Sweet Moon Dreams

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Sweet Moon Dreams Page 4

by Rose Marie Wolf

  A chill went through him. He took it as a sign she was there, and sure enough as he brought his bike closer, he could see her Mustang GT parked next to the house. Jason breathed a sigh of relief and rolled up beside it. He turned the bike off and listened to the calming silence that came with country life. He took a deep breath of air.

  And caught the unmistakable scent of blood.

  He froze. His heart paused momentarily. Fear consumed him. He turned his head and stared toward her car. Blood smears, though hardly visible and small, shone on the Mustang’s door handle. He swallowed a lump in his throat and took a few slow steps toward the car.

  The scent was stronger here. It was her blood. Jason didn’t even have to peer inside the driver’s window to see the bloodstains on the seat. That was enough for him.

  His feet barely touched the ground as he ran from the car to the front door. The door opened easily because it was unlocked. He entered the front room.

  The bathroom door was wide open. Bright light spilled into the hallway.

  “Rose?” Jason called. The only answer he received was the silence of the house. His gaze fell to the floor. He noticed the trail of blood smeared on the hardwood floor. He had been walking in it all along, and now he followed the trail with his eyes. It led into the bathroom.

  “Rose?” he called again, louder and more desperate. Still there was no answer.

  His heart pounded loudly in his ears. His footfalls were slow as he moved toward the bathroom. The blood was brighter and easier to see in the fluorescent light of the bathroom. It glistened on the tile.

  Rose was nowhere in sight.

  Blood discolored the white porcelain basin of the sink, and a discarded blood-drenched shirt lay on the floor. With shaking hands, Jason lifted the shirt. Most of the blood was dried onto the garment, but it was bright and still somewhat wet. He let it fall back onto the floor.

  Fear and panic began to rise within him, but he quelled them with a few deep breaths and clenched fists. Someone had hurt her and badly.

  His head turned and searched for the rest of the blood trail. It ended here. It led no where else. But she was in the house. She had to be. Jason's gaze lowered. Something glittered in the light and caught his attention.

  A bullet.

  Jason found his hands shaking once again as he crooked his fingers to lift it from inside the sink. It was a silver bullet. He dropped it and let it fall into the sink with a loud clank. He stepped back and stared at it.

  Once again, Jason felt a snarl rise. His fears had been confirmed.

  He did not hesitate any longer and proceeded to tear through the house. The bedroom door was already ajar, not how he had left it earlier that day. The light from the bathroom poured across the bed.

  There she was. Rose lay on her back on the bed, her eyes closed. Jason caught himself in the door and closed his own eyes. Silently, he said a prayer to a god he feared would never answer.

  God…don’t let her be dead…God…don’t…

  He walked closer and sat on the edge nearest to her. Rose was breathing. She was alive.

  “Rose? Rose, wake up…it’s me, Jason…” he whispered softly and leaned over her.

  She didn’t move.

  “Rose? Rose, wake up…it’s me, Jason…” A very familiar male voice spoke in a whispered tone. It was too much like a dream. Paralyzed and unable to move, she was too weak to even lift her head.

  “Rose?” His voice was clear suddenly. Was he there? She couldn’t see him, but her eyes were closed. She fought to open them, but the bright light that came from the bathroom momentarily blinded her. They closed again.

  “Come on, Rose, sweetie…” Jason’s voice coaxed once more. She could feel his hands on her shoulders. They moved beneath her to cradle her close. She tried to open her eyes and focus them but she only saw blurred shadows. One great shadow loomed above her. The shadow spoke.

  “I’m here Rose, I’m here…” She tried to see more clearly. As her eyes adjusted, the shadows began to fade away, and she could see him.

  “Jason?” Rose whispered incredulously and she tried to raise her head again. Jason placed a hand on her forehead to stop her. He smoothed back her hair.

  “Rose, don’t try to move. Just rest. I’m here for you.” Rose blinked a few times and saw the look of relief wash over his face. She gave a sigh and closed her heavy eyelids.

  He spoke quietly, “God, I was so worried. I saw the blood.” His voice trailed off.

  His gaze trailed over her body. She had missed a few buttons when she had done up her shirt, and he could see the dried blood. He held his breath, almost afraid to even look.

  Gingerly, Jason peeled back the opening of her blouse and saw the blood crusting around what appeared to be a fresh wound. It was red, but not bleeding and it had already begun the necessary and thankfully quick healing process.

  Rose stirred slightly and whimpered.

  “Shh…” Jason whispered. He clasped her hand. Her skin was cold against his touch. She had lost a lot of blood. “It’s okay, love…its okay. I need to see.”

  His fingertips moved carefully over the injured flesh. It was swollen, and Rose breathed in sharply as his fingers grazed over the wound at her shoulder.

  “It hurts,” she said, the words barely whispering from her lips.

  Jason felt his entire body tense. His mate was in immense pain. Someone had hurt her, and hurt her bad. He took a deep breath. Someone was going to pay for it.

  He forced himself to calm down when Rose spoke once again.

  “Did you…check…the sink?” she asked slowly, weakly. Somehow, even under Jason’s protest, she was able to lift herself into a sitting position. He supported her in his arms and held her close.

  “I saw,” he answered low. His jaw was set. “What the hell happened?” he asked. He strained to keep his voice soft. Rose leaned against his shoulder, her head turned toward his neck. “Was it the bastard that was asking questions? Marcus?”

  Rose’s only answer was a weak nod. Jason growled low as he spoke his next words.

  “I’ll fucking kill him.”

  Jason allowed his anger to soak up just a little more. He glanced down at the helpless form of his mate. She was so pale and weak. Jason choked back his rage and held her.

  “I will…I will fucking kill him,” he repeated, this time amid a growl. It was then that Rose spoke up. Her lips moved at first with her silent words, so she tried again.

  “You won’t have to kill him.” Her voice was steadier, stronger. She shifted her weight and rose a few inches more. She avoided her mate’s eyes.

  Jason felt the change in her attitude and saw it in the way she avoided her eyes. He felt his heart skip a beat or two.

  “What do you mean?” he asked. He forced himself not to tighten his grip on Rose, for fear he would hurt her unintentionally. “What happened?”

  Rose exhaled deeply. She turned her dark eyes to him.

  “He’s already dead,” she said softly. “I killed him.”

  For a moment, there was nothing but a stunned silence. Jason stared down at his mate in disbelief. This dark haired angel, this woman who had no hate or desire to hurt others in her heart, had killed a man. He couldn’t believe it. He didn’t want to believe it.

  But the pleading look in Rose’s eyes convinced him. Jason lowered his head and fought back the urge to tear something apart. Instead, he spoke in a dark voice.


  For a moment, Rose was silent. Then, she began to speak. Her voice was soft, but confident and determined. She told him everything. He listened, not saying a word. When she was done, she closed her eyes and let out a breath. Jason fought to contain his anger.

  When Rose opened her eyes, Jason caught her stare. Her eyes were wide, frightened.

  "I killed him when he attacked us," she said in a trembling voice, "but I'm afraid it's not over yet."

  Chapter Four

  “What are we going to do now?”

bsp; Rose stood against the doorframe of the bathroom and crossed her arms. Her glazed eyes followed Jason’s movements as he paced the hall. She had just finished telling him everything.

  “I don’t know,” he said as he turned to her. “I just don’t know.”

  It had taken her longer than she had thought to recount her story, but once she had, Jason’s entire attitude had changed. His vengefulness only increased, and his anger continued to grow. It frightened her.

  “I’m not one to run, Rose.” He gave an annoyed shake of his head. “You know what? Fuck it…”

  Rose blinked once or twice when he turned his back to her and entered the bedroom. Warm light flooded from the overhead bulb.

  She followed him, but stopped in the doorway. The light filtered from the room and highlighted Jason. Though the light gave a healthy golden look to his skin, it only made her skin look even whiter than before. Her once wounded shoulder rested against the doorframe.

  In the PRDI, Rose had met with individuals who had special abilities, including those who could sense another’s pain and emotions without even setting foot in the same room. The emotions emanating from Jason filled the room with such an intense negativity that she was glad she wasn’t one of these people. It would’ve overwhelmed her.

  “I’m sorry, love,” she whispered. The words sounded ugly coming from her, but she didn’t know what else to offer.

  Jason appeared at first not to hear her. He was immersed in his self-appointed task of packing. Rose let out her own sigh and ventured to continue.

  “Please don’t be like this,” she pleaded but kept her soft tone. “I hate it when you’re like this.” Her fingertips toyed with the sleeve of her shirt. Her eyes strayed from him briefly.

  Jason continued to ignore her. He threw their clothes into an already overstuffed duffel bag. Rose waited for an answer, and it came following an annoyed exhale of air.

  “I’m not one to run,” he repeated. He paused and dropped the article of clothing he was holding. He lifted his blue eyes and met hers. Rose couldn’t be sure, but she thought she caught a glimmer of sadness in them.

  “If it wasn’t for my concern for your safety…I would stay.”

  Rose opened her mouth to protest, but immediately shut it when Jason continued. “I need to get you to someplace safe. And I know of a place.”

  A very small smile lifted the corners of her mouth. Softly, she spoke. “I can take care of myself, Jason.” Her smile faded then. She replaced it with an almost stern look. “I killed someone, didn’t I? Doesn’t that constitute as being able to take care of myself?”

  Immediately, she wished she hadn’t said any of it. Jason glared daggers in her direction, and then quickly he averted his gaze. He resumed his packing and struggled to zip the over-filled bag shut.

  “I know. I just…” His brow knotted together in thought. “I just don’t know what to do now. I would feel better if you were someplace safe.”

  Rose understood where he was going with his point. She had to admit defeat, and she did so with a heaving sigh. She unfolded her arms and made a sweeping motion with them both.

  “So, where would I be safe?” Rose asked, with a condescending tone she immediately wished she had left out.

  There was a pause from Jason. He seemed to be in deep thought. He stared at the bag resting on the bed. Rose could see his temples flex as he clenched his jaw.

  “Not here, that’s for damn sure,” he muttered and lifted the heavy bag over his shoulder. Its weight caused him to lean forward. He approached the door where Rose stood and changed the subject to avoid any questions from her.

  “You feeling okay?”

  A look of concern washed over his features, and Rose couldn’t help but smile. She nodded. “I feel fine, love,” she said softly. “Still tired, but I think the blood has built itself back up…for the most part.” The smile faded.

  The concerned look remained on his face, now combined with incredulity.

  “I’m fine. Really.”

  “You sure?”

  “Yes, love. I’m sure” She considered a moment. “I do feel stronger.”

  Jason’s only response was a nod. A somewhat grim expression now replaced the uncertainty and worry on his face. Rose looked away from him and stared down at her feet as she sidestepped to allow him to pass. He hesitated in the doorway.

  “How long do you think it will take before they find out? How long before they find us?”

  The questions had been a long time coming, and Rose wasn’t really surprised by them. Still, she avoided his eyes. Jason continued, with an annoyed tone.

  “There are other hunters out there besides that asshole. I know,” he said. “I ran into one of them trying the same trick Marcus did to you.”

  Rose lifted her head. She stared at him in confusion. She started to open her mouth to say something, but Jason didn’t pause.

  “He claimed to be a detective.” He tensed as he turned his eyes earnestly to regard her. “Then, he pulled a Beretta on me.”

  Rose’s trembling hand lifted to her lips. She said nothing.

  Jason turned away from her and out the hall. “I did what you did. I attacked for my own survival. Hell, I’m not even sure if I killed the guy or not…”

  He turned his eyes back to her. “My point is…there could be more, and they could be on their way here. We were lucky last time, but I’m not so sure we’ll come out on top this time. They will stop at nothing to destroy us. You have to understand that.”

  After his words were spoken, there was a long moment of silence. Rose understood, though she didn’t voice it. It didn’t help to ease the situation of her troubled mind. It only added fuel to the fire.

  “You should get ready to go.” Jason looked her up and down. She still wore her jeans from earlier, and a half soiled shirt, halfway buttoned up. Her hair was a tangled mess.

  Blinking, he moved just past her and down the hall. Rose lingered in the doorway with her hand resting on the wood frame. She watched him exit through the front door. She sighed.

  She loved the guy, but at times, he was completely unreadable. She knew it was their current situation that had him upset, but with Jason, there always seemed to be something more. There had been times when Rose felt a longing desire to find out what was really bugging him, but she knew all too well she would never tap that knowledge. It was useless.

  Instead, she brought herself to the bed and sat on the edge of the mattress. Distraught feelings and worried thoughts plagued her. Her head went into her hands in a gesture of desperation.

  Whatever he had planned, Rose hoped it led to more good than bad.

  Jason worked on securing the large bag into the overly small compartment on his crotch rocket. The bag wouldn’t fit and he let some of his anger loose as he punched it down into the compartment. Having successfully forced the bag into its place did little to comfort him.

  With a groan, he leaned against the bike. He now debated whether or not he should go back inside for Rose, or wait out here for her. He decided on the latter. He needed time to think.

  So many thoughts clouded his mind, and while he hated to admit it, he was scared. Fear was something he had learned to put aside. Fear was something he could not afford to have. It was simply not allowed.

  And now, in the face of the most difficult thing to ever cross his path, fear was the force most dominating his emotions. Even the rage he fought to suppress was overshadowed by the fear he felt. The mixture of emotions brought about a new wave of thoughts as well. Jason gave a shake of his head as doubt grew stronger.

  Maybe Rose did kill those two. Maybe she killed Lisa and Todd.

  “No, that can’t be,” Jason said out loud. His gaze shifted toward the porch. A shadow moved across the front room window. The faint light went off.

  He didn’t want to leave room for doubt. He loved Rose, after all…but what if?

  What if it were true? What if she had blacked out one night when he wasn’t with her?
Her sleepwalking habits didn’t seem to fall into such an extreme category. Murder was something Rose could never do…

  Until tonight, that was the single thought that kept him so reassured when doubt prodded in his thoughts. Now, Jason wasn’t so sure. She had killed someone tonight. What if it wasn’t a first?

  Jason crossed his arms over his chest. His leather jacket creaked with the slight movements. He exhaled and watched the door as he waited for Rose to emerge. While he waited, he racked his brain and tried to remember when she had last walked in her sleep. He hated his memory for being fuzzy on things like that.

  It had been more than a month ago, before word of the murders had gotten headlines in the papers and on TV. Jason had woken to an empty spot in his bed, and when he rolled over, he found the spot cold. Rose hadn’t been there for a while. Quickly, he sat up and rubbed the sleep away from his eyes and took a deep breath. He could smell her scent.

  He had stood up from the bed and entered the hallway. He followed the scent. It didn’t take him long to find her. Rose stood in her nightshirt, bare legs bright in the darkness. She stood by the front room window. She stared out at the moon.

  From across the room, Jason watched her with a racing heart. For the first few minutes, she had just stood there, as if in deep concentration. He took a step toward her, at the same time she made a move away from the window. So as not to startle her, he stopped in place and observed her movements.

  Her bare feet carried her from the window to the front door of the cabin. One slender hand twisted at the doorknob, and Jason held his breath. He was thankful it was locked. In her sleeping mind, she didn’t think to turn the lock. Again, Jason was grateful.

  He let out a breath and silently crept forward. His hands gently touched her shoulders.

  “Let’s go back to bed, Rose,” he whispered and gently steered her away from the door. She complied instantly. Her glazed eyes stared at nothing in particular. He smoothed back a strand of hair from them. He knew it was important to not startle her out of her sleeping state and so he was very gentle as he returned her to the bedroom.


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