The WindWard Wolves

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The WindWard Wolves Page 15

by Harris, Noah

  “Sounds like you need a nap yourself.”

  Ash sat up enough to push himself along the bed, making space. “Lay with me.”

  Johnny eyed the space. “You’re supposed to be getting rest.”

  “I said lay with me, not have sex with me,” Ash chuckled.

  “You’re just trying to get me in trouble with Maya.”

  “Doesn’t sound like Maya is here at the moment to yell at you. C’mon, I don’t want to wake up alone.”

  Johnny’s frown softened into an expression of understanding. Ash knew Johnny didn’t always sleep peacefully, even before Kell’s restless sleeping had started disturbing both of them at night. Years of hard living had stuck to Johnny through the years, just as the horrors and violence had stuck with Ash. He would recover from the wounds he’d received, but Ash knew that dark room would stay with him for months, and maybe even years. If he could wake up to someone he loved and trusted next to him, instead of a dark, empty room, then he could manage.

  Johnny kicked off his shoes and slid into the space next to Ash. The bed dipped enough that Ash felt himself slide toward Johnny. Moving carefully, Johnny sidled up to Ash, looking unsure as he shifted to find a comfortable position.

  Ash chuckled, catching Johnny when he was on his side and grabbing hold of him. Johnny grunted in surprise but allowed himself to relax. Laying his head on Ash’s chest, Johnny gently lay his arm over his stomach and settled himself.

  “Been a while since we laid together, just the two of us,” Ash said.

  “A while? We were teens.”

  Ash grinned, remembering. They hadn’t been a terribly affectionate pair of friends, which made sense in retrospect, as the two of them had been warding off feelings they wouldn’t admit to. There were a few times however, where they shared the same sleeping spot, and had inevitably ended up curled up around one another. Despite his growing feelings for Johnny, Ash had always treasured those moments, enjoying the warmth of Johnny’s presence, and the calming balm it made for his thoughts.

  “I always used to think you were the big spoon kind of guy,” Johnny admitted.

  Ash chuckled. “What, a big guy can’t enjoy being held once in a while?”

  “It was pretty much every time Ash.”


  Johnny said nothing, choosing instead to turn his face into Ash’s chest and take a deep breath. Ash smiled as he felt the tension in Johnny’s body melt away, settling in for a good rest. Ash closed his eyes, holding onto Johnny’s body as best his own battered body would allow. It was different to holding Kell, but Ash realized how much he’d missed it. Just like the passionate kisses, holding Johnny and being held by him felt right.

  Ash kissed the top of Johnny’s head. “I’m proud of us, all of us. We did good.”

  “I’d say we managed to do a pretty good job,” Johnny murmured.

  Johnny’s voice was soft, and a little ragged with exhaustion. Ash had no doubt Johnny had managed some sleep in the past few days, but he’d bet it wasn’t nearly enough. As the only consistently conscious member of their little trio, Johnny no doubt had been running himself into the ground watching over them. Just as he’d been the one to drag Ash to safety, it was Johnny who had taken care of Ash and Kell while they rested.

  “We did great, you did great,” Ash insisted.

  Their little adventure hadn’t lasted as long as he’d originally feared it would, but so much had happened, it felt as if they’d been gone for weeks. They managed to close a chapter in their lives which deserved to be laid to rest, and they could breathe a little easier. The world wasn’t fixed, and it wouldn’t be for a long time, but they’d made a good start, and that was more than enough for Ash.

  Holding Johnny tight, he allowed himself to drift into a peaceful, if dreamless, sleep.


  The weeks that followed turned out to be some of the best Johnny had ever known. Despite Kell’s insistence that they would have to fight over what to name the boys, it had been little more than a mild discussion between the two alphas.

  The conversation had taken place a few days after Johnny and Ash had returned. The twins had been laid down, sleeping quietly in their bassinets. Neither man had slept well, and Johnny remembered how prominent the dark circles on Ash’s face had been. Most of all, he remembered Ash’s constant smile, and his soft humming as he watched their sons sleep peacefully.

  “We should probably give them names now, before Kell decides to do it for us,” Johnny had whispered.

  Ash’s chuckle was weary but warm. “I think you’re supposed to name your kids after people you respect.”

  “If this is a lead in to naming them after one another, let’s avoid that. We don’t need any Juniors in the house.”

  “Do you have any ideas?”


  Ash had finally turned his gaze to Johnny. “Do we know an Alexander?”

  Not wanting to admit he’d been thinking of the ancient conqueror, Johnny had shrugged. His son was already showing signs of a strong personality, in the determined way he tried to pick his head up, and in his boisterous cry when he was unhappy. It seemed a fitting name to Johnny, and he liked the way it stuck.

  Ash had rested his hands on his own son’s bassinet. “Noah.”

  Johnny hadn’t known if it was meant to be biblical, cropping up from Ash’s religious upbringing, or somewhere else. Yet just as Alexander fitted his own son, Johnny thought Noah suited Ash’s infinitely gentler son.

  Both men were happy to accept the names without too much questioning, allowing the choices to be personal. Kell had just been thankful that he finally had names for their children, and then demanded they take a nap with him. That afternoon had ended with a warm rest with the three of them wrapped contentedly around one another.

  It had been pure bliss, albeit bliss that came with considerably less sleep. During his pregnancy, Kell had inadvertently woken Ash and Johnny constantly with his restless sleep, but it seemed their sons wanted to go even further. If it wasn’t Noah upset because he wasn’t being held, it was Alexander wanting to be up and free to see the world. Johnny could only imagine what kind of mischief his son would get up to once he was capable of standing on his own two legs.

  No matter how exhausted and frazzled Johnny felt, he wouldn’t have traded it for anything. He would have taken any number of dirty diapers, sleepless nights, and shirts spattered in spit up, all for the moments where he lay with his family. Some nights, it would be all five of them in bed, with the twins being held as the three adults cuddled together, breathless as they waited to see if the babies would sleep.

  It also meant that all of them needed to get sleep when they could. Ash was still better at dropping off to sleep at a moment’s notice, but even he’d been hard-pressed to get enough sleep to keep him going. Each of them took their naps during the day, usually when either someone else was caring for the twins, or when the boys were taking their own nap.

  Johnny had caught Ash sprawled on the couch, with Noah sleeping contentedly on his chest. It was a sign of just how tired Ash was that he allowed himself to sleep while holding the child. Ash’s size, which had always got him both attention and interest from other people, seemed to make him even more nervous when it came to handling the twins. He trusted Kell and Johnny completely if they were to fall asleep holding one of the boys, but he refused to sleep while holding one of them.

  To spare Ash the worry when he woke and found his son on top of him, Johnny had carefully extracted the baby from Ash’s hold. Noah’s face tightened as he was removed from his father’s body, and Johnny waited in nervous anticipation for the explosion that might come. While he wasn’t as fussy as Johnny had first believed, Noah did not like being removed from Ash while he napped. However, he calmed himself down almost immediately when Johnny placed him in the crib next to Alexander. For all the differences between the two boys’ personalities, they thrived the most when they were together, and it warmed Johnny�
��s heart.

  With Ash sprawled on the couch, and Kell snoring softly in one of the big chairs, Johnny had found his way to their bed. It had been wonderful being back in the cottage again, though he supposed it was a cottage no more. The extra room was for the boys, but they’d have to add another room eventually as they grew.

  Johnny flopped onto the bed gracelessly, sighing gratefully as the comfortable folds of the bed closed around him. His exhaustion pulled him down into sleep, knowing it wouldn’t be long before he was woken up again.

  * * *

  Sure enough, he found himself pulled from the gentle embrace of sleep long before he was ready. His noise of complaint stopped however when a warm mouth closed over the head of his cock. The protest became a low, drawn out sigh of pleasure as lips slid down the shaft, taking him deep.

  “Oh shit,” Johnny murmured, gripping onto the comforter beneath him.

  He’d been sleeping so heavily, it had taken his cock being pulled free from his pants for him to begin to wake up. Someone was deciding to give him a pleasant wake up, and Johnny kept his eyes closed to see if he could guess who it was. Despite their shared moment having been interrupted by the Cult, Ash and Johnny hadn’t wasted any time continuing what they’d started outside Earl’s townhouse. It was a change which Kell had predictably welcomed with both joy and lust.

  It was interesting to try to differentiate between the two of them without seeing who it was. Both Kell and Ash’s scent was heavy in the room, but Johnny wasn’t paying too much attention to that. He was focused on the feel of the lips sliding back and forth over his shaft, and on the tongue which brushed so playfully along the underside of his head.

  Keeping his eyes clenched shut, he tried to focus on the technique. The problem was, whoever had his cock in their mouth seemed to be deliberately using a mix of Kell’s enthusiasm, and Ash’s slow sensuality.

  Finally giving in, he opened his eyes to find Kell knelt on all fours between his legs, Johnny’s cock between his lips. Behind him, stood a grinning Ash, who looked as if he were enjoying the show, if the bulging front of his shorts was any indication.

  “You two set me up,” Johnny accused.

  Kell ran his tongue, from base to tip, along the underside of Johnny’s cock. His warm eyes were alight with amusement and desire as he sucked gently on the head. Johnny gave a low moan as Kell ran his fingers along his balls.

  Ash shrugged. “I didn’t hear you complaining.”

  Kell slid his mouth free. “Sounded a lot like the opposite of complaining.”

  Ash grabbed the band of Kell’s shorts and pulled them down enough to give him access to Kell’s ass. With a wicked grin, Kell glanced over his shoulder, watching Ash. With a flourish, Ash showed off their bottle of lube before shucking his shorts without ceremony. Both Kell and Johnny eyed Ash’s naked body, lingering on the thick length of his cock.

  “Noah and Alexander?” Johnny asked, voice tight.

  Kell looked back at him, grinning. “Sleeping like angels. We should have a little bit of time to enjoy ourselves.”

  Considering how much of their time had been taken up caring for the babies and trying to sneak in sleep, Johnny was eager to have a bit of fun. By the way Kell was quick to shuck his shorts off and reposition himself, Johnny figured he wasn’t the only one.

  Kell wasted no time in wrapping his lips around Johnny’s cock. Johnny sucked in a quick breath as Kell slid his mouth down further, taking Johnny deep. Kell moaned as Ash’s lube slicked fingers pushed into him. The sound vibrated around Johnny’s cock, eliciting a low noise of his own.

  Over Kell’s shoulder, Ash’s face watched them intently. It had been even longer since they’d fooled around as a trio, and Johnny knew how much Ash liked to watch. They teased Kell about being a voyeur, but Ash was the biggest perpetrator. Neither Kell nor Johnny minded, and Johnny found himself stretching out so Ash’s eyes could roam over his lean body hungrily.

  Laying back, Johnny let the man work while he watched. Kell was taking his time, savoring every inch of Johnny’s cock as he eagerly took it into his throat. Every time Ash’s fingers found the right place, Johnny watched Kell’s body tighten, hearing his breath sharpen. He knew when Ash added another finger as Kell’s fingers tightened their grip on Johnny’s hips, moaning loudly.

  Ash bent over to whisper loudly in Kell’s ear. “I think you’re ready enough for him.”

  Kell craned his neck, catching the back of Ash’s neck to pull him down into a kiss. Johnny’s cock jumped as he watched his mate’s lips meet. The kiss was soft and oh so gentle, and Johnny watched as Ash’s body coiled up, ready to pounce. Johnny wasn’t sure if it would be one of the moments where Ash’s desire overrode his self-control and he took Kell in the heat of the moment, or if he would hold himself back. For all his impressive willpower, Ash had a chink in his armor when it came to Kell.

  When Ash pulled away from the kiss however, his eyes were filled with desire, but it was kept in check. Kell drew himself up, placing a leg on each side of Johnny’s hips to kneel there. Ash took hold of Johnny’s cock with a slick hand, sliding along the length to draw another low moan from him. It was meant to lube him up, but Ash made a point of running his fingers up and down the long shaft, teasing the head and stroking Johnny’s balls to make him writhe.

  Then Kell took hold of the base of Johnny’s cock, positioning it as he braced himself. Johnny waited breathlessly as he felt the head of his cock press against the heat of Kell’s ass. The held breath hissed out of him as he felt the ring of muscles give way, pushing up into Kell.

  Kell arched his back, letting out a low noise of sheer pleasure and anticipation as he took Johnny a little deeper. Johnny knew when he was being toyed with, having seen Kell take him faster and deeper with less preparation. Grinning, he grasped Kell’s hips and jerked his own upward, pushing another inch into him.

  Kell gasped, eyes flashing open. “Evil.”

  Johnny chuckled. “All’s fair.”

  Grinning impishly, Kell sank down completely, burying Johnny inside him completely. The sudden grip of heat around his cock strangled the gasp of pleasure that tried to escape Johnny’s throat. Above him, Kell grinned as he held himself in place, letting Johnny soak in the pleasure and warmth of being buried completely in his mate.

  Kell’s warm eyes sparkled with pleasure as he held himself steady on Johnny’s chest. Johnny forced himself to take a slow, steadying breath as Kell squeezed around his cock. It had been days since any of them had any fun, and Johnny was hard-pressed to not lose it right there.

  His predicament wasn’t helped when he felt a slick finger pressing against the entrance of his own ass. Johnny’s eyes snapped open and he caught sight of Ash grinning from the edge of the bed where he knelt.

  “What? I’m like a cat, you feed me once and I’ll never go away,” Ash said with a wicked grin.

  The ‘feeding’ in question had been when Johnny had taken their sexual exploration to a whole new level and allowed Ash to fuck him. Kell had been there for the entire thing and had practically lost his mind at the sight. It wasn’t the first time Johnny had let someone top him, but it had been the first time he’d allowed another alpha to do so. Strangely, he found that his inner wolf wasn’t bothered by it in the slightest, rumbling only in pleasure at the shared intimate contact between him and a packmate.

  Johnny let out a long breath as Ash’s finger eased into him. “Boys and their toys.”

  Kell bent forward, taking hold of Johnny’s face and kissing him. At the same time, Kell eased his hips forward before pushing them back, embedding Johnny inside him once again. Ash chose that exact moment to curl his finger inside Johnny, brushing along the sensitive nerves that caused Johnny to cry out into the kiss. Belatedly, he realized Kell must have sensed what Ash was doing and kissed him to keep Johnny from waking up the babies.

  “I’m being double-teamed, and it’s unfair,” Johnny gasped out.

  Ash’s second finger slid into him, and t
he alpha chuckled at Johnny’s wriggling hips. Kell barely moved, only allowing himself to lift up and gently fall back down every now and then. The slow intrusion of Ash’s fingers, a mere taste of what was to come, the grip of Kell’s ass around his cock, were working together to drive Johnny crazy. He fought to keep himself quiet, not wanting to wake the children on the other side of the house.

  Johnny’s blissful haze was broken when Ash removed his fingers. Kell glanced over his shoulder, smiling when he saw Ash positioning himself. Johnny’s breath caught as he felt the blunt head of Ash’s cock press against the ring of muscles, pushing forward teasingly. Ash nibbled on Kell’s shoulder, kissing his neck as he pushed.

  Kell bowed forward, kissing Johnny deep just as Ash’s cockhead slipped into him. Johnny tensed, moaning into the kiss, the sound deepening when Kell moved his hips once again. The mild burn of entry eased almost immediately as Ash waited patiently and Kell gyrated on. Slowly, Ash worked his hips, inching forward only to draw back and push once again. His progress was measured and careful.

  Meanwhile, Kell pushed himself upright, using his hand against Johnny’s chest to hold steady. Johnny found himself mesmerized by the sight of Kell’s compact frame as he fucked himself on Johnny’s cock. Heat flooded Johnny, his body tingling as Ash pushed the last inch into him. Johnny’s hips twitched, driving himself up into Kell, holding tight to his thighs as he reveled in the feeling of fullness inside him.

  Kell grinned down at him. “You should see your face right now.”

  Ash appeared over Kell’s shoulder, his dark eyes alight. Breathing ragged, Johnny locked eyes with him, gasping as he felt Ash’s cock slide out. Pinned down by the gazes of both of his mates, Johnny groaned desperately as Ash’s cock slid back, stretching him once again. With Kell wrapped around his cock in a tight grip, and Ash burying himself inside him with a steadily growing pace, Johnny could only hold tight to Kell and ride out the waves of ecstasy.

  Together, the three of them found a rhythm. Kell’s hands were splayed along Johnny’s stomach as he rode his cock. Ash wrapped an arm around Kell’s chest, holding him steady as he licked and nibbled on his neck. The whole way through, Johnny watched, half-crazy from the double pleasure.


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