Turning Wheels (Satan's Devils MC #1): A Blood Brothers Spin off

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Turning Wheels (Satan's Devils MC #1): A Blood Brothers Spin off Page 23

by Manda Mellett

  “I was there,” I back up the prez, “Peg, I was there to fuckin’ keep her safe, and I didn’t give it a second thought.”

  Other brothers back us up; stopping there was a habit for us all when we’d been out of state, one we’ll change now. Yeah, a sloppy schoolboy error, but one any of us would have made. And one I had made. It wasn’t all on Peg.

  The sergeant-at-arms is still shaking his head, but Drum’s moving on. “Right,” the prez starts, “What I still can’t understand is how the fuck they knew you’d be on the road tonight? The VP’s got enough experience to know if he’s picked up a fuckin’ tail, and he’s right, he and Peg would have had to be blind not to spot one all the way to Utah and back. Anyone got any fuckin’ ideas?”

  Beef’s shifting in his seat, Drum’s sharp and narrowed eyes don’t miss it, settling on him, “You got somethin’ to say, brother?”

  His fingers tapping on the table, Beef looks up, his face looks drawn as he starts to speak, “Hate to say this, but that bitch Chrissy was mouthin’ off at the Running Horse a couple of nights ago. The day you went to Utah, Wraith.” He’s referring to one of the bars we often frequent in town. It’s near the strip club and brothers often stop by there. “Heard her mention Wraith’s name, but she shut that shit down pretty quickly when she saw me.”

  Fuck, that bitch! If she let anything out about Wheels being here, she was sharing club business. “Who the fuck was she blabbin’ to?”

  “No idea, didn’t recognise the motherfuckers. But a biker type. Didn’t think too much of it at the time, and as I said, she got a glare from me and moved away from him sharpish.”

  The prez’s face grows as dark as a thundercloud as the implications sink in. He brings his fist down hard on the table, “Right, first thing tomorrow I’ll be talking to that fuckin’ whore. You’ll want to be with me, VP.” Drummer growls out menacingly.

  Too fucking right I’ll want to be in on that conversation. And if she betrayed my girl…

  “She’s targeted you for a while, Wraith. Would suit her to get the woman out of the way.” Slick’s only telling me what I’m already thinking.

  Fuck, if she betrayed me, she betrayed the club.

  With no other suggestions how our whereabouts had been discovered, our suspicions of where the leak that led to Hank being killed had come from seem to be confirmed.

  With a glance at Peg who’s clutching at his shoulder, Drum wants to move things along, “So it looks like the Demons have taken the fuckin’ contract you found on the web,” he throws a nod at Mouse as if to confirm where the information came from, “I said we’d give our protection to her as long as there was no blow back on us.”

  For a second I’m unsure where he’s going with this. My heart speeds up. He’s not going to suggest throwing her to the wolves, is he? If he is, there’s only one thing I can do.

  I start opening my mouth to claim her publicly, so they won’t have the choice of removing the protection of the club owing to her relationship with me, when he continues, “Now they’ve killed one of our own this fight’s at our fuckin’ door. That changes things.”

  “Too right it fuckin’ does.” Rock glares, his gun out on the table in front of him his fingers spinning it, “No one kills a fuckin’ Devil and gets away with it.” There are general grunts of agreement.

  “It’s our war now, Prez,” Slick butts in, “We’re not backin’ away from this.”

  Drummer’s face is set, “I hear yah all, but we need a fuckin’ vote. All those in favour?”

  After we’d gone round the table there was no need for a vote to count any against, all were prepared to fight, and that meant Wheels would continue to be safeguarded. I can only hope we make a better job of it than we have so far. Slowly I let out the breath I didn’t know I’d been holding as I realised if the vote had gone the other way I’d have found some way to protect her myself. No fuckin’ way would I have allowed her to be taken by the Demons and then placed into the clutches of a man who end up hurting and killing her. Just no fuckin’ way.

  “Right, we’re on lockdown as of now. Bring the ol’ ladies in―Heart; you’ll have to have Amy here, okay? Which means, the rest of you fuckers, mind what you do around the little squirt.”

  Drum’s a hard bastard, but sometimes he shows his softer side. Heart throws him a grateful look.

  “Peg, Mouse,” the prez continues, “We all secure?”

  The man who looks after our security systems as well as being the go-to computer guy, nods, “As long as the front gates are locked a fly couldn’t get into the compound without me knowin’ about it.”

  “I’d like to get Spider workin’ with Mouse. He’s got an interest in security and seems to know his stuff. We need eyes on it at all times.” Peg looks drawn and tired, but he’s contributing just the same.

  “Agreed. And I want two men on the gate every fuckin’ minute, a prospect and a fully patched brother. Need someone sharp to make sure no fucker gets in.”

  “What about the businesses?” Dollar has an eye to the money.

  “Business as usual until we know what’s in their heads. Can’t see them directing a hit on our earners right now. Have to assume they want the woman, not an all-out war.

  “I think that’s right,” Peg interrupts, “They didn’t stop to finish me off, just tore after Wraith and Wheels.”

  “So we keep open for now, but keep our ears to the fuckin’ ground.” Drum pauses, and wipes his hand over his chin, “What do we know about their club numbers?”

  “I think they’re a bit smaller than us.” Peg replies, “But that’s old info, and things could have changed.

  We’ve got fifteen full members and now only two prospects.

  We spend a short while tossing around what we know of the Demons, which isn’t a lot, since we’ve kept ourselves to ourselves for a few years now. But know thy enemy is something we need to get a handle on, so we come up with a few ideas about how to do that. Peg’s noticeably looking worse for wear now, as are we all. The adrenalin rush of getting Wheels back in one piece while knowing I was leaving my brothers behind is starting to fade now, and I’m coming down with a bang. Tonight’s been hard on us all. We might be an outlaw club, but we’ve not had a member killed by another club for a very long time. Tonight’s action is the start of something all of us will be prepared to fight for, and we’re going into it knowing Hank may not be the last to give his life.

  Knowing his club, Drum reads us all pretty well, and starts to wrap up, “Okay, brothers. That’s all we can do for tonight. We’ll get together tomorrow to go through some specifics. But before we do, I think the VP has something to say.” He cocks an eyebrow in my direction. He’d given me until Friday to get my thoughts straight about Wheels; now he seems to be moving it up the agenda.

  As we’d hurtled back at speeds a Harley wasn’t really meant to go, with Wheels literally hanging on for dear life behind me, the fear for her safety had given me clarity on what she means to me. We’d escaped, this time, literally with our lives, so I have absolutely no problem letting my brothers know where I stand. Giving a cough to clear my throat, and even in these circumstances unable to keep the smile from my face, I had no problem telling them, “Yeah, well, I’m claimin’ Wheels. As my ol’ lady.”

  Now it’s common knowledge I’d starting fucking her, but I’m probably one of the last they thought would take the next step and put my head in the old lady trap, so the indrawn breaths and gasps of disbelief―with the exception of Peg, who must have guessed it was on the cards―doesn’t surprise me.

  “Anyone gonna have a problem with Wraith takin’ Wheels as his ol’ lady?”

  Again I found myself holding my breath, but the number of ‘fuck noes’ and ‘go for it mans’ that echoed around made me feel relieved my brothers had my back. And when Drum had brought the gavel down for the last time dismissing us, my back grew sore from a number of times it was slapped as I made my way through the room and out of the door.

  Chapter 20


  Hank’s dead. And Peg’s injured. After the great time I’d had in Utah and all my positive thoughts on the way back, I was still shaking when Horse got me back to my room. What the bloody hell have I got myself into? What kind of trouble is the club in that they’d get into a gunfight on the road?

  And why did they chase Wraith and I almost all the way back to the Tucson clubhouse? What would have happened if the rest of the club hadn’t met us halfway and run them off? Just how close was my own brush with death tonight?

  My leg’s throbbing, and my chest aches from where the seat belt cut into me. As thoughts churn through my head, suddenly my pains take second place, and I grow cold as the dreadful notion hits me; was it me they were after? There is a contract out on me after all.

  A gasp escapes my lips, drawing Horse’s attention, and he’s by my side in seconds, “What is it, babe? What’s up?”

  “Was it my fault, Horse?” As his brow creases in confusion, I continue, “Were they after me? Is it my fault Hank died?”

  “Oh babe,” he pulls me to him, and I lean into his comfort as he gently brushes his hand down my hair, “I don’t know. Let Drum and the boys sort it out. There’s no point thinking on it; we don’t know what the club’s up to at the moment. And even if it was to do with you, the club offered you protection…”

  “They offered to hide me, Horse, not die for me.”

  “Hey, wait until we know more before you beat yourself up. And no, nothing was your fault. Even if St John-Davies was behind it, that’s not on you, sweetheart, you’re an innocent in all this. Caught up in someone else’s dirty business.”

  “I was so happy, Horse, coming back from Utah. I had hope that I could get my life back on track for the first time in months.”

  “That’s great to hear! And hang onto those feelings, Sophie. Whatever the reason for tonight’s shooting, don’t let go of those positives.”

  “But I can’t, can I? If I wasn’t here, Hank would be…”

  “You don’t know it was anything to do with you. And even if it was, do you think Hank would want that? Don’t you ever fucking say that you shouldn’t be here, babe. Hank went down fighting for his club, doing what he’d signed up to do just like any soldier in war. You’re alive; don’t think of fucking wasting what he did for you. Whatever the reason for the attack, he died to give you the chance to get away. You deserve it to him to live, and live full.”

  Hearing him put it like that makes me feel even guiltier. “Don’t waste your chance at life, some don’t have it so good. My wife…”

  I knew his wife had died, but not what had happened to her, “How did she die, Horse?”

  I think it’s only to help take my thoughts off the horrific night I’ve had that he opens up to me, and his words explain why he’s helped me so much.

  “She was in a hit and run, babe, just like you.” The catch in his voice tells me how much he loved―still loves―her. “She was dead on arrival at the hospital. They could do nothing for her.” Taking his arm away from my shoulder, I see tears shimmering in his eyes; then he buries his head in his hands, “I’d give my life to have her back, for her to have survived. Whatever parts of her were missing. She never had a chance to carry on, Sophie. Unlike you. Life may have thrown a fucking big curved ball at you, but you’ve got to pick it up and run with it.” As I reach out my hand to touch his arm he covers it with his own, “Soph, I know things look bleak right now, but do it for me, will you? Live and enjoy life. Take the chance that my Marie never had.”

  It explains so much, why he was so intent on helping me, and why he was so angry when he’d found out I’d been tempted to end it all.

  While I’m still trying to process what he’s told me, there’s a knock on the door. Horse goes to open it and a man walks in carrying a bag. I’ve never seen him before, but I gather why he’s here as I hear Horse greet him.

  “Hey, Doc. Good to see you again.”

  “Drummer sent me up. How’s the girl doin’? Hear she’s shaken up after what went down.”

  As Horse has lowered his voice all I can now hear are murmurings and I’m impatient to talk to him myself. If he’s a doctor he’s probably treated Peg; I’m desperate to know how he is. But luckily I don’t have to wait long, and Horse brings him over room. At well over six foot and dressed in biker leather, but without the cut the others wear, he’s unlike any medical person I’ve ever seen before. But despite his size he has gentle looking grey eyes under a shock of unruly brown hair, and his welcoming smile puts me at my ease.

  I ask as he’s crossing the room, “How’s Peg?”

  “Honey, he’s okay. He had little more than a graze. A few stitches and he’ll be right as rain before you know it. Don’t you worry about Peg, hun, he’s a tough old bird.”

  I didn’t realise how much I needed to hear that news. My head falls forwards into my hands, and for some reason, tears start streaming down my face. I’d been so worried that the sergeant-at-arms would die too.

  “Now, let’s take a look at you, honey. How are you feelin’?” Doc sits down beside me, and gently takes my hand, his fingers going to my pulse. Then he puts his hand under my chin and turns me to face him, staring into my eyes. “Hmm, you’ve had a rough time tonight, haven’t you?”

  Pulling myself up straight, I answer, “I’m alright, its, its…”

  “You’re a strong woman, Wheels; I can see that. But after what you’ve been through I think you might need a little help gettin’ some sleep tonight. Are you on any medication?”

  “Tramadol,” I tell him, “For the pain.”

  “Taken any today?”

  I shake my head.

  “Right, well I’ll leave you a sedative. Take it and you should get a good night’s rest. You’ve had a shock, honey. You’re probably runnin’ on fumes now, and you’ll come down hard. Take it, or not, it’s up to you. But my advice is to try to get a good sleep and leave your worryin’ until the mornin’.”

  It’s probably sound advice. I’m not sure how else I’d be able to close my eyes without seeing Hank laughing and joking in front of me, or the bike I’d seen lying on its side.

  It’s not long after the doctor leaves us that Wraith comes in. He’s looking so serious.

  Throwing a steely gaze at him I tell him, “If you’re going to tell me it’s club business I’ll bloody kill you, Wraith.” I’m frightened he’s not going to let me know what’s going on. But he beckons Horse over, who pulls up a chair, and Wraith sits down beside me, the third man to sit in that exact same spot tonight.

  He takes a deep breath and then moves his hand over mine turning so he can talk to me directly. “It is club business, but there are some things you need to know,” he begins, his fingers tracing my knuckles and fingers. “It was a rival club, the Rock Demons out of Phoenix that came after us.”

  “Why? Have you had problems with them before?”

  Now he touches his fingers to my lips, “Give me a chance to explain, huh?”

  Okay, I’ll shut up for now.

  “We already knew a contract had been put out on you, that St John-Davies wanted you found. But until tonight we didn’t know who’d taken up the challenge. Now we do.”

  “The fucking Rock Demons.” Horse spits out.

  “Seems that way.”

  Immediately I know what I have to do. “I’ve got to go.” It’s the obvious suggestion. Either the club will chuck me out, or I’ll go of my own volition.

  “Fuck that! You’re going no fuckin’ where.” Wraith’s grip on my hand tightens.

  “But I’ve brought trouble to the club. Hank…”

  “You brought no fuckin’ trouble, babe. The Demons brought that all by themselves. Hank knew the score. We’ve made him a full member, by the way. He’ll be buried with a patch.”

  It warms me to hear that, but wished he’d been alive to become a proper member of this new family he’d been hoping to find. “But…”

  Again Wraith interrupts me, “The Demons have started somethin’ they shouldn’t have. We’re not going to let them get away with this.”

  I gasp, “You can’t fight over me!”

  “No, not over you, babe, though we’re not gonna let them get their fuckin’ hands anywhere near you I swear that, but because they killed one of ours. They’re all fuckin’ dead men walkin’; they just don’t know it yet.”

  I’ve started a war. Whatever he says, this is down to me. If they hadn’t tried to take me, the Satan’s Devils wouldn’t have been involved. I can’t let them put other people in danger because of me. “Wraith, I can’t let you do this. I’m going to go. I can’t put anyone else at risk. I’m not worth it.”

  “This is happenin’, darlin’, whether you want it to or not, whether you stay or go. I can tell you that. Killin’ a brother is not somethin’ we take lightly. And,” he pauses to sweep his hand down my cheek, around my chin, across the hollow of my throat and ending up resting over my heart. A shiver runs through me, which intensifies as he tells me in a solemn voice, “You ain’t going nowhere. You’re mine now, I’ve claimed you in front of the club. Your mine to protect. My ol’ lady.”

  I’m lost for the right words, and don’t completely understand, “That sounds permanent Wraith?” I whisper it, my voice rises making it a question, but I’ve been around the club long enough to know that’s exactly what it means.

  “Fuckin’ right, it is. Good as a marriage in my world.” He confirms it, his lips curling into a smile as he waits for my elated response.

  My eyes widen. Oh my God, what has he done? “You should have asked me first, Wraith.” My voice comes out on a whisper.

  He smirks, and I realise he has no fucking idea what a mess he’s made of everything when he leans forwards and asks, “Wanna be my ol’ lady, darlin’?” And without waiting for an answer, presses his lips to mine. Still shocked at this turn of events I automatically respond, my mouth already moulding to his as though he’s trained me. His hand goes to the back of my hair and pulls me closer to him.


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