judicial activism, 82, 136;
defined, 10;
examples of, 11;
of Florida Supreme Court, 36;
Roe v. Wade, example of, 21;
as source of Supreme Court power, 53
judicial creativity, 67
judicial gnosticism, xi
judicial independence, 48
judicial legislation, 75
judicial mischief, 168
judicial perversity, ix
judicial power, 72
judicial review, from conservative force to engine of social change, 24–32;
cultural elite’s trump card, 38–47;
defenders of, 38;
proposed abolishment of, 52–53, 55;
restraining clause in democracy, 25. See also constitutional judicial review
Judiciary Act of 1789, 160
Junior Order of United American Mechanics (JOUAM), 88
Kadic v. Karadzic, 162n50
Kellog-Briand Pact of 1928, 146
Kennedy, Anthony, xiv, 35–36, 58, 72–76, 82–83;
on personal dignity/autonomy, xviii
Keyes v. School District, 43n101
Kimmel v. Florida Bde. of Reports, 36n88
Kirkpatrick, Jeane, xxiv
Kissinger, Henry, on international law, xxxi
knowledge/verbal class, 3–4
kodakers, 61, 61n14
Kolakowski, Leszek, on sense of sacred, xxvii;
taboos and, xxvii–xxix
Kyllo v. United States, 34n78
Kyoto Accords, xxxiii, 124–25
Lamb’s Chapel v. Center Moriches Union Free School, 108
land mines, 118, 121, 124–25, 131
law, anticontraception, 20, 28;
function of, 1;
internationalization of, ix, xi, xxxi–xxxii;
judge-made, 83;
limitations/restrictions of, 15;
loss of integrity in, xxv;
meaning of, xii;
principles of, 63n20;
“reasonableness” of, 69;
religion and, xxii;
substantive validity of, 80;
U.S. Constitution and, 7. See also constitutional law; federal common law; international law; natural law; treaty-based law; U.S. law
law of nations, 165, 173–75;
paradigms of 1789, 166–70;
violations of, 165
Law of Treaties, 123, 125, 154
Lawrence v. Texas, xviii, 35n82, 58, 59n9, 72n58, 73–74, 76, 83
The Law of Piracy (Rubin), 140
Lee v. Weisman, 34n75, 96
Lemon test, 94, 110;
application of, 98–99, 103;
birth of, 98
Lemon v. Kurtzman, 28n55, 98
Levy v. Louisiana, 15n27, 19–20, 31n68
Ley, Robert, 144
liberal activism, 37
liberals, 33;
identified in Supreme Court, 35
liberty, constitutional language and, 63;
of contract, 66;
as freedom to enjoy all faculties, 66;
meaning of, 58–59;
ordered, 68;
religious, 85–134
lifestyle issues, x
like-minded states, 114;
make-up of, 120
Lincoln, Abraham, on Supreme Court decisions, 7n8
Lochner v. New York, 15n26, 75;
substantive due process and, 66–67
Locke v. Davey, 108–9
Lockett v. Ohio, 28n54
Lord’s Prayer, xv, 94
Lucas v. S. C. Coastal Council, 36n86
Lynch v. Donnelly, 103
Madison, James, 6, 59, 110
Mapp v. Ohio, 34
Marbury v. Madison, 8, 24, 77n85
marriage, sacredness of, xxvi
Marsh v. Chambers, 103
Marshall Court, Bill of Rights and, 68n42
Marshall, John, 8, 25, 27, 77–78;
dissent of, 63n21;
on executive power, 169;
Supreme Court jurisdiction and, 8n13
Marshall, Thurgood, 24
McArthur, Douglas, 148n25
McCollum v. Board of Education, 90–92
McCollum, Vashti, 91
McCulloch v. Maryland, 77n86, 78n88
McDowell, Gary L., xiii–xv
McGowan v. Maryland, 102
Meuller v. Allen, 100
Meyer v. Nebraska, 67n38
Michael H. v. Gerald D., 81n101
Michel, Louis, 158
Mill, John Stuart, xxvii;
on sense of sacred, xxv–xxvi
Milosevic, Slobodan, 172
Minersville (Pa.) School District v. Gobitis, 86
minimum wages, for women, 67
Minogue, Kenneth, xix;
on Olympianism, xx, xxii
Miranda rights, 28, 33;
Rehniquist Court and, 34
Miranda v. Arizona, 28n56
Mississippi University for Women v. Hogan, 31n66
Missouri Compromise, 25
Missouri v. Jenkins, 48n117
Mitchell v. Helms, 100
Montesquieu, 6
Moore v. East Cleveland, 81n100
morality, evolution of, xi;
sexual, xiii–xiv
Morganthau, Henry, Jr., 144
Mormon polygamy, 105
Mugler v. Kansas, 66n30, 72
multiculturalism, xxiii
Munn v. Illinois, 65n29
Munoz, Vincent Phillip, 90, 108
“mystery passage,” xix
myth of conservatism, 32–37
NAACP v. Button, 29n58
national security, human security v., xxxiii
natural justice, 63, 63n21, 75, 77–78
natural law, 15, 38, 63, 78;
due process and, 62n18
Nazi Party, 144, 148–50
Nazis and Nazi Collaborators (Punishment) Law, 150, 152n32
Nazism, xxiii, 29, 142–43
Ndombasi, Abdulaye Yerodia, 157
Neuhaus, Richard, 102
Nevada Dep’t of Human Resources v. Hibbs, 37n91
New Deal, 25
new diplomacy, creation of, 114;
human rights agenda of, 121;
new game of, 121–24;
NGOs’ role in, 121–24;
threats of, 113–34
New Jersey Taxpayers Association, 88
New Left, xvi, xix
new sovereignty, 174–80
New York v. United States, 37n89
NGOs. See nongovernmental organizations
“Nietzchean vision,” 75
Nixon, Richard M., 27, 44, 46, 129
Nolan v. Cal. Coastal Comm’n, 36n86
nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), xxxii, 114;
growth of, 118–19;
in new diplomacy, 121–24;
operation of, 120
nonracial unitary system, 44
Northwest Ordinance, 90
nullem crimen sine lege (no crime without a law), 146
Nuremburg Trials, xxxiv, 130;
controversial aspects of, 145;
legacy of, 142–49
obiter dictum, 69
Obligation of Contracts, 13
O’Connor, Sandra Day, xiv, xxiii, 31, 35–36, 41, 58, 72–73, 82, 104
Ogden v. Saunders, 63n21
Olmstead v. United States, 59n6
Olympianism, xx–xxii, xxxi
“one-person, one-vote,” 31
Operation Condor, 154
ordered liberty, 68
originalism, xxix–xxx
Orwell, George, 10
Ottawa Conference, 120
Ottawa Convention on Land Mines, 124, 125
Pace, William, 118
Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. V. Haslip, 81n101
Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), 161–62
Palko v. Connecticut, 17n34, 68, 74n66
Papachristou v. Jacksonville, 30n64
passive personality jurisdiction,
151, 151n29
Peace of Westphalia (1648), 175
Peckham, Rufus, 66, 75
Persian Gulf War (1990–1991), 172
personal rights, property rights v.; due process and, 69
Pierce v. Society of Sisters, 67n38
Pinochet Augusto, 126;
attempted extradition of, 153–56;
universal jurisdiction and, 153
piracy, 165, 167
pirates, 140;
characteristics of, 141
Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey, xiv, xviiin13, 58, 59n9, 72–73, 76, 82
Plato, 39
Pledge of Allegiance, 104
Plessy v. Ferguson, 22n43, 82
PLO. See Palestine Liberation Organization
Poe V. Ullman, 17n35, 69–70
political correctness, x, xxii, xxxv
politics, of expression, xix;
of meaning, xvii
pornography, xiii, xxvi, 29, 50;
Internet and, 34;
suppression of, 38
Port Huron Statement (1962), xvi–xvii
post–Cold War diplomacy, 117–20
postmodern jurisprudence, xxv
Potsdam Declaration, 148n25
Powell, Colin, 158
prayer, Lord’s, xv, 94;
in public schools, 23, 28, 34, 50, 92–93, 95–97, 135;
Regents, 93;
voluntary, 95
Printz v. United States, 37n89
privacy. See right to privacy
Privy Council in London, 5n4
procedural rights, 68
prosecutorial discretion, 178
prosecutors, federal, 177–78;
ICC, 179–80;
international, 179;
role of, 178–79;
under Rome Statute, 177;
state, 178
protective principle, 151, 151n29
public schools, emergence of, 90;
as pervasively sectarian, 99;
prayer in, 23, 28, 34, 50, 92–93, 95–97, 135;
religion and, 90–97
Punishment of Serious Violations of International Humanitarian Law, 137, 156
R. v. Bow Street Magistrates, 155n33
Rabkin, Jeremy, 129
racial assignment, 43
racial discrimination, 26, 30;
history of law against, 42;
U.S. Congress and, 42
Radical Republicans, 54
Reagan, Ronald, 99;
Supreme Court appointments of, 51
Reagan v. Farmers’ Loan and Trust Co., 66n32
reason, principles of, 63n20
reasoned judgment, 76
Reconstruction Amendments. See Civil War Amendments
Reed v. Reed, 33n72
Regents of Univ. of California v. Bakke, 4n3, 45–46
Regents prayer, 93
Rehnquist Court, 32–35, 37, 101;
capital punishment and, 34;
Miranda rights and, 34;
Roe v. Wade and, 34;
sex discrimination and, 34
Rehnquist, William, 75–76, 89, 104, 109
religion, xv–xvi;
denigration of, xxvi;
law and, xxii;
nondiscriminatory aid to, 89;
public schools and, 90–97
religious establishments, courts and, 102–5
Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993, 33n73, 107
religious liberty, as first liberty, 86;
Supreme Court and, 85–134
religious symbols on public property, 23, 28
Restatement (Third) of the Foreign Relations Law of the United States, 152n32
Revolutionary War, 116
Rex v. Dawson, 139
Reynolds, George, 105
Reynolds v. Simms, 31n69
Reynolds v. United States, 105
von Ribbentrop, Joachim, 144
Riggirozzi, Maria Pia, 118
right(s), ambassadorial, 165, 167;
arising from natural law, 78;
of association, 71n56;
civil, xxiv, 25–26, 41–42, 44–46, 46n112;
family, xvii;
hierarchy of, 68;
human, 121, 127, 130;
judge-made, 81;
of marital privacy, 71n56;
Miranda, 28, 33–34;
personal, 69;
procedural, 68;
property, 69;
rights of action v., 162–66
right to privacy, xiii–xiv, 57–83;
constitutional expansion of, 68–69;
foundation of, 71;
history of, 60–74;
impingement on, 83;
political price of, 74–80;
practicality of, 61n14
Ring v. Arizona, 34n80
Rivkin, David B., Jr., xxxiii–xxxv
Robb, Roger, 162
Roberson v. Rochester Folding Box Co., 61n14
Roe v. Wade, xiv, 20–21, 21n40, 23–24, 32, 33n72, 58, 71n56, 72, 75;
Rehnquist Court and, 34
Rome Statute, 173–75;
prosecutors under, 177;
U.S. and, 180
Rome Treaty, 123, 125, 136
Romer v. Evans, xxi, 34n79
Roosevelt, Franklin, 10n17, 15, 25, 144;
on Supreme Court decisions, 7n8
Rosenberger v. University of Virginia, 108n39
Rubin, Alfred, 140
rule by dead, 10
rule of immunity, 157–58
Rumsfeld, Donald, 127, 158
sacramental peyote use, 107
Salazar, Enrique Camerena, 166
Santa Fe Independent School District v. Jane Doe, 96n16, 101
Santería religion, 108
Scalia, Antonin, xxii, xxx, 35, 72n58, 75–76, 83, 106–7, 168;
due process and, 81;
on judicial gnosticism, xi;
Sosa opinion of, 169n66;
substantive due process and, 81n101
Schad v. Mount Ephraim, 29n57
Schecter Poultry Corp. v. United States, 25n51
school segregation, 22–23;
prohibition of, 27;
Warren Court and, 33
segregation, 25
selective nihilism, xxv
self-government, 60
Seminole Tribe v. Florida, 36n88
sense of sacred, xxv–xxvii
separation of church and state, 88–89, 99;
Protestant version of, 91
Separation of Church and State (Hamburger), 91
separationist doctrine, 89, 98
1783 Treaty of Paris, 174
sex discrimination, xxiii, 30;
Rehnquist Court and, 34;
Warren Court and, 33
Shad v. Mount Ephraim, 17n33
Sharon, Ariel, 127, 158
Shattuck, Charles E., 57
Sherbert, Adell, 105
Sherbert v. Verner, 33n73, 105–7
sixties decade, x
Slaughter House Cases, 14–16, 65n28
slavery, 25
Smith, Alfred, 106
Smyth v. Ames, 66n33
Snyder v. Massachusetts, 68n44
social activists, 135
soft power, 114
Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain, 166, 168–69
Souter, David, xiv, 35, 58, 72–73, 75, 82
South Dakota v. Dole, 37n92
Soviet Union, 30;
history of, 113–14;
role in Nuremburg Trials, 144
Speer, Albert, 144
stare decisis, 82
state prosecutors, 178
state sovereignty, 133
Stenberg v. Carhart, 22n42, 34n74
Stevens, John Paul, 35, 96
Stevens, Thaddeus, 53–54
Stewart, Potter, 75, 93
Stimson, Henry, 144
Stone, Harlan Fiske, 69
Stone v. Farmers’ Loan and Trust Co., 65n29
Stone v. Graham, 17n32, 95
/> Story, Joseph, xxi, 63n21, 77–78, 140
Strauder v. West Virginia, 54n123
Straw, Jack, 155
substantive due process, 15–16, 18–19;
creation of, 62–63;
Douglas, William O., and, 70;
Dred Scott v. Sandford and, 65;
Lochner v. New York and, 66;
“reasonableness” of, 68;
revival of, 41n96;
U.S. Constitution and, 65
Supreme Court, as activist court, 32n70;
American society and, x;
capital punishment and, 24;
compared to Grand Council of Ayatollah, 3;
conservatives identified in, 35;
intellectual allies of, xx;
justices, xii, 2–4, 8–11, 39–41, 51;
liberal academics and, 32;
liberal victories in, 35;
limiting power of, 47–55;
makeup of, 35;
media and, 32;
myth of conservatism and, 32–37;
as oracle of U.S. Constitution, 48;
overturning rulings of, 51–52;
as perpetual censor, 15;
personal preferences and, 41–42;
politics of, xix;
public’s view of, 32;
religion and, xvi;
religious liberty and, 85–134;
rulings of unconstitutionality by, 2–3;
sacredness of, xxvii;
school racial integration requirement of, 44;
secularizing influence of, 86–90;
state courts and, 64;
U.S. Congress’s power over, 49–50
Supreme Court justices, as elites, 4;
as final lawmakers, 2–3;
life tenure of, 51;
proposed election of, 51;
qualifications of, 40–41;
skills of, 39–40;
U.S. Constitution and, 8–11
Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Bd. of Educ., 22n43, 33n72, 52;
desegregation and, 45
taboos, xxvii–xxix
Tahoe-Sierra Preservation Council, Inc. v. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency, 36n87
Talmud, 12
Tax Code, 12
tax exemptions, for churches, 102
taxation without representation, 116
Tel-Oren v. Libya, 161–64
Ten Commandments, 95
Terrett v. Taylor, 63n21
terrorism, 133
Texas v. Johnson, xxvin25, 17n33, 29n59
Thakur, Ramesh, xxxiii
Third Reich, 144
Thirteenth Amendment, 13–14
Thomas, Clarence, xxiv, 35, 76, 100
Tileson v. Ullman, 17n35
Tinker v. Des Moines Ind. Community School District, 17n33, 29n60
Tocqueville, Alexis de, 1, 25, 47, 110, 135
Tokyo Tribunal, 130
tort, 160;
as legal wrong, 164
tort claim, 160–61
Torture Victims Protection Act, 162n49
transcendental politics, xviii–xix
transportation subsidies, for parochial schools, 88
treaty negotiations, 123
Treaty of Rome, xxxii–xxxiii
Treaty of Westphalia (1648), 132
treaty-based law, xxxii–xxxiii, 124;
examples of, 124–25
A Country I Do Not Recognize Page 24