Cobites, intestine of
Collections, palaeontological, poor
Colour, influenced by climate; in relation to attacks by flies
Columba livia, parent of domestic pigeons
Compositae, outer and inner florets of; male flowers of
Conclusion, general
Conditions, slight changes in, favourable to fertility
Coral-islands, seeds drifted to; reefs, indicating movements of earth
Correlation of growth in domestic productions; of growth
Creation, single centres of
Crosses, reciprocal
Crossing of domestic animals, importance in altering breeds; advantages of;
unfavourable to selection
Crustacea of New Zealand
Crustacean, blind
Ctenomys, blind
Cuckoo, instinct of
Currants, grafts of
Currents of sea, rate of
Cuvier on conditions of existence; on fossil monkeys; Fred., on instinct
Dana, Prof., on blind cave-animals; on relations of crustaceans of Japan,
on crustaceans of New Zealand
De Candolle on struggle for existence; on umbelliferae; on general
affinities; Alph., on low plants, widely dispersed; on widely-ranging
plants being variable; on naturalisation; on winged seeds; on Alpine
species suddenly becoming rare; on distribution of plants with large seeds;
on vegetation of Australia; on fresh-water plants; on insular plants
Degradation of coast-rocks
Denudation, rate of; of oldest rocks
Development of ancient forms
Devonian system
Dianthus, fertility of crosses
Dirt on feet of birds
Division, physiological, of labour
Dogs, hairless, with imperfect teeth; descended from several wild stocks;
domestic instincts of; inherited civilisation of; fertility of breeds
together; of crosses; proportions of, when young
Downing, Mr., on fruit-trees in America
Downs, North and South
Dragon-flies, intestines of
Drones killed by other bees
Duck, domestic, wings of, reduced; logger-headed
Dugong, affinities of
Dung-beetles with deficient tarsi
Earl, Mr., W., on the Malay Archipelago
Ears, drooping, in domestic animals; rudimentary
Earth, seeds in roots of trees
Edentata, teeth and hair; fossil species of
Edwards, Milne, on physiological divisions of labour; on gradations of
structure; on embryological characters
Eggs, young birds escaping from
Electric organs
Elephant, rate increase; of glacial period
Existence, struggle for; conditions of
Eye, structure of; correction for aberration
Eyes reduced in moles
Fabre, M., on parasitic sphex
Falconer, Dr., on naturalisation of plants in India; on fossil crocodile;
on elephants and mastodons; and Cautley on mammals of sub-Himalayan beds
Falkland Island, wolf of
Fear, instinctive, in birds
Feet of birds, young molluscs adhering to
Fertility of hybrids, from slight changes in conditions; of crossed
Fir-trees destroyed by cattle; pollen of
Fish, flying; teleostean, sudden appearance of; eating seeds; fresh-water,
distribution of
Fishes, ganoid, now confined to fresh water; electric organs of; of
southern hemisphere
Flight, powers of, how acquired
Flowers, structure of; in relation to crossing; of composite and
Forbes, E., on colours of shells; on abrupt range of shells in depth; on
poorness of palaeontological collections; on continuous succession of
genera; on continental extensions; on distribution during glacial period;
on parallelism in time and space
Forests, changes in, in America
Formation, Devonian
Formations, thickness of, in Britain; intermittent
Formica rufescens; sanguinea; flava, neuter of
Frena, ovigerous, of cirripedes
Fresh-water productions, dispersal of
Fries on species in large genera being closely allied to other species
Frogs on islands
Fruit-trees, gradual improvement of; in United States; varieties of,
acclimatised in United States
Fuci, crossed
Fur, thicker in cold climates
Galapagos Archipelago, birds of; productions of
Game, increase of, checked by vermin
Gartner on sterility of hybrids; on reciprocal crosses; on crossed maize
and verbascum; on comparison of hybrids and mongrels
Geese, fertility when crossed; upland
Genealogy important in classification
Geoffroy St. Hilaire on balancement; on homologous organs; Isidore, on
variability of repeated parts; on correlation in monstrosities; on
correlation; on variable parts being often monstrous
Geographical distribution
Geology, future progress of
Giraffe, tail of
Glacial period
Gmelin on Distribution
Gnathodon, fossil
Godwin-Austin, Mr., on the Malay Archipelago
Goethe on compensation of growth
Gooseberry, grafts of
Gould, Dr. A., on land-shells; Mr., on colours of birds; on birds of the
Galapagos; on distribution of genera of birds
Gourds, crossed
Grafts, capacity of
Grasses, varieties of
Gray, Dr. Asa, on trees of United States; on naturalised plants in the
United States; on rarity of intermediate varieties; on Alpine plants; Dr.
J.E., on striped mule
Grouse, colours of; red, a doubtful species
Growth, compensation of; correlation of, in domestic products; correlation
Habit, effect of, under domestication; effect of, under nature;
diversified, of same species
Hair and teeth, correlated
Harcourt, Mr. E.V., on the birds of Madeira
Hartung, M., on boulders in the Azores
Hearne on habits of bears
Heath, changes in vegetation
Heer, O., on plants of Madeira
Helix pomatia
Hemionus, striped
Herbert, W., on struggle for existence; on sterility of hybrids
Hermaphrodites crossing
Heron eating seed
Heron, Sir R., on peacocks
Heusinger, on white animals not poisoned by certain plants
Hewitt, Mr., on sterility of first crosses
Himalaya, glaciers of; plants of
Holly-trees, sexes of
Hollyhock, varieties of, crossed
Hooker, Dr., on trees of New Zealand
Hooker, Dr., on acclimatisation of Himalayan trees; on flowers of
umbelliferae; on glaciers of Himalaya; on algae of New Zealand; on
vegetation at the base of the Himalaya; on plants of Tierra del Fuego; on
Australian plants;
on relations of flora of South America; on flora of the
Antarctic lands; on the plants of the Galapagos
Hooks on bamboos; to seeds on islands
Horner, Mr., on the antiquity of Egyptians
Horns, rudimentary
Horse, fossil, in La Plata
Horses destroyed by flies in La Plata; striped; proportions of, when young
Horticulturists, selection applied by
Huber on cells of bees; P., on reason blended with instinct; on habitual
nature of instincts; on slave-making ants; on Melipona domestica
Humble-bees; cells of
Hunter, J., on secondary sexual characters
Hutton, Captain, on crossed geese
Huxley, Prof., on structure of hermaphrodites; on embryological succession;
on homologous organs; on the development of aphis
Hybrids and mongrels compared
Hydra, structure of
Icebergs transporting seeds
Individuals, numbers favourable to selection; many, whether simultaneously
Insects, colour of, fitted for habitation; sea-side colours of; blind, in
caves; luminous; neuter
Instincts, domestic
Intercrossing, advantages of
Japan, productions of
Java, plants of
Jones, Mr. J.M., on the birds of Bermuda
Jussieu on classification
Kentucky, caves of
Kerguelen-land, flora of
Kidney-bean, acclimatisation of
Kidneys of birds
Kirby on tarsi deficient in beetles
Knight, Andrew, on cause of variation
Kolreuter on the barberry; on sterility of hybrids; on reciprocal crosses;
on crossed varieties of nicotiana; on crossing male and hermaphrodite
Land-shells, distribution of, of Madeira, naturalised
Languages, classification of
Lapse, great, of time
Laurel, nectar secreted by the leaves
Laws of variation
Leech, varieties of
Leguminosae, nectar secreted by glands
Life, struggle for
Lingula, Silurian
Linnaeus, aphorism of
Lion, mane of; young of, striped
Lobelia fulgens
Lobelia, sterility of crosses
Loess of the Rhine
Lowness of structure connected with variability
Lowness, related to wide distribution
Lubbock, Mr., on the nerves of coccus
Lucas, Dr. P., on inheritance; on resemblance of child to parent
Lund and Clausen on fossils of Brazil
Lyell, Sir C., on the struggle for existence; on modern changes of the
earth; on measure of denudation; on a carboniferous land-shell; on fossil
whales; on strata beneath Silurian system; on the imperfection of the
geological record; on the appearance of species; on Barrande's colonies; on
tertiary formations of Europe and North America; on parallelism of tertiary
formations; on transport of seeds by icebergs; on great alternations of
climate; on the distribution of fresh-water shells; on land-shells of
Lyell and Dawson on fossilized trees in Nova Scotia
Macleay on analogical characters
Madeira, plants of; beetles of, wingless; fossil land-shells of; birds of
Magpie tame in Norway
Maize, crossed
Malay Archipelago compared with Europe; mammals of
Mammae, rudimentary
Mammals, fossil, in secondary formation; insular
Man, origin of races of
Manatee, rudimentary nails of
Marsupials of Australia, fossil species of
Martens, M., experiment on seeds
Martin, Mr. W.C., on striped mules
Matteuchi on the electric organs of rays
Matthiola, reciprocal crosses of
Means of dispersal
Melipona domestica
Metamorphism of oldest rocks
Mice destroying bees; acclimatisation of
Migration, bears on first appearance of fossils
Miller, Prof., on the cells of bees
Mirabilis, crosses of
Misseltoe, complex relations of
Mississippi, rate of deposition at mouth
Mocking-thrush of the Galapagos
Modification of species, how far applicable
Moles, blind
Mongrels, fertility and sterility of; and hybrids compared
Monkeys, fossil
Mons, Van, on the origin of fruit-trees
Mozart, musical powers of
Mud, seeds in
Mules, striped
Muller, Dr. F., on Alpine Australian plants
Murchison, Sir, R., on the formations of Russia; on azoic formations; on
Mustela vison
Myrmica, eyes of
Nails, rudimentary
Natural history, future progress of
Naturalisation of forms distinct from the indigenous species; in New
Nautilus, Silurian
Nectar of plants
Nectaries, how formed
Nelumbium luteum
Nests, variation in
Neuter insects
New Zealand, productions of, not perfect; naturalised products of; fossil
birds of; glacial action in; crustaceans of; algae of; number of plants of;
flora of
Nicotiana, crossed varieties of; certain species very sterile
Noble, Mr., on fertility of Rhododendron
Nodules, phosphatic, in azoic rocks
Oak, varieties of
Onites apelles
Orchis, pollen of
Ostrich not capable of flight; habit of laying eggs together; American, two
species of
Otter, habits of, how acquired
Ouzel, water
Owen, Prof., on birds not flying; on vegetative repetition; on variable
length of arms in ourang-outang; on the swim-bladder of fishes; on electric
organs; on fossil horse of La Plata; on relations of ruminants and
pachyderms; on fossil birds of New Zealand; on succession of types; on
affinities of the dugong; on homologous organs; on the metamorphosis of
cephalopods and spiders
Pacific Ocean, faunas of
Paley, on no organ formed to give pain
Pallas, on the fertility of the wild stocks of domestic animals
Paraguay, cattle destroyed by flies
Partridge, dirt on feet
Parts greatly developed, variable, degrees of utility of
Parus major
Peaches in United States
Pear, grafts of
Pelargonium, flowers of, sterility of
Pelvis of women
Period, glacial
Petrels, habits of
Phasianus, fertility of hybrids
Pheasant, young, wild
Pictet, Prof., on groups of species suddenly appearing; on rate of organic
change; on continuous succession of genera; on close alliance of fossils in
consecutive formations; on embryological succession
Pierce, Mr., on varieties of wolves
Pigeons with feathered feet and skin between toes; breeds described, and
origin of; breeds of, how produced; tumbler, not being able to
get out of
egg; reverting to blue colour; instinct of tumbling; carriers, killed by
hawks; young of
Pistil, rudimentary
Plants, poisonous, not affecting certain coloured animals; selection
applied to; gradual improvement of; not improved in barbarous countries;
destroyed by insects; in midst of range, have to struggle with other
plants; nectar of; fleshy, on sea-shores; fresh-water, distribution of; low
in scale; widely distributed
Plumage, laws of change in sexes of birds
Plums in the United States
Pointer dog, origin of; habits of
Poison not affecting certain coloured animals
Poison, similar effect of, on animals and plants
Pollen of fir-trees
Poole, Col., on striped hemionus
Prestwich, Mr., on English and French eocene formation
Primrose; sterility of
Primula, varieties of
Psychology, future progress of
Quagga, striped
Quince, grafts of
Rabbit, disposition of young
Race-horses, Arab; English
Races, domestic, characters of
Ramond on plants of Pyrenees
Ramsay, Prof., on thickness of the British formations; on faults
Ratio of increase
Rats, supplanting each other; acclimatisation of; blind in cave
Reason and instinct
Recapitulation, general
Reciprocity of crosses
Record, geological, imperfect
Rengger on flies destroying cattle
Resemblance to parents in mongrels and hybrids
Reversion, law of inheritance
Rhododendron, sterility of
Richard, Prof., on Aspicarpa
Richardson, Sir J., on structure of squirrels; on fishes of the southern
Robinia, grafts of
Rodents, blind
Rudimentary organs
Rudiments important for classification
Sageret on grafts
Salmons, males fighting, and hooked jaws of
Salt-water, how far injurious to seeds
Saurophagus sulphuratus
Schiodte on blind insects
Schlegel on snakes
Sea-water, how far injurious to seeds
Sebright, Sir J., on crossed animals; on selection of pigeons
Sedgwick, Prof., on groups of species suddenly appearing
Seedlings destroyed by insects
Seeds, nutriment in; winged; power of resisting salt-water; in crops and
intestines of birds; eaten by fish; in mud; hooked, on islands
Selection of domestic products, principle not of recent origin;
unconscious; natural; sexual; natural, circumstances favourable to
Sexes, relations of
Sexual characters variable; selection
Sheep, Merino, their selection; two sub-breeds unintentionally produced;
mountain, varieties of
Shells, colours of, littoral, seldom embedded; fresh-water, dispersal of;
of Madeira; land, distribution of
Silene, fertility of crosses
Silliman, Prof., on blind rat
Skulls of young mammals
Slave-making instinct
Smith, Col. Hamilton, on striped horses; Mr. Fred., on slave-making ants;
Mr., of Jordan Hill, on degradation of coast-rocks
Somerville, Lord, on selection of sheep
The Origin of Species Page 52