Surviving Earth: Makayla's Journey

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Surviving Earth: Makayla's Journey Page 12

by Cora A. Murray

  "Sorry." I say as I walk toward Logan. "How are you feeling?" I ask him.

  "Makayla, so far I'm ok, but I don't want to take any chances. Please put me in one of those cages in the lab." He finishes on a sigh.

  "If we notice any changes we will, but until you’re sick you will stay right here!" I state with my hands on my hips.

  After cleaning Logan's wound, I send Clara out after Lainey, Blu and the kids.

  Logan tried to stop me by saying, "You're putting everyone in danger by having them around me."

  "If I thought you were dangerous I would send them all away, but this house is a safe haven for every one of us. We need this break from the outside world." I say softly. The house did indeed offer us a chance to catch our breath, to take a break from the harsh planet that existed outside these doors.

  My thoughts are interrupted when I hear the door open and close, then the sound of Tessa’s sweet voice. "Oh wow, there's electricity. Is there water, too?" She asks.

  Giggling softly, Clara answers her with a more sedate tone. "There is running water."

  Tessa walks swiftly into the kitchen where she stops, stunned as her eyes land on Logan's injury for the first time. Lainey, who walks in behind her, pushes her aside and runs to her brother. She crumbles to her knees and lays her head in his lap.

  "No! This just can't be. Logan, please tell me you didn't get bitten." She sobs. We all know what being bitten meant, but Lainey didn't know it was from a genetically altered hybrid.

  "Lainey, shhhhh. So far I'm not showing any signs of changing. This zombie was different, it was made in a lab, not from a bite or scratch. It was a half human half zombie hybrid." Logan says, as he brushes the hair from her face.

  Usually I would lean on Logan if this happened to anyone else, but I had no one to lean on now with it being him that could turn into a flesh eater. My heart skipped a beat as all the fears raced through my mind. Lainey fusses over Logan's bite, cleaning and wrapping it before giving him both an antibiotic and a pain pill. All of us wear frowns, worry prevalent on each face.

  With the pain meds in his system, Logan is soon asleep on the sofa. I watch him sleep for a while before I walk in the other room to start the electricity running through the doors and windows. Everyone can rest tonight, but I know I won't be sleeping with Logan possibly infected. I'll stand guard by his side, even though I’m not sure if I can complete the job if he turns. I love him, how can I end him if it becomes necessary?

  "Mak, where are you?" I hear Clara shout from the kitchen.

  Quickly wiping the tears from my face I turn, but Clara is there, wrapping me in her arms. Sobs catch in my throat. "Makayla, it's going to be alright. You have to have faith." She whispers into my hair.

  Withdrawing myself from her arms, I turn to walk away, but my anger gets the better of me. "How can you say that? Even now Logan could be in there turning into one of those things." I sob out, balling my fist up, ready for battle once again.

  The next morning Logan is still asleep on the sofa. So far there is no sign of a fever, but no one knows how he'll wake up. Will he be himself or will I have to use my Glock once again? This time on the man I love. Leaning against the wall, I gaze out into the front yard as the sun rises steadily in the east and my thoughts go in so many directions. I sigh, then go to check on Logan.

  Once again, there is no change; no temperature and his breathing was deep and steady. Just maybe we managed to escape and survive intact after all. My hopes soar.

  A while later I'm shaken awake by Blu, "Mak, go get some rest. I'll watch over Logan." He says casting a glance at Logan's still form.

  "I got it, Blu. If something happens I'll be responsible for it, not you.” I say, patting him on the shoulder.

  "Not everything has to rest on your shoulders, Mak." Blu says as he walks away.

  Wiping a tear away from my cheek, I walk over to Lainey, who remained at Logan's side all night even though I'd warned her of the dangers of being that close. Shaking her awake, she looks up at me with fright-filled eye.

  "So far there's no change. I just want to change his bandage and try to get some more meds in him." I say, brushing the hair from his forehead.

  Gasping I look down, Logan's eyes are open. He jerks my arm from his hair, sitting up then moving away from both Lainey and me.

  "Get away from me. It’s too fucking dangerous to be this close." Logan says, glancing around the room quickly.

  "How do you feel?" Lainey asks, her voice trembling from fright for his life.

  "Well, I'm not one of those decaying flesh eaters yet. But, my shoulder hurts like a bitch and I'm thirsty." He finishes, running a hand through his hair. Standing, he wobbles slightly to the left and Lainey is there to give him a hand, but he waves her off. "I feel like taking a shower." He says, then turns to me, winks and continues. "Wanna join me Makayla?"

  I know my face is beet red, I can feel the flush as it covers the rest of my body. This isn't my Logan. Yes, if we were alone I could imagine him saying something to that effect, but we were surrounded by the people we loved and that included the kids.

  "It's a new day people. I feel more alive, stronger, ready to take on the world, but what I don't feel is hunger for your flesh. But hey, that may change as the day moves forward." Logan says, laughing maniacally.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  All of us exchange worried glances before I follow Logan into the bathroom. "Logan, are you ok? This isn't you." I sound confused even to my own ears.

  Pulling me tightly into his arms he whispers, "sorry, baby. Get used to the new me."

  Looking up into his eyes, I notice they've changed from his beautiful chocolate brown to a muddled grey.

  "Have I told you lately that you smell delicious?" He asks, sniffing the air around me.

  Stepping from within his arms, I know deep within my heart that the man I love no longer resides in the body before me. Sadness clutches my heart in a tight grip as tears wash my cheeks. I've lost this battle, now I have to deal with what is left; Logan.

  "You get your shower. I'll be waiting for you when you get out." I say turning for the door. Before I can make it two feet, I'm grabbed and pulled backwards, landing hard against Logan's chest. "What are you doing?" I yell out, stomping my feet.

  "I don't know. It's almost as if something has come over me. Oh my God, Makayla, you need to kill me now." Logan says, as he releases me. He walks over to the shower and sits on the edge, running a shaky hand through his overlong hair.

  Sitting down beside Logan, I pull his hand into my lap. "We're in this together. I'm not going to kill you. Besides, I think you can control yourself once you get used to that alien feeling that is trying to take over." I say.

  In a flash my hand is in front of Logan's lips, his mouth opening, saliva dripping from his teeth. "You smell yummy, Mak. I just want one bite." He says with an evil grin.

  The evil of the hybrid is winning out over my beloved. "Logan, fight it. Don't let this thing beat you. Come on, baby, I know you're in there." I whisper, trying to jerk my hand from his grasp.

  He releases me only to reach for the Glock tucked in the waistband of my jeans. "I can't do this. How can I learn to control the uncontrollable? It’s like a light switch going on and off. One minute it's me, the next I'm this flesh starved crazy. Please, Mak, end this existence. I no longer have the will to fight." His disheartened plea tears through my heart and silent tears fall from my face onto my lap.

  Taking the gun from his hand, I rise from the tub, my hands going to his cheeks, "I love you, Logan. I can't let this be the end of you." I say before rushing from the bathroom.

  "Lock Tessa and Ricky in one of the bedrooms and don't let them go anywhere near Logan until he gets this under control." I yell to Lainey as I run by her.

  Reaching out, she grabs me by the shoulder, turning me so I'm facing her. "Oh my God, Mak. Please tell me my brother isn't one of those things." She sobs out as she crumbles to the floor.

y patience was nil at this point, but I lower myself to the floor, rocking Lainey as she sobs on my shoulder. "You have to get it together. Logan will need all of us to get through this." I tell her as I brush the hair from her face.

  "Tell me he's not one of those things." Lainey begs softly.

  Struggling for words, I stand, brushing my hands off on my pants. Biting my lip, I turn to face the window and watch as the sun continues it ascent into the sky. "Lainey, Logan isn't what you think. He's struggling to control the beast within. Yes, the hybrid infected him, but he has moments of complete normalcy, then like a switch is flicked within him, he's a flesh craver. I'm so sorry." I know my voice is a barely audible whisper as I tell her this while tears run down my face.

  At a loss for a way to comfort her, I walk to the window and gaze out. Finally, we'd found a safe place, but now the danger lurked from within. Hearing a door bang shut at the end of the house, I turn and see Logan, walk out of the bathroom.

  "I can't fucking do this. Someone give me a gun before I hurt or kill one of you." He growls. His eyes continuously shifting from his normal brown to a burnished copper. "Lainey, come give me a hug." He looks at his sister, snapping his teeth.

  "Logan please come back. This isn't you." Lainey cries out, tears running down her face, before she runs from the room. Moments later I hear a door slamming behind her.

  The copper leaves Logan's eyes as he falls to the sofa, defeat written across his handsome face.

  "You can do this. I know you. You're strong and you can beat anything you're up against." I tell him, falling by his side.

  "Not this, Makayla. Even your nearness makes me crave the taste of your flesh." He informs me, sounding even more defeated than before.

  Grasping his hands, I hold them in mine and gaze into his beautiful brown eyes. "Logan, listen to the sound of my voice. Don't think about anything other than the love we have for each other. You can conquer this. I believe in you." Wrapping my arms around his shoulders, I draw him into a tight hug. "Baby, we can do this together." I tell him, before I'm roughly shoved away.

  "Are you fucking crazy? You just put yourself into the hands of a hybrid zombie." He quickly stands, his hands going to his already mussed hair. "I need to get out of here. I need to get away from the amazing smell of your, and everyone else's, flesh." Logan runs from the room before I can stop him and seconds later I hear the sound of a door slamming.

  Two days have passed and there is still no sign of Logan. We have kept the house on lockdown just in case he did come back because I didn't want Tessa or Ricky to be out playing and him catch them unaware. They only went outside if Blu, Clara, or I could watch over them. Lainey is a complete mess. She is worried about Logan, even more than I am, but I know in my heart that once he has the beast within him controlled, he will return to us. I only hope he doesn't return if the beast wins.

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  After a while the days start to run together and Logan has yet to return. Everyone is settling into the home and we finally feel safe. Yes, we saw zombies wandering by, but none come close to the house.

  "Mak?" Blu says, interrupting my thoughts.

  "Hmmmm?” I answer, without looking up.

  "Are you ok? I can't have you and Lainey both falling apart." He says, brushing the hair out of his face.

  "I'm fine. Just deep in thought." I respond.

  "Mak, I need to show you something." He tells me quietly.

  Looking up, I allow hope to filter in my heart for the first time in days. "Ok, lead the way." I stand and follow him.

  Leaving the house, we walk towards the lab. I'd completely forgotten about this awful place. I didn't want to remember what had happened in this building.

  "Mak, please. I need you to come see this." Blu pleads, holding onto my hand.

  Wiping at the sweat that appears on my forehead, I continue following Blu. He's punches in the code swiftly and we walk through the doorway. The first thing I notice is that someone has been in and cleared out all the zombies. Even the hybrid is missing from where she had fallen.. My eyes quickly flash to the last cage and I see the evil doctor is still behind bars, but what is two cells away from her steals my breath.

  Rushing to his cell, I grab the bars and he immediately backs away, his eyes flickering from chocolate to copper instantly.

  "Why would you bring her here?" He yells at Blu.

  "Because she was worrying herself to death about you. Now she knows you're safe." Blu responds, wearing a slight frown upon his face.

  "Dammit! I asked you to help me in confidence! I wanted to try and beat this fucking monster before I saw her again." Slipping into the small bunk, Logan rubs his eyes.

  Walking from the lab, I clear my throat, trying my best to keep my tears at bay. If he didn't want to see me, then I'd honor his wishes.

  Three days of no sleep and I am mentally and physically drained. I am sitting here, my head lulling on the sofa and my eyes drooping of their own accord when a loud banging of a door jolts me awake. What the hell? I think as I shift positions.

  "Get up! Come on, Mak, get your ass up! We need you to help Logan, he can't do this without you." Clara says angrily.

  "He doesn't want me around, can't you see that?" I ask, letting the sadness grip my heart tighter.

  "Makayla, quit your moping and let's go or we're going to lose him to the dark side!" Clara shouts, leaning over to pull me up.

  Logan seems angry when I walk into the lab and the good doctor Cilley, is gleefully happy. It seems she thinks she has a new pet. She’s pacing her small cell, gripping and un-gripping her fingers. "Yes, this could work." She is repeating over and over again.

  Marching over to her cage, I reach in and jerk her forward. “You will not have him, bitch.” I tell her softly before I slam her face into the bars of the cage, knocking her to the floor. "Let him out. He's not going to hurt any of us." I shout to Blu, who is standing to the side of Logan's jail cell.

  "Are you out of your mind, Mak? I could infect you all with one bite! Blu, don't you dare open the door." He says, glaring at the young man.

  "Get out of my way. I'll open it myself." I was beyond sick of the whole thing and it would end today.

  "Makayla, please don't do this. I don't have a handle over this thing." Logan begs, one hand in his hair the other on the cell door.

  Grabbing the key from Blu's hand, I turn the lock. Once the door is open I jump in the cell and throw the keys back to a startled Blu before I slam the door behind me.

  "Mak, get out!" Logan rages.

  Standing my ground I say, "No," simply and quietly.

  "Clara, get your best friend out of here while I can control myself." He demands, cutting his eyes to me.

  Moving the two short steps that separate us, I'm now standing in front of a furious Logan as his eyes flipped once again to burnished copper then come back to his beautiful brown.

  "I don't think you'll hurt me. I trust you, even like this. You can rage and bitch all you want, but we're ending this today." I say, laying my head on his shoulder.

  "Oh, Mak, you're a fool. You can't trust me like this." Logan runs a hand through my hair, frustrated.

  Standing on my tiptoes I kiss his cheek and say, "I love you, Logan, and I need you to survive this fucked up world; so snap out of it.”

  Lifting me into his arms, he pulls me tightly to his chest, "I need you so bad, Makayla, but I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle." He confesses, before laying his head on my shoulder. "Mak, we can beat this together, but we can't be a couple anymore. I can no longer kiss you, and we definitely can't make love, I would infect you and that's something I will never chance. I love you too much to see this happen to you." He whispers almost silently in my ear.

  Silent tears fall from my eyes. Somewhere in the back of my mind I knew this would happen. "I know. I'm going to miss this; us talking, you holding me, and having someone I can lean on. I love you, Logan. Never forget that for one second." I tell him as I slide fro
m his arms. Once again I stand on my tiptoes and brush my lips briefly across his cheek before I turn to tell Blu to let me out. "Let Logan out, too. He's going to be fine," I tell them before I walk from the building.

  I walk just a few feet outside the lab before I crumble into myself. Sobbing, I fall to the ground, tears blinding me. I am so broken I just want to lay down and die. Hell, I'd let the zombies have me at this point. I didn't care. Now that I'd found Blu, Tessa and Gage a safe place, I could walk away and leave them all behind knowing they would be safe.


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