Learning to Love & Submit

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Learning to Love & Submit Page 14

by Eileen Green

  Gerard clinched his cheeks, most likely due to the cold liquid. Thomas chuckled.

  Two more circles around the tight hole, and Thomas pressed two fingers inward, breaching the muscles that felt as if they were going to strangle his digits. If they were that tight, how was it going to feel around his cock?

  Groans sounded from Gerard as Thomas stretched his anus, prepping him to finally become Thomas’s. In and out Thomas thrust before he changed it out and spread his fingers. He repeated this motion several times before he withdrew and added a third finger.

  After a minute or so, Thomas removed his fingers, grabbed a wipe from the box on the table next to the stand, and cleaned his hands. Once finished, he added lube to his hand and slathered it all over his latex-covered dick and then moved in directly behind Gerard. He added more lube to Gerard’s crack and then began pressing the head of his cock to the rosette. Gerard bucked back against him, apparently greedy for cock.

  Breaching the ring of muscles, Thomas’s cock glided in several inches. He grasped hold of Gerard’s hips and held himself still for a few moments. Gerard’s ass was clutching at Thomas as if he was trying to suck him in. Taking a deep breath, Thomas thrust all the way, his balls pressing against Gerard’s. He had to take another breath before he moved.

  The sheath that Thomas was buried in was tight and hot. Gerard squeezed around him, and Thomas thought he was going to lose his dick. He groaned.

  Thomas pulled nearly all the way out of Gerard, until just the bulbous head remained inside him. Then, he slammed back in, jarring Gerard’s body and the stand. In and out he repeated the motion, slowly at first. Gerard began to counterthrust which drove Thomas mad.

  Needing to claim his mate fully, Thomas began pounding into Gerard. Gerard met him thrust for thrust. Keeping his left hand on his man’s hip, Thomas wrapped his right arm around and grasped hold of Gerard’s swollen throbbing dick. Thomas stroked Gerard to match each one of his thrusts.

  Gerard was thrashing about the harder Thomas fucked him. Grunts sounded from both men.

  Thomas looked over at Carrie and found her watching them, fascination and hunger on her face. There would be times when he fucked his subs separately, but not often. They were a family now, and he was in love with both of them. He would do whatever it took to keep them both safe.

  Lightning began in his lower back as he continued to shuttle in and out of his boy. Gerard’s cock swelled even more in Thomas’s hand, something Thomas didn’t think was possible. The man’s dick pulsed with heat a second before Gerard slammed his hips forward against the stand and shouted out his orgasm as he spent his ejaculation into Thomas’s hand. When his body went limp, Thomas knew he could finish.

  Fire crackled down Thomas’s back as he continued to slam into Gerard. It reached his balls, his sperm already wanting to escape. In a flash, boiling cum shot up Thomas’s cock and out into the reservoir of the condom he wore as Thomas slammed into Gerard one last time. He held himself still as he emptied himself yet wanted more. The desire to constantly be in one of his mates was great, but he knew it wasn’t logical. He would make love with them as often as he could.

  Chapter Twelve

  “I am so happy for you!” Mistress Eliza blurted out as she practically jumped up and down on her six-inch silver heels.

  Heat lit up Carrie’s body and face from the embarrassment of the show of delight from her friend and mentor. They were heading for one of the bistro tables at the club after filling their plates from the fare set out by the people who had brought food for the evening. Fruits, vegetables, finger sandwiches, and desserts were the usual offerings.

  Carrie had come to the club straight from work since both Gerard and Thomas had to start their jobs before she got off work. It was Wednesday night, so that meant class. Carrie looked forward to tonight as she was eager to learn as much as she could about the lifestyle. She knew both her men would help her learn about it, but learning from others would be beneficial also.

  The two women had exchanged phone numbers the night of the first class. Carrie checked in with Mistress Eliza every day to let her know she was doing all right since Thomas and Gerard had made their intentions known. The woman and teacher just wanted to make sure Carrie wasn’t being taken advantage of, even though she knew Thomas well. Carrie was grateful for the woman’s concern and friendship. Of course, Carrie never thought she’d have a Domme for a friend.

  “Are you happy?” Mistress Eliza asked before popping a green olive in her mouth and chewing it.

  “I am. Both men treat me with respect, and they are so protective. I mentioned that I felt as if someone was watching me, and Thomas freaked. I was surprised Thomas let me drive here by myself tonight.”

  A sigh escaped the woman who sat across from Carrie. Mistress Eliza was dressed in a tight black pencil skirt that fell just above her knees and a white silk blouse under a black blazer that looked to have been tailored to fit her ample breasts. Carrie had wondered if the woman’s breasts were real or fake. Class was to start in about forty-five minutes, and Mistress Eliza said she needed to grab a bite to eat as she didn’t have time before she came to the club.

  “Why didn’t you say anything to me, Carrie? You know I sponsored you. I am responsible for you.” Mistress Eliza looked unhappy as she looked at Carrie with what appeared to be disappointment.

  Carrie bristled under the woman’s sky-blue gaze. The woman really did take an interest in the people she mentored. Being a disappointment to Mistress Eliza wasn’t a place Carrie wanted to be, and she felt heart sick over it.

  Lowering her head from her guilt, Carrie softly said, “I’m sorry. I didn’t do it to deceive you, nor Thomas and Gerard.” Mistress Eliza reached out across the small diameter of the table, placed fingers under Carrie’s chin, and lifted it up so they were eye to eye. Carrie needed to learn to search out when to be submissive and when to be normal. “I have worked so long to take care of myself, and I don’t have very many friends. I’m not used to depending on anyone, so telling people something might be wrong just isn’t in my DNA. It’s something I’ll have to work on it.”

  “In this lifestyle, we have to look out for each other. If we don’t, people could get hurt or taken advantage of. I could have brought you in and then just let you fend for yourself here. That wouldn’t have been very responsible of me. Remember, Carrie, communication is the key, not only to a healthy and safe relationship, but also to friendships.”

  Tears stabbed at the back of Carrie’s eyes at the kind words coming from Mistress Eliza. Blinking quickly to keep them from spilling, Carrie nodded. “I’m sorry.”

  “I know, sweetie. Just remember, I care about you. I don’t just want to spend time with you here in the club. I’d like it if we could have lunch occasionally, or go out for drinks, or dinner.” Mistress Eliza shrugged. “You know, do girl things.”

  Was that a bit of insecurity in the woman’s blue eyes? She seemed like she had it all going on, but what if she was lonely? Was her confident persona all a front?

  “I’d like that.”

  Carrie’s life had changed so much in just a week, and it was getting even better. She was no longer lonely. She had friends. She had two men who she was pretty sure she was in love with. All she needed to do was be open, honest, and forthcoming.

  “Now, why do you feel like you’re being watched?”

  “I can’t explain it,” Carrie said before she took a sip of her soda. “When I walk to my car, or even when I’m sitting in my office, I just feel like someone’s out there watching. But, when I look around, I don’t see anyone.”

  “No former boyfriends out there?”

  Shaking her head, Carrie snorted. “I never really dated before a week ago. I never really went anywhere that I would meet guys. I am too busy working.”

  “How do Thomas and Gerard feel about you driving?”

  Honesty. “They don’t like it. They’ve both told me they don’t want me doing it anymore, that they have money to
help me out. But it’s not their responsibility.”

  Mistress Eliza nodded as she dragged a piece of celery through a bit of ranch dressing. “What do you tell couples who come to you about the other person not holding up their end of the relationship, or ones who shirk their commitments?”

  Carrie shifted nervously on the tall bistro chair. “But that’s different. They’ve already committed to each other. We’re still getting to know each other. What if it doesn’t work out between us and they paid for my loans? They’ll resent me, and I’ll end up having to pay them back, later than I wanted to get it done.”

  Waiting for Mistress Eliza to finish chewing the bite she had taken, Carrie looked around the near empty club. The doors had opened at six, but most people didn’t begin to wander in under around eight. And, Wednesday nights were usually slow.

  Thomas was sitting on the edge of the stage at the far end. He was talking to Jackson, the assistant manager of the club. As if he knew he was being watched, Thomas glanced over at Carrie and smiled before turning his attention back to Jackson. They were probably discussing a scene or something like that.

  “How do you feel about them?” Mistress Eliza asked, drawing Carrie’s gaze back to her.

  “My heart says I love them. However, my brain says it is too soon. I know that they both care deeply for me, but I’m just afraid to rush into this.”

  “I know it’s hard to think this way, sweetie. But, let your heart lead you. Sometimes we have to tell our brains to shut up so we can be happy. It’s time to do that.” Mistress Eliza smiled. She was wise. Carrie hoped the Domme would find someone soon to make her as happy as Carrie was.

  * * * *

  “Man, I never thought you would get caught,” Jackson Malone teased Thomas. He had come over to talk to Thomas about a concern with a scene that was supposed to take place later in the evening. The Dom was coming off a probational period after he had continued a whipping scene when the bottom had called the house safe word. The man had to attend a refresher class and wasn’t allowed to play at the club for six months. Now, he was back with a new sub and wanted to scene. Extra eyes were going to need to be kept on him, and having him here on a Wednesday night afforded that.

  Thomas shook his head. His friends had been razzing him about his mates for the past week, but Jackson had been out of town on a teaching engagement at a new club in Oklahoma, so it was time for him to catch up.

  “Could say the same about you, bro. Plus, you have a baby, so you have no room to talk.” It was the truth, but all said in jest. The way their little Seal team family had been going, no one thought they’d ever find love and settle down. Now, four of them had. At least for Thomas, he still had to convince both Carrie and Gerard that he wanted forever with them.

  With a glance over his shoulder, Thomas saw Carrie sitting with Mistress Eliza at one of the bistro tables getting a bite to eat before class. Mistress Eliza didn’t look very happy with Carrie, and Thomas had to wonder what that was about. He smiled at Carrie when she looked his way, and she smiled back before turning her attention back to her teacher.

  “Listen,” Thomas began, lowering his voice. “You know she drives for a ride share. She’s trying to pay off her student loans with the money she earns. It’s dangerous out there for a woman at night, especially Friday and Saturday nights. She won’t give it up even though both Gerard and I have offered to help her out. Any ideas to try to keep her safe?”

  Jackson lifted his left foot, so it rested on a metal crate next to the stage and then leaned his right forearm on his thigh. “As much as we would all like to wrap our lovers and our subs up on cotton and keep them in our pocket, we can’t. We’ve all fallen in love with smart confident people who know their hearts and their minds. They may be subs, but out in the world, they are unbelievably strong and professional. We have to give them leeway. However, you’re not acting very smart right now.”

  Thomas cocked his head at his friend’s insult. Red was beginning to infiltrate his vision, until Jackson added, “One of your subs is in security, and so is one of your best friends. I’m sure they would both agree that it might be in all your best interests to use a bit of modern technology on this situation.” Thomas felt one brow lift in confusion as his anger receded. “Dude, I’m sure it’s not too much to attach a tracking device to her car. That way, if something happens, you can find her.”

  Deviousness used to be their middle name when it came to the enemy. Wouldn’t Carrie be upset about him keeping tabs on her? Would she be able to forgive him? Perhaps, it was time to talk to Beast.

  “Thanks, Sloth.” Their nicknames from their Seal days followed them beyond their discharges. They all fit, but sometimes when Thomas called Jackson by his, it felt a bit odd. Jackson had been deemed Sloth because he could sit forever in a tree, a rocky hillside, or a blazing hot rooftop, waiting to take his shot as a sniper. Now, Jackson didn’t sit around. In fact, he was about to be a father, and there would no longer be a sloth. “I think we need a new nickname for you,” Thomas said with a chuckle.

  “Ya think, Shark?” Jackson asked, humor dancing on his face. “When was the last time you were in the water?”

  “The same as you, buddy. Shane’s, a couple months ago.”

  “That’s what you get for buying a home on the side of a hill. No room for a pool,” Jackson teased.

  “Oh, I beg to differ. I have a guy coming in next week to see where we’re going to put it. It’ll have a nice infinity edge with a view of the city.”

  “Then we’ll be over more often.” Standing up straight, Jackson looked around and then spotted someone, or something. “We’ll talk some more later. I have some business to take care of.”

  Thomas extended his hand. Jackson took it as Thomas said, “Thanks for the advice. I’ll talk to Shane when he comes in later.”

  The two men pulled it in and bro hugged each other before Jackson wandered off towards the whipping area.

  Due to the length on some of the whips, it could get kinda tight in the main area, and people would have to take a wide birth when the whips came out. So, Alex, the club’s owner, had put in a special area for the whip enthusiasts. It was one of three specialty areas that Jackson couldn’t monitor in the club from where he watched on the stage. Those areas were watched over by volunteer dungeon monitors who participated in a training class before they were able to work. Thomas had trained each of the volunteers himself and along with Alex and Jackson.

  The other two areas were larger spaces that were added on just recently. The suspension area, big enough for at least four people to be suspended comfortably and still have an audience, was one, and the other was a garage scene area, complete with two lifts and other mechanic paraphernalia for the kinkiest mind to work with. It also had a roll-up door to the parking lot so it could be used as a real garage if needed.

  Glancing over at his woman again, Thomas found her deep in a discussion with Mistress Eliza and another one of the new students. It was a man, but Thomas trusted Carrie, and he trusted Mistress Eliza to keep Carrie safe.

  Since cell phones weren’t allowed past the locker rooms, and he only used his in case of an emergency, Thomas stopped one of the uncollared subs who showed up at the club looking for a Top to play with or perhaps find a Dom or Domme of their own. The man wore only a G-string that showed off his lithe tanned young body. He had nice ass cheeks which were highlighted since they were bare, but Thomas wasn’t enticed in any way.

  The man stopped in front of Thomas and stood up straight. He positioned his feet shoulder width apart and then put his hands behind his back. He bowed his head. Although Thomas wasn’t his Dom, as a Dom, Thomas’s position held authority in the club, so the man knew how to act. He would do the same should any Dom or Domme stop to talk to him.

  “Jay, can you please go tap on the security office’s window and get Gerard to come out here? I can’t desert my post, and I need to speak with him.”

  “Yes, Sir. Right away,” Jay said quic
kly before turning to do the task set to him.

  The security office had a window that could look out into the club on occasion, but it was hidden behind the thick curtains that hung along all the walls. There was an aftercare space in front of it, so it was easy to get to.

  Thomas observed Jay doing as he was asked, and then he turned towards Thomas and nodded. Thomas mouthed thank you which brought a smile to Jay’s face before he turned to walk over to door that led to the suspension room and then disappeared.

  The club was beginning to fill up as people sauntered in for the evening as they left their lives behind for a while. The Tiger’s Lair was a sanctuary for people in the kink lifestyle, whether gay, straight, dominant, submissive, or whatever their kinks were. Inside these walls, people could be whatever they wanted, do whatever made them happy, and be amongst like-minded people.

  It was a few minutes before one of Thomas’s lovers came to stand in front of him. He had seen Gerard glance over at Carrie but continue to make his way over to him.

  They had discussed how the three of them would act when it came to public appearances and the club. In the club, when Thomas and Gerard were working, they were not boyfriends or Dom and sub. Thomas and Gerard were equals on the job, and Carrie was a member of the club that they just happen to be involved with. She would still interact with the two of them but just not as lovers.

  “You needed me?” Gerard asked, his eyes taking in Thomas’s entire body. On the job, he could look, but no touching.

  “Yes.” Thomas leaned forward. “I want to know your feelings about tagging Carrie’s car for our peace of mind since she refuses to give up driving.”

  Gerard’s jaw dropped and his eyes grew large with Thomas’s words. It would have been comical if the subject hadn’t been so serious. “What?” the red-headed asked incredulously.

  “I know she wouldn’t agree if we asked to do it straight out. If you don’t agree, then we won’t do it. But I believe it’s the safest way.”


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