Holding On

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Holding On Page 37

by A. C. Bextor

  “Hi baby. You’re about ready to break free of this joint?”

  “Shut up. You know I am.” I know he doesn’t deserve my rudeness but he was the first one in the room and I’m tired of being here. Hem has made Sadey keep a distance from the hospital so she doesn’t catch anything that is lingering around here. Normally I would support that. Normally, I wouldn’t care, but dammit NORMALLY I’M NOT HERE!

  Shame has something behind his back, and when he pulls it to the front he’s smiling. He was late getting back here to me for a reason. “Picked them myself Sweetheart. Wild flowers from the lake. Hope you like them. Wanted to give you something familiar before you tell Hem and I what happened to you.”

  I’m appreciative of the flowers but knowing I have to tell them bit by bit about Dad and his threats against Hem I feel taken back. I’m not mad anymore, I’m nervous and sad. Everything that Hem thought was good in life is being threatened and I have to be the one to tell him. Not to mention that his hero Doc, is my dad.

  “Thank you. Shame, where’s Hem? Thought he was coming with you?”

  “He’s coming. He’s down the hall now. Can I get you anything? Nurse is working on discharge paperwork now. Since you’re having to relive some of your nightmare I want to do it here, in case the stress is too much. She will be in here to let us go in about 30 minutes. You be okay till then?”

  Before I answer I see Hem coming through the door with Sadey in hand. Literally. Good lord the woman is far enough along that she’s now showing and yet Hem can’t take his hand off her ass. She and I have talked nonstop on the phone back and forth since this happened but she hasn’t been to see me, per my dismay but at Hem’s request. Her seeing me like this just makes it real. Hem wants her here with me though while I go through this with them, for support.

  “Hey there lil Sis! Ready to break out?”

  “Shut up, Hem.”

  He laughs but then after a few moments later he gets serious. He wants to know step by step what happened. He, Sadey, and Shame all take a seat and before I begin there’s another knock at the door. Seriously? I just want this over with.

  “Can I come in?” Oh my God it’s Hood! Shame and Hem jump up at the same time, Shame keeps hold of my hand in his and I feel it getting warm. Hem needs to keep his shit together, his face is hard and threatening.

  “What the fuck are you doin’ here?” Hem didn’t get a chance to react because Shame did.

  “Look I won’t stay. I just wanted to come here and see she was okay for myself. I’m sorry, Mace. You don’t know me, probably hate me but you need to know that I did what I could to prevent this.” He looks to Shame and Shame’s face thaws, he realizes that Hood really did give them warnings of this.

  “Thank you, I’m fine now.”

  “Anything else I can do?” His direction is at Shame and Hem but I cut in.

  “I’m about to tell them everything that happened when I was with Greyson and Warren. You could hear me out if they won’t mind, it would be good cause maybe you could help.”

  “Fine, only if you’re comfortable Sis. If not, he goes. Hear me?”

  I tell them everything. Every detail I can remember. During this I notice that Hem looks somewhat surprised but not entirely. Shame is manic and Hood is resigned. Apparently Hood really had no idea that Warren wasn’t my father and his plot included killing Hem. He knew all about Greyson being a maniac though. No one in the room flinched at any of those details. The response I got from Hem during this is what alarmed me the most. When he found out that Grey had beat me, assaulted me, and threatening me he came unglued.

  He was there when I told the police just a fraction of information to just get them out of here, so apparently he thought that was my whole Greyson ordeal. I should have told them sooner about what Greyson had done.

  Hem started throwing anything he could get his hands on. Not even Sadey could calm him. He was pacing back and forth with such anger, it froze the others in the room. Even Shame was at a loss to calm Hem. When I told them about what Warren had said about sending Greyson to the wolves, Hem’s face lightened in an eerie way. When I was done Hem and Shame excused themselves with Hood citing they were going to walk Hood to his bike outside in an order of protection. Sadey and I sat and talked about how it has affected me emotionally. God, it was nice to talk about that. I couldn’t talk to the boys about it but Sadey got me. She knew it was inside that everything was really hurting. She suggested I talked to Cherry but I have felt guilty for escaping the hands of Greyson when she didn’t. I saw what he did to her and compare to that, I got nothing but a few nicks and verbal assaults that just hurt my feelings. I didn’t get the continuous rape and beating she got from him. It will be awhile before I feel comfortable talking to her.

  Hem and Shame finally come back in. Shame will hardly look at me, but Hem stares at me with certainty. Something is brewing behind those chocolate eyes. Those are my mom’s eyes, and it worries me instantly.

  “Hem, what are you doing? Why are you looking at me like that?” I mutter softly but loud enough he can hear. Shame grabs my shoulder as a way of bracing me for this.

  “I’m going to kill him, Mace. He’s good as dead. Do you get that? Greyson touched you, he fuckin’ hurt you. He’s dead. Those wolves Warren mentioned, Grey will wish he were sent to those wolves. Fuck no that won’t happen, he’s mine.” His voice is so dark and scary and his face is etched in hate. I look away from him and want to block it all out. This doesn’t even look like Hem.

  “No! This is not what I want. He did these things to me, not you. I do not want his blood on your hands. You have more shit to deal with then him! You need to get to Warren and be sure no one gets hurt, namely you! Warren promised nothing happens to me as long as you go to him. You’re going to HIM dammit. Deal with Grey later.” Shame sits on my bed next to me, looking directly into my eyes. There I have my answer. It’s done. Hem has made up his mind and he’s choosing to deal with Greyson first, for me. Dammit this is not what I want. I’m pissed at both of them.


  “No.” That’s his final word as he turns to the door but I’m not finished.


  Hem turns back to me and says with an uncanny certainty. “I love you, Mace. So much. That fuckin’ animal will never touch you again.”

  Sadey follows Hem out the door and Shame and I are left staring at it as it closes with a bang.

  “Shame, stop him. I mean it. You fuckin’ stop him. His focus is on WARREN NOT GREYSON. Grey is nothing, he’s nothing! Warren is plotting ways to kill Hem right now!”

  Shames shakes his head and holds me while I cry on his shoulder.



  Fucking bastard. I knew his shit was bad but that fucking bastard beat her! He fucking touched her, abused her! My mind is wrapped around ways of making him suffer at my hands. This is personal, so fucking personal.

  Warren not being Mace’s father doesn’t surprise me. My sister is so much good and he’s a piece of shit. Doc was good, Mace got that from him. This thought is so peaceful. The connection I always felt to Mace was a resemblance of Doc. Everything fits together, it’s perfect.

  I will kill Greyson first.

  I hate the call I’m about to make. This is dangerous shit but I need to focus and I have faith in my brothers to have my back as I head into it. I’m not telling them what I’m doing but I know my boys and they are going to help me even though I’m not even going to ask. This is brotherhood, the life. Family has your back, either way.

  I hit the call button, bile rising knowing I have to hear Warren’s victory song in my ear. “Well Patrick, there’s my caller. I see you still can’t tell time, as ever. Your call is late but I’m willing to let it go, being that you’re going to
give me the news I’m seeking.”

  “Shut the fuck up. I want Greyson. Before I come to you unarmed and accepting of your revenge, I want Greyson. I’m going to kill him, you should know that. Fucker touched my sister. He’s dead. Deal?”

  He tisks into the phone as if he’s some king on a throne. Fuckin’ bastard is playing with me. “Oh my now Patrick, are you asking now after all that has played out around you me if there is honor among criminals? It’s amusing though, you asking that is. You’re asking me to give you my monkey. He’s been a good pet this year. Did you know he worked for Switch before me? He helped me kill him as well. He’s a hungry animal and though I do find his energy used to hurt women offensive and vile he’s been loyal to me.”

  “Give me this. I need to be sure Mace is safe, that she stays safe. She told me the gentleness you showed her, Warren. You cannot control that idiot. He will hurt her, he almost raped her under your fuckin’ watch!” Fuck I’m not against begging. He wants even a shot at me, then I want that fucker dead in the unlikely event he pulls it off.

  “He’s yours. If we are weighing honor among us then Patrick, I have him delivered to you and you do what you deem necessary. After that, you come to me. You contact me and we’ll set it up. No fuckin’ games do you read that clear? No brothers, no saviors, no alliance with my men. You come here to claim your families’ safety, give me this and I give you my word your family is free from this Club and all the retaliation it would transfer to them if you don’t.”

  “My word.” I’ve very well just signed my death warrant. I’m giving this man what he has wanted all of his fuckin’ life. In return, if I’m not careful I lose mine. The stakes are high, but my ante has just been set on the table. Now I’m betting on my family and that my brothers will find a way to keep me from harm’s way.

  Chapter Twenty One:

  ''He was just a coward and that was the worst luck any man could have.''

  --Ernest Hemingway

  I’ve waited for this since Mace asked me to meet Greyson years ago. I’ve told the boys that I talked to Warren and somehow I had managed to talk him into just giving Greyson to me. They were shocked and didn’t quite understand what I was saying. Shame wants him as much as I do, but no way will I let his hands dirty over this fucker. He has a baby on the way and until recently Shame was never exposed to Club violence, just hard life lessons. Fuck, none of the boys were exposed to something like this before.

  My Club has always been clean. We were legitimate in our dealings. Yes, will admit that occasionally we sunk ourselves deep into dealing drugs but only to those who already used, abused and resold to other junkies too far gone to come back. We had Club expenses that sometimes even the dues couldn’t reach. No violence against people though, not even men. So Shame does not get to be part of this.

  Shame’s got a big fuckin’ mouth. My whipped sister talked him into telling her my plan for Grey. Mace has threatened to never speak to me if I go through with killing him. My gullible sister believes that I can keep her safe from this fucking monster. She’s already thinking like a mother, believing his mother and father will miss him down in Texas. I don’t have the heart to tell her that he has no family, at all. He lied to her for two years and if she finds that shit out she will doubt everything she’s ever believed from everyone. I can’t afford for her to doubt the life she has surrounding her now. She will soon meet my child, her little niece or nephew. She now has her own baby on the way. Shame loves her and needs her and if this all goes bad with Warren they will all need each other. So no, I’m in this alone.

  I’ve set up everything I need to accomplish this. The shed has been cleared out back and I’m waiting for the boys that deliver the monster to get him in there tied up and ready for me. I fuckin’ hate knowing Angels crew is within my compound and as much as I hate to do it, I have to take Warren at his word that no harm comes to Mace or anyone here as long as I fulfill my end of the agreement and surrender to him.

  Shame has asked me again and again what I’m keeping from him. He feels it. He’s been my best friend since we were kids and if anyone sees through me it’s him. I’ve thought about caging his ass again once I go to Warren. He’s an emotional person and when he’s emotional he doesn’t make good decisions. Life or death rides on this, I won’t risk him.

  I’ve told everyone here at the Club that I need some space. The boys have left for the night, I’ve given them all leave. I told Sadey a lie, telling her I was worried sick about Mace and asked that she let Shame know he’s needed at the house so they can watch over and keep her mind of all this shit. It’s just me here now, I’m having a drink before the fun begins. Warren had that fuckin’ Scarface character call me about twenty minutes ago so I know they are on the way with my package. I instructed where to place his ass and what position I want him in. I swear I thought I heard Risk actually chuckle in the phone and if I weren’t so fuckin amped on adrenaline right now I would have had a laugh with him, but this is serious shit. I’m taking a life tonight. It’s been a long time since I was asked to do this, but this is not a question of right and wrong. This is just right. This man kidnapped, raped, and beat Cherry. He almost got away with raping my sister for Christ Sakes. I don’t want to think about the number of other women he’s tortured in that room where Mace told me she was held against her will. I’m shaking in fury just thinking about him now.

  I’m jerked from thought as I hear Risk opening the front door. Fuck the man is one ugly son of a bitch too, he had his hands on Mace. She told me he was less than gentle with her at her drop off. He is smirking at me while standing in the door of my fucking Clubhouse. He’s a fuck of a lot bigger than I am, which is definitely saying something. He has a tattoo under his left eye, probably in attempts at covering some of his scars but honestly it just brings more attention to them.

  As I being walking towards him he doesn’t even bat an eyelash at me. Quickly to avoid detection I move into him and give him a gut chop. “You touched my sister asshole, no one touches my sister. Get outta my sight now before I put a hole in the back of your head.”

  After sitting doubled over for a few seconds he stands tall, towering me. He says nothing but replaces his scowl with another smirk. This fuckin’ giant is crazy! Finally he turns and walks out. After him, I close the door and flip the lock secure. I’m on my way to sort the trash now and I don’t want any interruptions.

  Surprisingly Scarface took my requests seriously and he looks like he even enjoyed himself. Everything I had requested about the set up was done to perfection. Scarface is an asshole, but not a dumb one. I flip on the lights and immediately my eyes lock to a very pissed off Greyson. Apparently since he was blindfolded on the way here he had no idea where he was sitting or who he was waiting here for. Front and fuckin’ center at my Club. Welcome to the party, pervert.

  “Well look at you, brother. All girlied up. Nice lipstick you have on. It’s a good color on you. Maybe later I’ll let you suck my cock, huh?” He rolls his eyes in disgust but says nothing. Hard to say too much when he’s got a ball gag in his mouth. I walk around him, inspecting my checklist that I asked for, ensuring it was carried out thoroughly. I see that the ass of his pants is a bit bulkier I give it a kick with my boot and yepp, sure enough Risk inserted the very large ass plug into him.

  “You want to know what it feels like to be raped? Want to feel someone exert their power over you just as you have done to probably countless women? Oh Greyson, Greyson fuckin’ Meyer… he’s your chance to experience it first-hand.”

  I go to the box that I asked to be delivered with him and pull out a very large electric dildo. His eyes widen, its sinking in that this could be a very long night. I examine it, while inappropriately thinking to myself what Sadey would do with this and then realize I wouldn’t allow her one of these. My girl gets off to me, no one or nothing else. Selfish of me? Sure it is, but who the fuck cares, she’s mine.

  “I’m going to remove this gag fucker, you say nothing. Do you ge
t that?” He can’t answer but shakes his head slightly indicating he understands. Once it’s removed he shakes his head back and forth and moans in pain, presumably from that plug in his ass. Because of this, I step to his back and punch it, sending jolts of pain throughout his body and a moan from inside of him comes out nearly piercing my ears. I’ve not had any experience in torture so at this point I’m unsure what to exactly do next, other than start the beating I have planned before killing him.

  “I’m going to ask you one time and that is all I’m asking, tell me why you’re here in front of me dressed up like a woman with lipstick on, a plug shoved up your ass and tied to the rafters of this shed?”

  He hesitates so I belt him in the face, quickly but powerfully. “Answer fucker, it’s your night. I have time limit here. No one is coming for you. Warren gave… you… up…”

  I watch his eyes as the realization strikes and he knows he’s not leaving here alive.

  “I hurt your sister. I did love her man.” I deal another blow to the face, this time blood spurts from his mouth, couple of teeth hit the floor, reminding me of Ace. At the threat that Greyson ever hurting Sadey I know Ace would have already killed the fuck by now. I don’t give him a minute to come to his senses before I start to wale on him one after another. I’m so wrapped up in delivering blows I don’t see him lose consciousness. I grab for the box and the smelling salt and quickly bring him to again.

  “Oh no fucker you’re awake for this, all of it. I’m going to help you out a bit though. You hurt my sister, you touched my sister, cut her, beat her, and put your hands on her without her consent. You nearly raped her and you were looking forward to it had Warren not caught you. Tonight you’re done. You will die today, there is no question to that.” He doesn’t say anything because he’s going in and out again. I go to the box for a hunting knife and find this damn thing is one of the sharpest hunting knives I’ve ever seen. I unzip his pants as he comes to again, instantly he’s begging to stop me because he knows what I’m about to do.


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