Act of Surrender

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Act of Surrender Page 7

by Mandy M. Roth

  James shook his head. “No. Unlike your wife, I try to keep my testing explosions to a minimum.”

  “I love explosions,” added Boomer from the sides of the lab.

  It was how he’d gotten his nickname, so no one was surprised at his declaration.

  Pride slipped over Duke’s face. “My mate is a hellion and I love her.”

  “I know.”

  Duke cleared his throat. “You need to take a break from this lab and get your mind off things.”

  “Not really that easy,” admitted James. “I need to know what’s wrong with me.”

  “Yeah, but you haven’t figured it out yet and staring at the same old shit day in and day out isn’t making it any clearer. Get out of here. Relax. Do something to take your mind off it all.”

  James put an elbow on the counter. “As luck would have it, I have a date tonight.”

  Duke’s brows lifted. “With a woman?”

  “No, I’m taking Dumb and Ass—” He pointed to Striker and Boomer. “—out for some quality dancing time. When we’re done doing that, those two superheroes are going to single-handily save the city from evil villains.”

  Duke huffed. “Don’t get shitty with me. It was a legit question. I know we put ten years between heart-to-hearts, but the James I remember didn’t date. Hadn’t actually dated in decades. He managed to get into a lot of fights, all while wearing designer clothing, but he didn’t date. And let me tell you there is nothing like a smart guy, dressed to the nines, leveling a jackass.”

  “Jinx told me it had been over a century since I visited her place,” he confessed. “I hadn’t noticed it had been that long.”

  “Losing Elsbeth was hard on you,” stated Duke, compassion in his eyes. “She was a sweet girl, but James, she wasn’t your mate.”

  He nodded, thinking back on his ex-fiancé without deep guilt consuming him as it once had. She’d died prior to them ever marrying but he had cared greatly for her. “I know. I’ve moved past her death. Really, I have, it’s just, I didn’t feel like dating.”

  “Dating and fucking are not one and the same,” said Duke. He grunted. “An alpha male needs to fuck. You know it was well as I do. You could end up going off the deep end if you don’t get your rocks off and soon.”

  With a shaky laugh, James shook his head. “I’m not too worried about that. I’ve managed this long without it.”

  “Famous last words, brother,” whispered Duke. “Mark my words, we’ll be dealing with an out-of-control you before too long. While you may have been fine before, you’re not now. The Corporation fucked with you, James. Who knows what will come of it. Do me a favor. Get this date of yours tonight into bed.”

  James bit at his lip. “You might not be hoping for that for long when I tell you more about her.”

  “Why? She married?” Duke questioned, judgment in his voice before he gasped. “She’s not a vampire, is she?”

  “No.” It was amusing that Duke considered being a vampire worse than being a married woman going on a date with someone other than the man she was married to. He suspected Duke wouldn’t feel the same if it was his mate they were discussing. Bet being a vampire would win out over Mercy wanting to date another man. “She is a recent person of interest to PSI, though.”

  Duke groaned. “Not the hacker chick. James, Corbin will shit a brick if he finds out you’re romancing the target. There are millions of women out there and you go and pick the one we’re looking into?”

  Striker yelled from the other side of the lab. “That Bloody-English-Bastard-Out-to-Steal-My-Country can kiss my arse.”

  “Great, he’s back on that again,” murmured Duke. “Corbin will love being called that again.”

  “She’s not a target,” corrected James, ignoring Striker. The urge to shake Duke and make him understand that Laney was on their side—a good guy—nearly overtook him. James had to collect himself before he did something stupid like attack his own teammate.

  Yep. The Corporation messed up your wiring.

  “Yet,” said Duke. “You don’t know that she isn’t a pawn in that sick place’s bigger game. She could be playing you.”

  “She’s not.”

  “And you know this how?” demanded Duke.

  “Gut says it’s the case.” James leaned against the counter. “And I trust my gut. I did so with Mercy and I was right. She’s good people and I knew that from the word go. The two of you are together because of it—because of my gut. All I ask is that you trust me on this. I just need to play this out more to see where it’s going.”

  Grumbling, Duke nodded. “You’re right. Fine. I’ll keep a lid on this for now, but check in with me. I don’t want you falling into the enemy’s hands again. I fucking hate it when that happens.”

  “Yes, Mom,” said James with a wink.

  Duke eyed James’s cane. “You taking that with you?”

  James shook his head. “No.”

  “We’re going drinking,” announced Boomer. “Who is in?”

  “Should they drink after what Mercy gave them?” asked Duke. “I love the woman to death, but she’s a menace in a lab. Did you hear about what she did yesterday?”

  “I showed up right after it happened.” James had to fight to keep from laughing. He had heard about Mercy’s rather unfortunate experiment gone wrong. “Corbin’s hair still pink?”

  Duke rubbed his temples. “Yes, and the fucking Brit won’t stop calling to yell at me like it’s my fault he let Mercy have unlimited access to anything she wants. I told him not to be a lab rat for her. He said, oh she’s harmless.”

  “Now those were famous last words,” said James with a snort. He’d heard the explosion that had rocked the other end of the hallway at PSI the day before. When he’d gotten there, plumes of pink smoke were billowing out of Mercy’s labs. Corbin Jones had emerged, his normally blond hair shocking pink. It had taken all of James to avoid commenting. Unfortunately, Striker had been near so Corbin not only wasn’t going to hear the end of it, there was now photographic proof of the incident. And knowing Striker, he’d find a way to sneak it onto the internet despite how stupid it was for an immortal to leave a photo trail.

  “I fucking hate cameras,” said Duke.

  He hated a lot of things so James didn’t comment on it. “How is Mercy doing with the pregnancy? Any morning sickness yet?”

  “Nope. She is too caught up in trying to counter the Corporation’s weapons and drugs. I don’t think it’s safe for her or the little one to be exposed to all those chemicals.”

  James bit his lower lip. “She’s being careful.”

  “Our captain has pink hair,” reminded Duke.

  “Probably because I took away anything dangerous and what I left her with didn’t mix as planned.” James shrugged. “Nothing Mercy used was harmful to her or the baby. She’s careful to wear all the proper safety gear as well. Plus, she’s been running her list of experiments by me. I’ve been double-checking. I won’t let her get into anything that might be an issue.”

  Duke exhaled. “Thank you.”

  James touched Duke lightly, understanding the man was concerned for his mate and unborn babe. “Relax. She’ll be fine. The baby will be fine and before you know it, you’ll be a father.”

  Paling, Duke nodded. “I know.”

  “You’re going to make a great dad, Duke,” said James.

  “You know, someday, you’ll make someone a great father too.”

  “I don’t really see that in the stars,” said James, ending the discussion on him one day mating.

  “Sing with me now,” said Striker loudly as he twirled Boomer in a circle. “Oh, William, how you…”

  “Ever worry that they’re our backup?” asked James, doing his best to keep from getting Striker’s song stuck in his head.

  The edges of Duke’s mouth tilted upwards. “Every damn day.”

  “This would be better if your dress was a tutu,” said Boomer to Striker. “You’d be like a ballerina.”
r />   Striker growled. “I’m nae wearing a dress!”

  “You say tomato,” mouthed Boomer, dodging a hit as he laughed.

  “You guys have a weird obsession with tutus,” Duke growled. “That damn monkey still wearing one?”

  Boomer smiled wide. “Yes, Lil Duke, who is not a monkey, he’s a chimpanzee, is still wearing a tutu.”

  Grumbling, Duke made underhanded comments about there being no difference between a monkey and a chimp. James had heard the entire story while he was in recovery. One of the chimps rescued from a testing lab operated by the Corporation had taken a real shine to Duke’s mate. Because the chimp didn’t seem to like anyone other than Mercy, she told everyone the chimp reminded her of Duke—who hates everyone. Thus, the name Lil’ Duke was given to the chimp who now resided happily in an animal sanctuary that Boomer funded. And apparently Lil’ Duke enjoyed playing dress up.

  James lifted his head, his attention on Striker and Boomer. “If we let the two of you leave here, how much trouble are you going to get into?”

  Striker held out one arm, while Boomer held out one as well. Since their other arms were now locked, holding one another up, it was a wide expanse they showed.

  “This much,” they said in unison.

  James laughed. “That’s what I thought.”

  “It’ll be fun,” said Striker. “You do remember fun, right?”

  He did.


  “Tell you what, let’s get some coffee in you and let me call Mercy to see what exactly she gave the two of you. Then, if I deem it’s safe, you can leave HQ.”

  Boomer and Striker jumped and somehow managed to knock heads.

  “I work with idiots,” said James, still smiling.

  “Fucking idiots,” added Duke as he stood. “I’m going to collect my wife and take her home. Then I’m going to dodge any more calls from Corbin. That doesn’t mean you can forget to keep me posted on your date with the hacker girl.”

  “Captain looks good in pink. Let’s get him the tutu,” said Striker. “He’s gonna love the hair when he has to show for the Fang Gang meetings.”

  James cringed. Corbin would be impossible to be around for at least a week. Not to mention the Crimson Sentinels would not be above ribbing Corbin for the hair. After all, the rest of PSI had fun at their expense all the time.

  He glanced over in time to see Boomer dipping Striker as Striker held his kilt out at an angle that looked a lot like a woman lifting her skirt.

  Duke grunted. “Should I break up Ginger and Fred there?”

  “I’m thinking we should record them,” added James. “Methinks we could award two Assholes of the Weeks.”

  “I like it, but you’ll have to do the recording. I’m shit with technology.”

  James laughed. Good to know some things never changed. He opened the top drawer near him and withdrew a digital camera. It had the ability to record video as well. James hit record and took a video of Boomer and Striker as they continued to dance together to the sounds of Striker singing odes to William Wallace. James took a few still shots as well. The award was always better with a picture pinned up near it for proof of the stupidity.

  Duke shook his head. “I seriously cannot believe those two idiots are entrusted with million-dollar equipment, weapons and super-secret government operations.”

  “Or people’s lives,” said James.

  Duke’s eyes widened. “Yeah, or that.”

  The door to the lab opened and it took all of James to keep from laughing as the captain entered, his hair seeming even pinker than when James had last seen him.

  “Captain Cotton Candy,” said Striker, spinning around in a circle. He saluted Corbin, but the shit-assed grin on the man’s face said he was being anything but respectful at the moment.

  Corbin’s unamused gaze locked onto the Scot. “Why, exactly, are you being led around the lab by Boomer as if this is a ballroom and you’re the female lead?” he asked, his words clipped with a British accent.

  Striker shrugged. “Och, do nae judge. Yer head is pink.”

  “I really wish I could fire you,” returned Corbin.

  “You and the rest of PSI.” Striker blew the captain a kiss. “You’d miss me. I’m special like that.”

  James hid his laugh. Oh, Striker was special all right.

  “Want me to off him?” asked Duke, a hopeful look on his face.

  Corbin rubbed his jaw as if considering the offer.

  Striker grunted. “Do nae make me suggest we all take one of the jets and fly somewhere.”

  Duke crossed his arms over his chest in an angry protest. “I fucking hate to fly.”

  “We know,” said the men together, snorting as they did.

  Striker turned and shook his ass, holding his kilt out, lifting it to the point it just barely covered all it should. He shook his backside back and forth. “That’s right. Can’t get enough of the Scot love machine.”

  Corbin’s attention went to Duke. “I’ll give you a thousand dollars if you find your wife and have her shoot Striker with another tranq dart.”

  Duke laughed. “Ah, I’d do that for free.”

  James laughed. “Ask him about his milkshake.”

  “About his what?” questioned Corbin.

  James snorted. “You probably don’t want to know, sir. If I were you I’d run away while you still can before they suck you into their dance routine.”

  “How long before they sober up?” asked Corbin.

  “Depends on how much sedatives Mercy gave them,” answered James. “I’d say a couple of hours.”


  “Hey, Captain Cotton Candy Head,” called Striker. “Is it nae about time for you to take a tea-and-crumpet break?” Striker and Boomer both bent forward, laughing as if Striker had said the funniest thing ever.

  Corbin eyed James, looking unamused with the men’s antics. James knew better. He knew that under the layer of stodgy that Corbin seemed to shroud himself in lay a man whose passions ran deep and who enjoyed the banter and playful ribbing. “Here’s to hoping they sober up sooner rather than later.”

  Chapter Six

  The burner phone Laney had been using longer than she should rang. She should have dumped it that morning at the very latest, but she’d been too busy talking to Hagen to stop and think about it. And now she’d given him the number and didn’t want to risk missing a call from him. She’d try her luck with it another day or so and then get a new one.

  She picked it up and kept typing. “Yeah?”

  “Nice way to answer the phone. And what in the hell are you doing? I should have gotten a text from you this morning with your new number. Why is this one still active?” asked Harmony, her voice light and airy.

  “Erm, running a little behind. No worries.”

  Harmony huffed. “Said the girl who does nothing but worry the Man is watching her.”

  “Hey, just because I’m paranoid doesn’t mean someone isn’t out to get me,” returned Laney with a half-laugh.

  “Weirdo.” Harmony blew a bubble and it popped loudly over the phone. “I thought I’d be interrupting some hot monkey phone sex with your wolf boyfriend. Have you used the toys I brought you yet?”

  Laney grinned, knowing Harmony was talking about Hagen. “They’re still in the boxes. I took one look and then thought, holy moly, that is supposed to go there?”

  Harmony laughed. “It’s fun. Try it.”

  “I’m hanging up now.”

  “No,” said Harmony. “How is your boyfriend?”

  “I barely know him and he’s not my boyfriend.”

  She didn’t believe her own words. It felt as if she’d known Hagen forever. It wasn’t a connection she expected Harmony to understand. If anything, Harmony would mock it and then make light of it. As much as Laney loved the girl, she had some faults.

  “I think he is. You’ve logged how many hours with him every night for over a week?” Harmony reminded. “I’ve never seen you pay any
guy much mind. This one holds your attention. And, girlie, you should open the toys. They will change your life. Once you learn to be in charge of your own orgasm, the world is your oyster.”

  Laney snorted. “Way to channel a motivational speaker in an attempt to get me to masturbate.”

  “I’m a sex goddess,” teased Harmony. “Do that funky thing you do. You know, the whole trance-and-spill-tidbits thing. I want to know if one day I’ll be worshiped by millions of adoring men. Divine my future, oh great seer. Tell me of all the hotties I’ll collect.”

  Laney wasn’t comfortable with that side of herself—the trance bit—as Harmony liked to call it. The side that scared her. She never felt in control of herself and she certainly couldn’t do it on command. The first time it had happened in front of Harmony, Laney thought it would be the end of their friendship. That Harmony wouldn’t want to hang out with the freak who said weird, cryptic things at random times.

  Harmony had given her an odd look before smiling wide and informing her that they needed to get her a crystal ball and some tarot cards.


  “I don’t think we need me to divine anything. My guess, it will be a broken-hearts club they’re joining in regards to you.”

  Harmony laughed.

  “You’re going to be proud of me. I have a date with him tonight. It’s just coffee, but still,” said Laney, her shoulders going back as her posture straightened.

  Harmony squealed. “Yay! Ohmygod, my girlie has a date. A real, live date. I’m so proud. I’ve taught you well. You going to sleep with him?”

  Laney processed all of what Harmony had rattled off at such a fast pace, and without a breath, that Laney still wasn’t sure how the girl did it. As she put together what she’d been asked, she sucked in a big breath. “What? No!”

  “Lighten up. I was joking,” said Harmony with the same attitude she had about most things. “I’m just happy you’re going to shower and get out of that hacking cave. I bet you’re starting to smell. Have computer wires grown up and around you like spider webs, trying to reclaim you—their mothership of weird?”

  “Eat me and my mothership,” said Laney.


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