Sassy Ever After: Sass Got Your Tongue (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Sassy Ever After: Sass Got Your Tongue (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 6

by Bella Roccaforte

  “There’s a lot of people still here. I’d rather not walk through there like this.” She motions her hands to her body.

  “Why not? You look perfect.” He grabs her by the waist and is unable to hide his arousal.

  “Maybe I’d rather keep this all for you.” She trails her nails along his chest.

  “I can go in--”

  “Just hold on to me.” She wraps her fingers around the amulet and closes her eyes.

  Ryder catches his breath and looks around at the room in the small apartment above the bar. “How do you do that?”

  “Half witch.” She pumps her brow and holds her amulet up for him to see, “But I still need the amulet to channel my power. It works, though.”

  “That’s really interesting. We have plenty of witches in the area, but we rarely see them. We’re all friendly, though. I’d love for you to meet some of them,” he says, beaming at the thought of introducing his mate to everyone.

  “That would be nice someday.” Her voice takes on a listful quality to it, “Maybe one of them can help me complete my lessons and I wouldn’t need the amulet anymore.”

  “How does it work? Your power?” Ryder asks, watching her pull on her mini-skirt and tank top, wishing she just hadn’t.

  “As a half-breed, until my training is complete I require a magic item to channel the power. Full-blooded witches only need a magic item for things that require a lot of power. There are a few things I can do without it, but my mother had just started my adult training,” she says. “I’ll learn one day, but until then, I’ll make do.”

  “I think you’re amazing, power or not. You’re magical to me.” He presses his lips against her neck.

  Riley struggles with her own lust for him. She’s hungry, tired and would love feel clean again, “That shower?”

  Ryder lets out a frustrated groan, but nods his agreement.

  “Besides, I’m starving.” Riley goes to the dresser and shuffles through the drawer, “Jackpot.” She turns and tosses a pair of sweats to Ryder, “You and Jake are close enough in size, these will do.”

  Ryder holds them up, he’s not used to this level of modesty, they usually just walk around naked. But to please his mate he complies and slides the pants on. “Seems silly to get dressed when we’re going to be shifting again.”

  “I need to talk to Jake, get my last paycheck and get the rest of my stuff from behind the bar.” Then we can shift and run to your parents’ house, got it?”

  “Whatever you say.” Ryder is happy to follow along with whatever plan makes her happy. He can see the wheels turning in her head. She’s stalling, because she wants to stay with him. He’s going to do whatever it takes to convince her that staying together is the right thing to do.

  For a moment he thinks maybe he’s being too agreeable.

  Riley heads for the door, “Come on.”

  “Hey,” Ryder speaks up without moving.

  Riley turns back toward him, “What?”

  “I know you haven’t made up your mind whether you want to be mated.” He looks down at the ground, “But one thing I want you to know is, just because I can be agreeable, I’m not weak.”

  A genuine smile lights Riley’s features in a way that touches Ryder’s soul. She closes the distance between them and looks up at him with her sparkling green eyes, “My mother used to look at my father and say, ‘It takes a good man to admit when he’s wrong, a sweet man to be accommodating and a strong man to be willing to try things another way. You want all three, Riley, that’s where you’ll find your happiness’.”

  “And you’re telling me this why?” He presses into her, “Are you trying to tell me you want me to admit that I was wrong?”

  “Well, you were wrong. But no, I want to tell you that I appreciate your willingness to give me the space I need to figure out what we’re going to do.”

  Ryder’s eyes light with excitement, but he tries not to let on that he heard her say “we.”

  “Why wouldn’t I give you what you needed? You’d do the same for me,” he says, stroking her cheek. “You’re so beautiful, I could stare at you for eternity and it would be all the nourishment I needed.”

  Her eyes twinkle with mischief, “I need real nourishment, like meat, so let’s get a move on.”

  “Oh, yeah, I could eat an elk.” He feels his stomach clench with hunger. He’s been so focused on Riley, he’d forgotten some of his other basic needs.

  “I find them to be a little on the tough side. Since leaving home, I’m finding it difficult to enjoy wild caught game,” she says matter-of-factly, opening the door. “My favorite is wild boar.”

  “We have wild boar here,” he says, following her down the hall. “Also, elk is good depending on how you prepare it. How do you make it?”

  “One of my favorite recipes, kill it and eat it.” She laughs, making her way down the stairs in her heels.

  “Wait, you can take down an elk by yourself?” he asks.

  “You can’t?” she deadpans.

  “Well, of course I could, it’s just not very smart,” he says, looking at her in a new light.

  “But when you’re hungry…” She winks.

  Ryder eyes her like she could be his next meal. He moves directly behind her, looping his arms around her, kissing her neck, “I’m hungry.”

  “Come on.” She ducks out of his grasp and turns around, flashing him an alluring glance. “After we eat, you can have whatever you want for dessert.”

  Ryder growls in agreement and follows her down the stairs.

  The bar is full of all the people that didn’t find their mates. Ryder feels for them, that was him every year in the past. He can’t help but feel so full of hope and life. He’s ready to go to the ends of the earth to protect his woman and make her happy.

  “Well, Ryder found himself a mate!” Randy calls from the bar with a drunken slur, “And a panther, no less.”

  Ryder nods, “Yup, who knew?” He really just wants to get her stuff and get out of there. All he can think about is her luscious lips.

  “Congratulations, man.” Jake comes from behind the bar and offers Ryder a one-armed man hug.

  “Thank you.”

  Jake turns to Riley, “Well aren’t you full of surprises.”

  Rileys cheeks flash with red and she doesn’t answer.

  “Why didn’t you tell me you were a shifter?” Jake asks, feeling a deeper connection to her now.

  “I didn’t think it was important, besides, the less people who knew the better.” She looks around the bar at everyone there who now knows her secret.

  “You’re the talk of the town now. Not only a shifter, but a panther.” Jake laughs and shakes his head, “Here I was thinking that Ryder was losing his damn mind asking everyone about panthers.”

  “I was beginning to think she was a hallucination,” Ryder recalls. He holds back a chuckle when he sees the sick look on Riley’s face. He tightens his grip on her hand, “Are you okay?”

  Riley shakes her head no, “No, I’m not.”

  “What’s wrong?” Concern fills his tone, he wants to make it better.

  “They’ll find me. Everyone here knows I’m a panther, if word has gotten beyond this territory, then they’re going to hear about it,” she says with edge of panic.

  Jake’s eyes shift from Riley to Ryder, “What do you mean?”

  Ryder leads Jake away from the crowd at the bar, “Riley didn’t tell anyone she was a panther because she doesn’t want to be found by her family.”

  “Oh, family troubles?” Jake says as though he understands.

  Riley leans forward, “They’ll kill me if they find me.”

  Jake bristles at her comment, “Well, you’re part of this pack now, they’re going to have a hard time with that.”

  “That’s not the point, I don’t want anyone here hurt.” Riley motions to the crowd, “A lot of them are assholes, but that doesn’t mean I want to see them hurt.” She thinks for a minute and is unable to sil
ence her sarcasm, “Except maybe Brent, he could take a hit or two.” She shakes her head, bringing herself back to the emergency. “I’m kidding, but seriously. They mean business and they are very powerful.”

  Ryder studies Jake’s expression, “I’m not liking that look, what’s going on?”

  “I’m afraid we may already be in trouble then,” he answers.

  “What happened?” Riley demands.

  “With everyone knowing that the the Wolfe’s were going to be here, we had a much larger crowd than normal and folks are already heading home and telling stories about the panther in Harsh Moon,” he warns.

  “Shit.” Riley balls her fists at her sides, “We have to go.”

  “Agreed,” Ryder says. “We’ve got to make a game plan.”

  “What’s your next move?” Jake asks.

  “We’re getting out of town,” Riley answers for him.

  “Right after I say goodbye to my parents.” He flashes Riley a look that says it’s not optional, “I also want to talk to Fisk, he needs to know what could be coming this way.”

  Riley’s panic is bubbling to the surface, “We don’t have time, we have to go.”

  “It’s going to be okay. Word is not going to travel that fast.” Ryder tries to calm her nerves.

  “Have you heard of Dancing Hill Pack?” She pins him with a look.

  Ryder searches his memory, “I think so, they’re a long way from here.”

  Jake blanches and the blood drains from his face, “You were at Dancing Hill?”

  Riley nods and Ryder looks from one to the other, “What happened at Dancing Hill?”

  “They’re gone,” Jake says, staring at Riley.

  “Exactly.” Riley’s eyes well with tears, “They said they could protect me.”

  “Okay, let’s go. Jake, I need your truck,” Ryder says, holding his hand out for the keys.

  “I’m coming with.” Jake turns to the guys at the bar, “You’re on the honor system, last one out turns off the sign.”

  Chapter Eleven

  The trio is greeted outside the house by Ryder’s parents. Ryder called them and Fisk on the way.

  Cynthia makes her way down the stairs quickly and throws her arms around Riley, “Welcome to the family.”

  Ryder rescues Riley, pulling her toward him by her shoulders, “Riley, this is my mother Cynthia, my father Brennan, our Alpha Fisk and Beta Bobby. Guys, this is my mate, Riley.”

  “It’s so nice to meet you,” Cynthia says, sizing Riley up. “Come inside, dear.”

  All of the men exchange a handshake and greet Riley. Fisk offers a kind smile, “Welcome to the pack.”

  “Thank you, but we won’t be staying,” Riley answers respectfully.

  “I understand you’re afraid, but let's talk about what we can expect, whether you decide to stay or go,” Fisk says in a tone that can’t be refused.

  Riley agrees and they all make their way inside. Cynthia leads everyone to the kitchen, “I’ve made breakfast, I’m sure you all are hungry.”

  Barbara Wolfe is there waiting with a satisfied grin, “I told you this was your time to find a mate, and isn’t she lovely.”

  Ryder beams with pride, “She really is.”

  Barbara eyes the back of Riley’s neck and shoots Ryder a curious look, “I can smell that you all have gotten to the fuckin’, but what about the marking?”

  Ryder isn’t quite used to Barbara's frankness. “Riley, this is Barbara Wolfe, she’s responsible for arranging the scenting ceremonies.”

  “It’s a pleasure.” Riley bristles at the woman being so deep in her business.

  “I’ll bet it was.”

  Cynthia steps in, “Barbara, is Tristan on his way?”

  “Yes, he’s also called for his top enforcers to come. They’ll be here in the morning.” Barbara allows the conversation to turn serious, “You’re going to be safe here, dear. We’re going to take care of you.”

  Riley can hear everyone talking about a game plan, how to patrol borders and protect her. She knows it will never be enough and she has to run.

  “I don’t think any of you understand what you’re dealing with,” Riley blurts out.

  Ryder stands behind her with his hands on her shoulders, “Riley and I are going to head out of town.”

  “So you’re just going to go with your tail between your legs?” Brennan’s expression twists with disgust. “That’s not how we do things.”

  Jake speaks up, “It’s Riley’s Uncle Davis that destroyed Dancing Hill.”

  “Dancing Hill?” Fisk thinks for a moment, “There wasn’t a trace of them left, no bodies, no survivors, they just vanished.”

  “Exactly, you don’t understand the power they possess,” Riley says emphatically. “If we go, then you can tell them I’ve gone. They will leave you be and everyone here will be safe.”

  “Our kind don’t run,” Bobby says with fire in his tone.

  “Then you will die,” Riley says, filled with sadness.

  Everyone in the room is speaking at once and Riley’s not the sort to crumble. Before this she wasn’t the sort to run. But she doesn’t want anyone here to suffer for her.

  She turns and buries her head in Ryder’s chest. He pulls her to him, trying to soothe her. “It’s going to be okay.”

  “Can we please just go? I can get us out of here, we’ll be ten miles down the road before they notice we’re gone,” she pleads.

  “We can’t go yet. Once we tell them what to expect, we can go if that’s what you still want,” he reassures her.

  Riley turns around and inhales a big breath, “Listen up.”

  Everyone in the room turns toward the huge voice that came from Riley, “We have to go. If I’m here when they get here, you’ll be in danger. If I’m not, they will leave you alone.”

  “Why do you think we can’t protect ourselves?” Fisk asks. “We’re a much larger pack than Dancing Hill.”

  “The Wolfe Pack is providing reinforcements.” Tristan’s tone is calming, but does little to help. “I know you’re afraid, but we really can protect you.”

  “Can you protect the pack from black magic? Death magic?” Riley puts her hand on her hip. “You don’t even realize that it’s not just me and this pack that’s at risk.”

  “What do you mean?” Brennan asks.

  “How many witch’s covens are in the area?” she asks.

  “Two nearby,” Cynthia recalls.

  “They’re at risk. Davis will not hesitate to take them and drain them of their power to defeat the pack.” She raises her brow. “There’s so much more at stake than just the pride of the pack. Before all this I would never have run away from a fight, but this is a fight I can’t win and I won’t see my pack hurt.”

  Ryder swells with admiration at her need to protect the pack, “Your pack.”

  “Yes, my pack,” Riley snaps back, swiveling her head.

  Ryder ticks his head back, smiling, “I like the way that sounds.”

  She looks at him for a moment, at a loss for words. “Well good, so you understand we’re leaving, to protect them.”

  Ryder closes his eyes, sadness darkening his expression, “What about my Pride?”

  “Fuck your pride, we can’t be together if we’re dead.” Her voice reaches an upper register.

  A laugh escapes Ryder’s lips, “Not my machismo, Riley. My Pride.”

  She lets the understanding roll over her, “I-I-”

  “It’s important to keep the pack and you safe, but what are we going to do for the Pride?” Ryder asks.

  “He’s right, dear,” Barbara agrees.

  Riley tries to fortify herself, thinking about her people is a soft spot she doesn’t want to expose. She hangs her head and walks toward the living room, “I can’t help them.”

  Ryder follows her, “If you want to keep running, I’ll leave with you now.” He motions toward the kitchen, “But right now, we have two of the most powerful packs on the continent willing to help. I
f Davis is coming for you, I say we stop him in his tracks now.”

  For the first time in years, Riley feels a sense of hope. The simple fact that she may see her home again is enough to ignite a fire deep inside her to fight. “What about--”

  Tristan tips his head down to her, “We don’t tolerate that kind of behavior, we smash it out like the vermin it is.”

  Fisk nods, “You’re a member of this pack and we will fight for you.”

  Ryder leans down to capture Riley’s gaze, “So it’s agreed, we stay, we fight.”

  She nods reluctantly, still wanting to run. But her pull to be home again is stronger. The thought of saving her Pride from Davis gives her the hope that she needs.

  The excitement in the room is contagious. Everyone’s ready to plan for the attack. Bobby looks to Fisk, “I think we need to contact the local covens. I’ll handle that.”

  “Good thinking, we also need to see if we can get some intel,” Tristan says and turns to Riley. “Is there anyone in your Pride that you can contact to find out if Davis is on the move?”

  “There is,” Riley’s tone is filled with sadness, “But it’s risky. It might be better if I contacted someone in a neighboring Pride.”

  “Okay, good. And if he’s not on the move, make sure he finds out where you are,” Barbara says with a bloodthirsty gleam in her eye. “I want this son-of-a-bitch’s balls in a jar.”

  “We fight him on our terms and we’ll beat him on our terms,” Brennan adds.

  “Now, who’s hungry?” Cynthia says, motioning to the huge spread of food on the table. “We’ve got to keep our strength up.”

  Everyone digs in and continues planning. Riley tells them everything she knows and everything that happened before she left.

  She’s terrified that someone’s going to get hurt, but she can’t deny that Ryder is right. She’s been so concerned about anyone else getting hurt, she forgot about her people being enslaved by a madman.

  Chapter Twelve

  Riley sits on the couch picking at her cuticles. She’s second guessing her decision to stay and fight. She can’t believe that she put things in motion for Davis to find her. Her stomach churns at the thought of anyone here getting hurt.


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