Surviving Earth: Makayla's Journey

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Surviving Earth: Makayla's Journey Page 7

by Cora A. Murray

  The first head comes into view as the shadows are still cast around the attic, the sun not yet completely risen. Logan's gun goes off and the zombie falls back through the hole, but he is soon replaced by another. I shoot, he falls. This continues for five minutes.

  The next one’s head comes through the hole, my gun clicks. I'm out of bullets. Then I hear Logan's click as well. Pulling my katana from the sheath at my back, I slice the flesh eater’s head off. Two more replace that one. Twirling, I cut through one’s head, the second going for Logan. With my boot, I push him back toward the hole. He falls through, only to be replaced by more. Damn this is getting worse by the second.

  Looking to the side, I see Blu and Gage stepping through the window, both with their guns raised and shooting zombies as they appeared. The attic is lighting up, the sun raising higher and the moaning from below not as loud as it once was.

  "They are leaving, come look." Tessa yells, jumping up and down.

  Leaning out the window, I see that, thanks to God and close friends, we have survived this night. Sinking to the floor, I lean my head back against the wall, taking the first easy breath since waking earlier.

  Logan sits beside me, resting his head on his knees. "I was afraid it was over there for a while." He says, reaching for my hand and giving it a squeeze.

  "Me, too." I say, gently returning his squeeze.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Looks like Logan and I passed a hurdle during the night; for a while I knew he didn't trust me and, in return, I didn't trust him, but having each other's back definitely changed things between us.

  "I guess we need to see what's wrong with the truck and get the hell out of here while we can. I don't think we can survive another night here." I say jokingly.

  "We definitely need to get out of here." He says staring off into the distance. "I should have listened to you. I was stupid to trust this area after what we witnessed." He adds softly. Standing, I pat him on the back, then I walk to the window, helping everyone come back inside.

  Two hours later, I’m greasy as hell, but the truck is purring like a kitten. Wiping my hands on an old rag someone handed me earlier, I walk up to the house.

  "Let's load ‘em up." I yell out.

  "I knew you could fix the truck." Tessa says as she runs by me. Everyone is ready to get the hell out of here. The dead zombies are still laying upstairs and sooner or later they will begin to smell worse than they already do. They already smell like death, but the smell would get much stronger.

  With everyone inside the vehicles we leave the neighborhood behind. I am looking forward to a little normalcy, but I guess with the things going on around us, being in the truck driving, with my little family nearby is as normal as I can get. Tessa is snuggled close to my side, asleep and Gage is passed out asleep in the backseat with Survivor curled up by his side.

  As the miles roll by, my mind drifts to my bestie. It is my fervent prayer that she and Beth are still alive.

  Parking beside the road I hop down from my seat at the “Welcome to Utah” sign. Two more states to cross and we'd be in California. Snow slowly starts drifting down and I am concerned. I’m not sure if the snow is like the wind. Thinking back to that day two years ago, I remember the Earth shifting and bursting forth from the land, but what was the most disturbing was the winds. When they started, being outside was a death sentence. Besides carrying the viruses that caused the zombie disease it was almost like acid, burning the skin from your body. People caught out in it would scream for mere seconds and then it was over. There was nothing left of their bodies but bones. Shaking the thoughts from my head, I look up into the sky, unsure whether to trust the white fluffy stuff falling around us or not.

  The sight of snow falling thrills Tessa and Ricky. They both jump out of the vehicles and start running around with their arms open wide. They fling their heads back about to let it drift into their open mouths.

  Logan and I yell out at the same time, "Do not eat that." At least I’m not alone in my fear.

  "But why?" Tessa asks, a frown marring her beautiful face.

  Caressing her face with my thumb I ask, “Remember the winds from two years ago, Tessa?"

  Stepping from the front of the truck Blu answers, "No. Our mom shielded her from all the happenings up until we had to leave our home when it became overrun with zombies."

  Blu's answer cleared up a few of the questions that had rolled around in my mind. Tessa was always so optimistic, always thinking on the bright side. I know she is only ten and children usually laugh and play as the goes went by.

  Dropping to my knees in front of her and Ricky I say, "Nothing is safe anymore. We have to be careful about everything. The snow is beautiful, but it could very well be just as deadly as a bite from the flesh eaters."

  "Ok, Mak, I promise I'll be careful." She says grabbing my hand.

  "Me, too." Ricky chimes in. "Survivor, too." Ricky grins mischievously as only a five-year old can do.

  Two days have passed since that conversation with Tessa and Ricky. The world is covered in white as several inches of snow lay upon the ground making travel difficult. Everyone is irritable from lack of sleep; so far we haven't found a good place to hole up. Everywhere either looks too creepy and the kids beg not to stay or the places are in shambles.

  Pulling up beside Logan, I roll down my window. He looks as haggard as I feel. "We have to find somewhere to rest for a day or two." I say, yawning.

  "I agree. Keep your eyes open and we'll do the same over here." He says while wiping his eyes. I look around at the occupants of both vehicles, everyone is asleep but us.

  "Alright, I'll keep looking." I say simply. Driving on, my eyes start to droop. Shaking Blu I tell him, "Come switch places with me. I'm afraid I'm going to pass out while driving."

  "Ok, ok, I'm up." Damn he looks tired, too. We need a place to rest. Somewhere completely safe, if that exists anymore.

  “Welcome to Richfield Utah”. I stare at the sign as we drive by. What is so damn familiar about this place? I'd never once been outside of North Carolina before the apocalypse happened. Scratching my head, I drive on, the road getting more packed with abandoned cars.

  "Oh my Gawd, I remember why this seems so familiar now!" I shout to no one, just thinking out loud. Everyone in the truck wakes with my loud pronouncement.

  "What's wrong?" All eyes on me.

  "This is where the government tried to make a stand, it was all over the news. They tried several vaccines, of course none worked. It turned really ugly, almost the whole city and state was overrun by zombies." I say, trying to catch my breath. "This is bad. We need to turn around and go around the whole damn state of Utah." I add, glancing at the kids’ scared faces. This is definitely not our safe place to stay.

  The farther we go into Richfield the more destruction we see. Cars are piled on the sides of the roads, making it nearly impossible to pass. We went in bumper to bumper, leaving no room for anyone to get between us. My Glock sits on my lap and my sawed-off shotgun sits by Blu's side. This is when I wish we were all riding together, but I know we need the extra vehicle for supplies.

  "Makayla!" Tessa yells.

  Turning slightly in the seat I ask, "What?"

  "I saw a sign that said go to the school if you are looking for help." She says excitedly.

  "Honey, we're not going to the school. This place was overrun with zombies and I'm sure if anyone was left, they'd be gone by now." I say.

  "Mak, we need to check." She says stubbornly.

  "I'm not even sure we can get through. Do you see the roads?" I ask.

  "Yeah, but someone could be here!" She states with her arms folded over her chest.

  Damn, she is going to make me check this place out. Following the signs to the school, we get to a painted sign on the pavement that reads school ahead. The cars and trucks are so cluttered together it feels like someone did it on purpose. There is no going through or around them in the truck. I am going to have to walk in fr
om here.

  "Blu, get in the driver’s seat and be ready for anything." I say pointing to my seat. "If I'm not back within thirty minutes, leave and don't come back for me." I say before I get out and start walking toward the school.

  "What the hell are you doing, Makayla?" I'm jerked from behind by Logan, his arms wrap around my shoulders, pulling me backwards toward the truck.

  "Tessa needs me to check the school for survivors." I respond.

  "Fuck that. Get your ass back in the truck and let's get out of this hellhole." He says angrily.

  Shaking him off, I stare back at the truck and I say, "I promised Tessa I would do this."

  Rubbing his beard he says, "Fine, let me grab my gun. I'm going with you!"

  "Afraid not, Logan. Someone needs to stay here. If I don't come back, please look after those kids. Don't you dare leave them to fend for themselves." I respond, hands going to my katana as I begin to walk away.

  "Dammit, Mak, you are one stubborn woman. I promise I won't leave those kids behind, but please come back. The kids aren’t the only ones who would miss you." He turns and walks back to the SUV, aggravation and frustration in every line of his body.

  Chapter Fifteen

  The parking lot is littered with papers as if this had been the last day of school. Cars sit untouched, layers upon layers of dust covering every square inch of the once gleaming cars. At least this will be a good place to get some fuel. Walking on, I come to the front door of the high school. The door is bent inward, almost as if something or someone pushed their way in. Chains lay on the floor of the hallway and I know that at one time these doors had been chained and locked, the survivors safe within; or so they thought.

  Inside the school is dark and shadowed, a great concealment for zombies. I have to be on alert with every step. My katana hangs loosely strapped to my hip and I have my Glock in my hand, safety removed.

  "Hello, is there anyone here?" I yell out. I hear the telltale shuffle, slide movement from the classroom next to where I am standing. A moment later the moans start up and within seconds I am surrounded by five zombies, each reaching out to grab at me. One reaching for my arm, another falling over and crawling toward my legs. A bullet went through the eye of first one then the next. Backing up, I hit the wall behind me as more zombies join the fray. The bullets fly from the gun in my hand, they are falling as fast as they come out in the open. When my gun clicks, letting me know I am out of bullets, I reach for my katana.

  Damn, they are overflowing from each classroom, I'm completely overrun. The minutes tick by as I swing out, connecting with zombie flesh, hacking away piece by piece. Soon there's a pile of dead zombies laying before me, but still more flow into the hallway. My body is beginning to tire; my arms so heavy I am fighting myself to keep lifting them to battle for my life. When bullets start ringing out, I turn to look and see Logan standing with Blu at the door to the school. I am infuriated to see them. Instead of leaving like I'd told them, they decide to come and save me. "Whose looking after Lainey and the kids?" I ask shoving the gun in my holster.

  Running a hand through his hair, Logan looks around the schoolyard, "Oh my God! You're going to berate us when you were almost killed, almost eaten? Fuck that. Lainey and Gage can look after Tessa and Ricky." Irritation showing in his deep-set brown eyes. Turning he walks out of the building hands over his head.

  "You know he's right, Mak." Blu replies before he turns and leaves as well.

  It isn't easy to admit when I am wrong, but both Logan and Blu are right. I could have been killed and eaten, or worst of all; turned. Just as I start moving through the pile of zombies, I hear the whimper, moan, sweep of feet. Damn, there are more, I think. Rushing to the door, I lean out just as my foot is grabbed by a young girl. She is much stronger than I thought possible for a flesh eater. Her moaning escalates as she pulls my leg toward her snapping teeth. I feel sorry for what had once been a teenage girl. Now her blonde hair hangs in strings, her face dirty with one side half chewed off showing bone and sinew. Her teeth snap closer to my leg before I swing down with my katana, cutting cleanly through her neck. Her head falls beside my leg, the image forever ingrained in my memory.

  This place is a big trap. If I continue searching the school, will I come out alive or will I never come out again? I’m not sure, but I can’t risk finding out. Walking out the door, I look back at the school, hoping if anyone is alive in there they will be able to find a way to get out.

  Moving on, I go back to the truck and Tessa throws herself at me. "Mak, I've been so worried. I should have never asked you to check the school." She says, as tears streak her cheeks.

  "I'm here, Tessa. It's ok, but we need to get out of here before dark. I have a feeling this place is crawling with zombies." I say pushing her towards the truck.

  Once we're back on the road, we keep an eye out for a place to find food, gas and medical supplies just in case of emergencies. The snow finally quits falling, but the ground is covered in several white, fluffy inches. Just outside of Richfield, we find a decent house to spend the night in the small city of Kanosh. We're only an hour outside of Richfield, but I hope this will be a safe place for the night.

  Pulling into the driveway of the one-story ranch-style house, we keep our eyes open for dangers. The yard is covered in snow and there are no footprints about, but that doesn’t mean someone isn’t inside. Jumping down from the driver’s seat, I look around, then lean back into the truck.

  "Stay here until we know it's safe." I say, whipping out my katana.

  "I wish you'd let me go with you, Mak. I'm not a child." Blu says, with a frown marring his face.

  "Please, Blu I need someone here to look after Tessa, Gage, Lainey and Ricky. Tell you what, I'll take Survivor, he's always been great on zombie watch." I say, as I call Survivor out of the truck. "Come on boy."

  I hear the SUV door slam before I see Logan walking my way. "I'm going with you, Makayla. No if’s, and’s, or but’s about it." He says grabbing up his rifle.

  "Ok, but I want Lainey and Ricky in the truck, just in case. You never know what we'll encounter." I say pointing towards the truck.

  "Fine, that's no problem. Lainey, Ricky, get in the truck with Blu and the kids." He says, after opening the door for them to get out.

  "Come on, Survivor, you can stay here now." Lifting him, I put him back in the cab of the truck.

  "Any signs of trouble y'all get the hell out of here Blu, Lainey, understand?" I ask, crossing my arms over my chest, waiting for an answer.

  "Ok, but we're only going a couple miles down the road to wait for you two." Blu says, shutting and locking the truck door.

  Logan walks up to the house as if he's in an old time western, low to the ground with his rifle cocked and ready for anything. The sight sends pearls of laughter up my throat and I have to clamp my mouth shut to keep it from bursting forth. I follow behind him, my hand resting lightly on my katana.

  Stepping on the concrete porch, we look from left to right, making sure we don't see any movement. The door is mere inches away, but first I knock lightly, not wanting to break in on anyone. The door is yanked open and we're met with the sight of an older gentleman, rifle raised and aimed at my heart.

  "I don't have anything here. Get out of here. Go on now, get!" He yells, never lowering his gun.

  Raising my hands over my head, I slowly back away from the house. I reach out, grabbing onto Logan's coat, pulling him backwards away from the old man. "We're going, don't shoot!" I mutter.

  We turn, running back to the vehicles. When the first shot rings out, I feel the sting of the bullet as it hits me in my lower back. The second shot hits me in the shoulder, but I don't want to go down. I can hear Logan shouting my name over and over.

  "Makayla, Makayla, don't you dare die on me!" I feel myself being lifted as Logan runs us back to the Land Rover. After placing me inside, he runs around to the driver’s side and we peel out of the driveway, the truck on our rear, just as the blackness overtakes

  Chapter Sixteen

  Sometime later I awake in a bed. I ache everywhere. Trying to sit up, I grunt in pain. My shoulder is a mass of white bandages and an IV is in my arm, dripping what looks to be blood. Tessa and Survivor lay in a bed beside me, Tessa's arms reaching out in her sleep.

  "Hello, is there anyone awake?" I yell out the best I can with a dry scratchy throat.

  I look down and notice for the first time that I'm completely naked. Hurriedly, I cover myself the best I can as I hear footsteps coming from a hallway to my right. "Damn, where the hell is my gun?" I mutter, frustrated at myself.


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