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Rage Page 24

by Michelle Pace

  his phone. “…’I can’t marry you. I’m hideous.’”

  “Oh for the love of God, can you keep your voice down?”

  Bret held his temples.

  “Can you stay sober for the day?” David shot back, then

  continued, “The next one says…’I broke a nail and ripped my

  panty hose.’”

  “Who wears panty hose in this heat?” Bret scoffed and all

  eyes slowly turned on him.

  “Well, now we know why your wife left you.” Nathan

  jabbed. Even Bret laughed at that.

  “And this last one…this last one takes the cake.” David

  laughed a hysterical laugh. “‘I sent Pilar to get tampons. I just got my period. Our honeymoon is ruined!’”

  The entire band erupted in a fit of laughter.

  “Well, at least you know she’s not pregnant.” Nathan

  brushed his red bangs out of his eyes.

  “So much for a white wedding.” Bret agreed, sipping his

  coffee and grimacing in disgust.

  “I can still call for the getaway boat.” Nathan held up his

  cell phone hopefully.

  Steph dressed in silky green capris and a matching tunic

  style top. She skipped the heels and opted for flats. She knew

  she’d be contorting into awkward positions for the remainder of

  the day to get good angles, and she wanted to have some strength left for Phillip tonight. After arriving at the bride’s bungalow, 207


  she spent an hour convincing Yara that she looked amazing and

  that any tiny flaws would be handled with touch ups. Steph as-

  sured her could work miracles in a darkroom. She hadn’t had to

  sell herself or her skills since she was twelve years old, but the future Mrs. David Evans had her actually doubting herself by the time she was done with her. She’d never taken wedding pictures

  for anyone, and she vowed never to do it again, not even for the royal family.

  Yara’s insecurity was laughable. The way her dark hair and

  olive skin contrasted with her stark white gown made the quality of the wedding shoot a no-brainer. It wouldn’t take Stephanie

  Brier to pull it off. Yara was a Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition cover girl, and her soon-to be-husband was one of the most

  photographable celebrities in the world. Liam could get good

  pictures of them with any old disposable camera.

  She made sure to get lots of traditional pictures: the bride’s

  dad putting on her garter belt and her mother adjusting her hair and fussing with her bouquet. The bridesmaids were not pleased

  with their attire; they looked like wenches in a fairytale tavern, their breasts compressed behind tight bodices made of peach-colored material. She did her damndest to shoot Pilar (Saffron’s

  ‘fat’ bridesmaid) away from all the other bridesmaids—

  Cheyenne included. Pilar was the maid of honor, so Steph had a

  legitimate reason. Frankly, Steph wanted her to look as lovely as possible. Pilar was a cool girl, open and down to earth. She was also a busty, but very attractive woman, but what normal girl

  wants to be shot standing next to a bunch of rail-thin profession-al models?

  After getting a text from David that the groomsmen were

  dressed and ready, she left the female contingent and headed

  outside to the pool. When she rounded the corner and saw Fury,

  she nearly dropped her camera.

  With the exception of David, who looked ravishing in a

  shocking white tux, the other band members wore billowy poet



  style shirts and dark pantaloons with knee high boots. By the

  time she was done laughing, she was hoarse, and her throat hurt.

  “You all look like extras in a gay porno version of the Pi-

  rates of Penzance.”

  “My, aren’t we witty today? Still have an endorphin high

  from last night’s antics?” Nathan purred, looking particularly

  ridiculous in his wedding garb. Steph placed a hand on her hip

  and gave Phillip as suspicious glance.

  Phillip shrugged, looking like a rakish devil. Steph ran her

  eyes from his boots to his disheveled hair. She raised her eye-

  brows and bit the inside of her lip. She planned to have some

  role playing fun with Blue Beard later.

  David sighed, looking up from his phone. His shoulders

  slumped visibly. “Bret, Yara wants you to pull her hair back for the wedding.”

  Bret scoffed. “She can toss off. I’m wearing my hair down.”

  “But it’s all frizzy,” Nathan complained.

  “Nathan, why don’t you go be a girl somewhere else?”

  Steph interjected. Phillip and Scot laughed.

  “At least put some product into it.” Nathan mumbled.

  “You guys look pretty hot.” Steph raised her camera, then

  put it down. “I don’t even know where to start. Your future wife is a cruel bitch, DJ Dave.”

  “Let’s just get this shit over with.” Scot begged, tugging at

  the frilly sleeves of his shirt.

  As she lined them up in front of the view of the bay, Steph

  called out “Okay, everyone. Say ‘ride me, Captain Sparrow!’”

  As she snapped the first photo, they all flipped her off in


  “I think that needs to be the cover for Rage.”

  “I think not.” David frowned.



  An unexpected downpour delayed the ceremony for an

  hour. It took another 45 minutes for the staff to dry off all the chairs and for Pilar to redo Yara’s smeared makeup from her

  latest crying jag. A string quartet began to play the familiar

  strains of Cannon in D, and Stephanie tiptoed around the anxious crowd as Scot and Cheyenne started down the aisle. Even though

  they looked like a total fashion nightmare, their dark good looks complimented each other nicely. Steph planned to crop out as

  much of their clothes as possible when she developed the shots.

  Liam shouted “Mamma!” from Kara’s lap and the crowd snick-


  Bret started down the aisle with Yasmin, closely followed

  by Phillip and Antonella, who all seemed nervous that it might

  begin to rain again at any moment. The sun was peeking through

  breaks in a heavily clouded sky, so Steph considered that they

  might be onto something. Liam shouted “Pip” and broke free

  from Kara’s grasp, chasing Phillip down the aisle and tugging on an effeminate lace cuff. Liam broke in between the couple and

  took both their hands, escorting them to the altar, much to the

  amusement of the on-looking crowd. Cheyenne looked around

  horrified, but Scot beamed proudly.

  Phillip scooped up Liam and tickled him. Liam exclaimed

  “up,” and Stephanie knew that he wanted Phillip to throw him in

  the air. Phillip whispered something to him. Both Kara and Scot



  made attempts to get Liam to come to them while the string

  quartet vamped for time. Liam shook his head and snuggled into

  Phillip, sucking his thumb. Steph took several shots of that mo-

  ment and felt as if someone was gently squeezing her heart. Phillip shrugged at Scot, then turned and winked at Steph.

  Pilar and Nathan were the last to make the trip. It was odd

  seeing Nathan with a woman who didn’t tower over him, and

  Pilar’s dark hair and skin contrasted fabulously with his fair skin and emerald eyes. The Maid of
Honor and Best Man both smiled

  dashingly, and Steph was pleased with the series of photos she

  snapped of them.

  Once they arrived at the altar, the quartet struck the familiar

  chords of the bridal march, and all the guests rose from their

  seats. Steph maneuvered around the crowd for the best vantage

  point as Yara and her father stepped onto the red carpet in the

  sand. Yara appeared as if she did this every day, and you’d never have known she’d been a raving lunatic only an hour before.

  Stephanie’s shutter made whirling sounds as she took photo after photo, then turned and zoomed in on David’s smiling face.

  Earlier, while they were waiting out the storm, Phillip had

  regaled Steph with David’s rampage about his betrothed’s text

  messages. Looking at him now, one would never guess that he

  thought of Yara as anything but perfection. The frank love his

  face expressed made Steph have to suppress a sniffle. She as-

  sumed it was the flood of hormones from reuniting with Phillip,

  but like the Grinch she was, she swore her heart grew three sizes that day.

  Yara’s father lifted her veil and kissed her cheek, handing

  her off to David. The priest launched into his spiel in Portuguese, and Steph made every attempt to get shots of the crowd in as

  unobtrusive of a way as possible. As she moved to the far back

  to take a shot down the aisle, she noticed an SUV pull up and a

  figure in pink hop out. Steph tilted her head and narrowed her

  eyes curiously. She lifted her lens and zoomed in on the ap-



  proaching figure.

  Her breath caught in her throat when she saw it was Bret’s

  wife Sarah. Her long blonde hair whipped around her, framing

  the flush apples of her cheeks. Her eyes had a bright quality that made her look like she’d been crying, but she took determined

  strides as she rushed in the direction of the ongoing ceremony.

  Choking back a gasp, Steph pulled her eyes away from the

  camera and looked around wildly for someone to tell. Every eye

  was on the bamboo altar and the beautiful bride and groom un-

  derneath. Every eye, except for Bret’s. As if he sensing Sarah, he turned and looked over his shoulder. Steph pointed, and Bret’s

  eyes followed her finger. As he zeroed in on Sarah, his mouth

  fell open, and his hand grasped his chest.Sarah came face to face with Steph and opened her mouth to speak, but Steph just pointed mutely up the aisle. She turned, and Steph got a front row seat to the moment Sarah locked eyes with her husband. As if unaware of his surroundings, Bret slowly turned away from the cer-

  emony and with unsure steps walked back down the red carpet

  toward his wife. The priest faltered in his speech, and soon

  hushed murmurs peppered throughout the gathered crowd.

  Sarah rushed forward and Bret opened his arms as she flung

  herself into them.

  “I’m sorry, I love you. Bret, I’m sorry!” She cried, and she

  clung to him, her hands entangled in his long dark hair. Tear

  streamed down Bret’s face as he showered her with little kisses.

  “I love you, too, Darling. I missed you so much.” His voice

  cracked with emotion, and Steph stole several pictures of their

  reunion, wiping away tears of her own. After two full minutes of ignoring the crowd around them, Bret took Sarah by the hand

  and led her away from the wedding. Steph wanted to applaud

  him, but looked up the aisle nervously at Yara. She waited for

  the meltdown, but Yara had her hand to her mouth as if stunned

  with emotion.

  “Oh my God, that was so beautiful,” The bride cried, turn-



  ing to her groom. She reached up and pulled him in for a deep

  kiss, “That is true love, David!”

  The priest cleared his throat and without any further delay,

  he proceeded to marry them just before the first raindrops began again.

  Several hours later, after a whirlwind of photos, cake,

  toasts, and dancing, Steph was completely spent. If Phillip ex-

  pected to get laid (by her, at least), he was probably out of luck.

  Every muscle in her body screamed, and she ducked away from

  the reception, curling up in a hammock around the corner. She

  told herself she was only going to rest her eyes for a minute, but soon drifted into a light sleep.

  She nearly had a heart attack when she felt the hammock

  swing wildly, nearly hurling her off the side. Phillip’s hands

  grasped her shoulders, and he uttered a hearty chuckle.

  “Arrrrr, Wench. I’m here to claim my booty.” His awful

  cockney pirate snarl would have made him a shoe in for any

  made for basic cable feature film. He grasped the ropes on both

  sides of her head as his mouth passionately claimed hers.

  After a long and fiery kiss, Steph reluctantly pushed on his

  chest. His eyebrows rose in surprise. “Make me walk the plank if you must, but this booty’s been plundered enough for one day.”

  He tried to situate himself, and she nearly fell off into the

  sand again.

  “Don’t move,” she ordered, and he held has hands up in

  mock surrender as she positioned herself next to him. She sighed as she cuddled in close and breathed in his divine scent. She

  stroked the hair of his chest which his cheesy seventies style

  neckline exposed. The storm clouds had rapidly moved on, and

  the clear night sky glittered with a million stars.



  “I could just stay with you in this moment for the rest of my

  days.” He sounded matter-of-fact, and Stephanie held her breath.

  It was time for “the talk.” She’d known it was coming; it was

  their last night before everyone flew back to their real lives. She took several slow breaths and began.

  “Phillip…listen…” Steph began, nervous but excited at the

  road she saw before them.

  “No, you listen to me. Before you open that talented mouth

  and say something we’ll both regret, I have a few counterpoints

  I’d like to present.” Using only his thumb, he tilted her face up to meet his. He refused to let her eyes wander, and Steph bit the

  inside of her lip to keep from snickering. “Steph, I love you. I don’t say that word flippantly. I mean love. Like “bleed to death on a battlefield” love. My worst day with you was a billion times better than my best day without you. I find spending another day away from you unthinkable, and refuse to go on waking up without you by my side. I know you don’t believe in marriage—and

  after this week, I can see why—but I’m done being away from

  you, so we’d better figure something out quick.”

  Steph giggled, and Phillip looked like she’d stabbed him

  with a butcher knife.

  “You find that funny?” His bewilderment was darling.

  She struggled to compose herself, but several additional

  chuckles escaped. “Oh, Pip. Don’t be so dramatic. You had me

  at ‘arrrrr.’”

  She watched a myriad of emotions flicker across his face as

  he realized she was in. For whatever lay ahead of them, Steph

  was on board and ready for the journey. His eyes shone like glittering sapphires in the moonlight, overflowing with adoration.

  But Phillip’s lips twisted in a wicked and naughty sneer.

�Dramatic? I’ll show you dramatic.” He was on his feet,

  hoisting her over his shoulder in true conqueror fashion.

  “Phillip, put me down.” She squealed with laughter. “Bad




  He slapped her on the ass as he lumbered toward the path

  leading to the bungalows.

  “Naughty prisoners are taught their lessons in the captain’s

  cabin. I think maybe I’ll tie you to the bed for a sound lashing.”

  He flipped her off of his shoulder and held her in his arms like a princess.

  “A tongue lashing?” she asked breathlessly, her lips curling


  When he spoke, it sounded like an animalistic growl. “Is

  there any other kind?”

  Saffron and Nathan watched as Phillip carried Stephanie to

  the trail, and he vanished with her into the encroaching trees.

  “Isn’t it romantic?” Saffron cooed ironically. Nathan smiled

  at his beautiful lady as he lit a cigarette.

  “I just love happy endings; really I do.” His tone was sardonic, but Nathan’s relief was genuine. He’d always felt Stepha-

  nie and Phillip belonged together, and he had always been one of their biggest supporters. He glanced at Bret and Sarah on the

  dance floor. They moved in slow circles, their foreheads touch-

  ing as they gazed at one another.

  David and Yara had left the party moments before, presum-

  ably to consummate their union. Yara’s mood had greatly im-

  proved the minute the ceremony ended. Though it was their par-

  ty, the pair seemed oblivious to the world around them.

  Cheyenne and Scot took turns twirling Liam around on the

  dance floor. The toddler giggled hysterically and chanted

  “again…again!” It seemed like everything was falling into place

  for all the members of Fury, himself included.

  “Don’t you mean ‘happy finishes’?” Saffron purred, her

  hand sliding up dangerously high on his inner thigh.



  Nathan felt his eyebrow twitch as she pressed herself

  against him. He slid his palm down the bare skin exposed by

  Saffron’s backless dress. “Is there a difference?”

  She leaned in close, her face an inch from his. He could


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