Sassy Ever After: Sass Got Your Tongue (Kindle Worlds Novella)

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Sassy Ever After: Sass Got Your Tongue (Kindle Worlds Novella) Page 8

by Bella Roccaforte

  “I’m scared, but something deep inside me knows it’s going to be okay.” She nods, heading for the door, “There’s a certain comfort in knowing that after today, one way or another, I’ll never have to run again.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  Riley stands alone in a path flanked by sheer rock faces on both sides. She studies the channels in the rock where drills made holes for dynamite in the mountain to create the narrow pass. She tries to picture what it looked like before a giant hole was blasted through it. She compares it to her own life, what Davis did to her family. Blew it to bits to make way for his own progress and gain. All for the sake of power she would’ve gladly given up if he were good to her people. But her heart aches everyday knowing the Silent Strike Pride has become nothing more than his slaves.

  Her being fills with resolve at the thought of being able to free them, do something good for her Pride other than running. She admonishes herself for being a coward, she had no idea things would go so bad. Hearing from the neighboring Prides about what’s happened in her home enrages her. Her panther purrs at the thought of stopping Davis, going home and restoring her Pride.

  Bloodlust begins to rise within her as she waits impatiently for them to arrive.

  Riley smells them before the small force of panthers appear down the path. Davis shifts to human form approaching her. “My dear niece, I’ve been looking for you.”

  “You’ve found me,” she says, setting her stance. She wants to grip her amulet to draw on her power, but she can’t tip her hand that she’s about to give him the fight of his life. “I’m done running.”

  Davis surveys the area carefully as he approaches, “I’m not quite sure why you ran in the first place. Why would you ever want to leave the loving arms of your family?” He holds his arms out to his side. His dark, wavy hair blows in the slight breeze.

  “I’m not sure either to be honest,” she says, focusing her power, envisioning it as a whirlwind growing inside, moving the air around her.

  “Are you going to come peacefully?” he says with a laugh. “I’m guessing not since I can smell all the dogs at your back.”

  “Nothing you’ve ever done in your life has been peaceful.”

  “How many of them do you want killed? One way or another, you’re coming home.” Davis continues to advance on her, speaking in a calm tone.

  “None of them,” she says, holding her head high.

  Davis pinches the bridge of his nose and answers with a sardonic laugh, “You’re still just a silly girl. I would’ve thought being on the run for so long, you would’ve become a little smarter.”

  She doesn’t respond, she only focuses on her own power.

  “You really think we’re going to fall for your little trap? It’s so transparent, Riley. You really should’ve been a little more creative.” He’s standing directly in front of her glowering, he leans down close enough for her to smell fresh blood on his breath. “We’ve already begun the attack on the other side of the pass.”

  Riley stiffens and swallows the fear in her throat.

  “That’s right, sweetheart,” he raises his hands into claws. “Surprise attack at the back of your ranks. We’ve already been slaughtering the dogs and we’ll meet in the middle and bask in the blood of everyone that swore to protect you, including your mate.”

  Riley lets out a laugh, her stare never wavering, “That’s where you’re mistaken.”

  “Really? How so?” he asks, tipping his head up, curiosity filling his expression.

  “I swore to protect them,” she says with a caustic smile quirking her brow.

  “Aren’t you adorable,” he says and lifts his hands to call his crew forward.

  Riley steps closer to Davis, “And deadly.” She raises her hands, creating a wave of energy that knocks the force of panther’s with Davis backward, causing them to shift to human form. She jumps back, welling more energy to blast Davis with a ball of fire.

  Davis raises his hands with a flash of anger in his stare, he’s trying to drain her magic. She lowers her arms across her chest to stave off his attack. She has to hold onto her power and trick him into using all of his.

  The cacophony of battle behind Riley momentarily draws a fraction of her attention. She maintains her focus in front of her and trusts that the pack really can fend for themselves. She wells the power within her, creating an energy field around herself. She can’t be seen inside the bubble.

  Davis balls his fists and turns around to his men, “Get back into panther form, we need to advance on them and find her.”

  Riley reaches up to her amulet, gripping it tight in her hand. Sweat drips down her brow as she trembles holding up the force field that will keep the force of panthers from entering the pass.

  Davis and his crew all advance on the invisible barrier, bumping into it. Davis grits his teeth, “Keep trying to break through, she can’t hold on forever.”

  Davis paces back and forth, testing for weak points, looking for Riley. “How much longer can you last?” Davis’s mocking tone is enough to make Riley sick, or it could be that she’s stretching her power harder than she ever has before.

  “Not long, you aren’t powerful like your mother was.” Davis stops pacing just inches from where Riley stands with her arms outstretched.

  All of her muscles are trembling, her teeth are clenched as she holds her magic in place. She keeps her eyes squeezed shut but she can feel Davis’s breath on her neck. He gets dangerously close to her, pushing through her barrier. He growls, “I can smell you, your fear. Your mother couldn’t beat me, your father couldn’t beat me and you will be my final victory. I will end you and keep your Pride and your power.”

  She fortifies herself, pushing with all of her heart, soul and energy into maintaining the force field. Tears stream down her face as remembers watching as her mother’s body shriveled to nothing while Davis drained her power and life force from her until there was nothing left of her.

  Riley shakes her head back and forth slowly in denial, she doesn’t speak for fear of losing her focus.

  Davis reaches up and snatches the amulet from around her neck, “And now your power is mine.”

  Riley collapses to the ground, exhausted and out of power. The force field falls and the panthers advance to the pass.

  They are met by Ryder, Brennan, Tristan and Fisk in wolf form at the ready to fight and hold the panthers back.

  Ryder catches sight of Riley on the ground sobbing, he starts toward her as a panther jumps him, tearing at his throat. Ryder fights him off, but he’s sloppy, his focus is getting to Riley and not the fight at hand.

  He watches on in horror as Davis drags Riley by the hair away from the battle. Ryder tries to call out to her, but without the mark he’s unable to communicate with her.

  Ryder howls a sad but angry song as he wells his strength and fights off the panther. Fight, Ryder, fight. He chants in his head as he gains ground on the panther. He chomps down on the panther’s front leg causing him to screech in pain. He flips him onto his back with a hard thud and the panther goes limp, but not because he’s been disabled, because he’s stopped fighting.

  Ryder is startled and searches the panther for understanding. He shifts into human form under Ryder and sputters out the words, “Save her.”

  Ryder shakes his head in confusion.

  The man coughs up blood, “Go to her, save her.” His body begins to convulse and white foam mixed with blood flows from his mouth as he takes his last breath.

  Ryder looks on in shock then over his shoulder to see Davis still dragging Riley away. He abandons the panther and makes his way to Riley.

  Davis turns and with the flick of his wrist blows Ryder backward, “You’ve lost already, give it up, she’s not worth dying over.”

  Ryder recovers quickly from the blow and charges toward him. Riley kicks, bites and struggles against Davis but can’t get loose.

  Ryder jumps on Davis’s back, knocking his hand loose from Riley’s hair a
nd she crumbles to the ground unmoving. Davis is enraged, he turns with an angry snarl toward Ryder, “Stupid dog.” Davis grabs Ryder by the neck, he can’t reach his hands completely around the huge wolf, but it doesn’t stop him from finding Ryder’s airway. “Are you really willing to sacrifice your pack for her?”

  Ryder doesn’t respond until he sees Riley stirring on the ground. He lets out a yelp trying to tell her run and keep Davis’s attention on him.

  Riley doesn’t run. Her eyes flash a fiery orange, the wind blows her hair in all directions and the air crackles with the electricity she’s conjuring.

  When she’s ready, she gives Ryder a nod to get free.

  Ryder sinks his teeth into Davis’s arm but he doesn't budge, he applies more pressure. “Die!” he grinds through clenched teeth. Ryder shifts to human form to wriggle out of Davis’s hold. He pushes him down and stands clear. He doesn’t know what Riley’s going to do, but he does know he shouldn’t be close when it happens.

  Riley motions her hands toward Davis, his body is enveloped by streaks of electricity jolting him in place. His only movement is the convulsions being caused by the lightening.

  Riley gets close enough for Davis to hear her over the crackling of electricity, “You can’t beat me.”

  “But the amulet?” he says in shock at his current situation.

  “No one lays a hand on my mate.” She stares unblinking and rips the amulet from his hands.

  “What are you going to do? We should talk about this, Riley, what would the Pride want?” Davis pleads for his life.

  Riley cocks her head to the side, a satisfied smile her answer, taking several steps back before raising her hands to the sky and channeling a fantastic bolt of lightning, blowing Davis to bits.

  Ryder looks on in shock. He’s unsure if he should go to her as she stares indignantly at the spot where Davis was standing. He approaches her carefully, calling her name softly, “Riley.”

  She turns toward him, lunging and tackling him with a hug, “Are you okay?”

  “I’m ah...fine.” He’s still not sure what he just witnessed, “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m okay.” She hides her face his chest, “As long as you’re okay.”

  “I am.” Ryder turns nervously back toward the pass.

  Rylie looks over his shoulder and startles into motion, “Stop fighting!”

  “What?” Ryder chases after her. “Riley!”

  “Stop fighting!” She runs through the pass and her heart breaks at seeing the bodies of her Pride members.

  Her attention is drawn to the sound of battle just over a hill, she runs in the direction calling out, “Stop fighting! He’s dead.”

  The few panthers still fighting with wolves submit completely. The wolves back away.

  Tristan and Fisk shift into human form, “What happened?”

  Tristan looks around at the panthers in human form all seemingly having died the same way, foaming at the mouth.

  “It was a betrayal enchantment.” Riley hangs her head, trying to staunch the tears. “This is why I never stayed to fight.”

  “I don’t understand,” Ryder asks. “One that I was fighting shifted and then died. What happened?”

  “Davis cast a spell that if they betrayed him, they would die. That’s why my Pride didn’t fight for me. I told them not to,” she says, kneeling down. “Oh Curtis.” She pulls her lips into a tight line, unable to stop the flow of tears.

  Three of the panthers in human form approach Riley. Ryder goes into protection mode, “Hey, hey! Someone keep them back.”

  “We aren’t going to harm her,” one of the men says.

  Riley looks up, “They didn’t have a choice, it was fight or die. With Davis dead, the spell is broken.”

  Ryder’s not buying it, he stands between them and Riley protectively.

  Riley stands, surveying the area and asks in a commanding tone, “How many casualties?”

  Fisk begins to answer at the same time as one of the panthers, “We had none.”

  Riley addresses one of the panthers, “Antonio, how many?”

  He lowers his head, “Twelve so far.”

  “Okay, let’s start triaging the injured. See if we can save anyone. We’ve got to get them to shift if they can.” Riley stands and moves over to a panther laying on the ground. He’s breathing, but barely.

  “Riley,” Ryder follows after her, “is this really safe?”

  “Yes, these are my people,” she says and begins to heal the panther.

  Fisk puts his hand on Ryder’s shoulder, “She knows what she’s doing. We didn’t have any casualties because they were not fighting to win, only to survive.”

  “I still don’t completely understand what happened here,” Tristan says with a smile. “But I do know you’ve got quite the little Alpha on your hands.”

  “I’m a lucky man.”

  Chapter Sixteen

  The smell of the ocean fills all of Riley’s senses with joy and apprehension. She has no question in her mind that she is going to lead her Pride back to its previous glory, but she’s unsure if she will meet any resistance.

  “Are you okay?” Ryder rattles her hand.

  “I’m perfect.” She gazes at him lovingly. “It’s been too long since I’ve been home.”

  “It’s really beautiful here,” he remarks, looking out the window of the car.

  “Yes, it is,” she answers with a satisfied smile. She leans forward to the driver, “This is good, please let us out here.”

  Ryder looks at her, questioning, “What are we doing?”

  “We’re going to run the rest of the way. I want to feel the soil of my homeland under my feet.” She smiles, “Once we get there, we will have little time for frolicking, there’s work to be done.”

  “I’m with you all the way.” Ryder gets out of the car behind her.

  Riley leans down to the window, “Thank you and if you could leave our bags at my house, I would appreciate it.”

  “Of course,” the driver answers and drives off.

  Riley and Ryder shift and she leads him through the lush rainforest. He marvels at how green and fertile the lands are here.

  She revels in being home, a place she thought she’d never see again.

  Riley comes to a halt in a pathway and shifts to human form, Ryder also shifts, “What’s up, why are we stopping?”

  “We’re almost there, and I want to explain a few things to you.” She takes a step closer to him. “We will enter the village and I will stake my claim as Alpha, I will be asked to name a Beta, but I’m not ready. We will then shift back into our animal forms and we will commence with the marking ceremony,” she explains.

  “Wait, we’re going to do it publicly?” Ryder asks, unsure of sharing something so private.

  “Yes, you are my mate and I want there to be no mistake in my proclamation that you are to be accepted as a part of me.” She runs her fingers up his chest, “Besides, I want everyone to understand that I am yours and you are mine.”

  He takes her by the waist and pulls her close, “Do we have to go now? Because you are sexy as fuck when you’re taking charge.”

  She lets out a purr, “I want to get home, then we can have some alone time.”

  He lowers himself to her neck, nibbling lightly, “Are you sure?”

  “Positive?” she says it as a question while she puts both her hands on his chest, pushing him back. “Come on, let’s go.”

  They shift and Riley walks into the center of the village. The Pride has gathered, they have been awaiting her return. Ryder walks in stride with his mate, his head held high as the entire Pride is in panther form. He thought he would feel out of place, but there is nothing but love coming from Riley’s people.

  She reaches the center point where everyone’s gathered and shifts to human form, “I am Riley Almeda of the Silent Strike Pride and I am here to claim my birthright as Alpha.” She pauses, looking around the circle. Ryder marvels at how majestic his q
ueen is, how he can’t remember a time without her, as though it’s some grey memory that never happened.

  The Pride remains silent as she makes her proclamations, “Are there any who would challenge me?”

  The entire Pride lowers their heads in homage to her as a show of acceptance. She smiles and only Ryder detects the tiny breath of relief she releases. “I would like you all to meet my life mate, Ryder.”

  Ryder shifts to human form and smiles at the crowd. No one is surprised, Antonio likely filled everyone in about Riley’s mate being a wolf. “We will now have the marking ceremony.”

  All the cats in the Pride take a step back, forming a larger circle. Riley shifts into panther form and circles Ryder as though he were prey.

  Ryder shifts and sidles up next to her, mouthing her neck. He’s tender and kind, but he wants to ravage her, be inside of her when he marks her.

  She turns around facing him, and rests her head across the back of his neck. He does the same to her and at the same time they sink their teeth into each other’s haunches.

  They shift at the same time and Ryder fights the animal inside. His wolf wants out and wants to be with her, inside her. The need is base, primal, and rational thoughts are a struggle for him. She has his mark and now he wants to claim the rest of her body. He cups her cheek in his hand, “You are mine.”

  Ryder’s hand tangles in her hair and tugs it, exposing her neck to him. He runs his lips down her neck, across her collar bone. “I need to be inside you.”

  “I am yours.” Riley submits to him completely, the tips of her fingers dance across his broad shoulders, sending hot shivers down his spine.

  Ryder turns her around, pressing himself against her back. His teeth graze her shoulders, his fingers work her puckered nipples, urging on her arousal.

  Her scent grows thicker and she releases a ragged breath, tilting her hips backward, inviting him in. She falls forward, pushing her ass against him and sucking his hard cock inside her. She inhales a sharp breath, still not used to his size.

  Ryder stills himself for a moment, delighting in the soft, warm walls of her pussy contracting and conforming around his hard member.


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