Obsessed (Cunningham Security Series Book 1)

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Obsessed (Cunningham Security Series Book 1) Page 18

by A. K. Evans

  Too turned on by Levi and not wanting to share him any longer, I spoke.

  “Ok, friends, it’s time to go. You now know Levi’s off the market, but maybe tomorrow I’ll get the two other guys on my security team to say hello. They are both single. Thank you again for all of your love and support. I love you all to pieces.”

  I ended my live session and set my phone on the bedside table. My eyes came back to Levi and he announced, “We’re relationship goals, Elle.”

  I laughed hearing him use the modern-day slang. “That’s because you’re hot and said nice things to me in front of them.”

  “Whether they’re watching or not, I’m inclined to agree with what they said.”

  My voice was quiet when I admitted, “Me too.”

  “I know it’s been a long day, but I’m in the mood for some honey from you, sweetness. Are you going to let me love you before we call it a night?”

  “I thought you’d never ask.”

  With that, Levi snaked an arm around my waist, pulled me down in the bed, and came to hover over me. Then, I gave him honey eyes and let him love me before we went to sleep.


  Levi’s phone rang early the next morning. I didn’t know what time it was, but we were still cuddled up in bed. I was utterly exhausted and it was still dark in the room. It was a ‘I’m in a hotel with room-darkening shades’ dark. That was one of those things I loved about hotels, but also hated. It was so deceiving.

  Levi was on his back; I was curled into his side. His arm was wrapped around me.

  He reached over to swipe his phone off the nightstand and answered, “Yeah?”

  Within seconds, I felt his body tense. He pulled his arm from around me and sat up in the bed.

  “Where did you get the lead?” he asked.

  Silence as he waited for an answer.

  “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

  More silence.

  “How sure are you?”

  The silence stretched on for a long while this time.

  “I’ll talk to her. Dom and Pierce, too. We’ll come up with something and I’ll let you know before we do anything.”

  Levi waited for the caller on the other end of the line to finish speaking.

  “Right. I’ll be in touch later this morning. Good work, Michaels.”

  I watched as Levi dropped the phone from his ear and set the phone back on the nightstand. He settled on his back again in the bed.

  “What is it, Levi? What did Trent find?” I asked quietly.

  “It’s a woman.”

  My brows pulled together at this statement. Puzzled and looking for clarification, I pressed him for more information, “A woman? What are you talking about?”

  “Your stalker, Elle. I think we all just naturally assumed to some degree that it was a man. We were wrong because Trent is pretty convinced he’s found our target. Turns out, it’s a woman.”

  “Who is it?”

  “Do you know anyone named Becky?”

  I took a few moments to think. I knew a lot of people. Nobody close to me was named Becky, but it’s possible that I knew or had met someone with that name.

  “I can’t recall anyone specifically. What’s the last name?”


  “Becky Blunt?” I scoffed. I couldn’t help it. That was the most ridiculous name I had ever heard of for a psychopath.

  “It’s not funny, sunshine.”

  “I’m sorry, Levi. It’s just…” I paused to regain my composure.

  When I got myself under control, I sat up, turned on the light next to the bed, and looked at Levi.

  “You think someone named Becky Blunt is stalking me? That name doesn’t sound very menacing.”

  “I’m passing along the information I was given. Trent is good; I have no reason to doubt him.”

  “So, what makes Trent think that this woman is stalking me?”

  “The live-streaming video session you did last night. Apparently, he went through and saw the names of all the people who watched it. Becky stuck out to him because it wasn’t a name that he went through when he searched any of your followers. Evidently, she watched you last night, but she doesn’t even follow or like your page.”

  “Ok. I don’t understand how that translates into her being a stalker. I mean, maybe she doesn’t want to actually follow the page for some other reason. I highly doubt this means anything.”



  “Trent went to her social media page.”


  “She’s your stalker.”

  The tone of his voice and the way he said it sent a shiver through my body. Suddenly, I didn’t think it was so funny.

  “Tell me,” I urged him through a whisper, feeling my throat get tight.

  “Every time you post something, she posts something nearly identical. She never shows her face in her posts, but Trent says there is no denying that everything she posts is related to what you’ve posted. He said that sometimes, you’ll post something and it’s not even an hour later when she does something remarkably similar. There have been several instances of her copying verbatim what you’ve said. Once or twice might lead us to believe it’s coincidental. When it’s nearly every post, that tells us something else.”

  “Which is?”

  “She’s obsessed.”


  Holy fuck.


  Who was this?

  “What are we going to do now?” I wondered.

  Levi sat up in the bed and explained, “You need to get out of the nightie and put some clothes on. I’m going to call Pierce and Dom. When they get here, I’ll clarify what Trent needs us to do.”

  “Ok,” I agreed.

  With that, I got up and put some clothes on while Levi called the boys. I moved to the bathroom, did my business, brushed my teeth, and made myself look half decent. Levi threw on some clothes and I grabbed my phone off the nightstand.

  A few minutes later, there was a knock at the door. I sat on the couch in the living room of the suite and opened Facebook while Levi opened the door. I searched for Becky Blunt and went to her page. As I scrolled through her feed, it was like I was reliving my own life. I heard the guys walk back into the room, but I was too shocked at what I was seeing to look up from my phone.

  Silence settled over the room as I’m sure they took me in and realized I was about to lose my shit.

  “Elle?” Levi called.

  I looked up and saw them all looking at me with worried and concerned looks on their faces. My breathing came quick, my teeth clenched together, and my leg was tapping ferociously on the floor.

  I stood.

  “This is the most ridiculous shit I’ve ever seen in my life!” I shouted.

  Dom turned his head to Levi and asked, “What’s going on?”

  “I’ll tell you what’s going on,” I seethed. “Trent managed to figure out who the bitch is that’s obsessed with me and it seems she has absolutely nothing better to do with herself than to stalk my entire fucking life.”

  “Elle, sunshine, calm down,” Levi pled.

  “Calm down? How can I calm down, Levi? I just scrolled through a few days’ worth of posts on her Facebook page and it was like reliving my own fucking life. I didn’t think it was that bad when you told me about it this morning. Seeing it? That’s something completely different. There are instances where entire sentences or questions I’ve asked in my posts are copied in hers, only hours after I’ve posted them. Who is this psychotic? And why? Why would someone spend their time doing this?”

  “Levi?” Pierce called.

  Figuring that speaking to me was likely not a good option at this moment in time, Levi brought Pierce and Dom up to speed.

  “So, what’s the plan?” Dom asked.

  “Yeah,” I started. “That’s an excellent question. I’d love to know what the plan is.”

  “Trent is digging, trying to figure out who this i
s and where they are from. From there, we’ll have a better idea on how to proceed. In the meantime, he needs Elle to be as active as possible on her social media accounts. We need to build up evidence of the obsession. We’ll have, at minimum, the police report from Tucson. In addition, we have all the notes Elle’s received. If we can show just how deep Becky’s fixation on Elle is, it’ll only strengthen the case against her.”

  Pierce piped up. “I realize we want to get as much evidence against this Becky character as we can, but wouldn’t it also speed up the process if Elle just made the accounts private and blocked the bitch? Someone who is this neurotic isn’t going to be able to handle not knowing what’s happening in Elle’s world. She’d have to find another way and it could bring her out quicker.”

  “Elle can’t,” Dom explained. “At least, not on all social media platforms.”

  My head shifted and I looked at him.

  “Certain platforms will allow you to block specific people from seeing what you post. Others don’t give that option when it’s a business page. So on Facebook, for example, if Elle wants to continue having a page that promotes what she does, she’s unable to prevent an individual from seeing it. The only way she’d be able to block her would be if this Becky chick actually interacted on the page. Even then, I don’t believe it would prevent Becky from seeing it; I’m pretty sure she just wouldn’t be able to interact on the page anymore. From what Levi just told us, Trent said she’s not even someone who has liked or followed the Facebook page. She just likely consistently watches it to keep tabs on Elle.”

  “This is outrageous,” I ranted. “I don’t even understand why someone would do this. I mean, you’d have to have no mind of your own for you to try and live vicariously through another person. When you find her, don’t forget what you promised me, Levi. I want five minutes with her and I want to know why.”

  He nodded his head and reassured me, “Already told you if I could make that happen for you, I would.”

  I closed my eyes and took in a deep breath. I had been awake for not even a full hour yet and I was already exhausted.

  When I opened my eyes again, I looked at the three concerned men in front of me and quietly said, “This is my life.”

  “I’m not following you, Elle,” Dom informed me.

  “Social media is what it is. I wasn’t very thrilled with the idea of it initially, but I’ve seen how much my fans appreciate that communication from me. It’s their way to have that connection to me. Doing this tour has confirmed what I already knew would be the case, which is that I prefer the small, hometown feel. I’m not planning to do this touring stuff on a regular basis. It’s just not what I’m into, nor it is what I want as a regular thing in my life. That said, my fans have come to these sold-out shows just to watch me perform. These people are so supportive of me and they are very important to me. What she’s doing is simply attempting to make a mockery of my chosen career path. I didn’t even have enough time to go through everything on her page and, to be honest, I don’t really care to do that. However, to do what she’s doing in the way she’s doing it by copying every single thing I do and trying to spin it as something significant in her own life is distasteful, fake, and arrogant all wrapped up into one.”

  “I get the distasteful and fake,” Pierce chimed in. “But why do you get arrogance out of this?”

  I explained, “As I said, I’ve only scrolled through and seen a few posts, but if she isn’t copying exactly what I say she’s attempting to diminish what I’ve posted. It’s like she believes, for whatever reason, that she’s better than me. For example, the first stop on the tour was in Denver. Levi and I did some sightseeing and I snapped a few photos. I ended up posting one to my Facebook account. In the text of that post, I spoke about the beauty of Denver and a specific location we visited. She ended up posting something about an hour after I made that post with a picture of some place she’s been. She went on to not only talk about how great the place she visited was, but she also goes so far as to mention Denver in the post and attempts to diminish the beauty of Denver. I mean, seriously? The only way you can feel good about where you’ve been is to talk badly about the places I’ve been? It’s like an ‘anything you can do I can do better’ mentality. I can’t wait to meet this egotistical, conceited, and shameless piece of work.”

  “Got it,” Pierce admitted nervously. “Didn’t mean to get you any more riled up.”

  I gave him an apologetic look and sighed. “I’m sorry. I think I need food. Can we go have breakfast?”

  Pierce and Dom chuckled.

  Levi visibly relaxed and said, “Yeah, Elle. We’ll go have breakfast. After, I’m taking you for the biggest bag of potato chips I can find.”

  I smiled at him before walking over and wrapping my arms around him. He hugged me and pressed a kiss to my head.

  Then, the four of us made our way out to have breakfast.

  Chapter 16


  The next two days passed in a whirlwind of events, both spontaneous and calculated.

  Levi took me out to breakfast on Monday morning with Pierce and Dom. They drove separately in the rental Dom picked up when his flight arrived early that morning. I attributed their need to go in a separate vehicle to the outburst I had in the hotel room that morning and, to be honest, couldn’t blame them for their choice.

  On an empty stomach, I was feeling livid about everything I had learned that morning. There was little that would calm me down and alleviate the rage coursing through me knowing someone was likely having fun doing what they were doing. Once I had food in my stomach, I came to my senses and went from being angry to being smart. I’d let this witch be stupid enough to bury herself with the evidence. Trent said he wanted me to be more active on my social media accounts, so that is what I was going to do.

  As the four of us sat together at breakfast, we came up with a plan. This was, again, after I had put a significant amount of food in my body.

  Trent was going to be collecting the evidence. He was taking screen shots of her public posts in case she attempted to alter or delete them at any point in the future. When it came to keeping me safe, the guys collectively concluded that it was best to remain on high alert since we were unsure of just how far Becky would take things.

  I didn’t disagree with this assessment. Clearly, the bitch was overly obsessed and extremely unstable.

  Next on our list of things to cover was strategy.

  I wanted proof.

  Concrete evidence of this sick and twisted obsession.

  “I continue what I’m doing,” I stated. “But I kick it up a notch.”

  “How so?” Levi wondered out loud.

  “I give her more of me. More posts. More information. It’s only going to get her working overtime to follow what I’m doing, which is eventually going to result in her making a mistake in the end.”

  “What is your plan to accomplish this?” Dom asked.

  “Ok, so I don’t know what this woman’s motivation is. I can’t understand the intensity of the fixation this woman clearly has with me, but if any of you had to guess, what would you think her reason for it is?”

  “With women?” Dom started. “Jealousy. It’s always about jealousy with bitches.”

  I cocked an eyebrow at him and explained, “We aren’t all bitches. That said, that’s precisely what I believe is the issue. Or, at least, that what I’m rocking with right now. For whatever reason, this Becky character is jealous about something. What? I have no idea. But, if she can see that I’m still blissfully happy, doing well, and enjoying my life it’s only going to infuriate her more. She knows what she’s doing to me, so she knows what I’m dealing with right now. I’m going to let her see that she’s not affecting me. And the reality is, I am all those things I just said. Sure, this is like a thorn in my side right now, but when it comes down to it, what she’s doing doesn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. She’ll eventually be exposed for the person that she is and I
’ll still be blissfully happy doing what I love with my life.”

  I paused a moment letting that sink in. It was the truth. I could spend my time worried about what this woman was doing or I could continue going about my business, focusing on myself and my life. Yeah, I’d always wonder why, but I wasn’t going to allow it to put a damper on my happiness and all of the good that I had in my life.

  “I’ll need your help, though. All three of you, for the remainder of the tour, starting now.”

  “What do you want us to do, sunshine?” Levi asked from beside me.

  I gave him a huge grin before I described my next move. “She can copy the words of my post all she wants. She can attempt to put down the places I’ve been or the things I’ve experienced. No matter how hard she tries she’s not going to be able to take away what those places and experiences mean to me. She also will never take away what the people in my life who truly love and care for me mean to me. So, you’re all going to need to be ok with your faces on my social media. Last night, I did that live session. Trent found her. As you know, after my fans went crazy over you, I promised them a peek at Dom and Pierce. Today, we’re going to give them that.”

  “Fucking hell,” Dom swore.

  “Not again,” Pierce added.

  I turned to the two of them, practically batted my eyelashes, and begged, “Please?”

  They both looked to Levi before they turned their attention back to me.

  Pierce took in a deep breath and blew it out before he asked, “What specifically do you want us to do?”

  I grinned at him.

  They were going to cave.

  “I’ll ease you into this. We’ll start with just pictures, but soon enough I want you guys on a live session with me. If it’s jealousy that’s fueling Becky’s obsession, seeing me surrounded by three hot guys whose mission it is to keep me safe will have her beyond envious. I’m just going to keep throwing all the goodness I’ve got in my life at her and see how she responds. Hopefully Trent is monitoring her account like a hawk.”

  The looks on their faces told me they weren’t thrilled with this idea, but they knew that Trent had asked for me to be active on my accounts. If this was going to help the case, they were willing to do what was necessary, despite how much they did not want to do it.


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