Call Girl Princess

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by K. Lyn

  Call Girl Princess

  ~K. Lyn~

  Romancing Erotica Books

  Copyright 2011-04-23: K. Lyn

  ISBN: 978-1-4524-6743-6

  All Rights Reserved


  Included in: Call Girl Princess

  1. Openers

  2. Introduction

  3. Call Girl Princess



  Mikala’s beautiful apartment overlooking Central Park is not only the place she calls home, but over the last few years it has become the Ellis Island for foreign and domestic businessmen who know the importance of being seen with a gorgeous woman on their arm. Being seen with Mikala is a guaranteed deal maker, and the gratitude shown to her after the deal is done takes care of Mikala’s “other” needs as well. Mikala must keep her secret life hidden from her family, who would never understand, but when two young doctors elicit her services, one whose name seems very familiar, she realizes that she may be in too deep.

  Call Girl Princess:

  “Since when is promiscuity a disease?”

  Mikala tried to silence her friend. “Will you keep it down? We are on the Upper East Side.”

  Carrie continued swinging her purse as the two young women walked down the street.

  “You look like a child, Carrie, swinging your purse as if it were your very first.”

  “You were the one who said I would meet someone as soon as I arrived in the Big Apple. I haven’t had sex in over six months. My divorce is final, and I am horny with a capital H.”

  Mikala hailed a cab and the two fast friends were on their way to her place. Mikala’s place was not only a very lavish apartment. Mikala’s place had become the Ellis Island for foreign and domestic businessmen who knew the importance of being seen with a beautiful woman on their arm. Mikala had helped seal more deals than the CEO of a Fortune 500 company. She was not a prostitute, or at least that was what she had convinced herself. Mikala was a paid escort, a highly paid escort. She had no one working for her, and she had marketed herself very strategically. A business degree from ColumbiaUniversity had been well worth the time and money for her.

  Mikala’s family was of noble birth and money was no issue, but there were very specific things expected of Mikala following completion of her formal studies. Mikala had promised that she would return home and be the princess that was expected of her, but she had begged her father to allow her to attend graduate school first. That would buy her a little time to do what she really wanted to do. Mikala wasn’t ready to settle down yet, and she had purchased her glorious apartment on the Upper East Side one year to the day after graduation, with her own money. That way her father, His Royal Highness, could not claim ownership and force her to leave until she was ready.

  Carrie walked into Mikala’s apartment and ran straight to the window. “That’s the park, Mikala, The Park.”

  “I know. Isn’t it wonderful? I run at least three times a week. I need to maintain my figure.” She ran her hands along her body to prove her point. Mikala was beautiful. Carrie had always thought so, but Mikala was also exceptionally smart.

  “Come on. I’ll show you the rest of the apartment.”

  Mikala led Carrie through her beautiful apartment which had more than enough space for one person. “Take the extra bedroom.”

  Carrie placed her bags in the extra bedroom and sat down on the bed. “I could love this life.”

  Mikala poured them a glass of wine and they discussed their plans.

  “Does your mother know what you do?”

  “Mother thinks that I am in graduate school, but what I am is CEO of my own company, and of my own life.”

  Carrie laughed at her friend’s comment, but Mikala was serious.

  “Why did you decide to do this, anyway? You could do absolutely nothing and still be rich.”

  Mikala patted the drops of wine from her full lips. “And I would be forced to do and say whatever my father and husband chose for me. No thank you. Anyway, when I was working as an intern for that accounting firm, you remember, I endured one boring staff meeting after another. Then when I had the chance, I picked the brain of the CEO. He told me how many hours he worked every week, how little time he spent with his family, and how he had no time to do what he really wanted to do. Work was his life. But it was what he didn’t say that really got my attention.”

  Carrie gave her friend a confused look.

  “All the time we were talking, the man kept staring at my legs. I played with my skirt, moving it upward along my thigh, and then back down. The man licked his lips with every rise of my skirt and I swear, by the end of the conversation he had a rise all his own.”

  Carrie giggled.

  “I was told by professor after professor that I was a marketing wonder and that I had vision. I realized that I could make twice the amount of money and work half as much time if I stepped off the beaten path, as it were. It wasn’t difficult at all. A little research on the Internet, a marketing campaign done solely by yours truly and here I am.” She swept her arms to show off her just reward. “I work on referrals now, only the richest men, and only the best. Listen, Carrie, you have no idea how much power women really have all by themselves. You don’t have to be subservient to anyone if you don’t want to be.”

  Mikala searched her friend’s eyes for at least a little bit of moral judgment, but Carrie was too excited to be judgmental. She wanted to know more. It all seemed so glamorous to the Midwest farm girl who had married her high school sweetheart the summer after graduation.

  “My clients sign a contract which includes everything. If they want to spend the night with me, and they do want to spend the night with me, the price goes up by a lot and each subsequent night is considerably more. After all, I know how much their business deals are worth and if I have helped them close those deals, then I consider it my ‘extra’ commission. You know, kind of like a real estate agent. If their agent gets them a good deal on a sale or a purchase, sometimes the client gives gifts or takes them out to dinner. I prefer sex and cash.”

  Carrie was dying to know about the sex. “So, what’s it like, the sex?”

  Mikala smiled. “Fantastic. It’s like prom night every time. And every man does everything, and I mean everything, to please me. Especially if they have closed a lucrative deal because of me.”

  Carrie stood in front of the mirror over the sofa and piled her head on top of her head. “Do you think I’m pretty enough? I’m educated, but I’m not that worldly. And, I’ve only been with one man.”

  Mikala looked at her friend. She would do okay, definitely B list, though she would never be on Mikala’s level. “Of course you’re pretty enough. Anyway, I splurge before the big night – hair, makeup, everything is professionally done. I have standing appointments with the best salons in the city.”

  Carrie didn’t want to ask, but she was dying to know when Mikala’s next big night was going to be. “When is your next appointment?”

  “Very nice, Carrie. You’re asking, though not really asking. Appointment is a good word for it.” Mikala flipped open her laptop. “It’s tomorrow night, two doctors who think they are businessmen. They are brothers and they want to buy an established practice from an old doctor who is in the process of retiring. You in? Take a look.”

  Carrie nearly tripped over herself to get a look at the two young physicians. “I like, I definitely like.”

  “Come on, Carrie. It’s early to bed the night before.”

  When Mikala’s alarm buzzed the next morning, Carrie heard it all the way down the hall. She sat up and looked around. It was dark. What the fuck time is it? Then she hear
d the shower. She lay back down. I’ll wait and let Mikala fill me in on the schedule for the day. She was sleeping soundly again in the soft luxurious bed when Mikala came jogging in, her flowing hair tied back in a ponytail.

  “Rise and shine, sleepyhead.”

  Carrie turned and slowly opened her eyes.

  “Come on, Carrie. It’s part of the job. If you want to be a part of my world, you have to keep in shape.”

  When Carrie realized that her friend was serious, she sat up. “How far and for how long?”

  Practically bouncing up and down with energy, Mikala recited her entire morning. “I run for about an hour, then I treat myself to a latte, come home, shower, and then I begin my beauty routine. Come on. I’m serious. I have a schedule.”

  Carrie forced herself to move. All she wanted was the full beauty treatment and designer clothes, and of course, to get laid. She didn’t remember signing up for boot camp.

  While Mikala stretched, Carrie tried to avoid looking directly into the sun that was just coming up. She hadn’t been up this early since high school.

  “Come on, Carrie.”

  Carrie was breathless after only five minutes of trying to keep up with her friend. She lagged behind, noting the well toned legs of her friend. I thought it came naturally to Mikala, she thought. “I have to stop and rest now, Mikala, or I will die.”

  Mikala jogged in place while Carrie rested on a park bench. “Isn’t it fabulous! I feel so alive!”

  Alive was the last thing that Carrie felt. At this rate, I’ll be too tired for sex by tonight.

  After the early morning workout, Carrie was thrilled to sit down in Mikala’s apartment and sip her latte.

  “You are going to love tonight, Carrie. You saw the photos, and the older brother will be with me. They are working on a very big deal. They can’t tell me the intimate details of it, but you would be surprised how much inside information I pick up. If you pay attention, you will soon learn who the real movers and shakers are in this city.”

  After a shower and a light lunch, the two young women were welcomed with a glass of wine at one of the finest salons in the city.

  “This is the best, Mikala.” A total makeover was exactly what Carrie needed. Her dark brown hair looked twenty shades lighter with the right highlights, the facial made her skin glow, and the manicure and pedicure were a first for her. “Oh, my G…! Look at me!”

  “I see, I see.” Mikala stood behind her friend, admiring them both.

  Carrie turned and took a good look at her friend. She was beautiful before, but now, damn, it was no wonder she was so successful.

  They were on their way back to Mikala’s apartment when Carrie remembered she had nothing to wear. “What do I wear tonight?”

  “No worry, I have two personal shoppers meeting us at my place. I prefer doing it that way.”

  Once again, Carrie looked at her friend with awe and envy. She has everything. Mikala’s timing was perfect. Ten dresses and an array of accessories had been chosen for each of them and were waiting for them when they returned to Mikala’s apartment. The personal shoppers were ready to assist the young women in any way.

  Carrie was unaccustomed to having an audience while she dressed, but the designer dresses were so beautiful and felt so silky against her skin that she quickly adjusted. “What do you think?” she would ask with every change. The woman gave her honest opinion, but it was Mikala’s opinion that mattered most.

  “That’s the one,” Mikala decided for her when Carrie was wearing a dark blue slip of a dress that showed off her curves very nicely. “The contrast with your white skin is perfect. It’s sexy, but not slutty.”

  Mikala stood in the doorway in a red dress that played perfectly against her olive colored skin and her chocolate locks. “Mikala!”


  “Do I have to say it? You are drop dead gorgeous.”


  Now Carrie understood why Mikala worked so hard to keep her body in such great shape. It was well worth it. She looked like a million dollars and Carrie wouldn’t be surprised at all if that was only a small percentage of a yearly salary for her friend. An apartment overlooking the park was certainly not cheap.

  “I’m definitely going to start working out now, and with no complaining.”

  Mikala looked at her friend. She wasn’t fat, but she could definitely use some toning.

  Mikala excused the women, and insisted that Carrie have a glass of wine with her. “It helps break the tension. Trust me, if you make the men feel stress-free, they splurge big time.”

  Carrie smiled at her friend. She seemed to have it all figured out, but her life couldn’t be perfect, could it? It had to have at least one flaw and Carrie was determined to find it.

  “Time to go.” Mikala locked the door and the two women were on their way.

  “Mikala,” Carrie whispered. “Why don’t they pick you up?”

  “Never mix business with pleasure, or at least not right away.”

  In the hotel lobby, Carrie felt a little bit like a call girl. There were several businessmen who nodded at them and gave them a once over, but Mikala seemed not to notice. Carrie noticed. She leaned in and whispered, “They think we are…”

  Mikala quickly shushed her. “Don’t say it. We are businesswomen.” Mikala sat up straight and looked straight ahead.

  Carried studied her every move. She did look professional. She had to admit that. Mikala immediately stood when the two young doctors entered the lobby.


  “Yes. Dr. Stevens, I presume.”

  “Gregory, and this is Alan.”

  Mikala introduced her friend by her first name only. Mikala never gave her last name to her clients. She had learned that the hard way. When a business deal had fallen through once, the client was so upset with Mikala that he stalked her for weeks.

  “Gentlemen, where will we be dining this evening?”

  Dr. Stevens revealed the name of one of New York’s finest establishments, and the four of them left the hotel. A limo was waiting for them and Carrie was impressed with the courtesy the two young doctors showed Mikala, but then, she was an accomplished businesswoman.

  Carrie could only imagine how Mikala treated them once the deal was done. She knew how much Mikala liked sex. Mikala liked sex as much as she did, and Mikala was getting it a lot more than she.

  When they met the older physician, Gregory introduced Mikala as his CEO, a title Mikala assured her clients would command respect and score them a better deal. The retiring physician was extremely frugal and insisted that his price be met. Mikala spoke calmly and a bit seductively to the older gentleman and she began to slide her dress upward along her leg just a little, revealing only a small part of her well toned thigh. The physician was easily distracted by Mikala’s subtle sexiness, and Carrie stifled a laugh.

  “I’m sorry, what did you say?” the older doctor asked.

  Mikala presented him with a revised proposal in which he would agree to sell at a much lower price. She smiled her full lipped smile, her white teeth sparkling, and the man reluctantly agreed.

  Gregory stood to shake hands with the older doctor, and Mikala stood after him. Carrie was impressed at Mikala’s softness at the end of the deal. It was as if she were two very different women. The older gentleman left the restaurant, leaving the four of them alone to celebrate.

  “You got him down to nearly half his price, Mikala. How can we thank you? Your fee is not nearly enough.”

  Mikala placed her hand on Gregory’s thigh and looked him in the eyes. “Champagne?”


  “I was thinking of something a little more intimate, Gregory.”


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