Forever Here

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Forever Here Page 10

by Harold Wall

  "All right, ladies and gentlemen, in honor of one of our poet's poems, which can be found in this book right here"—he held up their book of collaborated poems—"on sale in a

  bookstore near you this Monday, for this next song we ask that you dance with someone who you didn't come with."

  Lucas sighed and shook his head.

  "You know you don't have to dance with someone else." Emerald pointed out. "I think it was just a suggestion."

  But just as she said this someone tapped on Emerald's shoulder. He reluctantly stepped away from Emerald, who turned to see who it was.

  "Valerie," Emerald acknowledged.

  "Hi Emerald," Valerie greeted back with a one of those famous bright smile of hers.

  "I don't' think you've met my boyfriend, Lucas." Emerald introduced.

  "Very nice to meet you," she said shaking his hand. "Would you mind if I stole him away for this dance?" she asked turning back to Emerald.

  "I guess… one dance… wouldn't hurt. Is that all right with you?" Emerald looked up at Lucas.

  "I… suppose," he muttered reluctantly. Lucas took Valerie's hand and they took a couple steps away from Emerald. She didn't mind if she did or didn't have a partner. As long as

  Storm didn't approach her, she'd be just fine. Instead, while she stood on the edge of the ballroom, she looked for Sky and Carter. It wasn't hard to find them with their striking red

  hair. It looked like they'd treated the emcee's announcement as a suggestion for they were still together, but facing each other this time with Carter resting her head on Sky's chest,

  her eyes closed, a happy content smile on her face that mimicked Sky's expression.

  Holding her nose and her breath, she dashed out of the room, despite her shrieking muscles. But she hadn't noticed in time, yellow lights danced behind her eyes and her body

  ached at any and all movement; she could barely move, barely function. She stumbled through the hallway, practically blind and gasping for air. She was trying to make it to the

  elevators. It was late, no one would be coming through. Where she was going to go after, she wasn't sure. She was just afraid of making a scene in the ballroom.

  Emerald managed to make it to the elevators and the doors opened almost as soon as she pressed the button to call the elevator. She staggered in but collapsed on the other side,

  her body finally just shutting down, giving up. She couldn't function without the proper blood in the veins. She wasn't sure what would happen to her if she didn't get blood in time,

  but from the excruciating pain she was in now she figured it wasn't going to be good. She wasn't sure if she'd die either, but anything was likely.

  She couldn't move any longer. Her vision was now becoming all black. Now she was paralyzed on the elevator floor, still desperately gasping for breath that she couldn't take in, no matter how hard she tried.

  Storm ran down the hall and turned to his right just in time to see the doors of the elevator start to close on Emerald's hand, that was sticking out into the hallway. He knew as

  soon as Emerald had darted out of that ballroom. Yes, okay, so he'd been watching her. He actually couldn't keep his eyes off her all night. He'd wanted to ask her to dance, but he

  didn't fail to notice her avoidance of him and Valerie all night, ever since they arrived.

  He'd been watching her secretly, darting around, holding the tray of hors d'oeuvres, and whenever Lucas walked up to her and talked to her before darting off, and then when she

  got off "work", and then when he and Emerald danced, jealousy filling every single pore of his body. Even so, he had to at least admit that he was happy to see her happy.

  The look on her face when they broke up was heartbreaking. Seeing her going through her day like a zombie was painful. So, seeing her happy again, smiling again, lighting up

  that beautiful face again put some of the pain at ease. Some, not all.

  So he'd been watching her, and when Valerie went and danced with Lucas, Storm stood back and watched Emerald, who also stood back. She was watching Carter and Sky with a

  wistful, longing look in her eyes and a small, delicate smile on her face. It took Storm's breath away.

  Then that change, he hadn't missed it. It was very slight, but being—or rather, having been—a vampire he knew the warning signs. Emerald hadn't fed in a while and she was

  starting to feel the effects.

  Storm started toward her warily but before he'd taken two steps, she had darted out of the room. Going where, Storm wasn't sure, but he wasn't about to go and let her kill some

  innocent person by accident. So he did the only thing he could do: He followed her. She was swift, Storm was barely able to keep up and that's how he ended up turning the corner

  just as the elevator doors were closing.

  He swiftly ran up to the elevator and pushed the doors open, before lifting Emerald gently and pulling her inside, letting the doors close. He then reached up and pressed the lobby

  button before pressing three others to slow their decent. He just hoped that this wasn't going to take too long and that it'd be so late no one would be up and wanting to use the


  The elevator shifted and started down and Storm got to work. He quickly rolled up his right sleeve and picked Emerald up into his arms, cradling her, before he gingerly brought his

  bare wrist forward, watching the numbers tick slowly down.

  His eyes flew back to Emerald in his arms as he felt her grab his arm and sink her teeth into his wrist. It was only painful at first because he wasn't ready for it, but he was used to

  this feeling. As a human it was a little different, but it wasn't like he hadn't been bitten before as a vampire. He'd just never had his blood actually… sucked before. That was the

  difference. Another difference was also the fact that he wasn't connecting mentally with Emerald. It was the potion he had to take whenever they were going to be around Emerald.

  Always afraid. But he supposed it was a good thing at this moment.

  Storm wasn't sure how long it'd been, because he had stopped looking at the numbers counting down, but he soon started to feel a tad bit lightheaded. He was about to pull his wrist

  away, but Emerald suddenly let go, practically throwing his arm away from her and rolling out of the embrace of his arm, gasping and choking as the blood registered in her body.

  She fell to the floor, on her hands and knees, her eyes squeezed tight as her body shook and convulsed. Storm stayed where he was, watching her warily.

  Slowly she calmed down, to small gasps and coughs, at one point, one of her arms sinking to her elbow so her hand could hold the hair out of her face. Her eyes slowly opened as

  she took deep breaths and calmed down, as the pain in her body slowly started to ebb away replaced by tiredness.

  A few moments passed when suddenly Emerald froze, totally and completely. Her eyes hadn't moved from the floor of the elevator but Storm had a feeling she'd noticed him out of

  the corners of her eyes.

  She stayed like that, completely frozen for a few floors, even the floor when the doors opened for a few seconds before closing again. She blinked, thawing and then quickly

  reaching up and wiping away some of the blood on her mouth, and looking away, letting her hair fall, creating a veil between the two.

  Emerald sat back on her legs, hands in her lap, looking straight ahead.

  "I didn't…" She trailed off, hesitantly, shyly looking over at him, but darting her eyes away quickly, making Storm's heart pound. "I didn't… take too much, did I?" she asked quietly

  in that soft, heavenly voice. It was funny how being a human changed the way he experience things and saw things, especially how he saw Emerald. The way she made his heart

  flutter and his breath become shaky.

  "Nnno," Storm stuttered remembering that she had asked a question. "No, I'm just a little lightheaded. I'll live."

>   Emerald looked up and around.

  "Whwhere are we?" she asked her voice tightening all of a sudden. She sat back, bringing her legs out from underneath her and scooted back, to one of the corners, her chest

  heaving, her eyes darting around.

  "The elevator. Are you all right?" Storm asked, concerned about this sudden change in emotions.

  She reached up for the bars near the middle and grasped them, hoisting herself up, still looking around, looking like a trapped animal.

  She swallowed hard. "II'm fine," She breathed. "I just—I'm just feeling aa little claustrophobic."

  Storm stood and took a step toward her but she flinched like he'd shocked her and he froze.

  "II'm sorry," Emerald stuttered, blinking rapidly. "I just need—I just need some space. Some air. Can't this thing go any faster?" She asked going over to the buttons and pressing

  the button for the lobby rapidly.

  "Emerald—" Storm started, taking another step toward her. She responded by gasping and pressing herself against the wall audibly.

  "Please, don't," she begged.

  Storm's heart sunk, but he took a few steps back. However, no matter how rude it was, he couldn't get himself to look away from her. Drinking in all her features, from her long,

  flowing ebony hair to her long, slender legs. She stared back at him with those wide emerald eyes, her chest heaving. He hated himself for making her feel so uneasy around him,

  though. He'd caused this. He'd caused her excruciating pain. Pain that he felt he could relate to, but never actually feel. He'd torn her up, ripped her to shreds.

  And it was Lucas who was putting her back together, piece by piece.

  The elevator signaled they'd hit the lobby and as soon as the doors opened, Emerald darted out of them and to the front doors of the Marriott. Storm followed, his feet were moving

  toward Emerald without giving them conscious command to.

  It was raining outside. Emerald stood on one of the steps, in the rain, sucking in the cold air. (He couldn't be sure, but she could've been crying too.) Storm waited under cover,

  watching her. Again. For the thousandth time tonight, it seemed like. She stood there for about a minute before finally calming down… at least, she wasn't gasping anymore. She

  stood there for another minute before slowly looking up, as if just noticing it was pouring and she was soaking wet.

  Then, slowly, robotically she turned, walked up the steps and entered the building with Storm following a few steps behind.

  He really shouldn't have been here. He shouldn't have followed her even though she was in distress. He shouldn't have waited out here with her while she calmed down. He

  should've left, gone back up to the ballroom and went to look for Valerie. After all, they were now going out, and not him and Emerald. But that wasn't the only reason why he

  shouldn't be out here with her. Being around her, even if it was for just a second, would surely—

  "There you are!" Lucas's voice exclaimed breaking Storm out of his thoughts. "I've been looking everywhere for you!" He strode up to Emerald and put his hands on her shoulders,

  looking down at her intently. "Are you all right? Have you been standing out in the rain?"

  Storm stood back and watched silently.

  "Yeah, I… I needed air." Emerald murmured quietly, looking down and away ashamed of herself for letting it get so out of hand.

  "How long has it been since you fed?" Lucas asked just as quiet. But not quiet enough. Storm heard this and walked up to them.

  "You told him!" he exclaimed ignoring any pleasantries.

  Emerald looked at him suddenly not so ashamed, her eyes flashing dangerously.

  However Lucas spoke before Emerald had a chance to, "Back off, this is none of your business." He shifted positions, putting himself subtly in front of Emerald.

  "Is is my business if it involves the Night World." Storm lowered his voice as he got the end of his sentence on account of the man behind the desk, watching them intently.

  Probably monitoring the situation.

  "Who died and made you king?" Lucas shot at him, crossing his arms, standing taller. But Storm wasn't the kind to be intimidated by strength or height, in this case, because though

  he was a vampire no longer, he still had his memories and skills and experience.

  "Guys, stop it." Emerald hissed stepping out from behind Lucas and getting between the two puffing men.

  "I can't believe you told him! You do know how dangerous that is?" Storm continued, looking at Emerald. "As if dating him wasn't bad enough."

  "It was my decision." Emerald hissed. "I don't need your permission, thanks. I can date whoever I damn please. So back off."

  There was silence after that as the tension continued to rise between the three as Lucas glared at Storm who glared at Lucas while Emerald stood it he middle making sure a brawl

  didn't break out.

  Then the elevator dinged shattering the tension as they quickly positioned themselves to make it look like they were exchanging pleasantries. There was still some tension of

  course, but it looked more like they were having polite conversation rather than a fight.

  "Storm!" Emerald flinched at Valerie's voice, calling from the elevator. Her shoes clicked against the floor as she scurried forward toward the three. "There you are! I was

  wondering where you went. Oh, Emerald, you're all wet. What's going on?"

  "Emerald decided to not feed and get insanely thirsty."

  "Excuse me, I believe that I have a right to decided what and what not to tell her." Emerald spoke before Lucas could. "And you!" She turned toward Lucas. "I can speak for myself,

  thank you very much." Then she turned to Valerie to clear some things up. "I forgot to feed, so what. It happens."

  "Should we… should we really be talking about… this… stuff around—" Valerie broke off her eyes flickering toward Lucas for a moment.

  "He knows." Storm informed her dryly.

  Valerie's eyes widened and her mouth dropped immediately.

  "What? What do you mean 'he knows'?" Valerie repeated looking at Storm.

  "It was my decision. And his." Emerald told her in an annoyed voice tired of people getting on her case about this. "I know the consequences. He knows the consequences, but he

  wanted to know. I told him. End of story."

  "Yes, but—" Valerie started again.

  "End of story." Emerald repeated glaring at her, her emerald eyes as hard as the gem itself.

  "Emerald," Lucas interrupted, gently putting a hand on her shoulder. "May I talk to you in private?" he asked quietly.

  She looked up at him and then back at Storm and Valerie before looking at him and nodding.

  He led her off in the corner, just out of earshot of both Valerie and Storm before they started murmuring in soft tones. Storm strained to hear any part of their conversation but

  they were too far away. All Storm could do was watch, watch as their lips moved secretively; watch as Emerald's eyebrows furrowed together in discomfort and almost sadness as

  Lucas continued speaking, his own eyebrows knitting together only it looked more out of anger and frustration.

  Emerald then spoke quickly, explaining, it looked like, lifting her hands up to maybe put them on Lucas's arms or on his shoulders only to have him shift away and for Emerald's

  hands to fall limply at her sides, her speech slowing, her eyes becoming pained.

  Storm recognized a few words, though, like "please" and Lucas's name, but others were impossible to make out. Now was the time Storm wished he knew how to read lips.

  Lucas shook his head, Emerald still speaking rapidly and started to turn away and leave, but Emerald grabbed his hand before he could storm off, her eyes filled with unshed tears.

  Lucas froze, but didn't face her, both hands balled into fists, his jaw tight.

  "Look at me," Emerald said, Storm could see that. "Please,
look at me!" This time her voice had risen, letting Storm hear. She reached up then, to caress Lucas's face, but he pulled

  away, however Emerald wasn't going to let him go that easily, she caressed his face again, turning his head so he was looking at her again. Her voice was low when she spoke, but

  Storm watched her full lips carefully as they formed her next words: "I love you. You've got to believe me." She blinked and her tears broke free. "I love you, so much." As she

  finished, she took a step forward, pulling Lucas closer to her, stood up on her tiptoes and kissed him.

  Storm looked away then, not able to take watching. His chest tightened, his heart ached, all the air whooshed from his lungs and his eyes narrowed and watered.

  "You all right, honey?" Valerie asked, reaching up and gently brushing her thumb underneath Storm's eyes.

  Every time Celia thought she understood the Nightworld, something else popped up to surprise her. She wasn't supposed to know about it at all, technically, but Ryars Valley wasn't

  known for its lawabiding supernatural citizens. It was a refuge of sorts, a bolthole for the rebellious, foolish or downright unlucky.

  "Not only do they exist, it turns out that they're partial to terracotta tiling. Holds the heat better, apparently."

  "So what happened? I can't imagine your dad took it too well."

  The witch gave her a wry look. Mr Farrier was notoriously hysterical about the unfortunate things which occurred when teenagers invaded his house. Add in the fact she was only

  human in their circle of friends and suddenly his panicky eyes and need to mainline camomile tea were explained. "No. He screamed something about the guttering and started

  throwing apples at it."

  "Come off it!"

  "That's what he said." Over her groan, he carried on. "Of course, the banshee just screamed even louder and all the apples exploded in midair. Me and Dad were covered in pulp,

  and he was starting to look a bit embarrassed, until he noticed its scream had also deadheaded every last one of his begonias."

  Celia winced. Finn's dad was very attached to his flowers. "Not good."

  "No. And then he screams"

  Her locker swung open with the usual tortured creak.


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