Home Guard tried for
independent inquiry into, attempted
Lennox-Boyd navigates charges of
memories, guilt, and denial
missionaries and
news of, reaches London
reports and investigations of, Fletcher and
reports and investigations of, Meldon and
reports and investigations of, Young and
screenings in Tanganyika and
Bahati Screening Center
Baker farm
Baldwin, William
Balniel, Lord
barbed-wire villages (Emergency villages, villagization)
confessions forced in
deaths and deprivation in
food in
forced labor in
Malaya and
rehabilitation campaign and
removal of people to
special areas and
violence and torture in
Baring, Evelyn
amnesty and
attitude of, toward Mau Mau
background of
barbed-wire villages and
Bewes memorandum and
camps and
career of, after decolonization
Church firing and
collective punishment and
detainee allegations and
dilution and
double standard and
due process and
Emergency and
exile policy and
Four-Point Plan and
Hola Massacre and
human rights and
Kenyatta and
Koinange and
Lennox-Boyd and
Malaya as blueprint for
police and
protests stonewalled by
screenings and
memorandum on castration
missionaries and
rehabilitation and
release quotas and
repatriation and
replaced by Renison
screening and
secret documents on misconduct and
Swynnerton Plan and
Vigilance Committee and
War Council and
women detainees and
Young and
Baring, Mary
Anvil and
assaults on civilians and women by British forces
barbed-wire villages and
of hard core
missionaries and
revelations about
screenings and
of women
works camps and
Beauttah, James
Becker, Alfred
Becker Touch
Beecher, Leonard (archbishop of Mombasa)
Beecher, Mary
Bevan, Aneurin
Bewes, T. F. C.
Bird, Leonard
Bischoff, J.
“black” detainees
black markets
Blair, David
Blixen, Karen
Blundell, Michael
Boer War
Bostock, Peter
Bowker, Eric, murder of
Breckenridge, James
bribery, in camps
British cabinet
British Colonial Office. See also Lennox-Boyd, Alan; Lyttelton, Oliver
Anglican Church protests and
Bewes report and
CPA report and
Hola Massacre and
human rights and
inspection committees and
knowledge of, revealed by Mathieson
Lennox-Boyd replaces Lyttelton as head
letters from detainees and
Meldon allegations and
missionaries and
veil drawn by, on independence
British Empire
attitudes toward end of
economic decline and
legitimized by “civilizing mission,”
“man on the spot” and
two standards in
British Foreign Office
British Home Office
British House of Commons
dilution and
Hola Massacre and
independent inquiry and
protests by
British House of Lords
British Parliament
debate over colonial issues in
letters from detainees to
Brockway, Fenner
Buchman, Frank
“Bunny, Dr.,”
burial sites (mass graves)
Kamiti Camp
Ruthigiti post
Thigio post
burial work
barbed-wire villages and
Kamiti Camp and
Burma Market
By Way of the Wire
Campbell, Malcolm
Canterbury, archbishop of
Caribbean colonies
Carothers, J. C.
Carter Land Commission
Castle, Barbara
letters from detainees to
trip to Kenya to investigate
Catholic missionaries
Catling, Richard
Cavendish-Bentinck, Ferdinand
Cege, John
Central Province. See also barbed-wire villages; Kikuyu reserves
Baring’s tour of
beauty of
control of Mau Mau and
disease in
fighters vs. civilians
food crisis in
forced villages in
Kikuyu deported to
rehabilitation officers in
screening centers in
work camps in
chiefs, African (loyalist)
private militias of
child prostitution
Anvil and
born from rape of women
deaths of, in barbed-wire villages
deaths of, in camps
detention of
guerrillas and
rehabilitation plan for
repatriation and
women in detention camps and
China, General
Chinn, W. H.
Chotara, Kariuki
Christian Council of Kenya (CCK)
Christianity. See also Bible; missionaries
Church, Howard
Churchill, Winston
Church Missionary Society (CMS)
Executive Committee
Church of Scotland
“civilizing mission,”
Coast Province
coffee production
collective punishment
Colleton, Father
Colonial Development and Welfare Acts (British)
Colonial Development and Welfare Fund
Colonial Development Corporation (CDC)
Colonial Policy Committee
color bar
Commonwealth Parliamentary Association (CPA)
Community Development and Rehabilitation
compelling vs. punitive force
concentrated labor lines (mini–detention camps)
“Confess and Save Your Land” broadcast
confession. See also screening
Anvil and
barbed-wire villages and
collaboration and, in works camps
detainees encourage resistance to
detainees’ reasons for
detainees who refuse
emphasis on, in hearts-and-minds campaign
forcing, to clear Pipeline
hard core and
missionaries and
as purpose of detention
repatriation and
women and
confession box
Congress of Berlin (1884–85)
Congress of People Against Imperialism
Connell, C. P.
Conservative Party, British
Cooke, Shirley
Corfield, F. D.
Corfield Report
Corridors of Wire (Gavaghan)
counteroathing ceremonies
Coutts, Walter
Cowan, John
Cowan Plan
Cram, A. L.
Creed of Gikuyu and Mumbi (Wanjau)
Criminal Investigation Department (CID)
Cromer, Lord
Cross, Tony
Cumberland, W.
Cusack, Jake
Dagoretti Division
barbed-wire villages and
school for boys
Daily Mail
Daily Mirror
Daily Telegraph
Daily Worker
Davies, Eric
Davies, H. O.
“D-day” Nairobi (April 24, 1954)
deaths (murders, killings). See also massacres
barbed-wire villages and
Castle investigates
children in camps and
dilution and
of hard core
Hola camp, revealed
interrogations and
letters from detainees on
number of, during Emergency
of prisoners “while escaping,”
works camps and
Defeating Mau Mau (Leakey)
Defence Ministry, Kenya
Delamere, Lord
Delegated Detention Orders (DDOs)
deportation. See forced removals Des Pres, Terence
detention. See barbed-wire villages; detention camps; detention without trial issue; exile camps; hard core; Pipeline; reception centers; screening; special detention camps; transit camps; works camps
detention camps
Baring and
civilizing mission of
cleansing of records on
detention committees and
Four-Point Plan and labor and
informants influence policies in
letters from detainees in
in Malaya
number and organization of
number of people in
racist attitudes and
run by loyalists chiefs and settlers
secret leadership in
screenings and
survivor interviews on
violence of screenings spills into
women in
detention orders, appeal of. See also
Delegated Detention Orders; Governor’s
Detention Orders
detention without trial issue
human rights and
post-Emergency plan and
Development Plan for
Devlin Report
dilution technique
barbed-wire villages and
letters from detainees on
repatriation and
transit camps and
typhoid epidemic and
works camps and
district commissioners
divide-and-rule labor policy
due process, suspension of
Dugdale, Thomas
Dunn, Cyril
East Africa Department
East African Public Relations Department
East African Standard
East African Women’s League
Eden, Anthony
Elected Members
elections of 1961
Electors’ Union
electric shock
eliminationist attitude
Eliot, Charles
Embakasi. See Mau Mau Investigation Center Embakasi airport
Embakasi Prison
Embu District
works camps in
Emergency, State of arguments justifying violence during
Baring declares
British penal system and
criticized as too soft, by settlers
critics of, in Britain
detention without trial and
extremist mentality and
financial problems and
forced communal labor and
health and sanitation problems and
human rights and
in Malaya vs. Kenya
not lifted until 1960
oathing and
permanent detentions planned during
police recruits during
rehabilitation and
screening and
security forces deployed at start of
seems inadequate
special fund, and bribes
Swynnerton and Four-Point Plan and
torture during
War Council formulates strategy
Emergency assize courts
Emergency Regulations
arrests under, release rate vs.
confiscations allowed by
critics mount offensive vs.
detainees rights under
due process and
enacted, in 1953
former detainees under
Malaya as blueprint for
Regulation 17, licenses violence
revised, and minor infractions
End of Empire (TV documentary)
Erskine, Derek
Erskine, George “Bobbie,”
European Convention on Human Rights and its Five Protocols
Article 15
Evening Standard
exile camps and policy
Fabian Colonial Bureau
Face to Face (BBC TV show)
Facing Mount Kenya (Kenyatta)
Fairn Commission
exile camps and
rehabilitation and
repatriated, in work camps
reunification of, on repatriation
separation of, during Anvil
threats vs. to force surrender
Fellowes, R. E.
filter camps
Fletcher, Eileen
food collection, in special areas
food deprivation. See also nutrition; starvation
Forced Labor Convention of 1930
forced removals
forced villagization, mandated by War Council. See also barbed-wire villages
Fort Hall camps
Fort Hall District (later Murang’a)
British atrocities vs. Mau Mau in
detainees from
Kikuyu reserves in
loyalists vs. Mau Mau in
settlement scheme for
Foster, W. G. S.
Four-Point Plan
Fraser, Hugh
report of
Gachau, Njuhi
Gaikuyu village
Gaitskell, Hugh
Gakaara, Shifra Wairire
Gakuru, Samuel
Galton-Fenzi, Hugh
Gathambo, Gacheche
Gathigiriri Camp
Gathirwa, Mwaura
Gatonye, Beatrice
Gatundu Camp
Gavaghan, Terence (Karuga Ndua, Big Troublemaker)
Gekondi Police Station
General Service Unit
Geneva Conventions
Germany. See also Nazi concentration camps
Gikuya, Elijah
Gikuyu (mythical ancestor)
Gilgil Camp
Githigaita, David
Githiriga, Munyinyi
Githiriji, Kamau
Githu, Sam (“Sam Speaker”)
Githui, Njari
Githuma, Muchiri
Githunguri Camp
Gitiri, John
Gorell Barnes, William
Goro, Ndiritu
Gosma (nickname)
Goudie, W. H., report
Imperial Reckoning Page 67