Lion's Heart (Blood Moon Book 4)

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Lion's Heart (Blood Moon Book 4) Page 7

by Natalie Aejaz

  He frowned. “And you needed a pink limo for that?”

  “We only went for a short ride in it. It’s Rehana’s kind of thing.”

  “I will be glad when we leave Manhattan, and you’re away from these unstable friends of yours. This is why father wanted you to go to an Association institute to study.”

  After that, silence descended between them.

  She was to endure this for the rest of her life? The feeling of never being good enough, being unwanted…the only time he would pay attention was when he came to her bed, and that thought brought bile to her throat.

  But other Association women managed, so why should she be any different? And before she went to Eclipse—she didn’t even want to think about what she’d done with the shifter while she was next to Michael—she’d been fine with this. More than fine, in fact. Like mother, she’d seen the benefits…still did. That was it…she needed to keep reminding herself of the reasons she was doing this—she couldn’t jeopardize her future because of one mistake.

  She was grateful when they stopped outside Phoenix’s gates. As they both got out, a liveried valet approached. “May I park your car?” Michael tossed him the keys and then took Ivy’s arm, walking her toward the gate.

  There was a beautiful woman in a white gown waiting at the entrance. “I am Shereen, your hostess.” Her smile was breathtaking. “I will show you to the manager’s office. He will be in charge of all details related to your booking.”

  Ivy didn’t miss how Michael’s gaze fixed to the woman. It was understandable…with that long red hair and blue eyes, anyone would pay attention to her. More surprising was that Ivy didn’t care one iota about her future husband admiring another female. As the woman turned, her walk was so graceful that it was as if she glided…she was too otherworldly to be human. Yes, she had to be a supernatural.

  As they followed her up a long path, Ivy barely took in the landscaped gardens. In two months, this was where the ceremony would take place, and then it would be over.

  They entered the building behind the hostess, and Ivy kept her gaze on the marble flooring as they followed her through the corridor. Eventually, she stopped and knocked at a door.

  “Come in,” said a deep masculine voice. That voice…it sounded like…she shook her head. That shifter was still stuck inside her mind. She didn’t need to be thinking of him now…she needed to somehow get through this.

  When Shereen opened the door, Ivy kept her eyes fixed on the carpet in the office, no interest in whoever was managing their booking. “Please sit,” said the hostess, directing them to two chairs in front of a desk. After Shereen left, Ivy kept her eyes on the table as documents were pushed toward them. She barely glanced at the papers, but Michael gave them his full attention, reading every detail as if expecting some fraud.

  Suddenly, she experienced a strange sensation, as if a cold finger had trailed down her spine. Dread grabbed hold of her as she sensed who the man sat before her was.

  No, it couldn’t be.

  She lifted her gaze to meet his and then froze. The shifter…?

  His narrowed eyes were fixed to her, and they flashed as she stared back. His mouth was tense as his gaze bored into her, shaking up that part of her he had reached that night in the club. Images flashed through her head, of them devouring each other’s lips, his demanding touch as he slid between her legs…

  When she glanced at Michael, he seemed unaware of the emotions that raged through her, engrossed in a budget sheet of some sort. She glanced at the shifter again, and his jaw tightened as he looked between Michael and her.

  Finally, Michael spoke. “Are we going to get on with this, then?”

  The shifter cleared his throat. “I am Junaid. As Shereen will have told you, I’ll be dealing with your booking.”

  No…how was it possible? He worked at that club, so what was he doing here? Going through this wedding would be difficult enough without dealing with him.

  “You already know our names,” said Michael.

  The shifter nodded, his eyes still on Ivy. “It is our great honor to host such a prestigious wedding.” She wished he wouldn’t stare at her with such intensity…surely it would cause Michael to suspect something.

  “It is indeed,” said Michael. “You know about the ceremonies and how the hall needs to be blessed and purified beforehand?”

  Junaid nodded. “For three days before, special incense will be lit and blessings recited.” And then he stared at Ivy again. When his eyes flashed, she tensed. Michael dealt with supernaturals regularly while he managed her business, but even so, he didn’t need visual reminders that they were dealing with one right now. Junaid’s eyes narrowed on her. “Everyone knows how particular the Association is about purity.”

  She lowered her eyes to the desk. From his tone, it was obvious that Junaid knew the Association insisted on the chastity of brides. And just a week ago, she’d been in his office, spread across his sofa as he plunged inside her. The memory made her draw a sharp breath. She had run out of the club after discovering what he was, but now, after being in the same room as him again, she couldn’t deny it. She was still attracted to him. Knowing he had a lion inside him, and that he could sprout fangs and claws at any point, should have repulsed her, but it made no difference to the need that raged through her…

  She kept her gaze on the desk. If she didn’t look at him, he wouldn’t tempt her…but it didn’t work…it was as if heat traveled across the table, blazing a trail across her body and invading her insides.

  Dear lord, please forgive me for my sinful thoughts.

  “You have already seen the venue, of course?” asked Junaid.

  “I have,” said Michael. “I was with father when we first viewed it. But my bride has not seen it.”

  The shifter frowned as he glanced between them both. “You booked it without the bride seeing it?” He cleared his throat and then hid his disapproval behind a smile, but when he stood, his shoulders were stiff and jaw tight as if he gritted his teeth.

  He stepped ahead of them to open the door. Michael went out into the corridor first, and as Ivy stepped passed Junaid, her arm brushed against his. At his sharp intake of breath, she looked up. He stared down at her brazenly, as if Michael was not with them.

  “Ivy?” Michael’s voice came from a distance. “Ivy?”

  She cleared her throat and then glanced at her fiancé. “Coming.”

  “You know I have to get back for this meeting, don’t you?”


  Junaid turned to walk ahead, and Michael and she followed him down the corridor. Her eyes were on Junaid’s broad back and how his muscles tensed under his jacket. She should be focused on the reason she was here, not thinking about how hard his body was under that clothing…

  Finally, they were inside the banqueting hall. She gasped as she looked around. She couldn’t believe that John had approved something so beautiful. The white hall was spacious, with gold stenciled designs running along the bottom of its walls. Glass doors ran along the other side of it, looking out over a garden and water fountain. Beyond that, there were views of the river. She’d expected them to go for something austere…but of course, important Association members would be at the ceremony and needed to be impressed.

  “It’s beautiful,” she breathed.

  As her gaze traveled the hall, her mouth open, she came face to face with the shifter. His expression had softened and eyes were on her smile. She looked away, darting her eyes here and there, anywhere but at him.

  “So we’re happy then, are we?” Michael asked her.


  “Father spoke to you over the phone this morning about all that needs to be done?” She nodded. Only about a zillion times. Michael glanced at his watch. “I need to get going now…but I’m sure you can handle this.” He reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a check book that had her company’s name on it. He wrote out a figure and signed it before handing the check to her.
“Remember to get a receipt.”

  “Of course,” she murmured.

  The check book went back inside his pocket.

  “I know my way out from here.” Michael’s voice was considerably colder as he spoke to Junaid. “Could you show Ivy the rest of the venue?”

  The fact that he didn’t offer the other man his hand caused an awkward silence, but Junaid was unfazed. When Michael turned to Ivy and kissed her on the cheek, she glanced over his shoulder at Junaid, something close to guilt piercing through her…as if she’d done something wrong. The shifter’s eyes narrowed as if confirming she had.

  “Remember,” Michael mentioned as he stepped back. “You need to make sure the blessings are in the right order.” She nodded, not bothering to respond. “And make sure you check the details of the bedding ceremony. It’s one of the most important wedding rituals.”

  And after those choice words, he left the hall, leaving Ivy with a flushed face and unable to look at the shifter.


  * * *

  AS JUNAID SLID OPEN THE glass doors and stepped into the beautiful garden, Ivy close behind him, even the fresh air, sound of running water and beautiful surroundings didn’t take the edge of his mood. As he ran his gaze over perfect flower arrangements and trees that flowed to the ground as if they danced in the wind, part of him was relieved she wasn’t married…but the other part? Pissed.

  Why the fuck was she marrying that fool? And she was from the Association? That explained a lot. It explained her tears that night and why she’d been so desperate to have sex with him before she entered the marriage with Michael. That human was a damn fool who wasn’t worthy of her. Such an important time of their life, and all he could think of was getting back to work. Damn it, his idiot father and him didn’t even think it necessary for her to view the wedding venue before they selected it? And why the hell didn’t she put her foot down? She deserved better.

  “How long have you been with the Association?” he asked her, breaking the silence between them.

  His question startled her, but she recovered quickly, her eyes on the ground. She did that a lot, didn’t she? Avoid his gaze. Did she do that with everyone or was it just him? “I’ve been with them all my life.”

  Which meant a lot of work had gone into making her the way she was. But this cold, aloof female—he refused to believe that was the real her. What about the passionate woman who hadn’t given a damn about who watched them as she cozied up to him on the dance floor and reached for his trouser waistband?

  No, I can’t let my thoughts go there.

  He’d been on edge since Ivy walked into the office and he first realized who she was—the daughter of Harrison. A powerful man whose death had been sudden, and if the rumors were correct, the property he left behind meant that Ivy and her mother had one hell of a financial standing. In other words, she was out of his league.

  She walked ahead of him and then paused, her eyes bright as she took in the view of the river stretching out below them. The original hotel owners had bought some of the surrounding land and removed the bars that once lined the riverside, creating a scenic view to be enjoyed by patrons.

  “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” she murmured, and there was that smile on her face again, the one that had taken his breath away in the hall. And just like before, it only lasted a few seconds before it disappeared. “Michael mentioned you already have all the details. Perhaps we could go over them?”

  “Yes. But would you like to see the rest of the venue first?”

  That smile was well and truly gone. “I’m sure it’s as lovely as the areas I’ve already seen. And Michael and John have already seen the building, so I’m sure it’s more than suitable.”

  So little interest in the place where the biggest day of her life was to take place.

  As they walked back to the office, he suddenly had the need to comfort her…even had the idiotic urge to place his arm around her. But he had no right to do either…she was to be somebody else’s bride in a few weeks.

  So what the hell had that bachelorette party been about? Had she gone out specifically to get laid? And then another thought hit him. Would she have fucked anybody that night?

  Damn, his lion rose in protest. No way. There had been something between them. He glanced at her face for answers, but it was blank, the way it had been when she walked into his office. Where was that brazen woman who’d melted in his arms?

  Inside the office, she took the seat opposite his, saying little as she handed him the deposit check. He frowned at the payer name. Harrison Business Solutions. Her company…so why was her future husband writing out the checks? But it wasn’t his business, so he printed a receipt from his laptop and handed it to her. She took the very edge of it between her fingers, as if she wanted to avoid any contact.

  “I guess we’ll meet at the ceremony,” she mumbled.

  And it suddenly hit him. He was going to arrange the bonding of this woman—who he’d been unable to get out of his mind during the last week—to another man. He would arrange her bedding ceremony with sweet-smelling incense and crystals, so that she could climb into a marital bed for that weasel to…damn, he couldn’t even think about it.

  “Does Michael know about what happened at Eclipse?”

  The question popped out of his mouth before he could stop it, and when her face paled and eyes widened, he had his answer. He sighed, leaning back, his eyes on her. “What the hell are you doing, Ivy?”

  It was the first time he’d said her name, and it was strange on his lips. Until now, it had been as if she was an unreal creature, a figment of his imagination who had turned his world upside in a night and disappeared.

  Her voice was cold. “That’s nothing to do with you.”

  “You’re right. I just find it strange that you’re about to marry Michael when you were fucking me just a week ago.” Her mouth tightened at his words. “And he knows nothing about what’s happened? I know I’m not a human, but what kind of way is this to start your mating?”

  “Are you trying to make me feel awkward?”

  “I just find the whole situation strange. Answer this, then. Why did you sleep with me that night?”

  She shrugged. “I don’t know, but I’ve spent the last week regretting it.”

  And that pissed his beast off no end. He took a deep breath, willing his lion to calm down. “You don’t mean that.”

  “Really? You work at a bloody sex club, and you’re a shifter. Enough reason to regret what happened.”

  “It’s not a sex club, and you knew I worked there when you went into my office with me.” He paused. “When you begged me to fuck you.”

  She scowled. “I didn’t know you were a shifter, though. If I had, I would never have touched you.”

  Damn it, he was done with these humans always having a go at his kind. When would it stop?

  And he refused to believe that she wouldn’t have responded to his touch if she knew he was a shifter. “That’s not true, Ivy. You wanted me that night, and you would have fucked me even if you knew who I was.”

  “Just because you want it to be true, doesn’t mean it is.” Her fingers drummed an unsteady pattern on the table. “I love Michael.”

  Her words nearly made him laugh. “Don’t give me that crap. Both of us know it’s not true.”

  “How dare you? That is no way to talk to your client.” She stood. “Thank you for your time. This meeting is over.”

  But before she could leave the room, he stepped around the table and placed a hand on the door. “Why does the truth hurt you?”

  “None of what you’re saying is the truth. You’re deluded.”

  “Prove it, then.” He closed in on her until her back was against the door. He then placed his hands on either side of her head. Her lips parted, her breath coming and going fast.

  Damn, you really are beautiful.

  He lowered his head and brushed his lips against hers, hard enough to linger but gentle eno
ugh to tease. When he swept his tongue across her lower lip, she gasped, and at the sound, he lifted his head. Her eyes were wide and pupils dilated as her hands moved up his chest.

  His lips curled up in a smile before he moved his mouth to hers again. This time, she pressed against him, and her response drove him to deepen the kiss. He pressed his tongue against her lips, hard and demanding, and when she parted them, he slipped inside her heat. Sliding his hands down her back and to her waist, he brought her closer.

  He was already hard, and as she rubbed against his erection, it forced a moan from him. Damn, he practically felt her core whimper against him. Her hands went to his hair, trailing through it, tugging and pulling. As he explored her mouth with his tongue, she sucked it, her lips becoming more needy against his and stoking the same fire that had burned between them that night.

  Yes, this was who she was. Not that beaten woman who followed her fiancé’s every instruction.

  And that reminded him of why she was here.

  When he stood back, her eyes were hooded as she stared up at him.

  He ignored the ache that had demanded to be sated over the past week, as he said, “You didn’t know I was a shifter before, Ivy, but you did just now.”

  The haze lifted from her eyes, and she pushed at his chest. “So you were just proving a point? This is why humans distrust supernaturals…it’s in your nature to be underhand—”

  “Underhand?” He pushed the word through gritted teeth. “Enough with your good girl act. You’re marrying the son of the Manhattan leader. The organization is involved with criminals. Just like your father was…” When she said nothing to dispute his claims, realization dawned upon him. “But you knew that, didn’t you?” He stepped back, running a hand through his hair. “It’s always the same with you people, judging others on their morals and faith, but when it comes to your own benefit, all those lessons conveniently go out of the window.”


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