Who is She

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Who is She Page 10

by Glina Fastiv

  "My boss." I laugh and get into the passenger seat of her Lexus. "Your boss can afford a Maserati? Maybe you should get him to be your sugar daddy." She jokes.

  I roll eyes and remind her, "it's just a car..."

  "A nice one." She drools, staring at it through the window.

  I sigh and lean forward, blocking her view, "how is your day?"

  "Good, I'm on my way to look at that wedding venue right now. I just met with another free lance photographer that is going to be on my team for the wedding." She explains.

  "That's good, do you have plans tonight?" I ask her.

  "Actually, I do. I'm having dinner with my parents and grandparents." She says.

  "Oh, will Danny be there?" I ask bluntly.

  "Unfortunately." She says.

  I stay quiet and she touches my thigh. "Don't worry about him."

  "I won't. But I do have to ask you a serious question..." I say and she just stares at me. "Can you please get into this backseat with me and put your head between my legs?" I ask and follow it with an innocent smile.

  She laughs and sighs, "go." She says and unbuckles.

  We both climb into the backseat and she does what I asked her, making me extremely happy. I orgasm twice and she licks and kisses me a few more times before sitting up and looking at me. When she does I grin and pull her face closer to kiss her.

  "Thank you, baby." I whisper and practically suck her lips off.

  She laughs and puts her hand on my thigh. "You want more?" She asks and kisses my neck.

  "Mm, what time is it? I have to hurry back."

  "Come on, you're driving a Maserati... I have plenty of time to make you cum again and for you to get back to work on time." She says.

  "Mm, fine." I laugh. She kisses me again and her hand goes between my legs and two of her fingers begin pleasuring me.

  "F-f-f- God. One more." I beg and she stops and looks at me like I'm insane.

  "You're tight.. that isn't gonna work." She laughs.

  I grab her face hard and grit through my teeth, "do it."

  She does exactly what I say and I'm nearly in tears. She makes me climax again and then makes out with me for a few seconds before I shove her off.

  "Okay, I need to get going." I tell her and sit up. She nods and climbs back into her seat and I'm left scrambling around in the backseat searching for my underwear. "Where are they?!" I ask and Leah shrugs her shoulders. "Shit. I'll go without them. Bye, be careful." I tell her.3

  "Umm, excuse me?" She asks and locks the door so I can't get out.

  "Leah, please. I need to go." I pout.

  "Kiss me." She says.

  I grin and kiss her softly, "have fun." I tell her.

  She smiles and unlocks the door and I head back to my office, still not wearing anything underneath my dress.


  As I'm waking out of my office for the day, I run into my boss in the hallway. Literally, I walk right into him.

  I laugh with embarrassment and step back, "I am so sorry." I laugh and he smiles wide at me.

  "No problem, you're leaving?" He asks me.


  "I hate to be a bother, but would you mind coming to my office for a second? I have a photo shoot coming up for our new advertisement and I need help choosing a suit." He explains.1

  "No, I don't mind at all. Let's go." I say, not hating the idea of being a stylist for a few minutes.

  We get to his office and he has four suits hanging up. Black, grey, navy blue, and another grey one, but a slightly lighter shade.

  "So, I like them all. I had a deep red color picked out, but my friends told me no way." He laughs and leans against the desk.

  I walk over, touching the material. I point to one of the grey ones. "This one. Your eyes will pop more and it'll make you look more intense." I say.

  "Shoes?" He asks. I bite my cheek and look at the options he has and bend over to grab a pair. I feel something brush against my ass it I choose to ignore it. Accidents happen.3

  "These." I say. When I stand up he's directly behind me.

  "That's what I was thinking." He says in a low voice with a soft grin.

  I smile and step around him, "that's all you needed?"

  "That's all..." he nods.

  I smile kindly and make my break, "okay, I'll head out. Have a nice night!"

  "You too, Jennifer." He says, taking a much more serious tone.1

  * * *

  I'm sitting on the couch with my sister and she starts asking questions... lots of questions.

  "Are you and Leah like... a couple?"

  "Not really. I don't consider her my girlfriend... it's just- it's complicated I guess." I shrug my shoulders, not too clear on the nature of mine and Leah's relationship anyway.

  My little sister gives a sarcastic laugh, "what makes it complicated? You clearly like each other."

  "She's leaving, Jackie. She'll be gone for two weeks soon and then after that... she might move to London. I'm not getting into a relationship that's gonna be long distance." I say and my sister is surprised to hear this.

  "I didn't realize she was leaving."

  "I- she told me the other day. It's not a big deal, and I don't want you saying anything to make her feel guilty about whatever she chooses." I snap, knowing how good my sister is at guilt-tripping people.

  "I won't!!" She promises.

  "Good, now tell me about this guy you've been sleeping with." I change the subject and her jaw drops.

  "What?!" She gasps, playing stupid.

  "Your headboard slaps the wall, dude. I'm not dumb. This is why you always put it totally against the wall or make sure there is something between the wall and headboard before you start boning." I say and roll my eyes.1

  "Gee, my sister is a secret sex expert?" Jackie smirks.

  "Your sister is many things." I wink and walk to the the kitchen.

  It's midnight and I'm laying in bed with my eyes wide open. For some reason, I can't get Leah off my mind tonight. Just the whole idea of her leaving and- it's a lot. I'm finally feeling happy and like I have something good since Danny and I broke up. I'm not ready to let that go. I'm not ready to let her go.

  My alarm goes off and I've never hated the sound more. I slept for maybe three hours... it was a horrible night.

  I get up and get dressed, all of it takes me about an hour. As I'm walking out the door I get surprised.

  "Saved you a trip." I hear her voice and turn around smiling.

  "You're a saint." I say as I take my coffee from Leah and hug her.

  I stand there holding her for a little longer than I normally would. "You okay?" She asks me and I look at her and bite my lip. "Hey, what's up?" She asks.

  I feel my eyes get all watery and then a tear comes sliding down my cheek. "No! You're not crying. Come on, come tell me what's wrong." She says and we go back into my apartment and sit on the couch. "What is it?" She asks and uses her hand to wipe my tears.

  "I couldn't stop thinking about you last night and- I don't want you to leave me." I say.

  "Baby..." she mumbles and hugs me.

  "Leah, I feel so selfish for saying that but I don't think I can lose you right now. After coming out of my broken engagement and falling right into you... I don't know how to be on my own." I say to her.

  She frowns and keeps wiping my tears as they fall. "Stop crying, please. Jennifer if it makes you this upset I won't go. I'll turn it down right now. I just hate to see you like this." Leah gushes.

  "Don't turn the job down!" I say and she laughs and raises her eyebrows at me.

  "Then what should I do?" She asks and strokes my thigh.

  "Love me... love me now while you're here." I say.

  She just stares at me for a second and then she hugs me tightly. "I do." She says and kisses my head.

  At this moment my sister walks into the room. I don't feel like explaining anything to her so I suck up my tears and stand up, "walk with me." I say.

  Leah and I h
ead out and she ends up dropping me off at work. "You have plans today?" I ask her, now in a totally different mood.

  "No, actually. I just have a phone conference with Rachel and her fiancé about the wedding. Nothing serious... how about I take you to lunch?"

  "I would love that. Pick me up around 11:30." I say.

  She nods and kisses my lips a few times, "have a good day."

  "You too, baby. Thank you." I say as I slam the car door and head into the building.


  I walked into work expecting a totally normal day... I was wrong. The moment I stepped into my office my boss runs into the room, rushing me to get my things and come with him. So that's what I did... little did I know, I was going somewhere other than the building. Now I'm in the back of an SUV with my boss and I have no idea where I'm being taken to.1

  "Where are we going?" I ask shyly.

  "The photo shoot I told you about, it's today." He says, hardly glancing up from his phone.

  "Oh, right." I say and nod.

  Thirty minutes later we arrive to a building. It's a new building, super modern.

  We head inside and I quickly realize that my boss gets treated like royalty. Doors are opened for him, paths are cleared when he enters a room. I follow him to his dressing room and he asks me to help get things set up.

  "As inconvenient as it is, I have a conference call in he middle of all of this. Can you set it up? Or if it isn't too much trouble have it rescheduled for tomorrow?" He asks.

  I nod my head and grab my laptop and do what he asks. He starts unbuttoning his shirt and I stand up, "I can go..." I say and start to walk out of the room that is apparently doubling as his dressing room.

  "No, you're fine." He says with a smug grin.

  I sit back down, a bit uncomfortable, and put my eyes on the screen and no where else.

  He puts on his suit and then looks at me, "well?"

  "You look handsome." I say.

  He smiles confidently and then there is a knock on his door, "come in." He says loudly.

  His coordinator walks in and she doesn't look happy.

  "Photographer isn't coming." She says.

  "What?! Why?! We paid the guy for this shoot and he isn't going to show?!" Aaron exclaims, clearly angry.

  "I- he said something happened and he just can't make it. He's willing to reschedule..." she says.1

  "No, I'm not rescheduling. Find another photographer that can be here within the hour." He hisses.

  I take this as my time to chime in. "I actually know a photographer who may be interested in helping... I could give her a call?" I ask nervously.

  "Sure." He says, irritated.

  I quickly leave the room and call Leah.

  "This is an early time for lunch..." She answers. I can hear the smile in her voice.

  "Hey, can you do me a favor?" I ask.

  "What is this favor?"

  "I need a photographer to take pictures of my boss for the new advertisements and if I can get you here within the hour I'll have a pretty damn good shot at getting a raise. So... wanna come?" I ask hopeful.

  "Woah, woah, woah... advertising? I don't do those kinds of shoots... Maybe you should let me talk to his event coordinator or something. I need to know exactly what I'm getting into." Leah says.

  "Okay, fine. Give me a second!" I say, rushing to find Heather.

  She talks with Leah and I hear prices being argued and I hold my breath. I need this to work...

  "Okay, we'll see you soon." Heather finally says, allowing me to breathe again.2

  She gives me my phone and sighs. "New photographer is on the way, her name is Leah and she's doing it for the same price. She just has the rights over the photos, where they go and the other important stuff. She sounds promising." Heather says, clearly impressed with what Leah told her.

  "She's amazing." I assure them and Aaron looks at me and laughs.

  "Close friend of yours, eh?" He questions.

  "Mmhm, very." I laugh. Real close.

  Leah texts me as she pulls in so I run outside to meet her.

  "Hi gorgeous." She says and gets out of the car in her jeans and semi-dressy shirt.

  "Hey. Thank you for coming. I owe you one." I say.

  She looks at me and grins, "owe me one what?"

  "Anything you want." I whisper and glance over my shoulder to make sure I'm not being watched.

  "Help me get this stuff out of the trunk." She winks and I laugh and grab a tri-pod from the trunk while Leah gets her camera and MacBook.

  We go inside and I walk over to my boss, "Aaron, this is Leah. Leah, meet Aaron." I introduce them and then Leah starts setting up.

  I watch her from a distance and admire her. I really am obsessed with how much she loves her work. It makes me think about London. She'd be so happy there.

  We begin the photo shoot and I stand back and watch. Leah takes hundreds of photos and Aaron is loving the attention.

  "Jennifer, why don't you come over here?" He calls.

  I widen my eyes and laugh, "no, I'm good." I say.

  "Come on." Leah says and points the camera at me, snapping a picture.

  "Just one." I say.

  I pose for the picture and Aaron's hand ventures down a lot farther than I wish it would have. I know Leah noticed it because she put her camera down immediately and ended the shoot.

  "So, Leah how long will it take you to edit those?" He asks her.

  "It depends. I'll get it done as quickly as I can." Leah says. "It was a pleasure working with you." Leah says and shakes his hand.

  "The pleasure was all mine." Aaron charms, "I'll have a check for you in the mail today."

  I smile at Leah and follow my boss down the hallway, "Jennifer, you're free for the day. I have to go. You can ride with your friend or should I leave a car?" He asks.

  "I can ride with Leah." I say and he winks at me and walks out. I go back to Leah and pick up her camera and take a picture of her.

  "Woah, put that down. It's worth more than your life savings." She says and takes it from me. I laugh and she keeps cleaning up her set up.

  "I'm riding back with you." I say and she nods her head and puts everything into a nice little case and carries it to the car. We leave the site and it's a quiet highway drive back to my apartment.

  I can't stand the silence so I break it. I grab Leah's hand and look at her while she drives.

  "This morning... I'm sorry for acting like that." I say and she glances at me and gives a little smile.

  "Don't worry about it."

  "I love you, Leah." I say.

  She squeezes my hand and looks at me for a second, "I love you too." She tells me.

  I smile and lean across the console to kiss her lips. "Take me home so I can give you that thing I owe you." I giggle and she pushes the gas a little bit harder.


  "I'm gonna start crying." I say as I sit on Leah's bed watching her pack her bags for her two week trip to London.

  "Don't, please." She says and tosses another shirt at me to fold for her.

  "This has been the shortest week ever. I just wanted it to last for a really long time." I pout and she smiles and keeps packing her things.

  "You still have one more day with me, don't worry." She says.

  "I'm texting Aaron and telling him I can't work tomorrow." I say and grab my phone.

  "No!" She says and it from me. She kisses me instead.

  I laugh and shake my head, "I'm gonna miss you." I say and she smiles and tucks my hair behind my ear.

  "You have no idea..." she says back to me and kisses my lips slowly and very delicately.

  I kiss her multiple times and then I wrap my legs around her body and pull her over top of me. She giggles and keeps kissing my lips.

  "Mmhm-" I groan and push my hips up at her. She notices this and grabs my ass with one hand and uses the other to hold herself up. Our kisses get a lot heavier and more tongue-filled. Each time she kisses me I can't help but shift and sq
uirm underneath her body.

  I kiss her very deeply and slowly and casually grind myself against her thigh.

  I moan quietly and she starts to smile while under my lips.

  "Stop smiling. It's hard to kiss you." I tease and she looks down at me and kisses my lips again.

  "I'm gonna miss this the most." She whispers and looks down at my waist.

  "I want you to fuc-" I'm interrupted when we hear footsteps. Leah quickly jumps back and keeps packing while I pretend to be on my phone.

  Her mom comes into the room and smiles, "nearly packed?" She asks her daughter.

  "Yeah, just a few more things, once I'm done I'm going to take Jennifer home." Leah tells her mom.

  "Alright. It was good seeing you Jennifer! Have a nice night." Her mom says.

  I smile innocently, "you too!" Leah's mom leaves the room and I point at the open door.

  "What?" Leah asks. I turn my fingers and she laughs and walks to the door and locks it.

  I nod my head, unbutton my shorts, slide them down my legs and kick them off into the floor. Leah stands there watching me for a few seconds and then she folds her arms over her chest.

  I slide my hand down my stomach and touch myself and she shakes her head, "get your ass over here." She hisses and moves everything off of her bed and grabs my thighs aggressively to pull me closer. She lays on her back and suddenly pulls me over her face. Well, okay.

  She uses her tongue to make me orgasm twice and then I remove her clothes too. I happily lay on my stomach between her legs and please her as well as I can. Somehow, we manage to do this exchange quietly and very quickly. Thirty minutes later I'm dressed again and she is too.

  "I'll take you home." She says. I take her hand and we leave her parents house and go to my apartment.

  She walks me inside and I hug her tightly and then I jump up and wrap my legs around her waist, "don't go." I whisper and she rubs my back.

  "I'll be back before you know it. I promise." She says.

  "I love you." I say and she puts me down and kisses me, "I love you. Be good, I'll see you tomorrow before my flight." She tells me and then she's gone.

  * * *

  It's almost time for me to leave work when my boss comes into my office and stops me.


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