Sassy Ever After: Sass Got Your Tongue (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Sassy Ever After: Sass Got Your Tongue (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 4

by Bella Roccaforte

  “Okay,” Ryder tries to think if he imagined his encounter, was it just a dream? “Thanks, Dad.”

  “No problem. Oh hey, I’d love to get your help with cleaning up the barn. Your mother has been on my ass about it and it could keep both of us out of her crosshairs.”

  “Yeah, of course. I’m going to shower and run over to Peyton’s for a bit, but then I’ll be back to help.”


  Ryder hears his mother talking to someone in the living room. He tries to sneak out by way of the back door.

  “Ryder?” his mother calls out.

  Shit, he thinks, “Hey, Mom. I was just on my way to Peyton’s.”

  “Come say hello to Barbara,” she suggests, but Ryder knows it’s a demand.

  Ryder walks into the living room and there on the couch is his worst nightmare. The woman that’s going to help his mother find his mate. He feels a sense of urgency, he doesn’t have time for this, he has to find his panther.

  “Barbara, how are you?” Ryder says, throwing one arm around her.

  “I’m well, how are you doing?” she asks in a kind tone.

  “I’m fantastic,” Ryder says, nodding and making his way toward the door.

  “I’ll bet you are, smells like you got some last night.” Barbara chuckles and winks.

  “Oh ah…” He sputters and watches his mother’s reaction.

  “Ryder, we’re all excited that you’ll be taking part in the scenting ceremony. Perhaps the woman you were with last night will be the lucky girl? Will you be bringing her?” she asks.

  “I hope so…” Ryder says, distracted by the thought of finding her. His wolf paces wildly in his mind. Maybe she is the one, or at least could get him out of having to go through the ceremony with anyone else. The thought of scenting any other woman makes him feel sick, “I have to go. I’ll see you later and it was nice seeing you again, Barbara.”

  “Likewise,” Barbara smiles, “I’ll see you at the ceremony tonight. I have a feeling this is your time.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Ryder remains respectful as he rushes out the door and onto his motorcycle.

  He makes the short ride to Peyton’s house.

  Peyton is outside playing with a bunch of kids. They are chasing each other around the yard. Ryder can’t help but laugh at the scene.

  Peyton’s on all fours and the kids are piling onto him, growling and snapping.

  “Hey, I knew you and Martha had another baby, but I didn’t realize you were starting your own pack.” Ryder laughs at Peyton on the ground with the kids.

  “Okay, guys, I give. I need to take a break.” Peyton gets out from under the children with ease.

  They pull and tug at him and he laughs it off. He scoops one of them up into his arms. “This is Jonathan.” He looks lovingly at the toddler, “Jonathan, this is your Uncle Ryder.”

  The little boy is the spitting image of his father, dark hair and eyes. “Hello, Uncle Ryder.”

  Ryder shakes his hand. “It’s an honor to meet you,” he says with a huge smile.

  “You, too.” Jonathan squirms out of his father’s arms.

  “Get inside and clean up for lunch.” He swats at the boy’s behind.

  “Okay, Dada.” He runs up the front steps and inside the house.

  “Wow, how old is he?” Ryder asks.

  “He’s four now.” Peyton nods, walking toward the back yard.

  “Damn,” Ryder nods.

  “You miss a lot not being around,” Peyton says, taking a seat in one of the patio chairs. “You haven’t even seen the baby.”

  “Baby?” Ryder is shocked.

  “Yeah, Evelyn. She’s three months old,” Peyton says, looking back toward the house. “It’s tiring but worth every minute when they throw their little arms around you. It’s the ultimate love.”

  “Yeah, I guess I have missed a lot.” Ryder inhales a breath, “Speaking of missing things…”

  “Yeah?” Peyton turns away from the house to face Ryder. “What’s up?”

  “Panthers,” Ryder says, watching Peyton for a reaction.

  “What about them?” Peyton shrugs.

  “When did they start coming around here?”

  “They haven’t, there aren’t any panther shifters around here. I’d know it,” Peyton says with certainty.

  “Are you sure?” Ryder asks him vehemently.

  “Yeah, why did you see one?” he asks with a chuckle.

  “Uh huh. Female,” Ryder says with wide eyes.

  “What’s her name?” Peyton leans forward, gaining interest in the conversation.

  Ryder puts his head in his hands, “I don’t know.”

  Peyton studies his brother for a moment, “Where did you see her?”

  “On the south end by Harsh Moon Creek.”

  “Outside of our territory?” Peyton thinks about where the creek runs.


  “Sorry, I haven’t heard any panthers, but maybe she came in for the scenting ceremony.” Peyton shrugs.

  “Have there been other shifters at our ceremonies?” Ryder asks with a spark of hope.

  “Well, no, but there’s a first time for everything.” Peyton leans closer to Ryder. “Did you um…”

  Ryder stands quickly, wondering if this whole thing was some kind of mind fuck. He wouldn’t put it past Barbara, she’s a crafty one. “I just need to find her. I’m going to take off.”

  “Okay, you don’t want lunch?” Peyton offers.

  “No, I need to find her.”

  “Don’t forget, the ceremony’s tonight,” Peyton warns him.

  “Are you going to be there?” Ryder asks.

  “I’ve already found my mate.” He looks lovingly toward the house.

  “Please don’t make me go this alone,” Ryder pleads with him.

  “Do you need help with mating?” Peyton laughs.

  “No, I need help with Mom, when I don’t mate with who she’s got in mind.” Ryder rolls his eyes, walking toward his motorcycle.

  “I’ll be there for you.” Peyton nods.

  His wolf wants to take over, he’ll be faster and be able to cover more rugged terrain than Ryder can on the motorcycle.

  Ryder fights against his wolf and turns out onto the road and heads south to spot where he made love to the woman he knows is his mate.

  Chapter Seven

  Riley tosses and turns on the small twin bed. She feels restless, excited, afraid and completely conflicted. Jake had been so kind to her since she arrived in town. The only reason she didn’t stay at the apartment above the bar is that she didn’t want to feel like she was taking advantage or be caught coming and going as her panther. Keeping that little tidbit a secret was imperative to her survival.

  If Jake knew she was sleeping outside in the woods, he would have insisted she stay here. “I just need to get out of here.” Riley blows out a breath, slapping her hands down on the bed before getting up. “One night, I just need to get this one night over with, collect my cash and I’ll be on my way.”

  The very thought of leaving sets her panther on edge, pacing in her head, protesting the thought. Riley pushes her aside, not allowing her to make a stupid decision in all of this. Panther pride got her father killed, and she’s not going down that way.

  Riley gets up and cleans herself up in the bathroom, fixes her hair and heads down to the bar.

  She’s surprised when there aren’t any patrons, typically by this time of night the bar is lively. She walks behind the bar flashing Jake a curious look, “Where is everyone?”

  “I stay closed until the midpoint of the scenting ceremony, everyone’s there, so there’s no need to stay open.” Jake laughs.

  “Are you going to find your mate?” Riley giggles at the thought. They do things so differently in her pride. You meet your mate and you take them, it’s really that simple.

  But then again, not many meet their fated mate and the pride doesn’t always agree with your panther’s choice.

“This could be my year, you never know,” Jake says optimistically.

  Riley studies him long enough to make him feel uncomfortable, “What is it?”

  “This scenting ceremony, it fascinates me,” she says with a smile. “It seems odd to me that you can only find your mate once a year.”

  Jake laughs, “No, no, it’s not like that.”

  Riley can tell that Jake is getting ready to have another one of his National Geographic lessons explaining shifters to the human. But she has to admit this scenting ceremony business is new to her.

  “What is it like then?” Riley shrugs, placing the chairs at the tables getting ready for when they do open.

  “Not every pack has their own ceremony, there are only three or four in the country every year. But wolves come from all over the world to take part in the ceremony. Essentially what happens is, when you come in contact with your fated mate, the one you are meant to be with forever, your wolf takes over and that’s that. You give your mate the mate’s mark and you’re together forever.”

  Jake’s voice sounds far away as the memory of Ryder takes over her thoughts, her panther is pushing to get out and find him. She runs her fingers along her neck remembering the feeling of him biting her neck, but he didn’t break the skin. “This mate’s mark, what does it look like?” Riley glances at her reflection in the mirror behind the bar, she’s not able to see past the bottles of booze lining the shelves.

  “It’s typically on the back of the neck.” Jake points to his neck indicating where she’d find it.

  “This is all so interesting, so you literally mark your woman for life?” The thought of Ryder marking her sends a hot impulse between her thighs, making her squirm.

  “She also marks her man, it’s a two-way street. We have a great deal of respect for our women, they work, play and fight beside us as equals. The only time they aren’t treated as ‘equals’,” Jake holds up quote fingers, “is when they are elevated as the life bringers, the vessels for our pups. But other than that, our pack views everyone the same.”

  “What about humans and other types of shifters?” Some small spark of something outrageous stirs in her. Maybe she can be with Ryder if he’s her fated mate?

  “We have a few wolf/human matings, but not other types of shifters.” Jake’s tone sounds disapproving.

  “So the pack doesn’t really accept that sort of thing, interracial mating?” She carefully gages his reaction.

  “I wouldn’t say that at all, it just hasn’t come up.” Jake strokes at the stubble on his chin, “We’re pretty well isolated up here.”

  “That’s true.” That’s the reason she’s here, the isolation. Much less of a chance she’d be found by the Pride.

  “You should come to the ceremony tonight, at least watch the beginning.” Jake shrugs as he washes his hands in the sink behind the bar.

  “Who will watch the bar?” She tries using that as an excuse.

  “We’re not actually going to be open until later, when all the sad, lonely wolves that didn’t find their mates come to drown their sorrows.” Jake huffs a laugh. “And hook up.”

  “That’s mean.” Riley rests her hand on her hip, pinning him with a look.

  “Hey, I’ve been right there with them every year, I still haven’t found my mate. But maybe this will be my lucky year.” He waggles his brows.

  “I’m going to pass on the sniffing ritual. I’ll hold down the fort until you come back.” She purses her lips playfully, “Or don’t come back.”

  “Okay,” he concedes, “Either way, I’ll be back in the morning at the latest.”

  She tries to think of an American phrase for luck before he gets to the door, “Break a leg.”

  “That’s theater, but good try.” Jake rests his hand on the door and turns to face her, “You know, I really wish you would consider sticking around, your English is getting so much better.”

  “I appreciate all of your help.” She offers him a warm smile and shoos him out the door.

  Standing alone, she feels the walls of the bar closing in on her. Her panther wants to run, take over and be wild in the woods, looking for her mate.

  She’s unsure if it’s just that love is in the air, or that she knows Ryder is out there. Her fierce need to protect him from danger kicks in. She thinks about taking off just to keep the pack safe.

  Riley ponders her options, and getting as far away from here as possible wins out and to do that, she’s going to need that money.


  Riley sits at the bar doing a crossword puzzle, it’s been at least an hour since Jake left. Her mind is running wild, being driven crazy by the buzz of the neon sign in the front window flashing on and off. She’s not used to this level of silence in here. She goes to the jukebox and hits play on the first thing that comes up. She’s not really up on the music here, but anything to drown out the sound of the sign is a gift.

  She goes back to her puzzle, but can’t focus. Her panther is pawing to get out, pacing in her mind, making it difficult for her to control the shift.

  Riley throws her head back, “Ugh, stop.”

  Her panther only answers with a low growl and forces the shift. Riley fights it, tries her hardest to control it. She’s never had this kind of trouble before and doesn’t understand it now.

  Her panther takes over as the shift completes. She trots around the bar triumphantly and ignores Riley trying to make her way back out in human form.

  Riley’s panther wants to see the ceremony, they’re both curious. Curiosity killed the cat, she thinks to herself but still wants to see what it’s all about, how others do things. They agree together to go, but to remain stealthy and stay hidden away. She’ll be back before Jake wants the bar reopened.

  Chapter Eight

  Excitement and arousal fills the air so thick, Ryder can taste it. He looks around hoping to avoid having to do “the dance” with Holly again. He knows his mother really likes her, but she’s just not for him.

  A strange feeling is taking Ryder over. He feels the intense need to shift, but he’s fighting it.

  “Hey, are you okay?” Peyton asks, putting his hand on Ryder’s shoulder.

  “Yeah, I think so,” Ryder answers, unsure.

  “You look like you’re going to be sick.”

  “I’m okay, I just feel like I’m going to shift.” Ryder runs his hands through his hair, “It’s a lot like…” He stops himself from finishing. He’s convinced himself that last night was some kind of dream or hallucination. Even though it felt so real.

  “Ryder!” His mom calls to him from across the clearing and rushes to him. “Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine.” Ryder tries to clear his mind, but can’t. His wolf is driving him to follow the sweet scent calling to him. “Hey, Mom, do you know of any panthers in the area?”

  She thinks for a moment, “No, why?”

  “No reason. I thought…” Ryder shakes his head. “I just thought I saw one.”

  “I think Ryder’s losing it, Mom, he’s seeing phantom panthers.” Peyton elbows him in the ribs.

  “Well, I can’t imagine a panther being around here.” She dismisses the thought. “Thank you for at least coming, you never know, this could be it!” she sing-songs.

  “You feel like you need to shift?” Peyton asks.

  “Yeah, like I can’t control it.” He moves his neck around to loosen up the tension.

  Peyton’s boisterous laugh feels like it’s going straight through Ryder’s skull, “You know what that means?”

  Ryder looks up at him, “That you’re an asshole?”

  “No, that your mate is here.” Peyton motions toward the crowded circle.

  “Ryder! That’s wonderful,” his mom says excitedly, “Get out there and find her!” She pushes him toward the circle.

  “Just give me a minute,” he pleads, trying to arrange the thoughts in his head.

  “Give it a go,” Peyton urges him on.

  Ryder looks at his mother,
feeling uncomfortable about this whole arrangement. “I think it’s more likely I ate something bad.”

  “You’re going to be fine,” his mother says. “I’m going to find your father, this is so exciting.” She hurries off into the crowd.

  “I want to just go for a run,” Ryder pleads with Peyton.

  “You can run after you find your mate, or at least make an effort. Go ahead and shift and get to the sniffing.” Peyton pushes Ryder by the shoulder.

  “I might as well get this over with,” he says and makes the shift. There’s a part of him that needs to find his mate, he feels the pull and the draw to be part of something bigger than himself.

  He slowly stalks into the circle, the scent of something sweet and divine overwhelming his senses.

  He approaches a female and circles around her, it’s not her. She walks away from him without a second glance. He repeats this several times with other females. There’s no interest at all.

  He makes his way out of the circle and shifts back to human form.

  “Nothing?” Peyton asks.

  “Nope. I’m telling you, I’m not meant for this.” He stalks away.

  Peyton follows, “You’ve only been at it for a little while, it took me three scenting ceremonies and a few hours to finally find Martha when we mated.”

  “But that’s you.” Ryder’s irritation dulls his senses. He sniffs at the air, trying to follow the sweet scent of lilacs and exotic fruits, mangos or papayas. He can’t quite put his finger on it. He stalks further from the noise of the crowd.

  “Calm down,” Peyton calls after him. “You can’t force it, you have to just let it happen.”

  Ryder’s even more on edge than he was before. He spins around confronting Peyton, “I’m not like you, I never have been. You’ve always followed the traditions, helped Dad in the shop, given Mom grandbabies. The only thing I’m good at is leaving. Everyone wants me to find a mate, there’s no one here for me. I’ve been in that damn circle more times than I care to remember.”


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