Forever Here

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Forever Here Page 35

by Harold Wall

  her hair before taking a handful and gently pulled her head back, arching her neck. Emerald's heart spiked, but the monitor didn't respond telling Emerald instantly that this

  be a dream.

  Or a nightmare.

  She could just see Storm's eyes flash silver and his canines elongate into translucent, needlesharp points. They sunk into her flesh and they didn't connect like what would usually

  happen, confirming that this wasn't really happening.

  However, it felt like he was really drinking her blood. She felt lightheaded and dizzy not too soon after. Her heart stuttered and she felt short of breath. When she thought for sure,

  Storm was going to drain her dry, he pulled away. The monitor still beeped in a rhythmic, normal pace.

  A few moments later something pressed up against her mouth and something dribble down her throat. Reflexively, she swallowed, not wanting to choke on the thick, wonderful

  tasting, empowering liquid. With every swallow she could feel the strength build within her again, the pain in her shoulder and stab wounds fading, her heart beat strengthening and


  Another energy entered the room, it was colder, sharper, harsh.


  Storm pulled away and stood next to the edge of the bed. Emerald, still immobile, felt her heart practically shatter. Storm was working with her father? He couldn't have been! This

  was just a dream after all… wasn't it?

  What do you want from me? Emerald thought.

  Jonathan chuckled like he could hear her, which he probably could. He sat down on the bed just as the high from Storm's blood started to dwindle as she sunk into a mist that

  numbed her mind and slowed her heart tremendously. A war raged on within her; what was left of her pathetic human blood, battling against the ancient, powerful vampire blood.

  Emerald wanted to panic, but her transformation was repressing this, her transformation into a vampire. The very thing she had never wanted to become.

  She felt sleepy. If her eyes had been opened they would've been drooping, if not closed, by now. The sound around was fading. She felt as if she were floating in warm water that

  surrounded her and soaked her with this new energy, new vitality of a vampire.

  She felt ten again. Now she was lying in a plethora of white, down sheets and fluffy pillows that lifted her head and aligned it with her spine, relieving any and all neck pain. It was

  a Saturday: no school. She had the freedom and comfort of sleeping in as most people today would be doing.

  Outside the small suburban a car would pass by every now and again, stirring the spring air and in a whirlpool it rose to meet the mesh covering Emerald's open window, blowing

  through the room and hitting Emerald's nose with the smell of fresh cut grass and sweet honeysuckle. The sunlight shone through the window, lighting up and warming the bed and

  in turn bathing Emerald in its cleansing liquid gold.

  Slowly, Emerald allowed herself to be taken into the sun's blissful warmth, floating on a cloud, the rhythmic beeping of her heart monitor turning into the sweet sound of a piano:

  Für Elise by Beethoven. One of her favorite piano songs: soothing and comforting.

  But this comfort didn't last. Jonathan's voice broke through the notes, making it sound as if someone had just slammed their hand down on a bunch of the keys.

  "'Lips as read as blood,'" Jonathan recited. The music struggled then to compose itself, the music sounding disjointed and offkey. "'Hair as black as night,'" Jonathan leaned in, to

  whisper in her ear, "'bring me your heart, my dear, dear snow white.'"

  Emerald was finally moved out of the ICU after three torturous days. Carter and Sky were the first ones in the room as soon as they heard she was moved. Emerald was doing a lot

  better as well. They were really just keeping her in the hospital for observation, making sure her shoulder was going to be all right, and that she wouldn't strain herself too much in

  fear of her stitches reopening.

  Her left arm was currently incapacitated at her side with an unusual brace that Emerald had never seen before. It was black and wrapped around her stomach, sticking with strong

  Velcro, just brushing the bottom of her ribcage. A small cuff was attached to the side that wrapped around her upper forearm, also held with Velcro, and one more cuff at the front

  that wrapped around the wrist, keeping her arm close to body and immovable.

  Emerald had to wear it except for when she took a shower, or was dressing or undressing, or in rehab. Other than those small instances it had to be strapped up to her if her

  shoulder was to heal properly. It was thoroughly frustrating not being able to use her left arm at all. Having small, easy tasks become a little more difficult and some tasks

  impossible without help.

  She hated feeling helpless.

  "I'm glad you guys are okay." Emerald said smiling. "And I wanted to apologize for acting the way I had. I should've told you that this would happen and prepared you for this."

  "We're glad that you're okay." Carter responded patting Emerald's hand. Today she was wearing her normal band tee and jeans, but her hair was pulled up into an upside down pony

  tail with a large butterfly clip showing her face clearly and making it look like she now had hair that was down to her shoulders instead of her waist. It was a new look that Carter

  had to get used to. "And we all got out, didn't we?"

  "Oh, that reminds me, have… have you guys heard from Storm? Seen him, at all?" Emerald asked glad that she was no longer on a heart monitor.

  Carter and Sky exchanged a look. Carter was sitting in the chair next to Emerald's bed, Sky standing behind her. They had gotten some cuts and bruises but that was really the

  worst, thankfully. All three of them had this air to them, you know, that air that everyone had after something mentally and physically traumatizing happened.

  Emerald looked back and forth between Carter and Sky, her heart spiking, her mind straying to the worst.

  "What? What's wrong? Is he okay? Is he hurt?" Emerald asked her voice rising with every passing second.

  "No, no, he's fine." Sky assured her. "Just take some deep breaths and calm down. We don't want you opening those stitches."

  Emerald nodded and closed her eyes, trying to calm herself. "Okay, okay, I'm calm. I'm calm. Just… just, please, tell me what happened." she begged. "I need know…. He'she's cut me off. I can't sense him anymore, and I've just been so worried." Emerald almost started bawling right then, but she took hold of her emotions and blinked back her tears.

  "It's… really hard to explain, actually." Carter murmured. She turned to look up at Sky. "Did you bring the note?"

  "Uh, yeah, I have it right here." Sky reached into his suit pocket—the one that was hidden from view—and pulled out a folded letter that was designed to be its own envelope. The

  black wax seal was still attached.

  Emerald took the letter slowly and felt it in her hand. It was thick, and the color of ivory. Very official. Then she looked at the seal and let out a small gasp. Even though it was

  black she could make out the intricate rose embedded within the wax, right down to each and every petal, leaf and thorn. It was the sign of made vampires in the Night World, the

  sign of Thierry Descouedres, Lord of the Night World.

  "This can't be—" Emerald broke off and looked up at Carter and Sky disbelievingly.

  "Just… just read it." Sky urged.

  Uncertainly, Emerald slowly unfolded the letter and read the tasteful cursive in the exact middle of the cardstock.

  Dear Storm Kallahan,

  You are welcomed with open arms into Circle Daybreak at anytime. If you are to come down to Las Vegas we request you make yourself known a day before then. We'd all really

  appreciate it, we are in need of extra hands here at the mansion.

low was Thierry's signature, and his name neatly written immediately underneath. Emerald threw it down on the bed.

  "That's it?" she asked. "He didn't say what they needed him for? Why did he suddenly contact them? He's… he's in Vegas now?"

  "Well, it looks like Storm has been talking to Lord Thierry, or whoever, for a while now. There's more letters hidden in his room." Sky explained. "This was the only one Mr.

  Kallahan found. He called us over and, well, I was curious. I found them on accident, I swear."

  Emerald ignored this. "What am I going to do? I can't just show up unannounced, can I? I mean, this is Lord Thierry. That would be rude and disrespectful. But… but I need to see

  Storm, too." Emerald's voice broke and tears welled up in her eyes again. This was becoming way too much for her. The stress was starting to wear her down.

  "Shh, shh," Carter comforted, taking Emerald's hand in both of hers. Emerald marveled at how warm Carter's hands were compared to her own, it was comforting. "It'll be fine. Just

  go. Say you're looking for Storm. I'm sure they'll understand."

  "Uh, Carter—" Sky started hesitantly but broke off when she turned to glare up at him. She turned back to Emerald with soft eyes, the embers burning lightly, like a warm fire on

  Christmas Eve.

  "Go. Lord of the Night World or not." Carter continued. She patted Emerald's hand. "Sky and I will take care of your pets."

  "I… I guess I'm going to Vegas then."

  They say that darkness is merely the absence of light. As Emerald lay in that hospital bed, in that hospital room, in total silence and almost complete darkness, not being able to

  feel Storm with the connection, Emerald began to doubt that statement. Darkness seemed to be something all its own, just like light was.

  "You're pathetic," Jonathan spat throwing Emerald to the floor. She gritted her teeth but couldn't stop the scream from escaping her mouth. Jonathan slowly walked around her, his

  eyes never leaving her face. His eyes full of malice and shadows. "You're the infamous Vigilante." He snorted. "I would've mistaken you for one your weakling Lancers." He glared

  down at his daughter the edges of his lips turned down with contempt.

  Emerald opened her mouth but Jonathan pressed his foot on her dislocated shoulder slowly, stretching out the pain. Emerald's screams like music to his ears. There was a loud

  crack as her joint popped back into its socket. Jonathan removed his foot as Emerald tried to catch her breath and hold back the rest of her screams.

  Her shoulder throbbed and any miniscule movement of the muscles sent pain surging through her body.

  "Awe, going to go and cry now?" Jonathan mocked sadistically. He sat down next to her with his legs underneath him and pulled her into his lap. She struggled, but every time she moved a new wave of pain washed over her making it nearly impossible for her to get away from him.

  Jonathan held her up with one of his arms, cradling her, and used his free one to brush her hair out of her face.

  "You look just like your mother, you know." he commented quietly. "She was a beautiful one. And you… you just had to go and kill her, didn't you?" he asked.

  Again Emerald went to speak, but the words got caught in her throat as Jonathan gently pushed a small blade into her side. Her eyes became glassy and her mouth hung open, but

  a scream never came. She was too tired, too weak to scream anymore. All she could was hold her breath, her body tensing instinctively, and wait until he pulled the blade out.

  "I love your mother very much, despite whatever lies she told you." He pushed the knife in once again. Emerald's back arched ever so slightly until he removed the blade. "I didn't

  abandon her for the Night World, like she thinks." Emerald's vision blurred as she unwillingly stared up at her seventeenyearold father.

  He had continued to talking to her, but she wasn't even halfawake. The pain and torture she'd gone through today was overwhelming. How she'd managed to stay awake through all

  of it up to this point really was some kind of miracle.

  She wasn't sure how many times he'd plunged that cold piece of metal into her body, then at least.

  "Nine times," the doctor told her the day after she'd woken up. "You were stabbed nine times. You're lucky to be alive, young lady. Somehow he missed all of your vital areas. It's

  amazing. Absolutely amazing."

  It sure was.

  "You're going to be okay?" Emerald asked Carter as she turned and packed another pile of clothes into her backpack.

  Carter smiled. "Yeah, we'll be fine."

  "Besides, I'm here to protect her now. She'll be safe under my watch." Sky put in. "And so will Artemis, Apollo, and Tigress." he tacked on.

  "Thanks again, guys. I really appreciate that you're going to look after the suite and my pets. I know it's super last minute, but I have to go. I have to see him." she told them both.

  "It's nothing," Sky shrugged. "I have to thank you for letting me rent it out. It's a fairly nice suite, and taking care of your pets is the least I can do."

  Emerald zipped up her backpack and stood. "Just remember Artemis doesn't like boys that much, so I'd be wary around her. And Apollo might get into a fight with Artemis so, break

  that up before they get hurt. Don't let Tigress out of her tank, and call me if you have any questions, tarantulas are very fragile, and be sure to feed her a couple of crickets every

  night. Okay?" Emerald reminded him.

  Sky picked up her backpack before she could and started ushering her to the door.

  "Yeah, yeah, I've got it. Your pets will be just fine." Sky assured her, pushing her toward the open door where a luggage cart waited next to the door (Sky had insisted that she get

  a concierge to bring her luggage down, though she really only had one piece of luggage).

  "Somehow that doesn't reassure me." Emerald muttered.

  Sky loaded her backpack onto the cart and handed the concierge a tip. "Off you go." He patted Emerald's shoulder and gently pushed her in the direction that the concierge was

  heading off to. Carter darted out to give her a quick, bonecrushing hug and whisper, "Good luck." in her ear before shoving her forward.

  "Bye guys, be safe, okay. Call sometime." she hollered, backing up before turning and jogging to catch up with her luggage.

  The concierge loaded it into a taxi and she was off to the airport. The flight was quiet and the six hours gave Emerald time to think and worry and obsess over what Storm and she

  would talk about. She really didn't want to fight with him again, but was afraid that if it wasn't going to be a fight it was going to be a break up.

  How do you talk about something like that? She'd lied to him and risked their lives on a gamble. He had a right to be mad. Would he accept her apology or had she run out of

  chances? How many times could you hurt a person before they finally gave up?

  Emerald's stomach tightened and her heart jumped into her throat when the pilot announced their arrival and landing. She would soon be exiting and on her way to Lord Thierry's mansion.

  It was easier to find the house than Emerald would've thought. It was kind of secluded, but had a nice long driveway lined with palm trees. At the end stood a large house, a

  spacious house, a house that Emerald had only ever seen on TV, even with her rich parents.

  Sunlight beat down directly on Sin City as Emerald bravely walked down the long drive, her stomach churning and flipflopping, bile rising in her throat. With every step her anxiety

  raised and it seemed like the mansion became farther way, like it was a desert mirage. Finally, though, she got the walkway that led up to the front door. It seemed just as long as

  the driveway.

  Emerald stepped up onto the walkway and like magic the front door opened to reveal Storm. He looked far away but the sun gleamed off his deep red hair, and a smile lit up his

  dynamic azure eyes. Emerald's he
art reacted by jumping in her chest before going double time.

  As much as they were eager to see each other, steadily, they took a step closer, closing the distance between them slowly but surely. Time seemed to pause when they met in the middle. A cool breeze of air blew past them, ruffling Emerald's curls, but notcurls, and blowing her scent at Storm.

  They embraced, Emerald with her one good arm around Storm's neck, Storm with his arms tightly ensnared around Emerald's waist. The moment was pure bliss. All the weight on

  Emerald's shoulders alleviated and it was like stepping out a sauna into the cool, fresh air. Her lungs expanded with sweet air, Storm's aroma wafting toward her.

  The air went still and, like a vacuum, all the air was sucked right out from Emerald's lungs as a familiar cold object pierced her soft flesh as easily as scissors would cut through


  Emerald made a small noise at the back of her throat. Storm put a hand on the back of her head, stroking her hair.

  "Shh, shh," he cooed just as he shoved his knife in deeper. Emerald made another noise and again, Storm quieted her and stroked her hair in a comforting way.

  Emerald's father stood at the front steps of the mansion, on the last step, smiling like a maniac.

  Emerald's eyelashes clumped together as tears found their way out, sliding down her cheeks, dripping onto Storm's shirt.

  Even after all this time, even after the constant dreams that she'd had of Storm killing her, she was always surprised when he did. It always shocked her that he would do such a


  Then again, maybe this was what she deserved. Maybe this was her fate. Storm had told her that first time he'd killed her it was his job. Maybe he was just doing his job. He was

  the Reaper. He entranced huntresses and then when they least expected it he killed them. His method, Emerald would know, was snapping their necks, but Emerald must've been

  different to him.

  Whether it was because she was his soulmate, or the fact that she'd killed his mother, or maybe it was because she was special to him. It could've been a number of things. But

  with all the blood on her hands, did it really matter in the way she died?

  With a gasp, Emerald woke up to find herself still situated safely in the plane. Most of the people around her were sleeping, the lights dim, the windows closed. There were only a


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