Surviving Earth: Makayla's Journey

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Surviving Earth: Makayla's Journey Page 9

by Cora A. Murray

  From the roof we can hear them rambling through the house. "Man, the horde tore this place apart. Whoever was in this room tried to block themselves in, but not too well. The zombies got in anyway." The blond man says. Don't look up, I silently pray. Survivor starts to growl softly and Tessa covers his mouth and nose, whispering something to him so quiet I can't even hear.

  "Well, this place is useless. Fuck, I was hoping for a few supplies." We hear the woman yell, then walk out in the front yard.

  "Come on, Chris. Let's get the hell outta here before nightfall. We have a long way to travel if we want to make it back to the encampment." She says, slamming the car door. Running from inside the house, the one called Chris jumps in the car and it roars to life.

  Chapter Eighteen

  "Let's go." I say scrambling for the hole. "I guess we lost everything y'all had gathered last night." I add, as sadness mars my features.

  "Nope. We put it all in the SUV just in case we had to make a run for it" Blu says, smiling.

  Hugging him, I smile and say, "Great job, you guys."

  Walking through the smashed up house, we finally arrive at the vehicles, still sitting where they'd been parked. I sit in the passenger seat of the truck, too tired and achy to drive, and Gage and Tessa, along with Survivor, jump in the back. I look over at Logan in the driver’s seat of the Land Rover and sigh. I want to have two seconds alone with him, but know until this is over or we find somewhere safe, we won't get that moment. Smiling, I wave as we head out.

  We don't plan to stop until we are in Nevada. We want to get the hell out of Utah, so we all take turns at the wheel, only stopping to syphon gas before we are right back on the road. We all cheer when we see the “Welcome to Nevada” sign.

  "Mak, what does that sign mean at the bottom?" Blu asks, as he squints at the white sign attached to the bottom of the welcome sign.

  "Pull over, I'll go grab it." I say, reaching for the door handle. "Oh my Gawd, turn around, Blu. We can't go through Nevada. It's been blown sky high by a nuke from Ely to the California border." I say, staring down at the letter.

  "Why? Why would they do such a thing?" Gage asks, terror in his young eyes.

  "I'm not sure. It just tells anyone passing through to turn back now. It's signed, U.S. Government." I say as I bite on my bottom lip. Shit, more time spent on the road and we have to go back into Utah.

  Jumping down from my seat I run over to explain to Logan and Lainey what's going on and they are both just as shocked as we had been.

  "We have to travel back into Utah and night is almost here. I'm worried." I say, for the first time I am willing to admit I am a little frightened.

  Reaching down, Logan runs his thumb over the lip I have caught between my teeth. "It's going to be ok, Mak. We can do this together." He says softly, his eyes never leaving mine. I'd never noticed the flecks of gold in his eyes before, but they are beautiful.

  Nodding my head, I kiss the pad of his thumb before walking back to the truck. "Ok, Blu, it’s my turn to drive. You need some rest." I say opening the driver’s door.

  "Are you sure you're ok to drive?" He asks, looking too serious to be only eighteen.

  "If not, I'll get Gage to come drive." I say, giving Gage a wink, before settling in for the long night ahead.

  Staying close to the border of Nevada, we drive down south, making our way to Arizona. I'm a survivor, but being the only one awake in the truck with hundreds of eyes glaring back at me as I drive by is getting to me. It feels both spooky and creepy. I wish we could find some CB radios so both vehicles can stay in touch. I want to hear Logan's voice. They are right behind us, his lights shining into the truck.

  I know we can't stop, but I'd love to stretch my shoulder. It was achy from the nonstop driving. "Gage. Gage, wake up honey." I say, and briefly touch the foot draped over the front seat.

  "Hmm, what's wrong, Mak?" He asks with a gruff, sleepy voice.

  "Time for you to learn to drive. I'm tired and need to stretch my arm." I say smiling.

  "Really, I get to drive? WooHoo.” He says practically jumping up and down.

  "Shhhh, let's not wake Blu and Tessa." I say, lightly admonishing his excitement.

  "Sorry, sorry." He says, in a whisper.

  "Ok, I'm going to pull over for just a sec, then you're going to take the wheel. It's like driving on a video game. Did you have a four wheeler?" I ask.

  "Yep, Blu and I both had one." He responds, all smiles.

  Sliding into the front seat, Gage hasn't quit smiling since I woke him. I brake twice, then pull to the edge of the road, the frightening sight of glowing eyes off in the distance makes me hurry. Logan pulls alongside the truck.

  Rolling down the passenger window he asks, "What are you doing? It's not safe for us to stop for long."

  "I need a break. My shoulder is throbbing. Gage is going to drive." I say, smiling slightly.

  A look of astonishment covers his face for a brief second before he wipes it off with a hand to his beard. "Are you serious, Mak? He's just a kid." He asks, watching me closely for an answer.

  "Yeah, one more person to help the four of us drive. You need to wake Lainey, you look exhausted." I answer simply. And he does. His eyes have dark circles around them and he really needs a haircut and his beard needs trimming. The moans alert us to our company, a small group of zombies have moved closer to the vehicles. Allowing Gage to take my spot, he slides his seat forward so he can reach the pedals and we were off slowly.

  Moving my sore shoulder around, I lightly brush up against Blu, who is passed out in the front seat. The soft touch wakes him immediately.

  "What the hell? Whose..?" His eyes land on Gage and his question stops in his throat. He shakes his head and says, "Pull over. I'll drive."

  The permanent smile that had been on Gage's face slips. "No, Blu. I've got this." He says, frowning.

  "No, Gage. Pull your ass over." He demands.

  Placing a hand on Blu's shoulder I say, "Just let him drive. So far he's done awesome."

  "Dammit, Mak, he's only fourteen and he's never driven anything other than a four wheeler in his life." Blu says, hotly.

  "Whatever. You two work it out. I'm going in the back with Tessa and Survivor." I smile and slide into the back.

  I awake some time later, still tired and achy, but better. The sun is shining through the windows of the truck and I see that I am the only one left inside. Lifting myself from the seat, I look around only to see a huge freaking Walmart parking lot. I can hear Blu and Lainey talking by the rear of the truck and Tessa, Gage, and Ricky playing nearby. Leaning forward, I crawl into the front seat. Lifting the handle, I jump down. Shit, my shoulder hurts. Even though I've been taking meds for infection, I know it’s infected from the sheer pain.

  "Lainey, can you come take a look at my shoulder?" I ask soberly.

  Looking from Blu to me, she says, "Yeah, of course." She starts unwrapping my arm. The indrawn breath alerts me that something is wrong. "Mak, it's infected. We need to find you some IV antibiotics." She says, running to the back of the truck. "Here take these." She says while handing me four of the antibiotics I've been taking and a bottle of water.

  Looking around, I see twenty good cars to syphon gas from. "We've already filled both tanks and capped off the gas containers in the back, too. We're good to go for a while." Blu says, interrupting my thoughts.

  "So, where exactly are we?" I ask, still scanning the parking lot and the surrounding area.

  "Still in Utah, but I think we're within a few miles of the Nevada border." He says, rubbing his brow.

  "Are we going into this Walmart?" I ask casually, they all know I think the idea of trying a Walmart is insane.

  "Actually, Mak, we're going in. You have a couple severe injuries so you're sitting this one out." Blu says, without even looking in my direction.

  "You know that's total bull. If you guys go in, I'm going in, too." I say, as I grab my Glock and katana from the truck.

are the most hard-headed woman I know. Fuck, Mak, stay here for once." Logan says, stepping out from behind the Land Rover.

  "Fine, just know I'm not happy with this. Look for two CB's, check the pharmacy for whatever Lainey needs and grab whatever you can, but make sure you watch each other's backs." I say, grabbing Logan and pulling him to my lips.

  The clearing of throats breaks us apart. "We will." Logan mummers before turning around and walking away.

  Jumping in the truck, I yell out to the kids, "Tessa, Gage, Ricky come on and get in just in case we have to make a fast getaway." As they load in they are full of childish glee, laughing, and talking nonstop.

  "Wait. I need to get Survivor." Tessa says laughing and running back to where they'd been. "Survivor, come here, boy. Survivor, where are you?" I hear her calling, frustrated.

  Stepping down from the truck, I round the back edge of the bed to see Survivor growling at a small hoard of zombies. They are hidden in the shadows of the building next door, trying to avoid the sunlight and Survivor is edging closer.

  "Survivor get back, come on boy." I say, starting to panic, I know Tessa will run and scoop him up, saving him but sacrificing herself in the long run. "Tessa, get back in the truck and lock the doors. I'll get him." I say, directing her with my hand.

  Sliding my katana clear of the sheath at my hip, I advance slowly. I don't want to spook him and make him run into the arms of the hungry zombies just waiting for a meal. "Survivor, come here boy. Come on, let's go." I say softly, trying my best to coax him into coming to me.

  Reaching their arms out, the zombies try to grab the dog. His snarls and growls getting louder, but he just won't come. He is too centered on the flesh eaters. Tiptoeing up to Survivor, I'm in arms reach when one of the zombies grabs hold of him, pulling him to their snapping, chattering teeth. Running forward, I swing my katana down, slicing cleanly through the zombie's arms. The nasty brown glop flowing out of his veins in a slow steady rhythm. Survivor runs from his hold, running straight for the truck, but he is covered in the flesh eater’s blood.

  I know the kids will let him in, without even thinking about any of that so I give chase. I reach him just as Tessa opens the door for him.

  "No Tessa, don't let him in!" But she is already squatting down by the truck door, letting him cover her in kisses. Wiping my brow, I stand stunned not sure what my next course of action should be. I feel my age. I feel like a kid right now as I watch her embrace the silly, stubborn dog.

  "Tessa, step away from him please, he's covered in zombie goo." I say calmly before running to the back of the truck. I start searching for cloths and water and once I find them I wipe her down quickly, tossing the used rags after each swipe.

  "I'm sorry, Mak. I was just worried about him." Tessa says, her lips trembling, tears in her eyes.

  "It's ok, sweetie. Let's just get this off of you and Survivor.

  After getting all the crap off of Tessa and the dog, I calmly walk back to where the zombies are hiding and shoot each through the center of their forehead. They won't be able to surprise anyone ever again.

  Walking back to the truck, I jump in, slamming and locking the door. The kids are all fast asleep in the back. I look at the clock and cringe. Crap, they've been gone too long. Something is wrong.

  Chapter Nineteen

  I watch as the sun slowly starts its assent to the Earth. Slamming my fist on the dash, I glance up at the Walmart door. There is definitely something wrong.

  "Gage, wake up, honey." I say shaking him.

  "What? What's wrong?" He asks, wiping sleep from his eyes.

  "They aren't back yet. I need you to get up here. I'm going in. If there's any sign of trouble, leave and circle around the town, coming back every so often. There's gas and food in the back, enough to last you guys for a couple days. Here's my Glock. It's loaded, so be careful." I say, exhaling. I’m nervous to leave the kids alone.

  "Mak, we're just kids. We'll never survive without you." He says, his lips and hands trembling.

  "I'll be back, I promise, so stop stressing. I'm just getting you prepared, that's all." I say, patting his shoulder.

  "Ok, we'll be fine, get them and hurry back." He says, jumping into the driver’s seat.

  Grabbing up my sawed-off shotgun, I sling it over my good shoulder and walk quietly to the store front, my eyes cutting both ways. Opening the door slowly, I see instantly why they haven't come back out. Logan, Lainey, and Blu are standing on the highest shelves in the store, having been chased up there by freshies. At least ten are surrounding them and twenty or so more lay in piles on the floor. When the door slides closed behind me, all eyes turn my way. The remaining freshies start moving toward me, their moans mingle as they walk faster with the promise of a fresh meal.

  There is a line of carts on the side of me and I push them into the oncoming horde, knocking some to the floor, but the others just keep coming. Raising my shotgun, I hit one, two, three, in the head. Reloading as fast as my hands will move, I continue my assault on the freshies. I notice Logan, Blu and Lainey climbing down from their hiding spot on the high shelves. Before I can shoot or yell out, a lone freshie jumps out, falling on Lainey with chattering teeth, trying to tear the skin from her body.

  Lainey starts to scream and cry as Logan stands, bashing the freshie in the head with the butt of his gun, Blu starts pulling and yanking at it, just trying to remove the bloody thing from Lainey.

  Running forward, I pump the shotgun. I jump in the air, shooting as I do. A hole appears in the middle of the zombie’s forehead, causing it to sag and drop on Lainey's struggling body. It's blood and gore covering her clothes and body.

  "I’m so sorry. They were all over us when we walked in. The only thing we could do was climb the shelves and keep shooting till we ran out of bullets." Lainey says as she cries and whimpers, her body trembling with fright.

  "The same thing would have happened with Mak in here. They were on us too fast." Blu says, trying to soothe her.

  Reaching my hand down, I pull her up and into my arms. This will be the last time Lainey will go in for me! "Shhh, it's ok. Come on let's get you out of here and cleaned up." I say pulling her gently toward the door, her sobs finally subsiding.

  "Mak, where the fuck are the kids and the truck?" Logan asks, throwing his arms up in the air.

  Looking up, I see that, in fact, the truck is missing. "Oh my God. I told them to leave if there was trouble. To ride in circles through town till we came out." I say, scanning the area for any signs of trouble. From the corner of my eye I see movement, damn the freshies are coming out in the day.

  "We are truly fucked!" I say running for the SUV.

  "Oh shit! There's at least fifty of them coming this way! Go, go, go!" Logan shouts, pushing us faster to the SUV.

  What the hell has changed? How are they out in the sunlight? Damn this isn't good. My mind is in a whirl as one thought flows after another. Just as we load into the SUV, the truck comes flying by; Gage driving it wide open around a turn, at least fifty more freshies on his tail.

  "What are you waiting for Logan? Go! Follow Gage!" I say, my hands slamming on the seat.

  As soon as we pull alongside the truck, I see Tessa's terrified face pressed against the window. Ricky is wrapped around her with Survivor pulled snuggly by his side.

  "I need to get in there. Get as close as you can to the truck and I'll jump in the back." I say as I move over Lainey to get in the passenger seat.

  "Are you out of your damn mind? For one thing, Gage just started driving and could run you over, two you are injured, and three I don't wish to see you dangling from both vehicles." Logan says sternly, watching for my reaction.

  Leaning over, I lightly kiss his cheek before saying, "I’m sorry, Logan, but those kids need me now. They are scared beyond belief, so either pull your ass over or do what I want." I say, reaching to open my door.

  Running a hand through his already mussed hair, he reaches out grasping my wrist. "I'll pull over. Ju
st let me get in front of Gage so he knows what to do." He says softly, running a hand down my arm.

  Two hours later we are still roaring down the road. Seeing the freshies out in the daylight is mind boggling. The kids stare out the windows, each with a shocked expression marring their young faces. For them to be out in the daylight hours, something must have changed and I'd been racking my brain since seeing the first freshies. Pulling over at the “Welcome to Arizona” sign, I slide out of my seat, my katana and Glock within easy reach. Scanning the area, I come up empty; no zombies around. I need a moment of peace to just think or sleep. My shoulder is so sore I can barely lift it. It feels swollen and hot and the bandage needs changing, blood is seeping through this one. Three houses sit off in the distance and one of them will have to do for tonight. I am too tired to drive on.


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