Say I Do

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Say I Do Page 5

by Cynthia Eden

  Better didn’t even come close. “You know you’re fucking fantastic.” An automatic reply.

  Her lashes fluttered. “What?”

  “What changed? Because I need you to be this same way always.” Wait. Shit. He’d meant, um… “Always, you know, when we’re performing for the others here.”

  She licked her lips.

  He would have happily done that for her. Licked. Sucked. Maybe even given a faint bite on her plump lower lip.

  “You changed,” she answered. Her voice was husky. Way too sensual for him.

  And he didn’t know what she meant.

  She backed away a step. Straightened her shoulders. “You stopped pretending, I saw your real smile again, and I—”

  “You what?” he asked when she stopped.

  “I liked your real smile.” She spun on her high heel. “The limo is waiting. Let’s go.”

  He didn’t move. If she would kiss him like that again, he’d give her his real smile any damn time. Over and over again.


  “The target has landed.”

  His fingers tapped on the computer screen as he watched the security feed. “Yes,” he snapped. “Obviously, I can see that for myself.”

  “They’re walking to the limo.”

  Was this shit for real? “Again, I can see that for myself. That’s the whole point in you sending me a video feed.” He didn’t need a friggin’ play-by-play of things he could figure out for himself.

  As he watched the feed, he saw Dex’s hand linger on the woman’s lower back. A possessive touch. Interesting.

  She slipped into the limo first.

  Dex quickly followed her.

  “I want to know who she is.” Dex Ryan had been a thorn in his side for too long. “Obviously, he’s working some angle, and I want to know exactly what’s happening—”

  “Um, this is like a lover’s retreat place, so I mean, I think I can basically guess what is going to happen if you want me to—”

  “Get her name. Get her background info. I want to know everything about her.”

  Why did he have to deal with such an idiot? “You know what? Fuck it. I’ll deal with this myself.”

  The limo drove away. Dex and his lady were off to their final destination.

  Time for the games to begin.

  Chapter Four

  “Do you kiss all of your fake fiancés that way?” Dex asked as he lounged against the leather seat in the back of the limo.

  “Yes.” An absolute, honest answer.

  It was too dark for her to clearly see his expression, but she felt the sudden stiffness of his body. Someone obviously hadn’t liked her answer. She faked alarm. “Oh, I’m sorry? Did you think you were special? Hate to break it to you, but I do kiss all of my fake fiancés that exact same way.”

  His fingers drummed on his knee. “Because I’m the only fake fiancé you’ve ever had.”

  Bingo. “Not like I go around town and pretend to marry men every day.”

  “That’s good to know.” His voice was a growl.

  A nervous laugh escaped her as the car slowed. “You sound jealous.”

  “I am.” He turned fully toward her. “When it comes to you, I am very, very jealous.” His hand rose and cupped her chin.

  “I don’t even have a ring yet,” she mumbled because Lacey suddenly was feeling way out of her element. It was the second kiss. I knew I should have held on to my control. But he gave me that warm smile, and I just…

  It had felt like seeing behind the mask, and she’d reacted. She’d let her walls fall down in return, and she’d kissed him as if nothing else mattered.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of that problem right away.” His mouth swept toward hers.

  And she might have leaned toward him. Eager much?

  The limo’s rear door opened. “Sir, we are here.”

  Dex’s lips brushed over hers.

  Part of her was all…He knew the driver was coming. The kiss is deliberate. Just for show, tricky bastard.

  But another part of her was like…I’ll take more, please.

  She had to yank up her walls again, ASAP.

  “Time for us to go, darling,” he rumbled against her mouth. “I hope you’re ready for a week you will never forget.”

  “Promises, promises,” she responded. Then, because one good show deserved another, she caught his hand in hers. She brought his palm to her lips. Pressed a tender kiss to the center of his hand.

  Dex hissed in a breath.

  Then she sensually nipped the pad of flesh under his thumb. “I hope you’re ready for what’s coming,” she added, voice husky.

  For a moment, he didn’t move at all. His gaze just locked on her. Even though the back door was open and cold air swept inside, she could have sworn that in the space between her and Dex, the temperature notched up several degrees.

  “Uh, sir?” The driver cleared his throat. “The bellman already took your bags, and I think someone from concierge is waiting for you.”

  She let go of Dex’s hand. But he immediately grabbed her hand back and twined his fingers with hers. Dex climbed from the car and tugged her with him.

  Outside, yes, it was definitely colder. She shivered and knew that her outfit was not warm enough. One sweater wasn’t going to do it up here. Winter temps in Georgia were a million miles removed from icy temperatures in the mountains of Colorado.

  When she shivered, Dex immediately wrapped his arm around her and pulled her against his body. “Don’t worry, I’ll warm you up.”

  Oh, yes, she just bet he would. The doorman held open the door as they hurried inside, and, sure enough, there was a man in a dapper concierge uniform waiting for them. He had a clipboard in his hand and his shoulders were squared. His ID tag indicated his name was Charles Hatch, and as they closed in on him, Charles quickly said, “Mr. and Mrs. Ryan, welcome to—”

  “We’re not married,” Lacey corrected as she kept her tone all smooth and steady. “I’m Lacey Amari.”

  Someone brushed by her and headed for the elevator. The stranger was bundled in a thick coat, and she had a quick impression of blond hair and a square jaw.

  “But I thought—” Charles glanced down at the clipboard. Then he looked at Dex, and the poor fellow’s expression could only be termed horrified. “I am so sorry.” His voice was hollow. Whispery.

  But Dex laughed. His warm, rich laughter seemed to echo around them, and Lacey could feel the gazes turning in their direction. There weren’t very many people in the spacious lobby. Merely a few couples. And after a quick glance, they went back to their business.

  She had to admit, the lodge was impressive. She’d been told by Dex that this was an old structure, on the historic registry. Marble floor beneath their feet. A massive, crackling fireplace in the middle of the main entrance room. Huge, elaborate arches up on the second floor above them. The arches were carefully carved, and her gaze lingered on the deep, sweeping designs that had been cut into them.

  Because she was staring so hard at the arches, it took her a moment to realize…

  Dex had bent on one knee near her.

  Her head slowly turned to him. “Dex?” Her voice sounded breathless. A nice touch, she thought.

  He smiled at her. The smile seemed to warm his eyes.

  Don’t believe that warmth. It’s not real.

  He reached into his pocket and pulled out a blue box. Very distinct, turquoise blue. He opened the box, and the ring glinted at her as the light hit the facets in the diamond ring. He took the diamond from the box and held it up to her. The round, heavy diamond looked like pure perfection.

  It also looked as if it probably cost more than her apartment.

  “I’ve never met anyone like you,” Dex told her quietly. “From the moment you walked into my life, I knew I wanted you to stay. There is nothing I would not do in order to keep you by my side. Despite the hell that I see too often in this world, there is good out there. I know it when I look into your

  Um…okay. His proposal wasn’t the whole…I’ll love you forever and ever kind of thing, but it actually fit him. It sounded genuine.

  “Will you marry me?” Dex asked as he waited on his bent knee.

  Will you pretend marry me? “Absolutely.” A wide smile curved her lips. “I was starting to think you’d never ask.” Like, seriously, why hadn’t he proposed in the limo? Knowing him, probably because he wanted to make a big production of the event. Create a show. Attract attention.

  She reached for the ring, and she let her fingers tremble a bit as she slid it onto her ring finger. “Oh, Dexy…”

  He blinked. His brow furrowed.

  Wait, had that been too much? Dexy? Probably. Yes. Too much.

  He bit his lower lip. Was he trying not to laugh at her?

  “It fits perfectly,” she continued quickly. No big surprise that the ring fit. He’d done so much research on her that the man probably knew her bra size. And wasn’t that a whole lot of info for him to know?

  He rose and pressed a tender kiss to her lips. “You’ve made me the happiest man in the world.”

  Doubtful. Highly, highly doubtful, but he was putting on a good act, so… “I love you,” she said as she pulled back and gazed into his eyes.


  Something happened.

  There was a crack in his expression. She saw it. For one faint moment, she could have sworn there was…Yearning? “Dex?” Her heart ached. “What is it?”

  He swallowed, and just like that, the super spy was back. “I want to be alone with you.”

  Now her heart wasn’t aching. It was racing.

  He turned to the concierge guy and rattled off the name of some stupid expensive champagne—one that happened to be her secret favorite in the whole world because she’d had it at one of the Wilde company parties and she’d loved it—and she knew the choice of champagne could not be coincidence. He’d done that deliberately. Another way of showing how much he knew about her.

  So she just had to sigh and say, “Oh, Dex, you remembered.” She could put on a good show, too.

  He gave a quick nod. “Every single thing about you.”

  Okay, she didn’t think he was lying with that particular statement.

  “Sir…I-I am so sorry. There was a notation in your file. I thought it said you were married, but now I guess it meant…” Miserably, Charles trailed off.

  A warm laugh slipped from Dex. “It meant I was going to propose and that I’d reserved the Whisper Floor for the special event.” Dex looked upward.

  She followed his gaze and once again found herself studying all of the elaborate arches. Wait, Whisper Floor? Was that what he’d called it?

  “I’m so sorry,” Charles apologized again.

  Lacey focused on him and saw the poor man’s face was mottled red and sweat beaded his brow. “Please don’t be sorry,” she told him sincerely. Why on earth should he feel miserable when everything was a hoax? “This moment was perfect. I would not want it any other way.”

  Charles’s head bobbed as he shot her a grateful smile.

  “But we’ll still take that reserved time on the Whisper Floor,” Dex noted. “I think my fiancée will quite enjoy it.”

  “Promises, promises,” she told him with a coy look. She had no idea what was up on the Whisper Floor but the man was acting like it was a big deal, so she’d play along.

  She had to play along, didn’t she?

  “The key to your suite.” Charles offered it with a flourish. “You’ll go straight down the hallway, beyond the main lobby. The private elevator is to your left, and if you should need anything during your stay, please know that I am at your service.”

  “Thanks, Charles.” Dex took the key and traded off a tip all with one casual wave of his hand. “I will remember that.”

  Charles took a sly glance at the tip. And immediately perked up. “Yes, sir. I am here for you.”

  All right, then. So…were they done with the proposal? Ready to actually get to work? Because, so far, there had been no action. She was itching for some action.

  Dex curled his arm around her hips, and they began to walk away from Charles. Then he paused. “Oh, one thing you can do for me. We want to hit the slopes first thing in the morning.”

  Lacey controlled a flinch. Dear God, they did?

  “I will make arrangements,” Charles promised. She almost expected him to salute.

  “Great. Double Black Diamond, that’s always how I roll.”

  Sweet mother of…

  She didn’t say another word, not until they were inside the private elevator. When the doors closed, Lacey immediately blurted, “I can’t ski.”

  Dex crossed his arms over his chest and leaned back against the glass wall of the elevator as they began to ascend. “Great performance out there. When you looked into my eyes and said you loved me, I could almost believe you.”

  “I don’t love you. And I can’t ski.”


  “You know this,” she accused as she closed in on him. “You know everything about me.”

  He inclined his head. “I try.”

  “Then why would you attempt to kill me on a Double Black Diamond course?”

  “Relax, love. You won’t be skiing. I’ll keep you safe.”

  She wanted to scream at him. The last thing she felt was relaxed.

  “Do you like the ring?”

  “It’s beautiful.” She didn’t even glance at it. “What is my job here, exactly? Other than to fawn over you? Because I have talents. Lots of them that are being wasted, and I don’t exactly enjoy playing arm candy—”

  “You’ve already completed the first phase of your assignment. You helped me to attract the attention I wanted.”

  The proposal. “I knew you deliberately waited before giving me the ring.”

  “I do like to make a good entrance.”

  The elevator dinged, and the doors opened.

  She started to head out, but Dex put a hand on her shoulder. “Let me check things first, would you?”

  Lacey tried to ignore the pulse of heat that his touch had created. “I can handle myself.” Did he expect an attack already?

  When he moved forward and pushed back the edge of his blazer, she saw his holster. Oh, yes. He does expect an attack already. “You had that on in the limo?”

  “Sweetheart, I had that on in the plane.” He slipped out first and glanced to the left and then to the right. “Okay. Clear.”

  “I want one. I don’t understand why you get a weapon and I don’t. That’s hardly fair.”

  “You like knives, not guns.”

  Yes, she did. The very first time they’d met, she’d pulled a knife on him. Ah, memories.

  “There’s going to be a lovely present waiting for you in the suite. Don’t worry. I have you covered.”

  Then he opened the suite’s door and took her into a lover’s paradise.

  A fireplace—nearly as big as the one downstairs—dominated the middle of the main room. The flames flickered. A big, floor to ceiling window showed the soft snowfall and the killer view of the mountains in the distance. Beyond the main sitting area, she saw an open door that led to the bedroom. Inside that bedroom, Lacey glimpsed a massive, four-poster bed. Such a big, big bed. The covers were turned down—black, silk sheets. Faint, romantic music played from somewhere, and she could swear that she even caught the faint scent of vanilla in the air.

  She tiptoed her way in the bedroom. Noticed that there was yet another fireplace in that room, one near a very heavy, elaborate bookshelf. And across from that bookshelf, a floor to ceiling window provided another killer view of the mountains.

  A wrapped package waited on the bedside table. The present he’d promised? She glanced at it. Then at him. Of course, Dex had followed her into the bedroom.

  Dex waved toward the box. “Go ahead. It’s for you, after all.”

  She hurried across the floor, and the lush carpeting swallowed
the sounds of her steps. She opened the package—far too quickly because she was feeling like a kid at Christmas—and when she pulled the beautiful blade from its sheath… “It is perfect.” She smiled and lifted the knife toward the light.

  “I think you like that more than the diamond.”

  Her gaze jerked to him. “I—”

  Dex’s phone rang. He glanced at the screen. “Sorry, it’s the office,” he said without looking up at her. “Have to take this. I’ll be in the hallway and when the luggage arrives—and the champagne I ordered—I’ll make certain everything is sent into the suite.”

  “Thank you, Dex,” she blurted. “I really like the present.”

  His gaze lifted. Held hers. “Keep it close. When you value something, keep it very, very close.”

  A few moments later, the suite’s door closed behind him.

  Her hand curled around the handle of the knife. “Don’t worry. I will.”


  “You made a serious mistake, Dex.” The voice was low. Taunting.

  “Sorry, I think you have the wrong number,” he responded cheerfully. “But go fuck yourself and have a good—”

  “Don’t play your games with me. I know where you are.”

  “Is that supposed to scare me?” Now genuine curiosity filled his voice. “I never know with you. You do keep me guessing.” Almost a compliment.

  “You think you can play your games and never get hurt. You think there isn’t blood on your hands—”

  “I never said there was no blood on me. There’s always blood. It covers you, too, and if you try to pretend it doesn’t, you’re just lying to yourself.” Truth hurts, doesn’t it?

  “You’re going to be sorry. You think you’re the smartest guy in the whole freaking world, but all you are is a fake. There is no real Dexter Ryan. You have no soul. You have no conscience. You have—”

  “I have her,” he inserted flatly. He could see that the elevator was rising. He needed to wrap this shit up. Their luggage was about to be delivered. Hopefully, the champagne, too. Thanks to Antony, he knew Lacey loved that particular champagne.

  Rough laughter grated in his ear. “Like I’m supposed to care that some dumb bitch agreed to marry you?”


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