Tulips and Truth (Wildflower Wishes #2)

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Tulips and Truth (Wildflower Wishes #2) Page 8

by Mary Manners

  When strange things begin to happen at Diamond Knot Dreams—rumored to be haunted—Avery and Jason must bond together to get to the heart of the matter.

  Precious Fire

  Will a meddling spirit help Claire and Ryan’s romance bloom, or bring love to a grinding halt?

  Claire McLaughlin dreams of pursuing her passion to bake sweet confections, so when former college roommate Lila Brooks requests help with catering services at Diamond Knot Dreams, Claire grabs the invitation with both hands.

  Ryan Kendrick has returned home to Clover Cove to raise his step-brother following the death of their grandmother. When he rents office space on the second floor of Diamond Knot Dreams, he soon succumbs to talented Claire McLaughlin’s sweet confections—as well as the blue-eyed beauty herself.

  As their romance blooms, so do the shenanigans of Diamond Knot Dreams' meddling spirit, Ellie. Will her wily antics help to draw Claire and Ryan closer together, or bring the blossoming romance to a grinding halt?

  Crystal Wishes

  Will events from the past rise up to destroy Skylar and Adam’s future?

  As a clothing-buyer-turned-seamstress, Skylar Lannigan’s hands whisper tender ballads over fabric. She fills a sketchbook with flowing and whimsical designs—including versions of a to-die-for wedding dress tucked away for her own wedding day—if she’d only find Mr. Right. She’d once imagined a bright future with Adam Caldwell, until he took off with no explanation.

  Adam Caldwell’s life has been a series of hairpin curves since the night a tragic accident claimed both his parents and nearly the life of his sister, Faith, as well. When Faith, who's still recovering from her injuries, asks for help selecting a wedding dress, Adam accompanies her to Diamond Knot Dreams. He's soon reunited with beautiful and lively Skylar Lannigan.

  Romance soon rekindles between Adam and Skylar, but will events from their past rise up to destroy any hope for a future?

  Read on for an excerpt of Lila and Morgan’s love story:

  Veiled Gems

  Veiled Gems

  Chapter 1

  LILA BROOKS SHIELDED HER EYES with one hand to peer down the boulevard. Sunlight dappled through graceful branches of weeping cherry trees, turning the pavement to a shimmer of diamonds. Warm, generous rays teased Lila’s eyes and heated her skin through a pressed linen skirt and coral blouse. A gentle breeze moderated the sultry heat as it carried the musky scent of rich, damp earth.

  Hair along the nape of Lila’s neck danced and tickled.

  The day was as close to perfection as anyone could wish for. Fresh mown lawns hinted at spring. Yet, the verdant landscape did little to soften Lila’s anxious mood as she paced a length of sidewalk.

  Morgan Haynes, the builder who had come highly recommended by her friend Avery’s father, was late. Lila frowned. Long-awaited renovations for her bridal boutique were poised to begin and she was anxious to get the work underway. She’d spent the better part of a year researching properties and had finally settled on the quaint East Tennessee town of Clover Cove. Her initial visit to the area revealed a flux of growth that would easily support new business, yet the community took pride in maintaining its hometown, neighborly spirit. Subsequent visits, followed by a permanent relocation several months ago, merely served to enhance Lila’s intuition.

  She’d planned and labored long months to bring her well-laid designs for the wedding shop to fruition. Now that the property had been purchased and the construction loan signed and sealed, she didn’t want any further delays. An overhaul would transform the majestic three-story Victorian house into a state-of-the-art bridal showplace.

  It had been nearly three months since Lila staked a placard, now slightly yellowed and fading a bit from the effects of inclement weather, in the lawn beside the Victorian’s front stairs. Its message rang simple and to the point:

  Coming Soon…

  Diamond Knot Dreams: Your One-stop Wedding Shop.

  Coming Soon proved the operative phrase. Lila wanted to complete this project with every attention to detail, but her patience was wearing thin. Excitement took over. She longed to get the boutique up and running. Surely, she could find a balance to get everything done within a timely fashion.

  It was going to take a village to coax the business to fruition, and so far, she and Morgan were the only two signed up for the team.

  And as it stood Morgan was AWOL. No phone call, no text, no email.

  Where was he?

  Lila felt as if she’d known Morgan for a lifetime, yet she had stumbled upon him merely months ago and quite by accident. After confiding her frustration in finding a builder who was both willing and qualified to tackle the boutique project, former college roommate and lifelong friend Avery Lakin spurred to action. Less than twenty-four hours later Lila received a call from Avery’s dad, who supplied Morgan’s information and personally vouched for him as a top-of-the-line builder who specialized in transforming older buildings while maintaining the heart of their original beauty.

  Lila snatched the timely lead. A quick phone call to Morgan’s Nashville office set things into motion. Via countless emails and phone conversations that followed, she found Morgan to be forthright and dependable. Even more importantly, he seemed capable of tackling the project while respecting the confines of her budget. His sense of humor and the ease she found in their ability to communicate proved an added bonus.

  As the weeks passed, Lila found herself looking forward to Morgan’s calls for more than the business aspect. His deep, southern accent proved intriguing and Lila knew from his website photos that he had the looks to match. He’d seemed as eager as she to finally meet in person and get this project started.

  Until today.

  Lila gazed down the boulevard once again. A mockingbird in a tree across the way warbled through its repertoire of calls. The branches of a weeping cherry quaked as the bird swooped to a lower limb to continue his lonesome serenade. He seemed to be calling to her—or perhaps calling for Morgan. But his cry did no good at all. Traffic along the road proved light this time of mid-afternoon. Not so much as a motorcycle or even a bicycle crossed her path as she waited there. Lila hoped to enhance the traffic pattern with a clever marketing campaign. She planned to welcome a healthy flow of vehicles as soon as the boutique opened its doors.

  She nibbled a fingernail as she envisioned Morgan snarled in a traffic jam. She’d learned the hard way that the I-40 corridor between downtown Nashville and Clover Cove could be daunting as rush-hour approached.

  Or perhaps he’d changed his mind about coming…

  She dismissed the thought. She’d worked hard to get to this point, so very hard, and nerves had her turning into a shrew with all of these outlandish fears. She smoothed her skirt and turned her attention back to the house. The Victorian, with its drooping sleepy-eyed shutters, languished like a neglected woman just waiting for her soulmate to come along so they might embark together on the adventure of a lifetime. A wide, graveled area at the front entrance would, with some serious TLC, serve as an ample parking lot. The weed-infested area led to a broad staircase that opened onto a sweeping wrap-around porch just made for sweet tea and sunshine. The flooring and rails would benefit from a pressure-washing and fresh coat of paint. It wasn’t too much of a stretch to imagine a cluster of rocking chairs accented by the colorful spill of potted wave petunias.

  Lila’s plan to offer a down-home southern flair, along with impeccable customer service, was sure to draw clients to the bridal boutique like honey draws flies.

  Ample, panoramic windows at the front of the wood-framed structure offered a wash of natural light along the interior. Original hardwood flooring would be stripped and polished to a high sheen meant to complement the many displays she planned to showcase.

  Lila’s pulse thrummed with anticipation. There were so many things to love about the building; she found it hard to believe this property sat vacant for several years. But the structure’s crowning detail proved to be a pair of
stout, regal turrets. One perched along the east side of the front while a second adorned the back. Both drew the eye in an enchanting display.

  The house proved a beautiful, intriguing poem whose architectural lines pleased even the most discerning eye. The structure lacked for nothing—except a thorough overhaul of its inner workings. She and Morgan had agreed that updated wiring and plumbing would be a good place to start. In addition, Lila requested the removal of a few non-weight-bearing walls. The renovation would open the first floor into a spacious showroom.

  Morgan assured Lila during their many phone conferences and emails that the list of repairs would be easy enough to complete before spring eased to summer. But Lila still felt more than a bit uneasy when she thought of the copious notes and details they’d sifted through. There were just so many things to consider.

  And time was wasting.

  Elephants danced a jig through her belly. She splayed a hand to calm the nerves. Had she thought things out well enough? Had she considered every possible detail? There were a million things that could go wrong with this project and any delay could easily cripple her financially. She’d tossed every last penny of her savings into the mix and also gambled on a small business loan to chase this dream to the finish line.

  Even so, the house’s peeling paint and weather-warped deck boards did nothing to dispel Lila’s excitement. She saw beyond the Victorian’s dust and fractured plaster to the beauty locked inside. The house sat like a princess on her throne and Lila vowed to add a bushel of crowning touches.

  But the work couldn’t begin until the tardy Mr. Morgan Haynes showed himself. She reached into her purse for her cellphone and checked the screen for a voicemail, a text. At this point she’d even settle for a flimsy smoke signal.

  Any sign of life.

  Instead she found nothing but a blank screen.

  Lila caught her lower lip between her teeth and grimaced as she dropped the phone back into her purse. Pacing the length of the sidewalk did no good to calm the rising tide that turned her stomach. Worry set in. It was so out of character for Morgan to miss an appointment time that Lila feared he might be snarled in a ghastly pile-up along the interstate.

  The thought tangled her nerves. She feared she might never meet Morgan face-to-face. The project aside, something more drew her to him…something she couldn’t begin to explain. Could she possibly have feelings for a man she hadn’t even met? One she’d merely conversed with?

  Often. Daily. Sometimes several times a day.

  She sighed and paused to gather her bearings. The sidewalk swam beneath her feet as she imagined Morgan in harm’s way. Astonished, she realized her eyes had flooded with tears.

  The humidity coupled with a sleepless night must be getting to her. She drew a deep breath and willed her pulse to steady.

  As her senses knitted back together a flash of red swooped around the corner. It took a moment to register the flashy sports car that gleamed like a ripe habanero pepper as sunlight bounced from the waxed paint. The ragtop fanned open. Music blared over the muffled, steady rumble of a high-powered engine.

  Lila pressed one hand to her ribcage and drew a huge breath of relief.

  Morgan—he’s OK. He’s arrived safely.

  She headed that way as the car approached with the saucy swagger of a confident driver at the wheel. She lifted her sunglasses from the bridge of her nose and propped them atop her head. Sunlight stung her eyes and she blinked hard to clear her vision. She wanted a good look at the man to whom she had entrusted her life savings—and her future in Clover Cove.

  His dark hair danced in the breeze. Though his voice lost its battle with the thrum of music, his moving lips told her he sang right along with the melody. His eyes were shielded by reflective wire-frame sunglasses, but the kelly-green polo shirt showcased sinewy forearms as well as a broad and well-defined terrain of shoulders. The guy obviously knew his way around heavy equipment.

  The car skidded to a stop alongside the curb. Lila planted her hands on her hips and waited for Morgan to lower the radio’s volume.

  Unaffected by her piercing gaze, he belted out the final verse of the song. She narrowed her gaze and made a point to tap the face of her watch.

  He actually had the nerve to wink at her as the last note resonated.


  Flashing a magnetic smile, he switched off the ignition. The music faded, but he continued the tune with a totally original verse.

  She itched to throttle him.

  “Are you finished yet? Are you done belting out your ridiculous rendition of that song? Because, if I didn’t know better, I’d think you hope to be discovered by a talent scout.”

  “Wow…” Morgan twirled his key ring on one finger. “So you think I’m ready for the big stage?”

  “I wouldn’t go that far.” A smile tickled the corners of her lips. Although Morgan would probably never win a talent show for his singing—much less an award for being on time today—he possessed a healthy dose of charisma that she found both unsettling and endearing. “Saying you’re ready for crooning in the shower would be a stretch, and that’s only if no one is listening.”

  “Ouch.” The smile went flat as he opened the driver’s door and unfolded himself from the seat. His legs were long, lean, and the rest of him followed suit. “You don’t mince words, do you?”

  “Not when it comes to my business…or my money.”

  “I’ll file that memo for future reference.” He tapped his left temple. “By the way, I’m Morgan Haynes.”

  He offered his hand. Huge, warm, callused. The guy was no stranger to physical labor. Yet she sensed a gentleness as his fingers melded with hers.

  “Morgan…I assumed as much.” With a tinge of regret, Lila drew her hand back. “I recognize you from the photo posted on your website. I’m pleased to finally meet you. And, as you’ve most likely suspected, I’m Lila Brooks.”

  “Lila, yes.” He stepped onto the sidewalk as his gaze drank her in. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, too.”

  “Thank you.” She nodded curtly. “For the record, you’re late.”

  “Actually, I’m two minutes early.” Morgan smoothed the pad of his thumb over the face of his wristwatch to prove his point. “Two and a half minutes, to be exact.” He ran a hand through his hair, coaxing the dark, windblown waves back into place. A shadow of stubble grazed his jawline, connecting at a deep cleft near the center of his chin. When he removed his sunglasses, smoky-blue eyes tagged hers and held tight. “But if you’d like me to get back in my car and drive away, then return in a few minutes so you can be right on the point, I’m more than happy to oblige.”

  “No, that’s certainly not necessary.” Lila gathered her hair as it danced in the breeze to veil her eyes and tease her cheeks. She wished she had thought to secure it with an elastic band before heading out that morning. “It’s just that in my universe if you’re not at least ten minutes early, you’re late.”

  “Well, I obviously don’t reside in your universe, so one of us is going to have to consider a change of zip code.” Morgan turned back toward the car. “And, since we’re filing mental notes, you need to know that I don’t do well taking orders from high maintenance clients.”

  “High maintenance…?” Lila stuttered. “Who’s high maintenance?”

  “Take a look.” Morgan grinned as he tapped the car’s side-view mirror. Lila was horrified to find her image gazing back. “If the reflection fits…”

  “That’s ridiculous.” Lila shook her head to reinforce the fact and pressed a hand to his forearm. It only took a moment for her to regret the touch as sinewy muscles screamed back at her. The guy had obviously spent substantial time wielding construction tools. “But I’m sorry if I’ve come off that way. This project has me on edge. Cut me a little slack.”

  “That, I can do. Apology accepted.” Morgan’s gaze slid to her hand still resting along his arm. “And though the jury’s still out on the high maintenance issue, I co
mpletely understand the nerves. This is a huge undertaking.” His gaze shifted to the Victorian. “But she’s a beauty in the rough, that’s for sure. We’re going to accomplish great things together…a total transformation.”

  “You think so?”

  “I do, or I wouldn’t be here.”

  “Right. I’m sorry for starting off on the wrong foot and for being so snippity with you.”

  “Snippity? Is that a real word?”

  “It is now.” Lila removed her hand from his arm and stepped back. “Like I said, I’m just…a little on edge and anxious to get going.”

  “Then, let’s get to it.” He started toward the house.

  “Yes, let’s.”

  Lila fell in beside Morgan’s long, lean stride.

  She hadn’t made it half-a-dozen steps when the heel of her navy pump caught in a sidewalk crack. She stumbled—right into Morgan.

  “Whoa, there.” Without missing a beat, he caught her against his chest. For a moment she found herself in a tilt-a-whirl of sensations. “I’ve got you.”

  A terrain of muscles…the clean scent of soap…a hint of cotton.

  She steadied herself and blew a wisp of bangs from her eyes as she slanted a gaze upwards to find Morgan staring at her. “Well, that’s just peachy…nothing seems to be going as planned today.”

  “Why don’t you take a breath? We’ll slow the pace a little.” He set her firmly on her feet and took a step back. “Better?”

  “Yes. Thanks.”

  He offered her a hand as his lips curved into a lopsided smile. Again, Lila found evidence of a strong work ethic along the surface of his palm; calluses lined his fingers. “You don’t have to go it alone anymore—I’m here now. You’ve got a load on your plate and that’s a lot to handle, so let me share the burden. It’s wise to remember that restoring a century-old house takes a tender, patient touch—not a bulldozer.”


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