Chloe's Dream

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Chloe's Dream Page 14

by Jennifer Ann

  “Chloe!” He runs to me, cocooning me in the safety of his arms and kissing the top of my head over and over. “Ya alright then?”

  “I’m so sorry!” I cry, pressing my wet face to his shirt. “This is all my fault! I should’ve told you about his temper! There’s nothing between us, I swear, it’s just he’s so jealous…”

  “Shhh, it’s gonna be okay, love. Nothin’ happened that I couldn’t take care of.” He utters a low chuckle. “I don’t think he expected me to fight ‘em back.”

  “Where’d he go?” I ask in a whisper.

  “He bolted when we got here and I said we were calling the cops,” Theo answers. “I think you need to file a restraining order. For both of you. I know he’s a friend of yours, but the guy’s totally lost his shit. If we didn’t get here in time, I think he would’ve done a lot more damage.”

  “Chloe, look at me,” Kelly demands. I look up to where she stands with Theo, his arms wrapped around her from behind. Her expression is calm despite the worry in her eyes. “Has Beckett been violent like this before? Has he ever hurt you, or—”

  “No, he’s never hit me or anything like that,” I say quickly, wishing she wouldn’t ask those kind of questions in front of Mick. Everyone’s on edge the way it is. “He usually only take his anger out on guys who hit on me.”

  Kelly purses her lips. “You mean like that producer who didn’t do anything?”

  “I want ya to tell me the truth about something,” Mick says gently, titling my chin so I’m forced to look at him. “Is the one who split your lip?”

  My face burns with hot tears. “It was an accident,” I whisper. “I swear.”

  Mick pulls me close, stroking my head. “Okay, love. I’m not lettin’ ya out of my sight again until we know the bastard can’t get to you.”

  Once it’s decided I’m moving in with Mick, now so he can keep an eye on me more than anything, I realize it means I’ll have to do something about Gavin. I’ve been letting him live off my goodwill for so long that I don’t have the slightest idea how to let him down gently. In the end I decide to give him a few months longer in the house until kicking him to the street and putting it up for sale. When Mick takes me to the house mid-morning, Gavin’s still in bed. We go about packing up my things as quietly as possible.

  Seeing Mick in my house is strange. It’s even stranger to know I’ll no longer call it my home. Every time I look at Mick’s shiner I’m reminded how much danger I’ve put him in just by loving him and I can’t stop wondering if I’m doing the right thing. It’d be better to let Mick go rather than marking him as Beckett’s target. I know it’s selfish, but I don’t think I could do it.

  A little before noon, Theo and Kelly pull up to the curb in front of my house with a small moving truck I rented from the city. Theo’s sister Gwen, though bound to a wheelchair, came along and ends up being a great help sorting through the kitchen, knowing what would be best to leave for Gavin to make basic meals until he gets a place of his own.

  I’m passing through the kitchen with an armful of clothes just a few steps behind Kelly when Gavin finally stumbles out from his bedroom. His dark hair sticks up every which way and his chestnut eyes have the bloodshot look of a brutal hangover. When he called the night before he didn’t seem too drunk, but I guess he’s become a pro at hiding it because he looks like he’s returned from the pits of Hell.

  His gaze wanders to the disarray of the house, settling on Gwen. “What in the hell is going on? Who are you?”

  Gwen glances at me before meeting Gavin angry glare with a bright, radiant smile. She’s as much of a looker as her older brother. “Hey! I’m Gwen, Theo’s sister.”

  For a minute I see the smallest flicker of my confident, sexy brother returning. He studies Gwen with interest, registering her beautiful face. Between her olive-toned skin, high arch of her eyebrows, sweetheart-shaped lips and button nose, she reminds me of a younger Eva Mendes only of Italian heritage. We’ve only met a few times, but I instantly took to her the way I did with Kelly. Even though she’s paralyzed as the result of a childhood accident, she probably has the most confidence of any woman I know.

  Gavin’s expression morphs into embarrassment before he looks downright pissed. “And why are you rifling through our kitchen?”

  “She’s here to help me,” I answer, setting my armload of clothes on the recliner by the front door.

  “Help you what?” he snaps.

  I take him by the hand and lead him to the couch. He gets angry from time to time, a lot more since his life went to shit, but never violent like Beckett. “Would you chill out for a minute? We need to talk.”

  There’s loud noises from the stairway as Theo and Mick come through with my bare mattress. They stop when they see Gavin fuming, his eyes darting their way.

  “What the fuck, Chloe? What’s going on? Are you leaving?”

  I cross the room to stand at Mick’s side, grateful for his support when his arm slips around my waist. “Gav, this is my boyfriend, Mick. I’m moving in with him.”

  Gavin’s eyebrows draw down and his face blooms into a deep red. “You’re kicking me out? Where in the hell am I supposed to go?”

  Theo puts his end of the mattress down and motions to his sister. “Let’s wait outside, Gwen.”

  “No, it’s fine,” I say, holding my hand out to stop him. I lock eyes with my brother. “You know I love you, but I’m done hiding your secrets. It sucks that you were fucked over by the firm, and I know you worked your ass off to get through law school, but we can’t go back and change what happened. I’ve been patient with you, hoping you’d get off your ass and find a job, any kind of job, but all you do is sit around and get shit-faced. It kills me to see you like this. You’re nothing like you used to be. I miss my big brother, the one who was full of smiles and laughs.

  Maybe making you move out is the wake-up call you need. This is your life, Gav, right here, right now. You’re not going to get a chance to go back and change what happened. We only get one chance at life, and you’re wasting it. I’m willing to give you a month or two to get your shit together before I put the house on the market.”

  Gavin stares back at me, speechless. I have to fight back tears at the sight of him looking completely broken. I close my eyes. “Please, let me help you get back on your feet. You’re a good person with so much to offer.”

  The room’s quiet as Gavin bends down, burying his face in his hands. Either he’s finally understanding what he’s doing to himself, or he’s about ready to start on a rampage. Since he just woke, at least I know he’s not fueled by alcohol.

  “M’ sister has an openin’ in one of her rental homes,” Mick tells him. “I can let her know if yer interested.”

  Gavin doesn’t react to the offer. I turn to Mick, taking care when I kiss the skin just below his black and blue eye. “Thanks, baby. Why don’t you boys take this outside. Tell Kel I’ll be out in a minute.”

  Mick nods and carries the mattress toward the front door with Theo.

  “Hold up, guys. I’ll take these clothes out to the truck.” Gwen wheels over to my side and I help her pile the stack into her lap. She pauses, staring at Gavin. “I’m sorry to hear your life didn’t go exactly how you planned. Just be grateful that you can move on and walk away from your past.” Gavin’s red-rimmed eyes dart up, landing on Gwen’s legs. When they travel upwards, meeting her soulful brown eyes, she smiles brightly. “Things can always be a lot worse. I was hit by a car. Yet every day I’m thankful that I’m not deaf, or blind, or unable to feed myself because of some brain injury. Surely there are still things you can be thankful for. I’d start with the fact that you have a sister who clearly loves the hell out of you and wants to see you heal.”

  As she wheels out the front door, Gavin watches her every move with an expression that can only be described as pure heartbreak. Theo helps her down the two front steps, and I smile warmly after them. I’ve never seen the big guy so caring and gentle as he is with Gwen.<
br />
  “How long has she been in a wheelchair?” Gavin asks me quietly.

  “Since she was little. She doesn’t let it stop her from doing much, though.”

  Gavin locks his hands behind his neck and beds over. “God, I’m an asshole.”

  “You’re not,” I say, perching on the couch next to him. “You’ve just had a really shitty year. And I think that was Gwen’s way of telling you that you have the ability to change things around.”

  “I’m sorry I did this to you.” When Gavin looks up at me again, tears spill from his eyes. “I’ll find a job, and I’ll quit drinking. I’ll make it better, I promise.”

  “It’s okay. I know you’re hurting. It sounds like you know exactly what you need to do.” I set my hand on the top of his scruffy head and giggle. “But maybe first you should start with a shower and a shave. Most places in the city will think you came down from the mountains if you go job hunting looking like this.”

  He takes my hand in both of his and squeezes. “I knew it was getting bad, but…” Shaking his head, he’s unable to finish. “God, I’m a shitty brother.”

  I wrap my arms around him, trying not to gag from the stench of stale alcohol burning through his pours. “No you’re not. I’ll always love you no matter what. And I’ll help you get through this. Just because we won’t live together anymore doesn’t mean I won’t still always be there when you need me.”

  Drawing back, he studies my face. “It’s pretty serious with this Mick guy, huh?”

  “He’s so kind and sweet to me and everyone. I can’t wait for you to get to know him.” I grin with a warm glow filling my heart. “I might even marry him some day.”

  He squeezes my hand. “Ah, sis, I’m so happy for you. I had no idea. You totally deserve this.”

  “You’ve missed out on a lot,” I say sadly, raking my hand through his scruffy hair. “Beck went crazy last night and trashed Blue Beauty, then he went to Mick’s place and gave him that black eye. He’s under the delusion that we were meant to be together. Theo thinks I should get a restraining order.”

  “Shit.” Gavin shakes his head. “I knew the guy was a jealous prick, but I never thought he’d be capable of hurting you like that. Do you want me to talk to him?”

  “No way. Stay out of it. I don’t need him adding you to his shit-list. I’ll be okay. It’s part of the reason I agreed to move in with Mick, though. I’ll feel better keeping an eye on him after Gavin attacked him.”

  “Theo’s right. You should get a restraining order. I’m sorry about Blue Beauty. Can you afford to buy a new one?”

  Blowing out a deep breath, I stand. The thought of replacing my prized guitar sickens me. “With everything that’s happened, I’m not sure keeping the band together is the best thing. I need to think about it for a while.”

  “You can’t give up music because of that asshole.”

  “I won’t. Mick has an acoustic guitar…I’m sure I’ll still at least play behind closed doors.”

  Gavin stands to wrap his arms around me and rest his chin on top of my head. It’s the first I’ve seen of my loving big brother in a really long time. “I’m going to miss seeing you every day. But I’m glad you’re happy.”

  I squeeze him back. “Hey, we still may have a chance to see each other every day. You could find a place in the city. We could get together for coffee and shit.”

  “Yeah, I’d like that,” he says, patting my back. “Thanks for all you’ve done. I wouldn’t have made it through this last year if you hadn’t been there for me.”

  My heart soars knowing at least one important piece of my life has been repaired.

  Within a day, I’m settled into Mick’s apartment in Chinatown. It’s surprisingly natural to have my things in the little apartment and it makes me crazy happy to know I’ll wake up every morning next to Mick. Whenever he kisses me or tells me how much he loves me I wonder how I got so lucky to find someone like him.

  Kelly and Mick go with me to the courthouse to fill out the paperwork for a restraining order. Between pics Theo took that night of Mick’s fresh black eye and Blue Beauty, it doesn’t take the judge long to grant my request. Though it feels like a small victory, I still fear what will happen when the papers are served on Beckett, telling him he can’t have any contact with me.

  When I call Landon to tell him everything that has happened, he doesn’t sound surprised or upset that the band most likely won’t be getting back together. “You’re so talented, Lando,” I say, sadness settling in my chest. Fearing it’s the last time I’ll ever talk to him, a little part of me breaks. “I know it won’t be long until another band discovers you. Let me know if you ever need anything, okay?”

  “It’s all good,” he answers, matter-of-fact like. “Just don’t forget us little people when you’re famous.”

  I don’t have the heart to tell him it’s likely the end of my career.

  The remaining weeks of summer melt away like a bad dream. Thankfully, I never hear a single word from Beckett or catch sight of him. It makes me sad when I wonder if I’ll ever see him again as a part of me will always love him, but I’m relieved when it doesn’t seem I have to stress over Mick’s safety anymore.

  Before long the trees are turning into the rich colors of fall and I’m buying—as a loan to Mick—our tickets to the Virgin Island for Theo and Kelly’s wedding. It’s adorable how excited Mick becomes about our little vacation. School and the bar keep him busy while I take extra appointments at the shop, so I cherish every moment we have together, even when he insists we shop for coordinating swimsuits and fedoras. I surprise him with the perfect chino shorts and button down for the wedding, and he eagerly helps me pick out a few dresses for the ceremony and hanging on the beach.

  Gavin stays true to his word, avoiding alcohol and finding a job in the city through Theo’s contacts. He takes Mick up on the offer to rent one of his sister’s apartments near Flanagan’s, which I first think is a terrible idea considering how close he’ll be to several bars, but he hangs out with me nearly every time I stop by to see Mick at work and we get our daily dose of each other. After cutting his hair shorter into something stylish and shaving his scruffy beard, he starts to look like the strikingly handsome brother I remember. Girls hit on him almost every time he’s at the bar.

  One Saturday evening in mid-October we’re bellied up to the bar, sharing a basket of beer cheese as a late night snack while drinking sodas, when Gavin announces he’s going on a date.

  I raise my eyebrows and smirk. “Look at you, making real progress! Anyone I know?”

  “As a matter of fact, yeah.” He blows out a puff of air like he’d been holding his breath. His lips curve into a mischievous smirk. “Theo’s sister.”

  “Shut up!” I punch his arm hard enough that he winces. “When’s this date? Where are you taking her?”

  “I haven’t exactly asked her yet. We ran into each other a few days ago at the market and ended up grabbing hot chocolate around the corner. We just hung out for an entire hour, talking about ourselves. She was excited to hear I’ve turned things around. God, you should’ve seen her glowing. She’s so damn beautiful. And smart. She’s looking at going to NYU for a teaching degree.” He smiles in a manor that reminds me of when we were kids. Mischievous Gavin, up to no good, but charming as hell. “I was hoping you’d give me some pointers. I’m a little shaky at the dating thing. I’m fucking terrified she’ll turn me down.”

  “You, scared of rejection?” I throw down a piece of cheese, snorting. “Please. Every time we come in here someone slips you their number. You’ve been fighting off women your whole life. Well, until…you know.” I touch his arm and smile. “I’m so glad my big brother is back. Just be yourself and she’ll be charmed.”

  “She’s not like any other girl I’ve dated before.”

  I push away from him, rolling my eyes. “Thank god for that. It’s about time you found yourself a sweet girl who isn’t in the entertainment business.”

  “C’mon.” He throws his hands up at his sides. “I dated one stripper. You can’t hold that against me forever.”

  “I can and I will unless you start dating someone of a higher standard. Gwen is already leap years ahead of Trixie or whatever that bimbo’s name was. I swear to god I was ready to claw her fucking eyes out when she tried kissing your buddy Steve while you were standing just ten feet away. Her bra size was light years ahead of her IQ.”

  “Her name was Dixie,” he corrects with a chuckle. “And yeah, she ended up being a lot worse than I first thought. I’m just afraid Gwen is too good for me. And she probably thinks I’m a loser for trying to drink myself to death. I mean, it doesn’t seem to bother her that she’s in a wheelchair.”

  “I guarantee you, it does. But she’s incredibly strong and doesn’t let it take over her life. From what Kelly says, she made Theo stop taking care of her to join the Marines because she knew it was his childhood dream. That kind of personality would be good for you.” I run my hands over my glass of soda, trying to figure out what to say without sounding like an asshole. Still, I feel the need to cover all the bases because he’s my brother. “I’m sorry, Gav, but this needs to be said. Are you sure you can handle everything it would take to be with someone bound to a wheelchair? That kind of thing won’t be easy. She gets around well and everything, but she’ll still need help.”

  “I thought about it, yeah. It’d be a challenge, that’s for sure. But she told me physical therapy has given her doctors hope, so it may not be a permanent thing.”

  I set my hand over his. “You can’t assume that she’s going to be okay. I mean, it’s possible she could be in a wheelchair for the rest of her life. I want to make sure you’re prepared for the possibility before you open your heart to her.”

  “I appreciate what you’re saying, I really do. It’s just…she’s amazing.” He leans back in the bar stool with a sly smile tugging at his lips. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about her since the day you told me you were moving out.”


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