Turning Wheels (Satan's Devils MC #1): A Blood Brothers Spin off

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Turning Wheels (Satan's Devils MC #1): A Blood Brothers Spin off Page 25

by Manda Mellett

  And take the second she’ll end up the same way, but hopefully, we’ll have got some useful intel first. I exchange looks with Peg. We both know what’s going to have to happen. Not that we like it, killing women is something we’d never normally do. In fact, I can’t remember the club ever doing it before, certainly not in my time. But Chrissy can no longer be trusted, as a club whore she probably picked up too much knowledge for us just to set her loose.

  Drummer gives her time to think about her position, apart from the automatic twitching of his legs, his physical signs of anger that she can’t see, he simply stares her down. As he does so, the blood slowly drains from her face and she goes paler by the second, and her gaze flits down to the weapon lying threatening within the prez’s reach. As though to back him up, Blade takes out a knife and starts using it to clean his nails. Peg leans forwards and puts his clenched fists on the table.

  That’s enough to get her talking. With a narrowing of her eyes, she rounds on me, “It’s all your fuckin’ fault, Wraith. You should have been fuckin’ me, not that fuckin’ cold crippled bitch.” As my mouth falls open she continues in a whiny voice, “I’ve been good to you, Wraith, so why did you toss me aside?”

  Luckily I’m saved from answering as Drum slams his fist down on the table, “No fuckin’ excuses. Whatever the VP did or didn’t do is no concern of yours. You’re a club fuckin’ whore of the Satan’s Devils and should know better than to shoot your mouth with anyone.”

  “I didn’t know they were from the Demons!” But her eyes flitting away, unable to meet ours, show that she did.

  “Now I won’t be askin’ again. What did you fuckin’ tell them?” His tone is chilling and quiet, almost worse than if he was shouting.

  Tears start coming from her eyes as she realises the predicament she’s got herself in. Lowering her head into her hands, she tries to wipe them away. “I would never betray the club,” she starts.

  “But you did.” Drummer interrupts.

  A loud sob, and then she starts to tell us what we want to know. “I didn’t mean too; I was just so angry. Wraith had been so awful to me,” her voice breaks, “They bought me a couple of drinks, and then started askin’ if I’d seen a cripple around.”

  I have to breathe a deep breath to stop myself blurting out that she’s never to call Wheels that again. She’s not even discussing her as though she’s a real person. Suddenly I find myself hating the handle we’ve given her―she’s more than that fuckin’ chair she’s been imprisoned in and is fighting so hard to get out of.

  Chrissy carries on; now she’s started it seems she’s not going to stop, “I just told them she was here. I didn’t say anythin’ about the club.”

  “And what fuckin’ else? I want it all, Chrissy.” Drum knows there’s more to come.

  “Well, I might have mentioned that she was gonna go to Utah to get her leg fixed. But Wraith,” she looks at me with a longing look, and then throws an apologetic glance towards Peg, “I never thought you or the Peg would be going with her, I thought you’d just send prospects. So when they asked when you’d be comin’ back, I told them the stop off you usually used…”

  “You fuckin’ bitch!” Drum stands and thumps both fists down on the table, making the wooden top jump. “Is that all? Did you say anything else?”

  Shaking now, she points a trembling hand towards me, “I might have told them she’d stolen my ol’ man, that he was giving her his protection…”

  “And put Wraith right in their fuckin’ sights! You stupid, stupid bitch!” Drum kicks his chair away from behind him and starts to storm out of the room, turning as he reaches the door, “VP, take Blade, and Peg with you. You know what you gotta do?”

  Chrissy goes completely white now as she realises the death sentence that’s just been passed. Fucking Ace―I’ve got to kill a woman? Much as I hate her and know it’s got to be done, I’m not sure if I can handle it. Oh, I’ll do it; my prez has told me to. And there can be no other way out of it for her. Peg is looking intently at his hands as if already seeing her blood on him. I know this will go against the grain with him too. Blade doesn’t look any happier.

  The betraying whore is staring at us in horror; she knows there’s nowhere to run.

  Then, behind her, I see Drum take out his second gun from the back of his jeans and without her knowing lines it up on the back of her head. Pop, pop. Two shots and she falls dead on the table.

  I feel like collapsing with relief. The traitorous bitch is dead, and not by my hand. “Thanks, man.” My grateful comment is heartfelt.

  Drummer is still standing behind her body, his face drawn, “Not in any of our natures to kill a woman, boys. But my ass is the one sittin’ at the head of the table, so I wasn’t gonna ask anyone else to do it.” He looks down on her lifeless body for a second; blood slowly leaking onto the table. “Get the prospects in here to clean up the mess. When that’s done, get the boys together for church.” He spares me a nod, “You’re gonna have to watch yourself, Wraith. They might be comin’ through you to get to her.”

  It doesn’t seem to be the right time to tell him Wheels has given me the elbow, and whatever; the damage is already done. Thanks to Chrissy, the Demons think we’re an item, whatever the truth of it is.

  Peg and I leave soon after Drummer, pausing outside the room when the sergeant-at-arms puts his hand on my arm, “You okay?”

  I nod, I fucked Chrissy, more than the others I admit, but I didn’t have any particular feelings for her. And anyway, apart from her recent behaviour, her betrayal would have killed any compassion stone dead.

  “I’ll get this taken care of.”

  I thank him, knowing he means he’ll make sure she’s buried far up in the forest where her body will never be found. Just like Buster. Seems we’re digging far too many graves recently. I lean against the wall, my eyes closing as I come to grips with what’s just gone down, it’s a dark day for the club, but it couldn’t have turned out any other way.

  When I look up again, Peg’s got mischief twinkling in his eyes, “You ready to see your woman, now?”

  I open my mouth to refute the ownership he’s assigned to me, then shrug as I realise any anger towards her had dissipated during the unpleasant meeting I’ve just sat through. “Yeah, I’ll go, see if we can talk.”

  He slaps me on the back, and we start walking away, “Never thought I’d see you twisted up about a bitch, VP. But if she means that much to you, don’t let her get away. There’s more to it than she’s lettin’ on, I tell ya.”

  In the clubroom, Peg calls the prospects towards him, and I leave him to it. I’ve got somewhere else I need to be.

  Chapter 22


  After Wraith had left I’d taken the pill Doc had given me last night. God knows what was in it, but I fell asleep quickly and woke late feeling surprisingly refreshed, albeit with a slight grogginess in my head which was soon sorted by a couple of cups of coffee.

  When Horse had brought in the nectar of the Gods, I’d answered his query about how I was feeling with a brief okay, and turned away before he could ask why Wraith wasn’t here with me. Taking the hint he’d left me alone, but there’s probably no way I’ll escape an inquisition later.

  Lying on my bed, my arm thrown back over my head, I walk through the events of the day before, my stomach rolling when I remember that Hank was dead, such a sweet man to have died so young. Then the latter events of the night caught up with me, and with a groan, it hit me just how awful I’d been to Wraith.

  He hadn’t deserved to have been dismissed without explanation; my cold rejection had hurt him. But how could I explain? I’ve never told anyone before, never got close enough to have needed too. No, I’d always run before the trap started to close. But not this time. And I’m hurting, really hurting. I already miss him. My heart feels like it’s been broken, the thought of never being with Wraith again almost as bad as…

  No. I am not going there. Not even thinking about it. But t
he tears pricking at my eyes tell me I’m a liar, and I start to wonder if I may have made a mistake. The need to protect myself as overwhelming as always, just this time I’d left it too late and already got too close. I admit that now, I should have stuck to my normal pattern of one night and done, but I hadn’t been able to do that with Wraith. I’d been too greedy, wanting more. Wanting as much as I could get.

  But he would have left me too. Just like… He might not have wanted to, but he’s not exactly in a nine-to-five safe job. Yesterday was a prime example of the dangerous ways in which he lives his life. And now his club is going to war. Because of me.

  It’s safer and for everyone, if I just leave, then their fight might be averted, and I wouldn’t be faced with seeing Wraith every fucking day. And if I’ve injured him as much as it appeared last night, it would make things easier on him too. I know just how much it takes for one of these men to commit to an old lady. He must really care about me. Yes, it’s best if I go.

  I can’t see any alternative. Though I’m limited, there must be somewhere in this vast country where I can hide. How the hell did anyone find out I was here, anyway? Shaking my head, I realise there’s no way of knowing.

  God, my heart aches when I think of the biker who I allowed to get too close. How could I have started to fall in love with him in such a short time? I’ve always protected myself better before. I never wanted to feel like this ever again.

  As I pull myself out of bed, grab my clothes and get ready for the day, I sigh, dropping my head into my hands. I’m lying to myself if I think I can just leave and forget him. It’s too late. I already love him. And love destroys.

  Horse makes another couple of attempts to get me to talk under the auspices of bringing me more coffee and breakfast, but I’m not in the mood for sharing. I keep quiet, hoping he’ll go and leave me alone as if I open my mouth I know I’ll give myself away. Or I’ll succumb to those tears I’m fighting back, sorrow at the trouble I’ve brought to the club’s door, and for everything I’m leaving. Horse has been good to me, but he won’t approve of my plans to get away and would try to argue me out of them. My resolve is weak enough as it is; if I’m going to act on it I need to do it soon, and quickly, like ripping off a band-aid. I know it’s going to hurt, but sticking around will just be more painful for everyone.

  At last, Horse tells me he’s going down to the clubhouse. Without delaying, I google on my phone then make a call, arranging for a taxi to collect me from the compound. I have to ring a few, the first couple of companies didn’t want to come as far as the gates, offering, instead, to pick me up at the end of the half mile long track that runs up to it. But the fourth is more biddable, and agree they’ll be there in half an hour.

  Quickly I stuff a few clothes into a bag. Somehow during the night they must have brought the van back and, thank God, my chair which was brought to my room while I was sleeping. I don’t want rely on my crutches in case I have to walk long distances so I’m loath to leave it behind. But that means I can only carry the basics. With one last look around my room, my heart breaking at the memories of Wraith in my bed, I fix my crutches on the back of the chair and with my bag on my lap start to wheel myself away from the suite that has become my home.

  Going down past the clubhouse isn’t difficult. I’d hoped not to meet anyone on the way, and for once luck was with me. The whole place seems deserted. Perhaps they are all in a meeting? That suits me fine. I don’t want to make any goodbyes, and I know Horse, for one, wouldn’t agree that my leaving was the best thing to do.

  Congratulating myself on getting away, I come to the gates. As I approach them, Slick and Marsh step out from the shadows.

  Oh. Shit!

  Slick looks at me, pointedly glancing at the bag on my lap, and cocking his eyebrow, “Where d’ya think you’re going, darlin’?’”

  I decide to play it straight, “Could you open the gates for me, please? I’ve got a taxi coming to pick me up.”

  At that moment a car pulls up outside, with a glowing sign on the top. Slick has a silent conversation with Marsh over my head. As the prospect steps towards the gate, I’m assuming he’s going to open it, but he doesn’t, just waves the taxi driver to roll down his window.

  “Now what ya leavin’ for, darlin’”

  Heaving a sigh, I reply honestly, “I don’t want to bring trouble to the club. If I’m not here, the Demons won’t have a beef with you anymore.”

  His eyes narrow, “I could care less about the fuckin’ Demons, darlin’. But you’re under our protection and you ain’t going nowhere. Christ, where did you think you could fuckin’ go?”

  “It’s none of your business.” Disgusted with myself I feel tears at the back of my eyes at this obstacle in my way. Who’s he to thwart my plan to keep them all safe? “You can’t keep me prisoner here.”

  He laughs, he actually bloody well laughs! And to my horror, I see Marsh has finished his conversation with the taxi driver and seems to be passing him some money. The car’s engine starts then it makes a U-turn and drives away.

  “Noooo!” I cry out in exasperation.

  Slick smirks, “Watch her, prospect.” Then, getting his phone out of his pocket places a call. “Got your ol’ lady at the front gate, Wraith. She’d called a fuckin’ taxi and was makin’ a break for it. Thought you like to know.”

  Another sneering look towards me, “Quickest time I’ve known an ol’ lady to call it quits, brother.”

  Then, “Yeah, she ain’t going nowhere.”

  I slump my head forwards. Why the fuck can’t anyone else see the trouble I’m bringing to them by staying here? And the second thought following close behind, why did he have to ring Wraith, he’s the last person I want, can stand, to see. Then, I sit up again; perhaps it’s all for the best. Surely, after the angry words last night, Wraith will want me gone as much as I want, need, to get away.

  That I’m right seems to be confirmed when Wraith comes storming along the driveway with Peg by his side, his hand which isn’t in a sling, on the VP’s arm as though holding him back. The reminder of the sergeant-at-arms’ injury fuels my determination to leave.

  “Just tell them to open the gates,” I shout out when he’s within hearing.

  His face contorts with rage, “You’re not going fuckin’ anywhere, Sophie.”

  He called me Sophie?

  But I can’t think about that for now, waving my hand at Peg I direct my next plea to him, “You of all people, should know it’s safer for everyone if I go away.”

  Peg stops just in front of me, “Ain’t safer for no one, babe. We’re at war with the fuckin’ Demons whether you’re here or not. They killed one of ours, remember? Can’t let them get away with that.”

  I can see how they’d want revenge, but it would have to come at a cost, “Surely you don’t want others to die?”

  He shrugs, “If that’s the result, so be it. We all know that when we take the patch.”

  My gaze turns to Wraith, who’s looking no more relaxed, and the notion that he might be the one to lose his life causes such pain inside me, I know I can’t allow them to stop me getting away, “Don’t ask me to stay here and watch you die, Wraith, Don’t. I can’t do that.” My plea comes out as a whisper.

  Suddenly he’s moving Peg out of the way and crouching in front of me; his eyes radiate pain as he stares into mine, “Don’t ask me to watch you leave here and get yourself killed, Soph. ‘Cos that’s what’s gonna happen if you go out those gates. Don’t ask me to do that.”

  I grasp at straws, “But Ethan only wants to talk to me.”

  He shakes his head, “Yeah, talk to you with his fuckin’ fists. You got anythin’ he wants to hear?”

  I look down, “I don’t know where Zoe is; I can’t tell him anything.”

  “So he’ll kill you. And it’s my guess as he’s a known abuser, he’ll enjoy takin’ his time about it.” He reaches out and touches my hands; I can feel him shaking, “You want me to stay here thinkin’ about
that happenin’ to you? You think I’d be able to stand that? Darlin’ that would kill me faster than a fuckin’ bullet.”

  Suddenly Peg huffs a laugh. We both glance up. I think we’d both forgotten he was there. “Well, look at you two love birds, each wantin’ to die for the other.” He places his hand on Wraith’s shoulder, and squeezes it, “Bout time for that talk you were gonna have,” he suggests to him.


  But I can’t tell him how much I don’t want to have any type of conversation, as Wraith stands, then leans with his face right up against mine. I feel his breath on my face as he tells me, “Not one more fuckin’ word, Sophie. What we’ve got to talk about is gonna be done in private without these fuckin’ clowns around.”

  As he steps back I realise it’s not just Peg, but Slick and Marsh who are avidly taking in our every word. Knowing I’ve got no option, I sink back into the chair, and let him wheel me away, back to my room which not so long ago, I’d thought I’d left for the last time.

  He takes me inside, leaving me by the bed and getting my crutches off the back of my chair and places them close to me, giving me the option of staying where I am or moving. He goes over to close the door then leans back against it, and I take a moment to study him. His anger seems to have left him. Instead, he looks tired and drawn, and something makes me want just to hold him. I sit on my hands to stop myself doing something stupid like reaching for him.

  He sighs deeply, his chin resting down towards his chest, and then he crosses the room, pulling up the chair and sitting opposite me, keeping the distance between us.

  “Before we have the discussion we need to, I’ve got somethin’ to tell you,” he starts. He’s clenching and unclenching his fists, and I can’t work out whether it’s sadness, anger, or like I’m doing, stopping himself reaching for me.


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