Turning Wheels (Satan's Devils MC #1): A Blood Brothers Spin off

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Turning Wheels (Satan's Devils MC #1): A Blood Brothers Spin off Page 21

by Manda Mellett

  As we’re travelling out of area we make our first stop just before the border of our territory, taking off our cuts and replacing them with sweatshirts carrying the more discreet SDMC lettering; enough to let those in the know realise who we are, but making sure no one else would bother us. Hopefully, it means we shouldn’t randomly get pulled over by the heat, or appear on the radar of a rival MC. We take the opportunity to fill up with gas, and as we pull away I yawn deeply, feeling a fleeting envy for Wheels and her opportunity to sleep on the way, but I don’t begrudge her. She looked worn out this morning. And I can’t help the sense of pride that fills me. I did that to her.

  Before we head off again, I glance over at Hank who’s delaying getting back on his ride.

  “Come on.” I’m impatient to get on the move again. Peg’s leaning out of the window of the cage, an irritated expression on his face.

  Hank’s shaking his head, now kneeling and patting his hands around the ground under his bike.

  “What the fuck is it, prospect?” I’m starting to wonder whether he’s got a problem. I hope not, I don’t want to delay.

  “Lost my gremlin bell,” he murmurs, so quietly it’s difficult to hear him.

  “For fuck’s sake, buy another one!” We’ve a long distance to go, and I’m eager to get started.

  With one last look around, Hank, with a look of desolation on his face, finally puts on his brain bucket and sunglasses, and we’re ready to go.

  All that fuss about a damn toy!

  Following the I-10 we head up towards Flagstaff. Our destination is a city near the northern border of Utah, so basically we’ll heading straight up all the way. Once on the freeway Peg puts his foot down, and I sit back to enjoy the ride, twisting the nut to hold the throttle in position to give my hand a break. In my head, I’m planning road trips Wheels and I could take once she’s sorted out with a prosthesis, and that fucking contract is done and dealt with. I can’t wait until she’s at last able to ride behind me without fear of anyone coming after her. Sedona, the Grand Canyon come to my mind or, in the other direction, Tombstone―visitors from England always seem fascinated to visit the OK Corral. Knowing this is her first trip to the US I’m sure there’s plenty of other places she’d like to visit as well. Closer to home is the Arizona Sonora Desert Museum. But does she even like things like that?

  I’ve got a lot to learn about her, so don’t know what she’s into. But for the first time in my life I’m looking forward to finding what makes a woman tick. Other than the obvious, of course. The options going round my head keep me occupied for a good part of the journey, and as we’re not particularly expecting trouble today, I take the time to indulge in my thoughts.

  It’s easy riding, a hundred odd miles on the I-10, then a hundred and fifty on the I-17. When Peg turns on his indicator after a couple of hours on the road my tanks starting to get pretty empty, and I imagine Hank’s is the same. Peg pulls the SUV over in front of the coffee shop, and as I pull up alongside the pump, I see him get the wheelchair out of the back, unfold it, and lift Wheels out. I want to deck him for manhandling my woman, but suppress that desire understanding needs must. By the time she’s seated and is wheeling herself inside, I’ve finished filling up so move my bike up beside the SUV and go to meet her, helping her find her way to the disabled bathroom while Peg buys some drinks and orders breakfast for the three of us.

  Joining us at the table, Wheels stretches her arms and rolls her head on her neck. “The thing I hate,” she starts to tell us, “Is not being able to walk around and stretch my legs.”

  Peg places his hand on hers, and when she turns to face him, replies, “You will soon.”

  Then he catches my glare, laughs loudly, and puts his hand back where it belongs―anywhere but on her.

  I move my chair, so I’m sitting closer beside her. The waitress comes to fill up our coffee cups and later returns with the food.

  “Jeez, what’s this?” Wheels is looking at her plate with wide eyes, then she glances at me, “How the hell am I supposed to eat all this?”

  With a start, I realise it’s the first time she’d been out of the compound since she arrived from England more than two months ago. Lots of things are going to be strange to her. And what she’s got in front of her is a typical American breakfast. So I shrug, “Eat what you can.” I can’t suppress a grin when in the end she eats it all, her moans of pleasure at the combination of maple syrup pancakes crisp bacon going straight to my dick. Finally, she seems surprised at her clean plate.

  “Hey, prospect. Who’s killed your dog?” I notice the usually ebullient Hank is surprising quiet.

  Lifting his shoulders almost to the ears he drops them again in a gesture of defeat, “Can’t believe I lost my gremlin bell.”

  I bark a laugh, “Is that all?”

  He tosses me a frown, “Don’t want to break down and hold you up.”

  Fuck, he really does believe that shit. I give him a playful thump on his arm.

  “What’s a gremlin bell?” Wheels asks, her head tilted to one side.

  Peg answers, “Gremlins love to cause trouble to bikers, darlin’. They live on yer bike causing all types of problems or making you lay it down. The bell keeps them away. Gremlins can’t take the ringin’ you see, drives them mad, so they drop off your bike, wait on the roadside then hop on someone else’s.”

  She grins, and leaning over pats Hank’s hand. I notice he moves his away fast and casts a glance my way. Now he’s more worried about his VP’s woman touching him than his fucking toy, so I suppose that’s all to the good.

  Breakfast over, we get swiftly on our way. Eventually, after a couple more stops, the long ride comes to an end, and we back the bikes into a straight line in front of the rooms Peg has pre-booked. I doubt any of us will have much trouble getting to sleep that night, oh, except for Hank, of course, who has to stay alert to watch over the bikes.

  The next morning we set off for the clinic. Taking pity on the prospect and leaving him at the motel, I stay outside while Peg and Wheels go in to do their thing. It feels cold to me, only about half the temperature we’d left in Tucson, but I’d wrapped up warm knowing what to expect, and at least the sun is shining. After a while, I visit a coffee shop over the road where I can sip a hot drink while still being able to keep an eye on the bikes. Not that I expect anyone would fool with them around here, but hey, who’d want to take a chance?

  At last, I see familiar faces coming through the glass doors and am pleased to see a huge great fucking smile on Wheels’ face, knowing without her having to tell me that everything had gone to plan.

  “They’re going to get it done by Wednesday!” she tells me excitedly, once I’m within earshot. “It’s going to be much better than the last one. Lighter too.”

  Leaning down I pull her into me and kiss her lips, the cold air and enthusiasm giving a flush to her face.

  “That’s great, babe,” I tell her, “Fuckin’ ace.”

  Chapter 18


  There’s obviously something to be said about going private. Everyone at the clinic had been so solicitous and helpful. My new leg’s going to be lightweight titanium, and I won’t even have long to wait to get it. Certainly not as long as I would have had to in England. Peg was great too, so encouraging, telling me how he motivated to get himself up and moving again. Apparently, it was the draw of his bike he couldn’t resist; he just kept that vision of riding again in his head which helped him focus on getting his strength and balance back.

  Oh, to walk on two legs again without the aid of crutches! I can’t wait!

  The guys were great. After the clinic, we picked up a now refreshed Hank, and drove out to visit various local spots which were suitable for my wheelchair. The scenery here is beautiful, and I looked longingly up at the mountains, some of the highest peaks still with snow on top, wishing I could go up the hiking trails which seemed to be advertised everywhere. I might never be able to ski, of course, but to ride a bugg
y through the snow, that would be great. One day, I promise myself, one day.

  But the best of the day is yet to come, as soon as we return to the motel after dinner, Wraith draws me into the room, shutting the door firmly behind us. He lifts me out of my wheelchair and holds me to him. As best I can I wrap my legs around him, my arms hugging him tight.

  He stares into my eyes for a moment, “Fuck, I’ve missed you today.”

  “You’ve been with me almost all the time,” I laugh.

  “Yeah, but you haven’t been naked.”

  I’m still laughing as he takes me to the bed and remedies the situation immediately by stripping me bare.

  “Babe, you’re fuckin’ beautiful. These tits? The best I’ve ever seen.” His eyes gleam as he places his large palms over my breasts, fondling and caressing them. His fingers go to my nipples, tweaking and twisting them until I’m writhing as pleasure shoots down my spine. Once my nipples are peaking he sits back to admire his handiwork, then pushes my globes together. “Fuck, babe, can’t wait to slide my cock between these beauties.”

  The devotion he’s lavishing on me is almost making it impossible for me to speak, so I simply moan in response.

  When his eyes meet mine, they glint wickedly, and his finger comes out to touch my lips. Gently he circles them, slipping his digit inside, pushing my teeth apart until my mouth drops open. I smile at him, thinking I know what’s on his mind.

  “Got somethin’ to put in there, babe. You up for that?”

  Biting down on him, I manage to awkwardly get out the words, “You want me to suck your cock?”

  His eyes blaze as he gasps, “Fuck, yeah, darlin’. Fuck I do.”

  He shifts up the bed and lifting my hands I undo his button, then his zip. As soon as it’s free, his large cock bobs out as though happy to be out of its confines. He lifts his hips and helps me push the denim over his hips and shuffles up some more.

  Taking him in both hands, I use a moment to study him. He’s perfect, the head of his cock, glistening with pre-cum is bulbous and purple, paler skin, punctuated with bulging bluish veins covers the rest of his shaft. As my fingers explore, it twitches in my hands. Teasing him, I tighten my grip, but only a little, and start running my hands up and down the long thick rod, my tongue coming out and licking my lips in anticipation of having all that inside me.

  He can’t hold back a groan, and I see his hands jerk as if he wants me to get a move on.

  But I want to torture him a little longer. Now, pulling him a little towards me, I lick the moisture at the tip, making sure to slide my tongue along his slit, lightly enough to tantalise. His salty taste and musky smell evoke a rush of wetness between my legs, and I moan against his skin.

  “Fuck! You trying to kill me here, babe?” he growls, as he feels my breath and the vibrations of the sounds I’m making.

  Taking pity on him, I pull him closer, taking the head in my mouth, sucking him in.


  Knowing I must be doing it right, I take in as much of him as I can, using one hand to keep pressure on the length of him I can’t take inside, and with the other, I start to massage his heavy balls. Hollowing my cheeks I draw him in further, as far as he can go without me gagging. Again I moan, and start a rhythm of sucking, laving with my tongue and swallowing.

  “Oh Christ, yeah babe. Fuck!”

  I keep it up, squeezing his balls gently as I start to feel him swell in my mouth. But he pulls out.

  “I want in your pussy!”

  Swiftly moving back down, he wastes no time putting his mouth to my clit, sucking and swirling his tongue around. Already aroused, I feel myself tightening in just moments, every muscle tensing as he adds to my body’s excitement when he slides his fingers inside me, curling up to that spot which will send me over the top.

  “Fuck, you’re ready for me, darlin’, aren’t you?” His words, mumbled against me and his warm breath against my tender flesh shoot me higher.”

  “I… I…”

  “Come for me, babe.”

  His encouragement is all I need. My whole body stills then starts to shudder as I reach the peak and soar over. Jesus! Every single time it gets better! It’s as if he’s learning my body and how it reacts. I can hardly catch my breath as I come with a scream I’m unable to suppress even while knowing the walls of the motel are paper thin.

  Now he’s reaching for a condom, his eyes glow knowingly as he rolls it on in one smooth movement, and then he’s inside me, his large cock pushing through my tight folds as I adjust to let him in.

  My eyes roll back in my head. I’m still shaking from that first intense orgasm and as he starts slowly sliding in and out it ramps up my arousal all over again until soon I’m coming for a second time, my muscles contracting around him.

  “Fuck, I’m not gonna last,” he roars, picking up the pace, making the headboard slam against the wall.

  I didn’t think I was capable but he’s hammering into me now, and a third orgasm starts before the second completely fades.


  I scream his name as he shouts out, “I’m comin’ babe!”

  He loses rhythm; he pushes into me with short hard bursts, emptying himself into the condom. His arms are taut as he holds himself above me, his face strained, his eyes closed. Then, as I watch, he opens them and bestows on me a beatific smile.

  “Fuck, it just keeps getting’ better.”

  Reaching up a shaking hand I stroke his cheeks, “For me too,” I tell him, “For me too.”

  Suddenly we hear a knocking on the wall, and a muffled voice shouting, “Glad it was fuckin’ good for someone.”

  Then he collapses down and rolls me over into his side, both of us shaking with laughter.

  “Fuck off, Peg!” he calls out, making me giggle even more.

  After having to sit through a good light-hearted ribbing over breakfast the next morning, we set out for a day’s sightseeing. Limited to what where they can take me, we end up at a petting zoo, one of the few attractions in the area that’s on the flat. I had a riot of a time, watching the two burly bikers oohing and ahhing over baby goats and the like! I was slightly surprised they didn’t insist on taking one home! Poor Hank had once again been left watching the bikes, but he took it all good-naturedly in his stride, and Wraith told me it was no more than he’d expect―he’d had to do similar when he was prospecting. Feeling sorry for the prospect I made sure to take him out a burger from the stand in the zoo before we left. He’d taken it from me gratefully after a cautious glance towards Wraith. Peg made as if to take it away from him, and even I had to giggle at the disappointed look on his face, but then the sergeant-at-arms relented, and we waited until he’d eaten before setting off.

  Another bout of delicious lovemaking that night which made me grateful for my wheelchair the next morning, not sure I’d be able to walk on unbowed legs even if I had two of them to stand on. But along with the pleasure, I had the niggling thought at the back of my mind, how long should I be letting this go on for? I’m leading him on and giving him unfair expectations. But I can’t bring myself to pull away, not just yet.

  A message first thing tells me the clinic have my prosthesis ready for collection. When I have it fitted, it moulds snuggly to what’s left of my leg, much better than the old one. But apparently the stump changes in size as healing continues, and I might have needed a new one in any event. But my new prothesis should last for the next two to three years. They give me spare socks to cushion it, an explanation and a leaflet― which I take politely though I’d had similar instructions in England―on proper stump care, and we’re ready to leave.

  The clinic visit hadn’t taken long, and it’s only just eleven o’clock, and the guys decide to head back today rather than staying until tomorrow as originally planned. So we don’t hang-around, just returning briefly to collect our things and settle up at the motel, and soon we’re setting off for the tedious drive back.

  The journey goes smoothly, but I
grow fidgety, and I’m grateful for the stops we have to make every couple of hundred miles for the bikes to top up their tanks. Feeling more awake than I did on the way there, to relieve my boredom I get Peg talking. He tells me how he lost his leg, and how he survived the emotional aftermath, leaving me in awe of his strength having picked himself up and got on with life again. But when I express my opinion he shuts me down, admitting being angry for the first few months believing life had treated him unfairly. Although he also divulged, he was better off than his comrades who’d lost their lives in the same blast that injured him. It makes me feel ashamed that I’d thought of ending my own, and I realise he is right. Life is still worth living, even if it means making adaptations and having to work so hard at what for the able bodied is easy.

  Having someone who understands, who can give me so much advice and encouragement is great. Much better than the physios who I felt couldn’t appreciate what I was going through. As we drive past Phoenix with only a couple of hours left to go, I make up my mind not to let my disability stand in my way or rule my life. The woman coming back from Utah has a far different outlook than the person who went.

  We make one final stop just south of Casa Grande as the I10 met up with the I8, and pull off into the same service station we stopped at on our way to Utah. Before filling up for a final time, Hank and Wraith join Peg in getting their cuts out of the back of the van and putting them on, now back on the Satan’s Devils’ Tucson Chapter ground. It is, Peg tells me, the usual place they tend to stop for that very task.

  Wraith takes a moment to come and give me a hug and a kiss that makes Peg whistle loudly. Hank just grins at us, before shaking his head before going back to his bike. And that’s another thing that’s changed during our trip. Having enjoyed the company of all three bikers during our days away, they’ve become people I’m proud to call friends despite the revelations I’ve recently been given about the way they live. Then I slap down the thought as one, in particular, seems far too close to becoming much more to me than that. And I can’t let that happen.


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