Forever Here

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Forever Here Page 6

by Harold Wall

  Delos vague directions on how to get there, but it was the sudden intense feeling he'd gotten that he'd needed to turn right then that had made him so sure.

  "A feeling," he answered her, knowing that he was going to get a skeptical look. Instead Rashel just looked at him for a moment before turning back around.

  "Whatever you say," she mumbled.

  They drove roughly around the bases of mountains, passing through many unpaved passes and splashing through streams that led to the ocean to the right of the car. it seemed to

  take hours, and every minute that trickled by seem like a wild eternity to Delos.

  Eventually they broke free of the mountains and into a grassy field. To the right the ocean was in plain view, the sun glinting off the almost smooth surface of the ocean. Up ahead

  of the empty field, was a thick forest, the branches hanging down ominously and casting dark shadows into its depths.

  "Through there," Delos whispered, his throat closing tightly. Whatever was back there, it wasn't good. That much he knew just by looking at the trees looming over them as Quinn

  drove up to them, slowing as he did so.

  "I thought so," Quinn grumbled, stopping the car and turning off the engine. "The car won't fit through there—we walk from here. Get ready Rashel." Rashel was out of the car in an

  instant, walking towards the back. Quinn pressed a button and Delos heard a POP! In the back. He turned around, startled and ready to defend even though he was enclosed in a

  tight space. "RelaxI just popped the trunk for her, that's all." Quinn's voice was soft and efficient, like a bomb specialist reassuring a team of specialists that no other country had

  the tools to reconstruct the bomb—Delos had seen it once in what Maggie had called a movie' on one of his few trips to the outside world. The bomb specialist had been wrong, in

  the end.

  But Quinn seemed to know what he was doing, so Delos relaxed and got out of the car and turned to find Rashel pulling a bundle out of the back of the car along with a duffel bag.

  She slung the duffel bag over her shoulder and slammed the trunk, letting out a sigh. "I don't know if you really have some crazy instinct on tracking your soulmate," She started,

  not looking at him, "and I don't know if maybe we're on this crazy chase for nothing. But for now I've decided to put my trust in you."

  Delos was startled—Rashel had never seemed to bother much with him, and when she did talk to him it seemed as though she thought he was insane. "Why?" He found himself

  questioning her.

  She didn't say anything for a moment and after a moment she turned her green eyes up to him. "Because you killed Hunter Redfern,"

  Delos recalled the incident almost a year ago, but didn't see how it had anything to do with her. Seeing the confused look on his face, she elaborated, her voice even. "He killed my mother when I was five." Without waiting for Delos's answer—not that he could think of one; he was much too startled—she shrugged her shoulders and started for the forest. "So I

  just wanted to say thank you…that's all."

  Delos was tongue tied as he watched her walk into the dark forest and disappear. "Wait…" he started, a little worried that she'd get separated from them, but a firm hand grasped

  his shoulder.

  "Don't worry about her—she's just changing into something more flexible." Quinn sounded amused and Delos whirled too face him. He didn't seem at all concerned for her, but he

  still stared after her, his muscles tense just in case.

  A few moments later, Rashel came back, but instead of wearing something normallooking –at least for the modern world—she wore all black, skin tight clothes and black boots. On

  her hip was a twofoot long wooden sword. "No mask?" Quinn questioned, opening the passenger door so that she could toss the now empty duffel bag and her clothes from before.

  "No point—if they're anything like Delos, they're not going to be talking to anyone on the outside for a while." She answered with absolute certainty and Quinn didn't argue with her.

  "So do you have a plan?" She suddenly whirled to face him, her hands on her hips.

  Delos paused, thinking it through. After a moment, he nodded. "Yes—but it doesn't involve you two."

  Rashel looked bewildered for a moment and then outraged. "What, are you insane? You plan to march into a castle full of Night People unarmed and alone?"

  Delos nodded. "Yes, I do."

  Rashel gave an exasperated look to Quinn. "What makes you think they won't kill you on the spot?" Quinn asked his voice serious.

  "Because it'll mean war if they did," Delos answered dryly. "You two don't know everything about my world, just like I don't know everything about yours." He turned to Rashel who

  was still giving him doubtful looks. "You said you could trust me; I want you to trust me now."

  Rashel obviously didn't like this plan at all, but Delos could tell that she was starting to see the reason behind his words. She didn't know this environment. "What do we do if you

  don't come back?" she asked her voice soft.

  "Send word for back up from Circle Daybreak—and do whatever it takes to save her if I don't come back by nightfall."

  "Rright this way, Prince Delos," a shapeshifter stuttered, beckoning him down the dimly lit corridor. Delos followed without saying a word, his mind concentrating on everything

  around him. As he'd expected, he'd caught the Night People here off guard with his 'surprise emergency visit'. When the shapeshifter had asked him why, he'd glared and said I was

  business for Prince Alec's ears only. So reluctantly, the shapeshifter had sent word to Prince Alec of his arrival and led him down towards the throne room of the castle.

  "Is there anything I can get for you, Prince Delos?" the shapeshifter was asking, his voice nervous.

  "No, I'm fine thank you." Delos answered, "I just need to see Prince Alec right away, that's all."

  "Is that really all?" A new voice startled both Delos and the shapeshifter into a stop. Delos whirled, and found a man standing there, staring at him with a dark expression.

  He's a vampire, he thought to himself, keeping his cool, collected expression plastered on his face as he answered, "My business is for Prince Alec's ears only." He kept his gaze

  penetrating to emphasize that he wouldn't budge on his decision.

  The man stared at Delos for along while before he turned to the shapeshifter. "I'll take him to the throne room,"

  "But…" The shapeshifter looked confused, as though he wasn't sure if he was supposed to leave Delos's side.

  The man's glare hardened. "Go," He ordered. The shapeshifter tensed and, muttering a farewell to Delos, turned and ran off down the corridor in the opposite direction. Delos stared

  after him before slowly turning to the man. Judging by the shapeshifter's reaction, Delos thought, this man was not to be underestimated.

  If there was ever a time when he wished the still had his blue fire, it was now.

  They stared each other down for a few moments before the man shrugged and started down the corridor. "I already know who you are, so let me introduce myself—I'm Blade; I'm

  Alec's advisor."

  Delos reluctantly followed after Blade, "I see," He muttered.

  "But I suppose you don't care about that." Blade continued on, "You have your own problems to worry about and I have my own priorities that I attend to, so frankly I don't really

  care that you're some powerful prince." He stopped before a large, elaborately carved wooden door and turned to Delos, his glare replacing his expressionless one from before.

  "But know this—I am also Alec's protector, and I don't extract mercy on anyone who threatens Alec's life."

  Delos kept his nonchalant look on his face, but inside he took Blade's words as a threat that needed to be paid attention to. There was something…ruthless about Blade. He meant

  what he said and Delos could tell. He might hav
e gotten along with Blade back before he met Maggie, but now…it made him uneasy.

  He was going to have to finish this up fast with Alec and get Maggie away from here before Blade had the chance to do mobilize.

  Blade turned away and opened the door, stepping aside so that he could go in. Delos walked past him, keeping his head held high and dignified, as though Blade's presence had no

  affect on him.

  The first thing Delos saw when he walked into the room was Alec sitting on his throne, smiling softly and yet warily at him.

  Delos's first impulse was to run up, grab him by the collar of the shirt and demand where Maggie was, but he forced himself to stay put until the door had closed behind him.


  Alec waited for Delos to say something, but Delos couldn't think to do anything but beat the answers out of him. After a moment, when it became clear that Delos wasn't going to

  start the conversation, Alec cleared his throat. "What, uh, what a pleasant surprise! I certainly hadn't expected you to, um, visit so suddenly. I'm sorry the hospitality isn't as perfect

  as it should be…you must understand, we were caught off guard and, well, it's been one of those days." Alec smiled, and instantly Delos's interest perked.

  "I understand," Delos answered, keeping his glacier expression on his face, giving away no emotion for Alec to work with. "Is there something major going on, something I could

  help with?"

  Delos caught the bare flicker of uncertainty flash through Alec's eyes. Yes, she's here, he knew that now. He forced himself to look and act calm—unsuspecting. "Oh no, nothing

  really—nothing we can't handle."

  Delos nodded slightly, "I'm just concerned, because if we're going to have an alliance, I need to know what problems I can help with." Delos watched the shock fly onto Alec's face.

  "Alliance?" he questioned, sitting forward in his seat, "You want to take my offer?"

  Instead of answering his question, Delos continued, "There are conditions, of course."

  "State them, by all means!" Alec was eager now, practically bouncing in his seat like a little kid.

  Delos allowed himself an amused smile, "Have you heard lately about my wife?" Instantly Alec stopped bouncing. For a moment Delos could read the stark horror on Alec's face

  before it switched to something like pity.

  "Oh yes—her accident. I'm so sorry about that—I would say that I know how you feel, but I don't. So instead I express my concerns. I'm sure that now you know the consequences

  of falling for a human."

  "I understand," Delos said his voice expressionless.

  Alec nodded in approval. "But I don't understand how I can help with that…"

  "You can start by fetching her and bringing her to me." Delos interrupted, cutting to the point. He watched as every muscle in Alec's body tensed—if here had been any doubts that

  Alec was somehow involved with her disappearance, it was gone now.

  "I think you're a bit delusional," Alec slowly said, his voice dry, "I heard that you were somewhat sick…but you shouldn't be blaming others for her death. She died in a car wreck,

  don't you remember?"

  "I remember that she was no where to be found," Delos reminded him, "Tell me, do you know how they got into a wreck?"

  Alec stared blankly at him and Delos watched—and heard—him gulp nervously. "No, I can't say I do…"

  "I think you do—they hit an animal and lost control of the car. Does any of this ring a bell?"


  "I think you're lying, Alec." Delos was seriously starting to get annoyed, "Because I know you know how they got into that wreck. I think you also know why there was no dead

  animal found after the accident." He started forward—more like stalked forward, really. Alec wasn't cooperating with him, and Delos was losing his patience. "Alec, I suggest you

  tell me where she is before I seriously lose my tempter and rip your throat out."

  Alec slowly stood, his hand going to the hilt of his sword. "Delos, I really think that you're irrational—why would I take the time to attack a human?"

  "Because you know she's close to me, that's why. And you were concerned about your alliance—you were ready to do whatever it took to get me to sign an alliance."

  Alec was pale, paler than usual. He opened his mouth, probably to deny it, and then closed it again. His grip tightened on his sword and he pulled it out of its sheath. "Don't come

  any closer Delos—you don't want to do this."

  "So you're admitting you know where she is," Delos reached into the jacket Quinn had lent him before he'd set off to search for the castle and pulled out Rashel's knife—a tad bit

  smaller than Alec's, but Delos had a feeling he was probably more experienced in battle than Alec by the way Alec stood practically in a corner, not making a move to try to circle

  around Delos. "Tell me where she is and we can avoid this whole fiasco," His expression darkened, "Unless you've already done something to her…"

  Alec lunged.

  It was unexpected and wild, desperate. Delos quickly countered, matching Alec's strength with his own. "I don't know where she is," Alec snarled, now defensively angry. But Delos

  could still sense the fear in him; hear the rapid beating of his heart.

  "You'd better," Delos jumped back and lunged one way before quickly changing direction and slamming Alec in the chest, sending him reeling back into the throne, causing it to fall

  backwards with a loud crash.

  With the speed of an angry predator, Delos sprung on top of Alec, the tip of his sword going to Alec's throat. "Where is she, Alec?" Delos snarled, digging the tip into his skin just

  enough for blood to start to trickle down his throat, "Tell me the truth!"

  Two things happened then, two things that Delos hadn't expected and really should have.

  The doors behind him opened with a BANG! Delos tensed, his concentration broken momentarily as he thought, Blade.

  If he had only kept his concentration, he might have been able to prevent what happened next.

  Alec bucked suddenly, throwing Delos off of him so hard; he flew across the room and tumbled, losing his grip on the sword. No! He thought desperately as he tried to scramble

  back up, his hand groping for it wildly…

  And then a large boot connected with his head, slamming him back onto the ground.

  OUCH! He thought dimly as he snarled in pain, trying to push himself out from under the boot.

  "I told you I was his protector," Blade's dark and dangerous voice growled from above, "Are you alright Prince Alec?"

  "I'm fine," Alec's voice was rough, probably from the wood that had pierced his neck and Delos heard footsteps coming over towards them.

  "I advise you to stay back—if he's anything like…"

  "Shut up Blade," Alec snapped, stopping in front of Delos's face. Slowly he leaned down and Blade's boot shifted so that it was on Delos's back. The tip of something poked the back

  of Delos's neck—a wooden sword.

  And then Alec's hand grabbed at his hair, pulling him up a bit so that he could look into his eyes. "You wanted to know the truth," Alec said, looking more confident and amused than

  before now that Blade had control over Delos, "and I told it to you—I don't know where she is, because she's gone. You just missed her," a smile spread over his face, a smile that

  sent chills up Delos's spine. "In fact, she went off to look for you—for a few moments, I thought maybe she'd abandoned the human she'd escaped with and found and told you and

  that you were here for revenge. I guess I was wrong."

  "I swear, when I get out of here…"

  "You won't." Alec laughed, "but when I do find her, because trust me, I will find her, I'll be sure to let her know you dropped by before I kill her,"

  "Don't you dare…"

  "Or you'll do what? Once I'm done with her, I'll g
ladly put you out of your misery."

  "Why her first? You have me right here, right were you wanted me…"

  Alec frowned for the first time, anger flashing in his eyes, "Your 'wife' has a pretty good arm."

  Anger flashed in Delos—if she'd resorted to self defense, Alec had definitely done something to her. "What did you do?" he snarled.

  Alec shrugged, "I had some fun with her, that's all." He grinned a grin that sent waves of horror through Delos…and unbelievable fury. "She's quite enjoyable—you certainly know

  how to pick your play things, I'll give you that."

  "I'll kill you!" Delos roared, struggling against Blade. Blade's boot pressed down harder and the tip dug deeper into Delos's neck, making it harder for Delos to breathe.

  "I'm sure you will, since you're in such a position for doing so." Alec was amused again and nodded up at Blade. "Get him out of my sight."

  She hadn't actually had it since then, but it was always in the back of her mind, whispering warnings. He told her not to trust anyone except for Sky, Carter, Adrian and Echo. Now

  she wasn't sure if that meant she wasn't to trust Storm either because he didn't explicitly say himself, but maybe he thought that it was already obvious that she should trust him.

  The point was, though, that if she couldn't trust anyone one except for those four and himself, then that meant she shouldn't trust Lucas or… Valerie, for that matter. Which just

  confused her even more. She shouldn't trust his new girlfriend? What was that all about? What did that mean? Did Valerie have ulterior motives? The Valerie that almost always had

  a smile for everyone? The Valerie that was uber nice when she didn't need to be to everyone? Emerald just couldn't see it. Just like she couldn't see her dabbling in dark magic to

  help Storm be human again.

  None of this made any sense!

  It just didn't do much to think about it any longer, so Emerald tried to just keep it at the back of her mind and not worry about it too much. Knowing the Night World and its mysteries things would eventually reveal themselves. Whether that was a good thing or a bad thing was still to be decided.


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