Chloe's Dream

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Chloe's Dream Page 16

by Jennifer Ann

  Theo easily gathers Beckett off the floor like he doesn’t weigh a thing and pins his arms behind his back before leading him away from our group. Theo turns back to meet Mick’s gaze, a darkness crossing his expression. “Just stay with her. I’ve got this.” It’s the first time I’ve seen a glimpse of how dangerous Theo must’ve been as a Marine.

  Glori and Jewels appear at Kelly’s side, their eyes huge as they watch the end of the scene play out.

  Mick’s anger fades when he touches my face. “Bloody hell. I never should’a let you out of m’ sight. Are ya okay, sweetheart?” he asks, kissing the side of my head.

  I blink back a wave of tears. My body shakes so hard I don’t know how much longer I can stand without collapsing at his feet. “Just take me home.”

  As much as I try to forget what Beckett said to me at the club, it continues to fester with my darkest thoughts as I fall asleep in Mick’s arms and the next morning as I finish packing our suitcases. I’ve planned a future around my music career for so long that I don’t even have a plan B. Being a tattoo artist would only be a big money maker if I opened my own studio or worked for someone with a renown reputation in the business. Although I’ve saved up a decent amount money from gigs and eventually will make a small profit after my house has sold and I’ve paid the reminder my mortgage, it wouldn’t be enough. Mick is already working overtime to pay for school and his mom’s care.

  What if our love isn’t enough? I love Mick and would do anything for him, but will he still love me if I become a different person, struggling to get by and broken without a music career?

  After a five-hour flight to St. John’s, our large group is met with a party bus at the airport. The minute we’re emerged in the damp air, fragrant of the ocean, I feel myself begin to relax. Knowing over a thousand miles of water separate us from Beckett eases my mind and lets me focus on having fun in the tropical paradise.

  Between fruity drinks and the rising excitement of the wedding party, I steal glances of the pristine waters and rich shoreline sprinkled with sailboats and yachts out the window. My life has completely flipped around since Jewels and company came along with their doe-eyed expressions and infectious spirits. I don't know how I’ll ever repay them for introducing me to Mick.

  “It’s lovely,” Mick whispers, dragging his lips along the edge of my jaw. “Not as lovely as m’ sweetheart, of course, but perhaps a close second.”

  Though Mick has been his usual upbeat self, I know he’s struggling with guilt for leaving his mom for five straight days. I snuggle against him, deciding I need to make the most of this trip for both of us.

  Theo’s dad owns a literal compound of Spanish villas atop a steep cliff with a killer view of the ocean. I swear to god it’s as big as a city block, complete with a 10’ tall gate and enough security cameras to keep gawkers at bay. The bright orange and white hues of the villas stand out against the rocks, yet still look natural, as if built around nature. Colorful flowers and towering plants are everywhere, as if we’ve entered the freaking Garden of Eden. Everything is perfectly manicured and spotless, picture-perfect.

  Until we set foot on the impressive property, I didn’t realize Theo’s dad is more than just someone well-known by all of Hollywood. And then we discover the man not only has serious cash flow, but the looks and charm of an old-school celebrity like Newman or Clooney. When the party bus pulls up, he’s standing in the cobble stone driveway, dressed like a man on permanent vacation in a white button down, relaxed khakis, a Rolex and white boat shoes.

  Only an inch or two shorter than his son, Kurt Roberts is a well-built man with graciously graying hair neatly trimmed above his ears, olive skin, and a million dollar smile. With a place this impressive, it’s no surprise that he seems to be a natural born charmer. And it’s certainly no surprise Theo’s the offspring of someone so handsome.

  As we pile out of the bus, Jewels mumbles something about a loaded hottie under her breath and I’m pretty sure Glori swoons. Theo marches up to the man with his hand extended, as if on a business meeting.

  “My boy!” Kurt exclaims, cupping his hand on the back of Theo’s neck before pulling him in for a hug with a lot of back patting. They pull away with nearly identical grins, though Theo’s eyes appear dull. If I hadn’t heard Kelly tell stories of how Theo’s dad basically abandoned his family for fame, I would mistake the man for a genuinely warm, caring man. He turns to Kelly, clapping his hands together. “Please tell me this is my future daughter-in-law! Bellissimo!”

  “Mr. Roberts, I was beginning to think we’d never meet,” Kelly tells him, a barely detectible bite to her words. Only those of use who know her well would catch it. From the still pleased expression on Kurt’s face, it seems he’s oblivious.

  “Please, call me Kurt!” The older version of Theo embraces Kelly, kissing each of her cheeks before holding her back for a long, awkward evaluation. “Wow, you are something else. My boy did well for himself. The two of you will bring me the most gorgeous grand-babies.”

  “Easy, pops,” Theo grumbles, reclaiming his fiancée under his arm. “One step at a time. You’re going to send my beautiful bride running for the hills.”

  “Something tells me this one is too strong for that kind of nonsense,” Kurt responds, patting Kelly on the shoulder. All at once his expression crumbles when he finds Gwen in her wheelchair. “My baby girl! How I’ve missed you!” He bends down to her level, giving her what comes off as a polite hug. “I wasn’t sure you’d be able to make the trip.”

  Gwen scoffs with her hands still in her lap, unwilling to return any part of his endearment. “You do realize I get around on my own in the city, right?”

  Kurt nods, unable to look her in the eye. “Yes, of course!” Anyone can see he’s a man with a lifetime of regrets the way he carries himself around his children.

  My brother steps forward with one hand held out, the other resting on Gwen’s shoulder like he’s announcing his loyalties. “Gavin Cirillo, sir. It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  The confounded look Kurt passes from Gavin to Gwen as he tries to piece it together breaks my heart. Luckily Gwen is too busy rolling out of Gavin’s way to catch it. By the time she looks back up at her father, he’s shaking Gavin’s hand and smiling politely. Does the asshole think she isn’t capable of dating because she’s in a wheelchair? Part of me wants to step forward and slap the shit out of him for thinking less of his brave daughter.

  Though my brother has only been seeing Gwen for a couple of weeks, I knew there was something special about their relationship when Theo invited Gavin to come along for the wedding only a week ago. I loaned him money for his flight, knowing it was important for him to be with Gwen. Still, it seems like such a dangerous path for my brother to take considering he only recently started taking care of himself again. Gwen’s not just some girl he can casually date then turn away without complications. He’s already taken her to physical therapy appointments and offered to fly her back to Minnesota to meet with a specialist. The way he’s been constantly doting on Gwen since we left the airport, I wonder just how far he has already fallen.

  After Theo introduces all of us to his father, we’re shown to our villas. Mick and I are given the one closest to the main house, only steps away from the pool-sized hot tub surrounded by large rocks. We take our bags inside with plans to meet the gang in twenty minutes on the patio.

  Inside the villa that’s at least twice as big as our apartment, everything is either blue or white and high dollar. The king bed could be made of clouds the way the comforter comes off as being so white and fluffy. My flip-flops snap loudly against the stone floor as we wander through the villa, taking everything in.

  I momentarily forget how to breathe when I catch a stunning view of the ocean over the kitchenette. White curtains lazily dance in the breeze, completing the vision of everything being too dreamy to be true. Mick sneaks up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and planting kisses on my neck. The mix of the ocean a
ir and Mick’s woodsy scent are so intoxicating that my body warms with expectation.

  “You’ve been s’ quiet all day. You’re safe, sweetheart. No one will bother ya while we’re here.”

  I turn to him, resting my hands on his beautiful face. The thought of deciding to tell this sweet man it’s over nearly destroys me. It may be selfish, but I don’t think I have the strength to end it even if it’s best for him. “I love you, Mickey,” I whisper, my lips trembling. “I don’t deserve you.”

  “Ya deserve the world. I don’t want to hear such nonsense anymore.” His bright smile fades as he strokes my cheek with his thumb. “What’s troublin’ ya?”

  “My friends are living out fairytales filled with fireworks and tropical islands. I’m happy for them, I truly am, but I never thought I’d fall for anyone the way I have with you. What if we don’t get the happily ever after we both want? You fell for a performer and I gave that up because our relationship means more to me. What if one day you wake up and decide I’m not enough for you?”

  Mick shakes his head while I’m still talking. “I’m beggin’ you to stop this. Ya make me so happy, Chloe. In a million years I never would’a thought I’d find someone who could make my heart sing the way you do. My nana used to talk of soul mates, and I thought it was all nonsense until ya walked into my life.” He leans in to plant a soft kiss on my lips. “I want to spend every day of the rest of my life makin’ ya happy, seein’ that lovely smile on your face, holdin’ you every night when you go to sleep. I want t’ be the one you come to when ya need comforting or when ya have somethin’ to celebrate. Our life may not be the stuff fairytales are made of, but s’long as yer with me, I’ll have my happily ever after.” He brings my hand up to rest over his heart and gives me one of his knee-weakening smiles. “You’ll always be more than enough to fill m’ heart.”

  Wiping at a fallen tear, I force a small laugh. “I don’t know how you do it.”

  Still smiling, his brows draw down. “Do what?”

  “Make me fall in love with you all over again, every single day.”

  He leans in to claim my mouth, making me forget all my worries and fears. I get lost in the power of his lips, swirl of his tongue against mine. No matter how many times Mick Flanagan kisses me, I’ll never feel worthy of the beautiful man’s affection.

  Clad in the tiny blue bikini Mick has been dying to see me model, I take his hand as we join our friends around the pool. Kelly and Glori already claimed spots on the white lounging chairs, stretched out to soak in the sun like a couple of goddesses. I bite back at giggle when I see the top of Kelly’s tattoo for Theo peaking out from her itty-bitty bottoms. Theo and Adam, dressed in long swim trunks and flip-flops, stand at the tiki bar where a middle-aged cabana boy pours drinks into plastic cups with umbrellas.

  Jewels looks up from the portable speakers she’s setting up despite the fact that there’s a state of the art sound system built in all around us. I swear that girl has a playlist for everything. “Wow, Chloe, you look…just wow. I’d kill for your boobs.”

  “Thanks,” I say, feeling a blush rise up my neck. I adjust my top and frown. “Where are Gav and Gwen?”

  “She said she has a headache,” Theo grumbles, taking a swig of his drink. From the look in his eye I wonder if their father upset her, and she’s simply trying to avoid him.

  “Glad to see everyone making themselves at home!” Kurt calls out behind us. We turn to see him approaching with an extremely young, incredibly petite blonde draped across his arm like an accessory. A particularly famous accessory.

  “Theo!” Brooklyn Turner exclaims, beaming. “It’s so great to see you again!”

  It’s one of those moments where I swear if a pin dropped it’d be like a bomb going off. Everyone gapes at the scantily-clad actress who quite obviously is sleeping with Theo’s father the way she’s tucked against him.

  Brooklyn Turner is one of Hollywood’s most recent stars. Platinum blonde hair perfectly styled around her sweetheart-shaped face, dramatic makeup suitable for the red carpet, killer curves in all the right places, it’s not really hard to see why the camera loves her. Though she’s as short as I am, her slender legs look a mile long in 5” wedges and a floral dress that stops mid-thigh, revealing the inside arcs of her breasts. Considering the recent news that she made a cool $8 million for her first lead in a film, it’s safe to assume everything she’s wearing costs thousands and was made by a famous designer. Her cat-like blue eyes that helped launched her into stardom are even more captivating in person, like they could cut glass.

  Theo’s gaze hardens as his eyes jump from his father to Brooklyn. “Are you fucking kidding me? How could you do this? At my fucking wedding!”

  Hearing the anger in her fiancé’s voice, Kelly removes her sunglasses and crosses the patio to stand at his side. She looks ghostly white when she sets her hand on his forearm, as if she knows exactly why Theo would be so upset.

  Kurt wraps his arm around a now distraught Brooklyn. “Don’t be ridiculous, son. We’re all adults here.”

  “You make me fucking ill.” Theo turns to the actress, veins straining in his neck. “You can’t be here. I won’t let you ruin the best weekend of my life.”

  Mick presses his hand to my lower back like he thinks we should bolt. Jewels watches Kelly with a rush of sympathy. Glori rises from the lounger, glaring the actress down like she’s ready to take her. I bristle internally, finally understanding Theo has a history with Brooklyn. I haven’t gotten into a girl fight in a good year and I’m itching to go again. I’d do anything to defend my posse.

  “I think I’ll go wait in the house,” Brooklyn mutters, standing on her toes to kiss Kurt’s cheek. Her hardened eyes dart to Theo. “We’ll talk later once you’ve gotten over your temper tantrum.”

  Kurt’s anger rises to the same level as his son’s. “May I have a word in private, Theo?”

  “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of this,” I hear Theo whisper in Kelly’s ear before he kisses her in a way that reminds us all how much they’re in love. Adam claps Theo on the shoulder and returns to the tiki bar, striking up a quiet conversation with the cabana boy.

  As Theo and his father head out in the direction of the guest houses, Glori, Jewels, and I rush to Kelly’s side. Though she seems shook up by the actress’s surprise appearance, she’s able to gracefully laugh it off. “That guy’s even worse than I had imagined from Theo’s stories. Who does that to their son?”

  “Brooklyn and Theo lived together until he found out she was cheating on him,” Jewels whispers in my ear. Turning to her, I widen my eyes.

  “Kel, sweetheart, that tacky trash has nothing on you,” Glori tells her sister, methodically stroking the top of her head. “Her tits are so obviously fake.”

  Kelly snorts, her eyes wild with amusement. “What the does that have to do with anything?”

  “I say when we go out on Kurt’s yacht, we ask her to meet us on the top deck and throw her overboard.” Jewels crosses her arms, glaring at the house. “It’s not like she’d drown. She’d just float around for a few days.”

  Shaking her head, Kelly grins and gently pushes Glori away. “Guys, I’m fine. Theo told me all about her. He said it feels like a lifetime ago they were together. There’s no way he still feels anything for her, so it’s not like I have a reason to be jealous. I’m more worried his anger aimed at his dad is going to be what ruins our weekend.”

  “Are you sure?” I ask. “Because if you change your mind, we’ll go with Jewels’s plan. She’d probably float all the way back to Florida. The media would be all over it. A story like that would be a great boost for her career. She could market Brooklyn-approved flotation devices for the whole family.”

  With a solid laugh, Kelly swoops Glori and Jewels into her arms. They pull me in with them. “Holy shit, I really do have the best friends a girl can ask for!”

  “Can we get in on that?” a voice asks behind us. We turn to see Glori and Kelly’s other thr
ee sisters running at us in floppy hats and sunglasses. I’m normally not the type to handle girly screams, but as I watch my friends reunited with their sisters, I feel a warm rush pass through me. I may not have much for family beyond my brother, but these awesome girls I’ve come to know so well? They’re my people.

  Just as darkness falls, everyone piles into several limousines waiting near the front gate of the compound. Drinks are passed around as we’re taken to the marina where we’ll board Kurt’s boat for a few hours. Brooklyn wisely stayed out of sight after the big blowout, though I saw her getting into the first limo at Kurt’s side and know the dinner will likely be filled with more drama. Kelly seems to sense it too. She sits wedged in the crook of Theo’s arms with a tense expression, occasionally holding my gaze until I stop drumming my fingers against the seat. Gwen, Gavin, Jewels, Adam, and Kelly’s sisters Glori, Ella and Sarah fill the other seats, quietly sipping their drinks.

  “Do you want a preview of the song I wrote for the wedding?” I ask, hoping to break the tension. This is supposed to be a weekend filled with fun memories for Theo and Kelly. If things don’t change soon, it’ll be depressing for everyone involved. “If everyone doesn’t mind, that is. I don’t want to freak anybody out being that we’re sitting so close and all.”

  Kelly shoots upright with a wide grin. “Are you kidding? Omigod, yes, please!”

  When Kelly first asked if I’d sing at their wedding, I knew I had to create something original in addition to the short list of covers she requested. I never used to be the best at coming up with original music, but somehow their story inspired me to write a tune I’ve become especially proud of. I close my eyes and hum before belting out the lyrics.

  I may have faltered, I may have strayed,

  But always by my side and in my heart you remained.


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