The Alpha's Unknown Son: A Shifter Romance

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The Alpha's Unknown Son: A Shifter Romance Page 8

by Skylar Thomas

  Everybody laughs as I pretend to be shocked. “Hey! I didn’t push you that hard. You were just weak!”

  “Oh, whatever! You know you were trying to flirt with me.”

  “Yeah, that was definitely it! I just couldn’t resist your charm.”

  We spend the next hour talking without Nick. When Will fell asleep in Noah’s bed, I had to take him back to the pack house and to his room.

  Nick was in the living room when we arrived. He takes Will from me and sets him up in his room.

  We stare at our sleeping angel. He is such a doll, and my heart hurts at the thought of taking him away from his father.

  “Look, we need to talk about—”

  “It meant absolutely nothing to you?”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “The kiss! It meant nothing to you? You didn’t feel the sparks? I need you to tell me it meant NOTHING TO YOU!” Tears start to fall down his face as he stares at me with sadness and regret.

  I try to speak, but no words come out. I stand there, unable to tell him the confusing emotions I have in me. I close my eyes to concentrate on getting the words out.

  “SAY IT, ROSE! SAY IT MEANT NOTHING TO YOU!” Nick screams as he steps closer to me and backs me up on the wall.

  I try to say those exact words, but nothing comes out.

  “Exactly!” he whispers in my ear, and before I can protest, his lips were on mine once again.

  I can’t stop myself. My hands are tangled in his brown locks, and I’m kissing him back. His hands cups my face as he rubs himself on me. I moan into the kiss, causing him to groan. His tongue explores every inch of my mouth as mine does the same to his.

  We pull back at the same time, needing air in our lungs. He rests his forehead on mine as his breath tickles my nose.

  “What are you doing to me, Roselaine Washington?”

  “I don’t know honestly,” I whisper back.

  He grabs my chin and forces me to look at him. I stare into those bright green eyes that hold so much emotion for me.

  “Rosealine, I—”

  “Alpha, there’s sighting of rogues near the west border.”

  We look at the intruder. It’s Jake.

  Nick sighs and closes his eyes. He focuses them back on me. He’s about to say something again, but I stop him. I take his hands off of my cheek and nod towards Jake. He tries to put his hand back on my face, but I walk away. I hear him growl, but no footsteps follow mine.

  Aurora whimpers, but I simply ignore her. I head to the porch to sit down. Most of the party decorations are gone, and the blood from the fight has disappeared.

  Okay, fine, I did enjoy the kiss just then! And the first one! But that doesn’t mean anything! I mean, I didn’t have ANY sexual contact for six years. I could have enjoyed a kiss from anyone!

  I’m still the mate he didn’t want and always will be.

  Nothing’s changing that. Not even a kiss that was slightly enjoyable.

  As I stare out towards the woods, my mind goes to another world. My eyes start to feel heavy, and before I know it, I’m fully asleep. I feel myself being lifted up, but it almost seems impossible to open my eyes.

  I feel the comforts of a soft bed not long after. Heat surrounds me as I’m pulled against a hard surface. I try to turn around, but a deep growl stops me. Feeling too tired to do anything else, I let myself drift off into the darkness that comes so quickly to me.



  As the sun shines through the unknown white curtains, I slowly pry my eyes open. I look around confusingly at the room I’m in. Almost all the room is decorated in black with some white to add a little bit of light to the room.

  I try to get out of the strange bed, but something stops me. An arm is draped around my waist, keeping me where I am. I look back and see Nick sleeping soundly. I try to pry his hand off me, but no such luck.

  “Nick, wake up.” I turn around to face him and lightly shake his shoulders.

  His brows furrow, but he doesn‘t even stir. I try shaking him harder, but he just pulls me closer, if that’s possible.

  I groan loudly, trying to think of some way to get out. Grabbing a pillow, I rub it all over my body as much as I can, making it smell like me. I put the pillow between me and Nick and slowly ease myself out of his grip. He lets go briefly before he brings the pillow to his chest and snuggle it. The sight is almost adorable. ALMOST.

  Quietly, I sneak out of the room. I take a breath of relief when I make it out. Outside, a throat clears, making me jump back and cover my mouth to hold in my scream. Will raises a brow at me as a smirk forms on his face.

  “What were you doing in Daddy’s room?”

  Usually, I would just laugh at his attempts to scare me, but the look in his eyes tells me he isn’t joking.

  “I was just, uh, talking with him.”

  He gives me the are-you-serious look, clearly not impressed with my answer. “Mommy, aren’t you the one who said that you should never lie.”

  I laugh awkwardly and step around him, walking away to dodge his question.

  “Don’t run away from your problems, Mom.”

  “Stop being so smart, Will.”

  He giggles and runs down the stairs as I go to my room. I quickly strip out of my clothes from yesterday. It smells like Nick. After grabbing some clean clothes, I make my way into the conjoined bathroom. As I shower myself under the scolding hot water, I let my tense muscles relax.

  After being in the shower for about an hour, I decide to get out. I dry off, change into my clothes, and brush my hair before heading downstairs. Nick is still sleeping, and Will is with his friends, so I decide to check on Noah.

  He’s sleeping when I get his room. I stay for a while to check for whatever his rooms lacks. I am about to leave when his voice stops me.

  “Hey, Rose. What’s up?”

  “Oh, uh, I was just coming to check on you, but you should probably rest.”

  He shakes his head and pats the seat next to him. I close the door and make my way over to the bed to sit down.

  “So, why do you smell like my brother, and why is your hair wet?”

  “I still smell like him? I spent like an hour in the shower trying to get rid of his scent!”

  He sends me his signature smirk.

  “Trust me, it’s not what you think!”

  “Oh, really? And what was I thinking?”

  I roll my eyes and lightly hit his arm, careful not to hurt him.

  “You know what you were thinking about. And none of which happened. I just fell asleep and Nick made me sleep in his room That’s it.”

  “Oh yeah? And when you kissed him in the waiting room? Or what about when you two had a mini make out session in the hallway yesterday night?“”

  I gape at him, eyes wide.

  “How did you know about that? You were in a coma for Christ’s sake!” He laughs and sits up. Despite my shock, I help him straighten himself on the bed.

  “Well, Nathan told me about the one in the waiting room, and almost the whole pack knows about the story in the hallway. Apparently, one of the teenagers saw ya’ll, and you know how teenagers are; that crap spreads fast.”

  “Oh my gosh. This is awful! Now, they’re all going to think we’re back together!” I exclaim and face palm myself.

  “You’re not?” Noah looks surprised.

  “No! Personally, I don’t know what I was thinking kissing Nick back.”

  “You got it rough, kiddo. I definitely don’t know how you and Nick manage to not do more than kiss. What are you going to do then?”

  “I have no idea. I need to go home. I have a life somewhere else, and I cant just abandon it. I’m just so conflicted. I miss everyone here, and I love being around so many familiar faces, even Nick’s ugly, cute, and annoying face. But its hard being around him. I felt so hurt by him, and I’ve forgiven him for everything, but I dont want to get hurt again. I also know that if I take William, I’ll have so man
y people, including your brother, pissed off with me. Im just so lost.”

  “I get it. I definetly can’t imagine being in your situation.You just have to do what your gut says. If leaving is best, then that’s what you should do. And if you think Will needs to go with you, do it.”

  “You’re not mad at me?”

  He shakes his head, a smile on his face. “Mad? No. A little sad? Maybe! I missed you like crazy, Rosie, and I loved you and my nephew’s company. Buuuuttt, I also know that it’s hard for you to be here. Nick does too. He told me when you first arrived that he could see what his presence was doing to you. He’s a good guy, Rose, and he’s learned his lesson. But if your gut says go, then go.”

  “Thanks, Noah. You really don’t know how much this means to me to be able to talk to someone about this.” I hug him tightly, only letting go when he winces in pain.

  “But if you’re leaving, you need to do it in the next hour or two. Nick usually wakes up about then, and if gets wind that you’re leaving, then I can promise you, you won’t be able to. He let you go once. He won’t do it again.”

  He looks at me with deep sadness. He is clearly torn. After all, telling me such is not just a betrayal to his brother, but betrayal to his alpha.

  “Thanks, Noah! I promise to stay in touch. Don’t get in any trouble!” I kiss his forehead softly. I walk from him, but as I hold the doorknob in my hand, I look back at him.“I love you, Noah!”

  “I love you too, Rosie Posie! Don’t fall in love with anybody else besides me, okay?”

  I nod as a smile plays on my lips.

  “Go find that mate of yours, Noah. Whoever that person is, he or she will be lucky to have you.” I send him one more smile before taking off.


  Most of my clothes are still in my suitcase besides the dirty ones, so packing didn’t take me long. It was the same for Will, and after about thirty minutes, I had our suitcases packed. And that’s when the little monster walked in.

  “Mommy, what are you doing?” he asks and plops down on the bed, next to his suitcase. He stares at the bag for a while, almost glaring at it.

  “I’m getting our stuff ready. We’re leaving in a little bit. We’re going home.”

  “But I like it here!”

  I notice a single tear roll down his cheek, and it breaks my heart. I know that I have to be strong, but seeing my child—my life—cry because of my decisions, kills me.

  “I know, bud, but we have a home elsewhere. You can visit here. I promise.”

  “I don’t want to go home! I WANT TO STAY HERE!” he shouts as he throws his suitcase on the floor.

  “William! Pick that back now!”

  He doesn’t follow what I say and, instead, kicks the suitcase. He glares at me as he tries to hold in his tears.

  “William, I will not tell you again. Pick. Up. The. Suitcase.”

  He shakes his head and crosses his hands over his chest.

  “Fine. When we get home, you’re grounded! No going to your friends’ house, and you can say goodbye to the TV for a month. Cry all you want. We’re leaving in a hour,” I say sternly as I pick up the suitcase myself and walking out of the room. I hear him sobbing, but I have to be his parent right now and not his friend. Going back in to my room, I’m met with a very sad-looking Marcus.

  “You’re leaving?“

  I nod and watch as his eyes well up with tears.

  “H-have you told Nick?”

  I shake my head. I’ve learned that being distant helps to keep my emotions in check. I ignore Marcus’ soft cries as I zip my suitcase and set it by the door. Jake comes storming in not long after, sensing his mate’s distress.

  “Baby, what‘s the matter?” Jake cups his mate’s cheeks, pulls him towards him, and rubs his back.

  “R-rose i-is leaving.”

  Jake looks at me, bewildered, but I ignore him.

  “Is it that true? But Rose—”

  “There are no buts, Jake. I’m leaving and that’s final. I don’t need you or anybody else to tell Nick. I’ll call him from the plane.”

  Jake looks like he’s going to object, but Will stops him when the latter walks in with a sad frown on his face.

  “Mommy, can I at least say bye to Daddy first?”

  “No, Will. You can call him when we get home. Are you ready?”

  He nods but keeps his eyes on the floor.

  “Good, we should get going.”

  “Rose, I know you’re his mother, but you can’t just take him away from us. We’re his family, and we deserve to be in his life too,” Jake says and blocks me from grabbing my suitcase.

  “Jake, I understand that, but I can’t just stay here and act like living here is normal. It’s hard on me to stay here, and as much as I would love to have things go back to the way they were, I can’t do that. I told Nick from the beginning that he could have part-custody and can visit Will whenever he wants. Like you said, you’re not his mother; nobody is besides me, so taking him back home is what I’m going to do.”

  “You’re not leaving.”

  I turn around to face Nick who has a very pissed-off look on his face. His hands are clenched in fists, and he has a protective hold on Will.

  “Yes, WE are.”

  “No. You’re. Not. I won’t let you! He’s my kid, just as much as he is yours.”

  I ignore him and grab both suitcases. I pass him at the door and make my way downstairs.

  “Don’t walk away from me, Rose!”

  I flip him off and continue walking. A growl escapes him, making everybody in the room, besides me, to bow their heads. Before I can make it down stairs, someone grabs my arm and yanks me back.

  “Ouch! That hurts, douchebag!” I exclaim, trying to get my arm out from his grip.

  He growls again, but this time, he picks me up and throws me over his shoulder.


  He ignores my protest as he proceeds up the stairs and to his room. I hit his back, but he seems unfazed.

  He sets me down once we are in his room. He stands by the door, guarding it. I send him a glare, but he just sends me one back.

  “Get out of my way, Nick!”

  He shakes his head. He takes a step towards me until my back is against the wall.

  “Did you really think I would let you just leave?“ He runs a finger down my face.

  “L-leave me alone, Nick!”

  He chuckles darkly, running his finger down my face, neck, my chest area, and to my hips.

  “Such a beautiful little thing you are, mate.”

  I notice his eye color and know that I’m no longer dealing with Nick, but Nikolai. He trails further down until his hand is resting on my private area. Panic starts to fill me as past images invade my mind.

  I try to get out from under his grip, but it only encourages him. His hand starts to rub me there.

  “I missed you so much, mate. All of you,” he says huskily in my ear then he takes my earlobe into his mouth to suck on it.

  “Nikolai, please let me go!” My voice comes out barely a whisper as I fight to keep the images invading my mind away. I can hear voices, but they seem so distant. The hands leave my body, but I can still feel his touch on me.

  I look around, but nobody’s face comes to view. Except his. My worst enemy, my tormenter, my attacker, the man who haunts my nightmares. His face holds a smirk that seems almost tattooed on his face. He moves like lighting towards me, and as much as I want to get away, my body seems glued to where I’m at, in fear.

  “Long time no see, cupcake! Now where’s that pretty little son of yours?” His words spark anger in me, but when I try to hit him, my hands stay stuck to my sides.

  “Leave me alone! You’re not real! Go away!” I scream at him and start to thrash around, closing my eyes tightly.

  His laugh raids my ears as I feel his breath on my face.

  “I’m coming!” he whispers before biting harshly on my ear.

  “MOMMY!” I snap open m
y eyes to see a crying Will clutching to a worried-looking Nick. Looking around, I see almost half the pack in Nick’s room with the same expression.

  “Rose, are you okay?” My dad reaches out to touch me. I jerk, not wanting to feel anybody’s touch at the moment.

  Getting up slowly, I sway as a headache comes on, making me dizzy. When my dad reaches for me this time, I let him. Goosebumps erupt all over my body, and I try my best to ignore the feeling of his touch on me.

  “Are you okay?“ Will asks.

  I nod and look at my little boy who looks almost scared to come to me. I try to my best to smile at him, but I know he sees through the façade. I walk over to him and kiss his forehead to assuage his worry.

  “He’s not going to hurt you again, Mommy,” he whispers and looks at me with heartwarming green eyes.

  “I know, Will. I know.” With one last kiss, I walk out of the room, passing all the sympathetic looks I receive. I hear footsteps behind me, but I already know who it is by the smell.

  “I just need to be alone, Nick.”

  “It’s not Nick, love.” Turning around, I stare at Nick, or should I say Nikolai.


  “I wanna apologize, Rosealine. I shouldn’t have came on to you like that. I realized what I was doing when I felt you and Aurora’s fear. If I could take it all back, I would.”

  “Thank you for the apology, but right now, I need to be alone. Please excuse me…Alpha.” With a nod, I turn back around and continue my way to my room.

  Quickly stepping out of my clothes, I throw them in the trash, not wanting to have a constant reminder of today. The hot water hits my bare back, making me hiss in pain. I let it burn away his hands, his mouth, and all of him that keeps replaying in my mind.

  As long as my son is okay, that‘s all that matters.

  Taking a loofah, I scrub myself almost too hard. No matter how much I scrub my skin, I can still feel him on me.

  The way he touched me. The way he made me feel ashamed of my body, my gender, and who I was as a person. He made me feel useless, and if it wasn’t for intense therapy, I would have given in to his words.


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