanta would be caught before she even got close to Zeus, not to mention she would turn back into a lion if she ever left his presence. The others gods couldn’t be used at all, as they had already declared their allegiance to him.

  I need to get my hands on that weapon. With it, I wouldn’t need the other gods, Ares continued with his thoughts. That weapon is more powerful than Zeus’ bolts.

  As Ares kept his eyes on the women who filled his bed, a cloaked figure entered his personal chambers. Ares jumped up, summoning his battle axe to his hand but stopped in mid-stride.

  “How did you get past my guards?” he asked.

  The women strolled in like she owned the place. “You think your guards can stop me? I go wherever I want,” the woman said.

  “Well what do you want then?”

  “The shade is dead, so I figured I better reveal myself.”

  “You were behind the shade,” Ares said with amusement. “Don’t tell me you were his master?”

  “No, I am not his master, though I am the one who found his kind. I struck a deal with them.”

  “A deal? What kind of deal are you talking about?” Ares said with a curious look.

  “One that would get rid of Zeus and put me as queen of the gods.”

  Ares started gripping his axe getting ready to attack once more. “So what was I, just some pawn being used in your deal?”

  “I am not going to lie,” the woman said taking Ares’ seat. “Yes, you were. But since they failed their part of the deal, I am willing to extend it to you.”

  “Oh really? What makes you think that I need your help?”

  The woman started chuckling and grabbed a cup filled with wine. “Because I know what Zeus is planning and I know how we can defeat him.”

  “What is in it for me?”

  The woman looked up and smiled. Knowing she had hooked him. “I was hoping you would get to this. We would rule together, me as queen and you as king.”

  “Zeus had that deal with Hera and it didn’t work out so much for her, so how would this be different?”

  “Hera was a jealous goddess,” the woman then looked at the women on the bed. “As you can see, I am not. You have your dalliances and I would have mine.”

  “What if I get jealous?”

  “You can kill them. I would be done with them anyways. Or you could join in.”

  “We will have to talk more. So we will fully understanding our roles in this new partnership.”

  “Well, I have time right now.” The woman took off her clothes and jumped in bed with the other women. “Come on. I don’t have all day.”

  At last the day has finally come. They finally completed their training, although at an unfortunate cost.

  Zeus hoped he did not have to divulge every secret he had, but he had to tell them some things. Then there was Jessica and the decision he had to make about her. One choice to follow the facts and let her live. That would go against his instincts that have saved him many times. If only Hera was still here. I could use her advice. Even though Zeus would cheat on her daily, he still held listened to her advice tremendously. Too bad her jealousy led to her death.

  Now Zeus was left to deal with Jessica on his own. Zeus didn’t know why she seemed so dangerous; she was only a demi-god after all. The Graeae said she wasn’t the one who would cause his downfall.

  With too many problems and not enough time to deal with them all, Zeus had to keep his mind on the big picture. Zeus knew he would have to not only face and defeat Hades and Ares, but he would have to make it so Tereus fell instead of him.

  The universe needs me, he rationalized. If I go, the Daimōn will certainly escape. Zeus knew that Terry wouldn’t give up his own life for the betterment of all. He had to show Terry a false vision to even get him to join up for the war. There is no way that Terry could take my spot.

  Zeus knew the other two could be controlled. They were easily understood. I can control them much easier than my own brothers. Everything is coming together, everything except the girl. I will have to arrange for her to have an accident.

  The door opened to his meditation chamber and Hermes walked in.

  “Lord Zeus, they are waiting in the valley. You said you wanted to send them off,” Hermes said.

  “Yes, that was what I wanted to do. How are they feeling? Do they feel confident in their mission?”

  “I think so. You will have to see for yourself,” Hermes answered.

  Zeus detected a hint of uncertainty in Hermes voice. The humans certainly unnerved his gods, especially when they created those weapons. Who would have thought that gods would be afraid of humans?

  “Alright let’s go,” Zeus grabbed Hermes shoulder and teleported to the valley.

  Zeus and Hermes arrived at the training compound. They noticed everyone was at the pavilion. Walking the rest of the way, Zeus saw what they were wearing. Nicolai was wearing a black, pin-stripe suit with a white silk shirt and a trench coat. Amadi was wearing the same uniform he had when he was a general, with all rank insignia and ribbons clearly visible. Terry and Jessica were both wearing Marine Corp digital desert camouflage from Terry’s days in the Marines.

  “What is this?” Zeus asked when he got closer. “Why are you not wearing the armor we have for you?”

  “With all due respect, the armor rather sucks,” Nicolai said. “There is no way I would be wearing a dress into combat.”

  “That is actually putting it a little too bluntly,” Terry interrupted. “We just needed something more comfortable. We almost got killed playing by your rules. We are not going to make that mistake again. We are going to play by our rules. That is why I had these weapons created. That is why you need us.”

  “We also need something visual to help us remember what we are fighting for,” Amadi said. “We are losing our humanity. I lost my humanity. We got lucky in that compound and we need something to push us through the dark times.”

  “Is that all?” Zeus said waiting for a response.

is ridiculous,” Jessica blurted out, breaking the silence. “What we are all concerned about is that you are trying to turn us into you. Didn’t you say the reason you needed us was because of our humanity? If that is the case, why are you trying to stamp it out? I wasn’t on board with all of this, and honestly, I still am not. But as I saw this progressing, the only hope humanity has is us. It is your kind that is causing this.”

  No wonder the other gods are taken aback by this. These four do not treat us like gods. They treat us like we are one of them. Perhaps we have been away longer than I thought. Yes, things are definitely going to have to change after all of this.

  “Since everyone has said their piece, let’s get going,” Zeus finally said. “Hermes, you are going to take Nicholaus into the underworld. Aphrodite, you will take Tereus to Ares. Remember, no teleporting. We don’t want to give Ares any indication on what we are doing. Athena, you will work with Jessica and Assaraeus and his men on earth. Do you know what area we are going to liberate first?

  “I was thinking we would start with the Americans,” Amadi briefed Zeus. “They are much better fighters and Ares is not dug in that area. The Americans already have an established resistance, whereas the rest of the rebellions are scattered across the globe and have no coordination among them. Trying to coordinate them into something that can defeat Ares would be too difficult. Besides if we land anywhere outside of your protection, Ares’ gods will attack us. ”

  “Sounds good,” Zeus replied. “Say your good-byes. We’ve got a war to fight.”

  Chapter 14

  Nicolai could barely see in front of him when they landed. When they finally landed, it was in the middle of a blizzard. He didn’t know what was worse—the landing or the actual flight. Nicolai couldn’t believe Hermes actually flew like that. He just grabbed Nicolai’s arm and took off. Every time Nicolai looked down, the ground zoomed past him causing him to throw up. Now with his hands under each armpit trying to be kept warm, Nicolai wished Hermes would fly them somewhere warm.


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