Pansy's Passion [The Black Dahlia Hotel 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic)

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Pansy's Passion [The Black Dahlia Hotel 5] (Siren Publishing Everlasting Classic) Page 7

by Skye Michaels

  “I think I agree with you. I like the first one best. You might want to add a splash of color. All those mocha colors might be too neutral.”

  “I think you’re right. Maybe a strand of dark-red coral beads and coral earrings for a pop of color.” Melodie was an artist as well as a gallery owner. She was one of the few people on whose fashion opinion Pansy would rely.

  “That would be perfect.”

  “Good. One less thing for me to worry about. What are you going to wear? I’ve reserved front-row seats for you guys.”

  “Oh, Pansy, I don’t know. The operation will still be sort of new.”

  “Don’t make me have to get Logan involved in this argument. You know who he will side with. Let’s just leave it at ‘we’ll see how you’re feeling.’ Then we can decide, but I want you there. It wouldn’t be the same without you.” She put her arms around Melodie and squeezed. “A girl only has so many real BFFs you know.”

  “Okay. We’ll see. I’ll do my best to be there front-and-center.”

  “Well, at least it looks like the show is coming together and we’ll be ready. Yikes. I’m nervous. I hope this goes well.”

  Pansy talked to Billie that afternoon and told him how the fittings had gone and that she had decided on her outfit for the show. He told her about setting up for the first of their Chicago appearances that night. The band was stoked about their first cross-country tour. Pansy and Melodie had been backstage at the New York opening of the tour on Saturday night, and she had been amazed at the energy of the band in person. She had bought their CDs when Melodie had first started dating Logan. She heard them rehearsing in the loft, but Saturday was the first time she’d seen them live in concert. It was certainly an eye-opener. Pansy had gained a whole new appreciation for what Billie and Logan and the other guys did. The band was amazing.

  “I miss you, babe.” Pansy thought she heard a little wistfulness in Billie’s voice.

  “You’ve only been gone three days, but I miss you, too.” Pansy smiled. It was true. As annoying as he could be, she actually did miss him. It was a treat, having someone care about how her day had gone or if she was worried about the show. Billie was definitely present in the relationship they were building, and she loved that.

  “Crazy, isn’t it? We have a whole month to talk on the phone and get to know each other.”

  They chatted a while longer and Pansy had to admire Billie’s ability to insert sexual innuendo into the most innocent conversation. He had her giggling and blushing at the same time before they said good-bye.

  * * * *

  The Operating Room waiting area at New York-Presbyterian/Lower Manhattan Hospital, New York, New York, Tuesday late morning, January 15, 2016

  Pansy and Logan were sitting in uncomfortable, hard plastic chairs. The selection of well-thumbed magazines on the table was unappealing. Melodie had been prepped for surgery, and Dr. Goldman had stopped in for a last-minute chat and reassuring consultation. Pansy and Logan waited with her until the anesthesiologist came in and put her under, and then they moved to the waiting room. This was the hardest part. Waiting.

  Logan was nervous, although his stoic face didn’t reveal much. He was crazy about Melodie and it warmed Pansy’s heart. Pansy knew Melodie would be fine. She had already been through this several times. They all had ultimate confidence in Dr. Goldman, who refused to rush the reconstruction process, opting for slow and steady with as perfect a result as possible as the end game. Melodie’s parents had been unable to come to New York from Phoenix for this operation, having made the trip for all of the previous ones.

  “Logan, don’t let me forget to call Mel’s mother as soon as she’s out of surgery. I know she’s on pins and needles waiting. I promised I’d let her know when it was over.”

  “I won’t forget. I know it’s hard on Margaret, being so far away when she wants to be here. I particularly like Mels’s step-dad, Sam. He’s a good guy.”

  “He is. He’s always been right there for Melodie and her sister, Candy.”

  At lunchtime, Jasper Winter, Melodie’s manager at the Paint Splatters Gallery, brought them coffee and subs. “Any word?”

  “No. Dr. Goldman expected the surgery to take at least three hours. You can’t rush perfection, according to him. Mel was lucky he was the surgeon called in for the original emergency surgery. He’s done a great job so far.” Pansy unwrapped the roast beef sandwich and offered half to Jasper.

  “Thanks. I already ate. I have to get back to the gallery. I just wanted to bring you some food and see if there was any news. Tell Melodie Max and I will visit her tomorrow.”

  “Thanks for the food, Jasper.” She turned to Logan. “So, how soon do you have to get back to the band?”

  “Our next show is in Denver on the twentieth. I have to be back in time for that. Billie can hold the fort down until then.”

  “So, Billie will get you set up and keep those other crazy dudes in line until you get back?”

  “Don’t look so surprised. Billie is very capable of handling everything in my absence. People don’t give him enough credit.”

  “Is it that people don’t give him credit or that he purposely projects a devil-may-care attitude in hope that people won’t expect too much of him?”

  “I think you have him figured out. You may not know that Billie has a Master’s Degree in Business Administration from Columbia.”

  “Well, he certainly handled my Capriccio situation expeditiously. I’d sure like to know more about that.”

  “I doubt that had anything to do with his formal education, and don’t think you’re going to pump me for information. Billie will explain everything to you when he’s ready.”

  “What if I’m ready to hear his explanation now?”

  “Take it up with him.”

  “You are not very nice, Logan Hawk.”

  “You mean I’m not very easy to manipulate.”

  “That, too.”

  “Melodie already tried to wring the story out of me, and she had kinky sexual favors to trade for information.”

  Pansy laughed. “I bet she did.”

  Finally, Dr. Goldman came out to tell them that Melodie was resting comfortably in recovery and would be back in her room in a couple of hours. “Everything went very well. I think this may be the last operation needed. We’ll see how it looks as these incisions heal. Why don’t you go out and get some dinner? When you get back, she should be back in her room.”

  * * * *

  Logan held Pansy’s coat while she juggled her purse for her cell phone and called Melodie’s mother and step-father with the good news. Then they headed out to find some dinner.

  When they returned to the hospital, Melodie was awake and resting comfortably. The thick bandages on the side of her face were disconcerting, but Logan knew they were there to protect the new incisions. He bent down and kissed Melodie’s other cheek. “Hey, beautiful. I hear from Dr. Goldman that you are going to be even more beautiful and that this might be your last surgery.”

  “I sure hope so. This has been a long road. Thanks for being here, guys. Panz, did you call my parents?”

  “Sure did. They send their love, and Jasper and Max said they would visit you tomorrow.”

  “Great. Thanks. Why don’t you two hit the road? I’m really tired and just want to sleep. I’m sure you both could use a break. I’ll see you tomorrow.” Logan could see Melodie was struggling to keep her eyes open.

  “Okay, baby. We’ll see you tomorrow. Sleep well.” Logan bent to kiss her forehead. She was already asleep when they left the room.

  Chapter Six

  Milk Studios, 450 West Fifteenth Street in the Meatpacking District, New York City, New York, Tuesday, noon, February 9, 2016

  The scene was controlled chaos and pandemonium backstage. The models were in various stages of undress while their hair and makeup were being finished. Clothes, shoes and accessories flew in every direction. Pansy was here, there, and everywhere as last-minute detail
s were seen to.

  Billie had returned from the tour and sent a huge vase of two dozen long-stemmed, red American Beauty roses to the loft first thing that morning with a card that read, “Knock ‘em dead, slugger. Love, Billie.” They had made her smile. The sentiment meant more to her than some insincere, soupy nonsense. Billie seemed to be able to read her very well.

  Their reunion in bed after a month away had also been inspiring. Apparently he’d missed her, if his enthusiasm was anything to go by. She had come like a house on fire, and it had only gotten hotter and better from there. He was still dominant, and she could tell that he was dying to get her into the dungeon at the hotel in Florida. She grinned. He would probably try to drag her there directly from the airport.

  It was time. Pansy stepped through the makeshift curtain onto the runway. The crowd quieted but the press cameras were flashing. Melodie and Logan, as well as Billie, were sitting in the front row at the end of the runway. Pansy smiled at Melodie and Logan before she caught Billie’s eye. He winked at her, and she broke into a wide smile just for him as the camera of the photographer covering the show for Women’s Wear Daily snapped a picture. She noticed that the photographer immediately turned his camera on the recipient of her dazzling smile and snapped another picture, this time of Billie and Logan. Pansy had already given WWD a backstage interview. Pansy saw a reporter from Rolling Stone in the crowd and noticed that he was also snapping pictures of Logan and Billie. She hoped the presence of two members of Dark Place didn’t overshadow her show, although she had spotted a few other celebrities in the audience who were also sure to be paparazzi targets as well. Just seeing Billie there gave her a boost, and she immediately felt calmer. There was just something about Billie. He could rev her up and he could calm her down. That Dom stuff was some pretty powerful mojo.

  “Welcome, everyone, to the debut of Pansy’s Frocks’ Spring Collection at Fashion Week. I hope this show is the first of many.” She stepped aside as the first of the models stepped out on the runway wearing a stunning floor-length black silk halter dress with a slit up the front. The inside of the slit was lined in crimson and matched the sling-back pumps she wore. The model strutted down to the end before pausing and then making a tight turn and returning up the runway as the next model came through the curtain and made her way front-and-center. The second model wore a spring-weight silk suit in a pale pastel blue with a huge straw picture hat and mile-high-heeled shoes the same color as the hat.

  The next outfit was a slightly deeper shade of blue. Pansy had stuck to the rotation that Billie had laid out for her in the studio all those weeks ago. It just worked. Well, here goes nothing. This was it—for better or worse. Pansy stepped down off the runway and made her way backstage to direct the rest of the show. The timing of the models’ entrances was crucial. They had to keep a smart pace so that the show wouldn’t seem to lag. She hoped the audience would leave wanting more, not being bored and wondering where they were going for lunch.

  Pansy couldn’t believe how quickly the show was over. The final model had breached the curtain and stood in the stunning white bridal gown that was the last piece in the show. The audience clapped and then she took her stroll down the runway with the four-foot train trailing behind her. She was surrounded at the foot of the runway as the parade of all the models came out for the final showing of the collection all together. Billie’s idea had been brilliant. You could clearly see the rainbow configuration of the collection as all the pieces were arrayed at once.

  The crowd stood for a standing ovation, and the models made another circuit of the runway, and then retreated backstage. It was over. Pansy’s heart was racing. Well, the collection had been a success. She felt ready to collapse, and then she felt Billie’s arm come around her shoulders in support as he leaned in for a deep, passionate kiss that was also caught on camera.

  “I know you have a lot to do here to wrap this up backstage. I’m taking you out to dinner tonight to celebrate. Melodie and Logan want to go as well. How about Le Cirque? No arguments. And then I have some very interesting plans for after dinner.”

  “Sounds good to me, boss.”

  “Ha. ‘Sir’ will do.” She just laughed at him and gave him another kiss, this one even more serious.

  The next morning, Pansy kissing Billie was at the top of the review of her collection in Women’s Wear Daily. There were also pictures of them in Rolling Stone and on Page Six of The Post. The collection had been favorably received, but the big news seemed to be that Pansy Nicholas and Billie Crockett of Dark Place were an item. Geez. It had to have been a slow news or celebrity-sighting day. She was more than a little miffed. She had not worked like a dog for months getting ready for this show for her romantic life to take the headlines. Pansy could see there were plusses and minuses to this celebrity thing.

  * * * *

  At the Judith Ripka Boutique at 673 Madison Avenue, New York, New York, Wednesday afternoon, February 10, 2016

  Billie was wandering around the jewelry store that Melodie had recommended in shock and awe. He really should have dressed up to come to this place. Worn jeans and his signature black T-shirt with motorcycle boots were definitely out of place here. Pops would hand him his head if he could see him now. There had to be a couple million dollars of merchandise in the glass cases and in the lighted niches along the walls. The shop was an elegant treasure box of sparkling, colorful jewels and diamonds set in gold and platinum. There were no visible price tags. What was the saying? If you had to ask the price, you couldn’t afford it.

  Several clerks and customers crowded the various counters. He must have had a lost look on his face, because an extremely pleasant-looking older woman with dark hair and an open smile wearing a cashmere sweater set and heavy platinum chain and diamond drop walked up to him and said, “Can I help you, young man? You look a bit overwhelmed.”

  “Yes, Ma’am. I’m definitely overwhelmed. I’m looking for a necklace for my…girlfriend for Valentine’s Day. Something she can wear every day.”

  “I can help you with that. I’m Judith Ripka. You can call me Judy. What’s your name?”

  “Billie Crockett. That would be great. I need it for a trip we’re taking for Valentine’s Day.”

  “She’s a lucky girl.”

  “No, I’m the lucky one.” It felt weird to say that to someone, but it was true.

  “Let’s see what we can find. Do you have a price range in mind?” Billie grinned to himself. He thought she might be gently and kindly trying to tell him he was out of his comfort zone here.

  “No, not really. I hadn’t thought about price. Can I see what you have?” He wanted to see how far she would go.

  She smiled at him. “Let’s go into the salon and get comfortable. Would you like some coffee or tea, maybe some champagne?”

  “Coffee would be good.” He sat down in one of the silk-covered armchairs and relaxed.

  When they were comfortable, Judy pulled out a catalog. “Why don’t we page through here first to get an idea of what you like? Did you want just platinum, gold, or silver, tri-color or solid-color metal? Diamonds or colored stones?”

  She was being patient and didn’t really know whether she was dealing with someone who had deep pockets or someone who should be shopping at K-Mart. He had to give her credit. She had been nothing but pleasant and polite, regardless. He thought it was time he gave her a break. “I was thinking maybe something in two-tone gold with some diamonds. I like this smaller gage chain with the diamond and heart pendant. Maybe something like that?”

  Judy smiled at him. One of the clerks stepped up behind her and said quietly, “Judith, I’m sorry to interrupt, but I really need you for just a minute.”

  Judy looked perplexed to be interrupted while she was with a client but said, “Sure, Janet. I’ll be just a minute, Billie.” She stepped away with the clerk who had her back turned to Billie and spoke in a very low voice. When Judy returned, she continued without missing a beat. “I have several pieces
I think you’ll like. And just for the record, young man, it’s not nice to fool Mother Judy. Thunder and lightning can rain down on your head if you do. Just ask my family. Janet tells me she watched you and your band on the Rockefeller Center tree-lighting show. She’s a big fan and would like an autograph before you leave.”

  Billie treated her to his full-out, charm-the-ladies smile. “Always happy to meet a fan, Judy.”

  “Well, this collection can go from black tie to blue jeans and everything in between. I think one of these pieces would be an excellent choice.”

  After looking at several of Judy’s smaller gage chains set with diamonds, Billie picked out a double-sided heart pendant with a matching bracelet. Then just for fun, he chose a purple-and-yellow enameled pansy charm with diamonds clustered in the middle on a black leather necklace. Billie handed over his black credit card which took a ten-grand hit. Well, he and the band were making it. There was no reason not to spend some of it on Pansy. He stopped by the counter before he left with the wrapped packages and signed a couple of autographs. All in all, it was a productive afternoon.

  Chapter Seven

  In the Hawk-Crockett Suite at The Black Dahlia Hotel, Fort Lauderdale Beach, Florida, Friday afternoon, February 12, 2016

  Pansy smiled at her best friend. “Mel, this hotel is gorgeous. It’s comfortable but still beachy. I’m glad you wouldn’t take ‘no’ for an answer on this trip.”

  “BFFs know best.” Melodie was grinning. “We’re going to have a blast. Wait until you see the dungeon.”


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