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by William H. Foege

  measles, 38, 46–47, 72–73

  Meiklejohn, Gordon, 114–115

  Merck, 168, 205n30

  metrics: belief in eradication strategy and, 161–162, 172; data analysis and, 145–147; evaluation criteria and, 154–155; number of outbreaks and, 118–119, 146, 161–162, 172, 182; number of vaccinations and, 93, 97; tracking of data and, 145–148. See also program evaluation

  Millar, Don, 19, 37, 85, 132, 167; African eradication program and, 47, 69, 71, 72

  Ministry of Health (India), 86, 123, 125, 166–167, 177, 180

  Ministry of Health (Nigeria), 61, 66, 67–69

  Montague, Lady, 41

  morale, 99, 121, 138, 141, 142–143, 164, 172

  Morris, Leo, 84

  mortality rate, 6, 7, 10; in India, 91–92, 96, 97, 146

  Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 160–161

  multiple pressure vaccination technique, 49

  Narayan, J. P., 158

  National Institute of Communicable Diseases (NICD), 86–87, 99–100, 102, 124, 204n27

  Native Americans, 6, 7, 10

  Nelmes, Sara, 8

  New England Journal of Medicine, 25

  New Mexico, smallpox threat in, 19–22

  NICD. See National Institute of Communicable Diseases (NICD)

  Nigeria, 28–42; eradication in Eastern region of, 60–72; fetisheurs in, 41–42; last case of smallpox in, 73; possibility of eradication and, 27; smallpox in rural areas of, 37–39; surveillance and containment strategy in, 11, 60–72; variolation in, 40–42; village life in, 30–36; war in, 61–69; WHO eradication program in, 46–53

  Nordstrom, Frank, 19

  Norton, Charles, 93

  Ogoja, Nigeria, outbreak, 54–59, 77, 79

  Onitsha Bridge incident, 64–65

  Operation Smallpox Zero, 182–184

  optimism: unwarranted, 117; value of, 191. See also morale

  oral histories, 206n5

  Orissa (Indian state), 176

  Ottemüller, Hector, 54

  outbreaks: number of, as metric, 118–119, 146–147, 161–162, 172, 182; search results in Uttar Pradesh and, 113–114, 115, 173; transmission in Africa and, 38–39; variolation and, 40

  Parasher, Umesh, 126

  pathogen combinations, 36

  Patna, Bihar, 158

  Patwadangar. See Uttar Pradesh

  Peace Corps, 27, 86

  Ped-O-Jet, 50–51, 102

  personnel. See health workers

  Pfizer, 168

  pharmaceutical philanthropy, 168, 205n30

  PHC. See Primary Health Center (PHC)

  Phipps, James, 8–9

  physical effects of disease, 4–5

  physicians, managerial skills of, 207n2

  polio vaccine, 200n8

  politics: Bihar’s Minister of Health and, 169–172; climate in India and, 157–161; foreign workers and, 137, 159; risks to eradication program and, 61–69

  Polybius (Greek historian), 52

  population density, 8, 91, 99, 107

  population size, 107

  Precision Fabrics, 168

  prevention: medical missions and, 28–29

  Primary Health Center (PHC), 103, 108, 112, 119, 153–154

  program evaluation, 99, 100, 192; assessments in India and, 100–102, 173–175; number of vaccinations, as measure, 93, 99; value of, 153–155. See also metrics

  public health field, 17, 186–187; lessons from smallpox program for, 188–192

  publicity, 166–167

  quality control: evaluation system and, 154–155; monthly meetings in India and, 140–144; standards for vaccine and, 48–49, 104; training and, 108

  Ramses V, 6, 89

  Rao, A. R., 85, 134–135

  Rao, C. K., 127

  Ravenholt, Rei, 17, 18, 27, 200n1

  Raya, Krishna, 88

  recognition cards, 108, 109, 158

  recordkeeping: containment in India and, 151, 155–157; early vaccination activities in India and, 93, 95, 96; forms and, 155–157; program in Uttar Pradesh and, 112

  Reid, Gordon, 204n29

  repeat vaccination, 93, 99, 100

  reporting system: Africa and, 39; data tracking from, 145–147; forms and, 156; in India, 100, 103–104, 111, 112, 114, 117, 119

  resource allocation, 191

  reward system, 131, 181–182, 185

  Richmond, Julius, 73

  Ristad, Paula (wife of author), 16–17. See also Foege, Paula; Foege family

  roadblocks, 61–63, 64–65

  Roberto, Ron, 24

  rotary lancet, 49, 50, 101

  Rubin, Benjamin, 101

  Sacco, Luigi, 92

  Schweitzer, Albert, 15

  Scott, Helenus, 92

  search teams, 107–108, 148–150

  SEARO. See Southeast Asia Regional Office (SEARO)

  Sencer, David J., 84, 86, 132–133, 160, 183

  Seva Foundation, 206n1

  Shah Jehan. See Jehan (Indian Shah)

  Sharma, M. I. D., 124–125, 126, 130, 145, 169–172, 176

  shortcuts, 120

  Shrivastav, J. B., 167, 177, 180

  Shriver, Sargent, 27

  SIDA. See Swedish International Development Authority (SIDA)

  Sierra Leone, 73

  Singh, Jit, 87, 88

  Singh, Karan, 124, 135–136, 166, 177, 180

  Singh, Mahendra, 127

  Singh, Rajendra, 139–140

  six-foot perimeter concept, 152–153

  “Smallpox Zero,” 87. See also Operation Smallpox Zero

  Solex motorbikes, 54–55

  Somalia, 186

  South America, 7

  South Asia, 83–84

  Southeast Asia, 7–8

  Southeast Asia Regional Office (SEARO), 86, 103, 105, 117, 135, 136; team members at, 127–129

  South India, 85–86

  special epidemiologists, 103, 117, 134–140, 142–143, 159–161

  Steiger, Tony, 15

  storytelling, 62–63

  Strunk, Bill, 16

  Stuart, Johannes, 133

  supervision, 108

  supplies, 63–65. See also vaccine

  surveillance and containment approach: containment planning and, 108–110; in Eastern Nigeria, 60–72; efficiency of containment and, 162, 163, 174, 181; efficiency of searches and, 107, 120–121, 145, 154, 162, 166, 174; Eradication Escalation effort and, 72–75; history of, at CDC, 75–79; in India, 102, 105–122, 184 (see also India); indicators of containment and, 146, 161; nature of searches and, 107; personnel involved in, 106–111; reasons for effectiveness of, 77–79; search planning and, 107–108; as secondary strategy, 54, 75–77, 85; shift to, as primary strategy, 11, 73, 84–86; skepticism about, 83–86, 177, 180; smallpox bioterrorism and, 195–196; testing of, as primary strategy, 11, 60–72

  Swain, Clara, 139

  Swedish International Development Authority (SIDA), 131, 181–182

  tactical flexibility, 190–191

  take rates, 26, 100

  talking drum, 45–46

  Tamil Nadu, South India, 85

  Tata Industries, 124, 168

  tenacity, 191

  terrorist threat, 195–196

  Thompson, David, 44, 54–55, 58, 60, 70

  Thompson, Joan, 44

  Tonga research, 24–25, 26

  training programs: EIS and, 18; for in India, 59, 106–111; special epidemiologists and, 136–137

  Tranneus, J. E., 131

  transmission of smallpox: decline in rate of, 162; endemic countries and, 72; epidemiological understanding and, 74–75; households and, 110; outbreaks in Africa and,

  transmission of smallpox (continued) 38–39; risks of spread and, 56–57; sex trade and, 205n2

  travel: drivers and, 136–137; political matters and, 157–161, 176–177; searches in India and, 112–113, 114; spread of virus in Nigeria and, 67–68; WHO staff and, 129–130

  trust, importance of, 190

  underreporting, 39. See als
o reporting system

  UNICEF. See United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

  United Lutheran Church of America, 28–29

  United Nations, 52

  United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), 104

  United States: bioterrorism threat in, 195–196; consultants from, 136 (see also foreign workers; special epidemiologists); global perspective and, 52, 132; smallpox in history of, 6–7; surveillance and containment approach in, 195–196, 205n1

  U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), 46, 47, 69, 72, 200n1

  USSR, 48, 99, 104

  Uttar Pradesh (Indian state), 139, 140; mortality rate in, 91–92; rise in numbers in, 147–148; surveillance and containment approach in, 106, 111, 112–119; turning point in, 162, 173–175; vaccine depot in, 95, 104

  vaccination: benefits of, 93; as compulsory, 96; discovery of, 8–10; early efforts in India, 92–97; resistence to, 59, 89, 91, 93–94, 140, 153, 206n1; vs. variolation, 40

  vaccinations, number of, as metric, 93, 97

  vaccination strategy: critical shift in, 11; in nineteenth-century India, 93–96. See also mass vaccination; surveillance and containment approach

  vaccination teams: in Nigeria, 59; Peace Corps volunteers and, 27. See also containment teams; health workers

  vaccination techniques: advances in, 48–52, 101–102; dilution and, 24–25, 51; instruction sheet on, 109, 197; multiple pressure vaccination technique, 49; in nineteenthcentury India, 94; possibilities for global eradication and, 10. See also jet injector

  vaccinators. See health workers

  vaccine: delivery of, in India, 92–93; dilution of, 24–25, 51; freeze-drying and, 104; production in affected countries, 10, 48, 94, 95, 104; sources of, 94, 99; standards for, 48–49, 104. See also supplies

  vaccinia virus, 75

  van Bibber, Dr. (Lincoln’s physician), 7

  variola minor, 185–186

  variolation: development of, 40; in India, 89, 91, 95–96; Jenner and, 8–9; in Old World, 40–42

  Washington, George, 6–7

  watch guards, 152, 153

  Watson, William, 133

  Weller, Tom, 25–26, 200n8

  West Africa, 72–75

  West and Central African Smallpox Eradication/Measles Control Program (CDC handbook), 76

  West Bengal, India, 106, 121, 177

  World Health Assembly (WHA), 10, 27, 47–48, 98

  World Health Organization (WHO), 10; archival records and, 143–144; CDC involvement and, 84, 160; Ethiopian program and, 185–186; improvement of tools and, 189; program in India and, 100–102, 104, 105, 117, 129–131, 155, 164; program in Nigeria and, 46–53; surveillance and containment approach and, 74, 75–76. See also Southeast Asia Regional Office (SEARO)

  Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, 101, 205n30


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